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Question #1 Demonstrating Collaborative Skill

Image 1.1: Screenshot of Forum Discussion – Knowledge

Image 1.2: Screenshot of Forum Discussion – Attitude/ Values/ Ethics

With the collaborative learning method, two or more people work together to comprehend a
single learning concept and finish a single task. They are placing their faith in one another's
abilities, knowledge, and tools to complete the mission. Any shortcomings or failures are
shared equally. They each work on separate parameters but then critique one another's efforts
to boost output quality.
Collaborative abilities, which can be broken down into three categories knowledge, abilities,
and values and ethics—are invaluable in everyday life. These components are facilitating my
education. Knowledge and attitudes/values/ethics were the two main components of my
weekly e-Tutor assignments, as evidenced by my participation in the weekly forum
discussion. Because of this key fact, I am confident that I will be able to communicate
effectively with my fellow students in our online classes. To follow the pattern in Image 1.1,
I will wait until others in the class have finished speaking before, I offer my own thoughts
and opinions. During online lectures, I expect to be able to balance my role as a passive
observer with that of an active participant. In addition, I am aware of my own strengths and
weaknesses as a student, and I can identify the roles that make up a strong team. When
working on a group project for a specific class, we divide up the work according to who
needs to do what.
For a stress-free online course, I frequently referred to an element of attitude, values, or ethics
during forum discussions. I am the type of student who always lets others speak before me.
To each person, I will show the utmost deference and professionalism. Our online class is
made up of students from all over the world, so I try to treat everyone with the same level of
respect regardless of their background (see Image 1.2 above).
Question#2 Assess Your Communication Skills

Image 2. 1 Communication skills Quiz score

Image 2. 2 Communication skills Quiz score interpretation

The ability to effectively communicate is crucial for achieving success in any environment.
Having the ability to communicate effectively is crucial in all aspects of life because of the
significance of the communication process. To be a successful communicator, one must
understand the roles of both verbal and nonverbal communication as well as the value of
active listening. This is since those with communication issues tend to have a harder time
progressing in their careers.
This exercise in communication helped me gauge how well I can absorb information about
the art of communication. I answered all 15 questions without hesitation and got a 56. There
are three distinct groups, ages 15–35, 36–55, and 56–75, based on the Image 2.2 score
Interpretation. Each level describes a different aspect of a person's ability to convey ideas and
information with others. This exercise has given me the opportunity to reflect on my
communication skills, both as a sender and a receiver. By completing this assignment, I have
demonstrated that I can select an appropriate means of communication. The task
demonstrated how much my communication and learning skills were valued by others. One
thing I picked up is the significance of using the right medium for getting your message
Question #3 Demonstrate Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills
Yana needs to carefully weigh all her options before making a decision that will have real-
world consequences (CAP). Yana will be able to make better decisions under pressure with
the help of this CAP. She must think about how far her workplace is from her home. It's
important for her to consider which option will put her closer to her house. Given that she is
likely a mother, she must now give some thought to the timing and length of her workdays.
Yana now must consider how much money she'll make each month. If she has a monthly
commitment that she must meet, then her salary is crucial. Considering how you'll get there is
also important. Yana must decide each day whether she will take public transportation or
drive herself to and from work. Yana must also think about the time it takes her to get from
her house and her office every day.
Accepting the job offer from KK Super Mart would be the best option for Yana. The reason
for this is that KK Super Mart is willing to pay Yana more per hour. Yana might be able to
bring in a larger income and better provide for her family because of this. Yana may be able
to improve her financial situation by earning a higher salary. With a higher hourly wage,
Yana would have more money to care for her children. She can afford to put her children in a
day-care centre even though she must work a 24-hour shift at KK Super Mart, thanks to the
generous compensation she receives from the company. From what I can tell, KK Speed Mart
is closer to Yana's house, which means she could potentially walk to work. To cut costs,
Yana could walk to work. She will have to pay for gas and/or a bus pass if she picks a job
location far from her house. If you drive yourself to work, you'll have to shell out for gas, and
if you take the bus, you'll have to shell out for bus fare. As a result, if your place of
employment is within walking distance from your house, you should consider making the
trek there and back every day.
To conclude in an objective, thorough, and informed manner, critical thinking employs a
variety of reasoning methods, such as inductive reasoning. Yana used inductive reasoning to
help her make a more informed choice by first considering a narrow set of details before
drawing a broader logical conclusion.

Question #4 Demonstrate Creativity and Innovative Skills

It's a clever idea to put up a photo wall. This is because a photo wall is simply a wall upon
which several photographs have been arranged. It's a clever idea to pick photos and pictures
of varying sizes and frame them in a pleasing arrangement across the wall. Finding the right
photos and arranging them in an appealing way is a creative challenge that could draw in a lot
of viewers to your project. The level of creativity can be displayed through the photo wall
setup by considering the colour of the photos, the background of the wall, the size and colour
of frames.
Invention occurs when one thing is transformed into another through the application of a
novel idea. Creating a chair that improves your posture is an example of innovation.
Designing a chair with sensors in strategic locations to warn the user when they are in an
unhealthy sitting position. Some of the negative effects of sitting incorrectly include
backache, muscle ache, hip pain, and other health problems. Changing these conditions may
be as simple as redesigning a chair to help with poor posture. Those who spend long hours at
a desk will appreciate this, as will professors and students in classrooms.
To stimulate my imagination, I often force myself to consider ideas that are out of my usual
sphere of expertise. As a result, I expect to have more thoughts to share. Trying something
new can help my brain make new connections and spark a new kind of creativity, and there
are many ways to be creative. When it comes to expanding my client base, I am always on
the lookout for novel approaches. To increase my income, I am always looking for new and
exciting ways to approach my business. For example, depending on the client's
sophistication, I might employ a mind map concept, present the results of some statistical
analysis, explain my ideas through written text, or illustrate my points with visuals.
Question#5 Demonstrating Digital Skills

i) Tools in myINSPIRE

Image 5.1 myINSPIRE

Tools in myInspire Functions

Calendar Used primarily to keep track of upcoming events and due dates (such
as tests, projects, and homework).

e- book / e-module A digital book or module publication that can be read on the flat-panel
displays of computers or other electronic devices like the iPad, hand
phones, or tablets and contains text, images, or both. This electronic
book is distributed in portable document format (pdf), making it
suitable for reading on a wide range of electronic devices.

All Courses
Assist students in finding information from their classes, such as notes
and class discussions.
Video Lectures A recorded class discussion uploaded to the course website. They can
watch the lecture whenever it is most convenient for them
Forum Online bulletin board where users can post messages and have
discussions with one another. A forum's structure is like a tree, with
multiple branches. Each branch can have multiple sub-forums and
topics. Each new topic started within a forum's topic area is known as
a thread, and it can receive responses from multiple users.
ii) Evaluation of Information on “Water Pollution”

Image 5.2 Water population


Criteria Evaluation Of Information

Authority The author of this article is Jerry A. Nathanson. He is a professor of
Engineering, Union Country College, Cranford, New Jersey.
Objectivity Objective of this article is to explain more on water pollution and causes of
water pollution and how it’s effecting water quality standard.
Reliability This article is very reliability as the author produced more articles regarding
to environmental issues as Basic Environmental Technology.
Water Supply, Water Disposal and Pollution Control
Coverage The article is covered in detail about the definition, causes of water
pollution and water quality standard

iii) Evaluation of Digital Media on “Water Pollution”

Image 5.3: Serious Water Pollution in Penang,28 May 2019, star (newspaper)

Image 5.4: TV3


Criteria Evaluation Newspaper Evaluation Tv- News

Authority R.Sekaran is the author of this Local Tv news channel Buletin TV3 is
newspaper news.
the authority of this TV news
Objectivity This news is to highlight the struggle This TV news to bring up the complaint
facing by fish breeders in Teluk Bahang of Jabatan Pengairan Dan Saliran (JPS),
and Nibong Tebal. Gombak regarding to water pollution of
Sungai Gong
Reliability It is reliability as the author is a news TV news reporter followed with Lembaga
reporter as he done few surveys on water Urus Air Selangor (LUAS) to collect the
pollution around Penang state as we can related news at Sungai Gong, Rawang.
see in this newspaper news he included
the content of text and
images balance.

Coverage This news is fully covered about the This TV news covered about the color of
serious water pollution in Penang as it’s polluted water as it’s in black.
effected the fish breeders life as
Teluk Bahang water have been
contaminated and fishermen in Nibong
Tebal claim the black water in Sg
Tengah has been for 10years.
Question #6 Awareness of Global Citizenship Education and Environmental Challenges
Benefit from Global Citizenship Education resolving “Water Pollution”
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) response to
global citizenship, human rights, and sustainable development challenges through civic
learning that requires active participation in global issues of a social, political, economic, or
environmental nature is Global Citizenship Education (GCED). [CITATION UNE15 \

 Young people can benefit from global citizenship by developing their own knowledge
of global issues.
 Consider what they hold dear and the principles they live by.
 Put what you've learned to use.
 Put an end to bigotry and ignorance.
 Participate actively in regional, national, and international settings.
 Create a case and give your two cents.
 Learn to recognise their potential to make a difference in the world.

Additionally, global citizenship serves as a source of motivation and education for educators
and parents. This demonstrates to young people that their opinions matter. However rapidly
the world is evolving, they have the power to contribute to a more just, secure, and peaceful
world for all people.

Climate change, water pollution, air pollution, and global warming are just a few examples of
the environmental issues that have gained attention in recent years. To put it bluntly,
pollution is a worldwide problem. To pollute is to cause harm to water, air, or land. Students
should be the starting point for any effort to address environmental problems. Integrating
GCE would be beneficial for students and the school because it would teach them global
competence. There is an opportunity to create a curriculum focused on environmental issues
that will help students develop the attributes of a global citizen, such as compassion,
responsibility, and community service.
The General Curriculum for Education (GCE) divides education into three categories:
cognitive, social-emotional, and behavioural. Several paths toward resolving environmental
problems can be traced back to these three central lines of thought.
Cognitive: The capacity to understand the interconnectedness and interdependence of
different nations and peoples; familiarity with international, regional, national, and local
issues. If this holds, then more attention can be brought to environmental problems. Open
burning and the use of aerosol spray products are two major contributors to air pollution, both
of which should be avoided. Future generations will benefit from a cleaner, less polluted
environment, and as a result, we can give them a better chance at survival.
Socio: social and emotional intelligence entails traits like the ability to empathise, work
together effectively, value others' unique qualities, and respect the worth and dignity of
others. From this vantage point, a sense of communal responsibility and belonging could
emerge. This could inspire students to band together and launch an initiative to promote
environmental rights at their institution. Campaigns on environmental issues could be led by
Behaviour: ways of doing, being, and engaging with the GCE learning domains to make a
positive impact on local and global issues for a better, more sustainable world. It is crucial to
take actions in accordance with the knowledge and theory to create a safe and sustainable
environment. For the sake of future generations, it is imperative that we ensure their health
and prosperity by eliminating environmental problems.

In conclusion, environmental issues are a major problem for humans and other animals
because we all must share the same planet. Solving environmental problems requires serious
consideration. Human actions are the primary contributor to the environmental crisis rather
than a select few natural causes. With the help of GCE, everyone can do their part to make
the world a better, safer place by working to solve environmental problems.

Dr Fanny Tittel-Moser (2019, June 10). Global Citizenship Education:
UNESCO. (November, 2015). Global Citizenship Education Retrieved from:
Serious water pollution in Penang, 28 May 2019, The Star (Newspaper) Retrieved from:
“Water Pollution” media coverage Retrieved from:
“Water Pollution” Retrieved from:
myINSPIRE student access page. Retrieved from:

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