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Online Test discussion Class test VI paper code: 23 C6-A

Q.2:-Short Questions:
1-Differentiate between euchromatin and hetero chromatin
Euchromatin: The portion of chromatin fiber that transcribed and play role in
protein synthesis of the body called euchromatin or true chromatin. i.e. the
region of genetic material that codes for protein synthesis and have role in
determining the traits. It condensed only during cell division.
Example: The regions of chromosome other than primary and secondary
Heterochromatin: The portion of chromatin fiber that is highly condensed and
never transcribed & not play any role in protein synthesis called
Example: Primary constriction (centromere) and secondary constrictions
2-What do you know about the replication origin in DNA replication?
Answer: DNA replication beings at one or more sites on the DNA molecule,
where there is a specific sequence of nucleotides.
DNA-Polymerase-III can only add nucleotides at the 3’-end of the template strand
and replication always proceeds from 5’-end to 3’-end.


3-Describe the term one-gene /one-polypeptide relationship?

Answer: After the experiments on Neurospora Beadle and Tatum concluded that genes
produce their effects by specifying the structure of enzymes and that each gene encode
the structure of one enzyme. They called this relationship one-gene / one-enzyme
Because many enzymes contain multiple protein or polypeptide subunits, each encoded
by separate gene, the relationship is today more commonly referred to as “one-gene/one-

4-Shortly explain the concept of bean bag genetics?

Answer: If we consider a population not as the group of individuals, but as a group of
individually segregating and randomly assorting alleles, we can understand the concept of
“beanbag genetics”. The alleles are like beans in a beanbag. The entire bean bag full of
beans is the gene pool comprising all the alleles for all the different traits at once, or we
can just focus on sub-set, such as all the alleles as all the alleles for a single traits.

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