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Cypress Class

Cypress Introduction
• Cypress is an open-source end-to-end testing framework for web applications.
• It is designed to simplify and streamline the process of testing web applications by providing a fast,
reliable, and easy-to-use testing environment.

Here are some key features and aspects of Cypress:

❑ JavaScript-Based Testing ❑ Friendly API
❑ Real-Time Reloads ❑ Screenshots and Videos
❑ Time-Travel Debugging ❑ Open Source and Active Community
❑ Cross-Browser Testing

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Cypress Setup
• For Cypress environment setup(node), visit the link:
• The screen that will appear is given below.(Download MSI)

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Code Editor Setup
• Next, we need to have a IDE to write the code for Cypress.
• For this, we can download Visual Studio Code from the link

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Install Cypress:
npm install --save-dev cypress

Open Cypress
npx cypress open

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Folder Structure

We will start making files and folder inside e2e

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Test Execution
• From the command line
npx cypress run

• From the Test Runner

npx cypress open

• For a specific file from command line

npx cypress run --spec "<spec file path>"

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Execution from Other Browsers

• In Chrome
npx cypress run -- browser chrome

• In Firefox
npx cypress run -- browser firefox

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First Cypress test

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First Cypress test

describe is used to group related test cases together.

It's a way to create a block of tests that are related to a specific
functionality or component of your application.

it is used to define an individual test case or specification. It

represents a single assertion or expectation within the context
of the describe block.

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It and describe grouped

describe(‘Login Page', () => {

it(‘logo should be visible', () => {
// Test code here

it(‘input field should be present', () => {

// Test code here

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describe('User management', () => {
context('Registration', () => {
it('should allow a user to register with valid details', () => {
// Test code for user registration with valid details

context {
it('should display an error for invalid email during registration', () =>

// Test code for handling invalid email during registration


context('Login', () => {
it('should allow a registered user to log in', () => {
// Test code for user login

it('should display an error for incorrect password during login', () => {

// Test code for handling incorrect password during login

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cy.get() - Element Selection:

// Gets input by name


//select by placeholder

// Select by class name


// Select by ID

// Select by attribute

// Select by attribute

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Commands in Cypress are for Interacting

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Learn About Different Trigger actions in cypress

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Assertions in Cypress

1. Validation: The core purpose of testing is to verify if your application behaves as expected. Assertions allow
you to explicitly define your expectations for an element, interaction, or data in your Cypress tests.
2. Failure Detection: Tests without assertions are essentially blind. Assertions help you catch any deviations
from expected behavior by explicitly declaring what constitutes a successful or failed test step.
3. Debugging and Feedback: When an assertion fails, Cypress provides clear error messages indicating the
expected and actual values. This simplifies debugging and helps you identify and fix issues quickly.

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Types of Assertions in Cypress

1. Basic Assertions with cy.should():

// Example: Verify that an element with ID 'myButton' is visible


// Example: Check if an input field is disabled


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Types of Assertions in Cypress

2. Chaining Assertions:

// Example: Check if an element has a specific class and is visible

.should('have.class', 'active')

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Types of Assertions in Cypress

3. Assertion on Text Content:

// Example: Verify that a paragraph contains specific text

cy.get('p').should('contain', 'Lorem ipsum');

// Example: Check if a button has the expected text

cy.get('button').should('have.text', 'Submit');

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Types of Assertions in Cypress

4. Assertion on Attribute Values:

// Example: Verify the value attribute of an input field

cy.get('#username').should('have.attr', 'value', 'john_doe');

// Example: Check the href attribute of a link

cy.get('a').should('have.attr', 'href', '/home');

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Types of Assertions in Cypress

4. Assertion on length :

// It checks the count of elements obtained from the previously chained



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Types of Assertions in Cypress

4. Assertion on URL and Path Name :

cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/login')

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Anything Wrong Here?

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Anything Wrong Here?

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Thank You

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