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Carlos: Hello EDY ! It’s been a while. What is life like at University A?

EDY: Hello CARLOS! It’s great, thank you. I’m really enjoying it. And you at
University B?

CARLOS: It’s going well. I’m curious, what is your university like?

EDY: University A is quite big and has a beautiful campus. There are many green
spaces and modern buildings. What’s going on with your campus?

CARLOS: University B is also quite large, but it is more urban. We have many high-
rise buildings because they are located in the center of the city. So, what subjects
are you taking this semester?

EDY: I am taking several subjects related to architecture, such as Design Studio,

History of Architecture and Construction Technology. We have a lot of hands-on
projects, which I love. And you?

CARLOS: I am studying Business Administration, so my subjects are mainly

administration, finance and marketing. I have classes like Financial Accounting,
Marketing Strategies and Organizational Behavior. Do you have many classes each

EDY: Yes, I have quite a few. Most days I have classes from morning until late
afternoon. We also spend a lot of time in the studio working on our designs. What’s
wrong with your schedule?

CARLOS: I also have many classes, but they are spread throughout the day. I
usually have time between classes to study or relax. Who are your teachers?
EDY : Most of my teachers have a lot of knowledge and passion for architecture.
They are very supportive and always encourage us to be creative. Do you have good

CARLOS: Yes, most of my teachers are very experienced and bring real-world
examples to the classroom, which makes learning interesting.

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