5th+Grade+Volume+3+ +Answer+Key

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Fifth Grade A New Lane for Mathematics ANSWER KEY Leseon 1 8N9TBT (p. 26) 1, Adrianne ran 8.4 miles on Monday. She ran 3.59 miles on. Tuesday. How many miles did Adrianne nun altogether? 1.99 ni Bue ae OF ber} (88 )+( 8 fcae ) + (+88) Or Neu 22 = 194 5.NBT.A.3b (p. 9) 2. Use >, <, or = to complete each statement. s7047 (€) 3742 5.190 © 5.19 75.400 (9) 75.04 BOAAL (pp. 12, 16) 3. Place parentheses in the following equation in order to make it true, az (9 - 4)- 22 27 -SF2% 22=22 50AA2 (p. 107) 4, Two 5'-grade classes collected cans of food for a local food drive. © Mr. Lopez’ class has 35 students, and each student in his class brought 4 cans of food. * Ms. Franklin's class has 29 students, and each student in her class brought 4 cans of food. Without multiplying, which class brought the greater number of cans? , s Justily your reasoning with an expression. 5x4 is greater thon 29 %4 ‘SNBTBT (p. 36) 5. The cic graph below shows the portion of students who refer each gift. " . Our Favorite Gifts & Em Atle oe Ss 133-25 33 _ 25 2B Too 100 10D How much greater was the portion of students who = 08 sclected electronics than selected toys?» O8 oe: Explain your thinking if. x cocked hich left me th 0.0 Lesson 2 5.683 (pp. 128-129) 1. Which of the following statements is false? @A. If a figure is a polygon, then it is not a trapezoid. OB. Ifa Agureis a rectangle, then it is not a triangle. OC. Ifa figures a rectangle, then itis a polygon. OD. Ifa Apureis a triangle, then it is a polygon. SNF.A2 (p. 86) 2. The 4 and 5" graders have recess at the same time, The 4" graders like to play football, the 5'* geaders like to play soccer, and some kids from both grades like to sit and read. ‘The school sets aside 1 ofthe playground for kids to sit and read. Of the remaining playground area, 2 is set aside for kids to play soccer. Use the as bek fraction ofthe entire playground is set ase for soccer Remaining Area TNE ae sitio ahowwhat lsround 2 of the remaining playground arto. is 3 of the wwe 15 ploygrourd. Sp 6 of the Playground is set aside for Soccer, SNETA3E (9.97) 3, Which set of numbers is in order from least to greateet? OA. 35, 1, 1ij, 0.91 OB. 1, 091, 15, 35 OC. 0.91, 1, 35, lis @bD. 35, 0.91, 1, 15 5MDC.5b (p. 161) 4, Josh's little brother is creating a tower out of blocks. © Each layer is 8 blocks long and 7 blocks wide, # The tower is 8 blocks tall # The top layer is missing 3 blocks Josh wants to calculate the volume of his brother's tower. How many blocks did his brother use to build his tower? 5 blocks Volume = Base x Height missti VaC1eg) x 8-3 iS Bo xB-S uu 443-3 4 LE Tolocks = YS blocks Lesson 3 5NFB.7e (0.87) 1, Raisins are a healthy snack to eat. A serving size is 4 cup of a, How many 4 cup servings are in 7 cups of raisins? ii ‘alsins How do you know? Awp contains 3 . SeNiNgs. So 7 wps Sservings will Wave 7 mes x_Towps OS Many Servings aS 21 servings 4 ep. 50°87 (8 b, Three students decided to share a serving of raisins equally, What faction of a cup will each person receive? 4 euo Jonge \ How do you know? 30 q mo hxc $e “8 Shored between Nts =a Students 8107.87 (6. 96 2. What is the sum of 222+ 6.01? 8,23 z 7 zu ah tet ee . 23. ¢.23 8.23 yoo ~ 5OAA2 (p. 107) 3. Andrea sold posters for a school fundraiser. The chart below shows how many posters she sold. Day Number Sold Monday 12 posters: [Toeelsy | t nore posts Than Monday Wednesday 6 more posters than Tuesday Write an expression that shows how many posters Andrea sold on Tuesday. IA +4 anF.82 (6.57) 4. Alter rece boxes of cook the kids go inside for hunch, Mike brings 3 to split between himself and 11 friends. If each student gets the same amount, what fraction of a box of cookies does each student receive? 2. orl box 12 4 Explain your thinking with an equation, model, or written explanation. 4 Surths x B= 12 fourths, So each person 9e+S | fourth orl FH oo 2% boxes of coakies y Lesson + ~ Healthy Living - Heart Rates 5.OAAL (pp. 8, 16) | Harhelly erence important! You shoul todo at | keast 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day to raise your | heart rate, Evaluate the expressions bs below to determine cach | t 1. Amber's heart rate after 30 minutes of exercise: 50 +(10 x 8} 20 b 50+ #0 -20 iO_epm 130 -20 =10 2. Taylor's heart rate after 30 minutes of exercise: (aes@x9) 44+ 3) \30 3. Nathan's heart rate after 30 minutes of exercise 200 -[20~ 6)*6 200- (\Ux@) — Ll bpm 200 ~- B4=llo 4. Carlos’ heart rate after 30 minutes of exercise: (9x8) +(20x8- 100 12+ 10-100 \32 bpm 232-100 = 432 5. Who had the: a. highest heart ate? Carlos OG ud b. lowestheart rate? Arn ber & Date Checked by Parent: Parent Signature: Read each problem and select the answer that accurately completes each statement. 5683 (ep. 129, 191) If all squares are rectangles, and all rectangles have 4 ight angles then @A. all squares have 4 right angles OB. all squares do not have 4 right angles OC. all squares have more than 4 right angles OD. all squares have fewer than 4 right angles 5083 (191) 7. Ma parallelogram has 4 parallel, then a OA. trapezoid OB. kite @C. rectangle OD. triangle + with both sets of opposite sides is a parallelogram. GNFAL (op 79.88) 8. Maria took 2 of a meter of ribbon to use for a project from abin that had 22 meters of ribbon. How much ibbon is leftin the bbon bin? \B ow le meters g on 5 — Healthy Living ~- Nutrition The recipe below makes one pumpkin pie. 2 cup granulated suger # teaspoon salt EB + teaspoon ground cloves 2 large eg Lean (15 02) pumpki 1 can (12 for) evaporated mill 1 ubaled 9-inch (4-oup volume) deep-dish pie shell Whipped eream (optional) Directions: MUX sugar, sll, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves in smal bos. Beat ogge in lange bord. Stic in pumpkin and sugar-apice mixture. Gradually tein cvporated milk POUR into pie shell BAK in preheated 425° F oven for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350° E; hake for 40 to 50 minutes or until nife inserted near center comes out lean, Cool on wire rack for 2 hours. Serve itnmediatey or ering Use the recipe to answer the following questions. SMO At BNFB.6o (. 140) 1. To make 2 pies, would you need more than 2 pounds of pumpkin or less than 2 pounds of pumpkin? Explain. -You_usould need less than 2 pounds of pumpkin because, 1602 is less +hon \boz or | Ib. 5.NF.B.4a (p. 88) 2. Sonia made 4 pies, How many cups of granulated } susar did che need? Gps aS 4x B= (ux) =y4 4 ary 3 SNDAL (p. 141) 3. If 8floz = 1 cup, how many cups of evaporated milk did Sonia use for 4 pies?_(p Cups Show your work. se \2ez x 4 = Woz HE oz = b&w B oz PS 54F Be (p88) 4. If Sonia made 10 pies, how many teaspoons of ground cloves did she use? _Q. @_ Feaspeons: xe = a ed det yz 2 ID 4 uy a 7 7 e€QSpoons 5. Explain the steps you took to solve #4, Lesson 6 BNBTA2 (p45) 1. What number should come next in the pattern below? 0.007, 0.07, 0.7, J Explain the rule for this pattern using powers of 10. 0.007 x10 = 0.07 Q-.007 ¥ 10 = 0.7 0.007 x 10? = 7 SNBTAS (0. 20) 2. Round these decimals to the nearest tenth. 13.082 __13.1 120.949 {20.9 76318 76.3 564.551 564.6 S42 (88) 3. Solve: 8X81. (pp 96.99) 4. Last week, the school store had the following number of visitors por hour: If the school store is open 8 hours per day, how many total visitors did the school store have during last week? v Show your work, [es +8) 4 (2.28 44.78) + 7] xs (1.6% 747) XB 2.6% (aixs)+ (5x2) Ws + Y= 172 SOAA2 (p. 107) 5. Write an expression that represents the story: A school bus holds fifty students. There are five buses that are full. The sixth hus has four seats available. wx 50-4 Lesson 7 Erica made a map of her neighborhood below. She recorded where she went for the weekend by using coordinates instead of names for the places N : Movie é Theater 2 e Yogut z Community : Bank Shoo é < Ggrden E E |Librery Park 2 ° ° Friend's Mall, House If Street (2 Steet 34 Street 4 Street s 86.41 (p. 118) Use the above map to answer the following questions. 1. If Erica went to (1,2) where did she go? Bank 2. If Erica went to (2,1) where did she go? Par 3. If Erica went to (4,1) where was she? Schoo! 4. If Erica's sister went to (0,1) where did she go? 5. Erica's sister started at their home. She went north 1 block and east 4 blocks. Write the coordinates and name of the place that she went. (4,1) school 6. The town is planting a community garden 1 block south of the movie theater. Plot the garden on the map and label it, See coordinate plane nN What are the coordinates of the community garden? (2,2) Leeson 8 S.0AA.1 (p. 16) 1. Solve. a (6-3)x444 BID (2x4) +4 vey 12 b. 51-(9=3)x6 = 33 5\-(3xo) 51-18 33 5.0AA2 (p. 107) 2. Describe how the expression 8 X (10 x 5) relates to 10 x 5. Sx (loxS) ts 3 Hmes larger ¥non _10x5. ENBTBS (op. #1, 46) 3. There are 216 dozen donuts in the donut shop. How many donuts are there? 215 2,5 80 donuts x 12 430 72150 3:5 89. Date Checked by Parent: Porent Signature: SMDAL (181) 4, Jennifer bought 5 quarts of orange juice. How many ounces did she buy? Oop % og = | cup | quen's 4 cups 5x4 =20 cops 20x¥ = 100 SMDCA ip 180) 5. What is the volume of the diagram shown below? | B cubic units Lesson 9 4 Fi 3 8 : (Sie 8 ic) | 5 : > GDI 1 dl tt, 12345 67 89 10 5GA1 (118) 1. Label the coordinate pairs of each vertex. See arid EB (pp. 118,122) 2. Plot another point at (8, 6) and reconnect the points. What is the new shape that is created? SQuare, Using attributes, classify this shape. . The shape hos U might angles and YU eqpal Side lengths, so It js a Seypore, but it 1S also a rectangle; o quadrilateral G, Porallelogranm and a rhom bus”. BNBT.AM (p. 20) 3. Savanna rounded a number to the tenths place and wrote: 19.4. What is the greatest number with digits to the thousandths place that Savanna could have used? | a e+} Pt 19,40 42 May | 14 19,48 19.50 NOTA (p. 16) 4, What number completes the following example of the distributive property? Tx( 2O_+ 3)=(.1% 20) + (7x3) 8 Scbe lor 245 x37, 35 245 x 31 Im15 +7350 4,065 Lesson 10 - Healthy Living - Nutrition The nutrition label below provides information on a healthy snack, Use this label to answer the following questions. GRANOLA BARS etatfatog ‘Seuane rang % * |Shotenecoting seam ang 3 Dit Fiber fg S| Sugars tag SNBTB6 | GMDAL (p. 142) 1. The recommended daily amount of protein for a fifth-grade student is 30,000 mg. How many granola bars would you nel to eat to consume that amount? [O granola. bars 3g * 3,000 mg 2023%n 30,000 mg = 309 302 3x 10 nis the number n=!0 of granola bars EMO. (p. 142) 2. The soccer team purchased 1.25 kilograms =< of geanola bars and distributed them equally among the 25 players. a. How many total hars did each player receive? Show your thinking 10 groups of & bors 289 in Leo = SO toors x 5 bors 1259 = 12S Ky 2s x \O groves of S \.2s KS b. The goalie ate all of the bars he received. How many grams of sodium did he consume? 148 grorms, Show your thinking. 32 - 2 bors 25 per player 2bors X THmg = 148m TY 148 mg = 148 x2. IU ree, Lesson 11 - Healthy Living - Nutrition NEAL (p84) 1. The circle graph shows data about favorite winter Olympic sports. Favorite Winter Olympic Sports a How much greater was the fraction of students who selected 2 times greater (double) ice skating than sleiing? Explain how you know. Af you _make_ ane pivalent—. same denominator a5 —“fe6 . “tthe Frachda would be “ida and Sik, 1s twice QS muth aS 27, 100) SNBTBS (p. #7) 2. Solve. 14 389 x 25 = 339 BHFA2 88) > 3. There are 20 dogs at the dog park. 7 of the dogs had B_ ribbons. What fraction of the doge did not have ribbons? 10 90000000 00000000 Fae 2 No ribbons 1 Ribbons: 5NBT.86 (pp, 81.54) 4, There are 978 students volunteering to help clean up aroun the Phoenix Zoo. They are put into teams of 16. + How many teams are created? © Ifyou have let over students, what do you do with them? = bl teams of Ie. 2 stents left over. a Lesson 12 5N8.3 (op. 20, 61-62) 1. The school used 1,618 square feet of the gym for the carnival, There were 12 booths. a. Ifthe 12 booths shared the space equally, how many equare feet did cach booth get? 2042 or 120 GA b. Between which two-gonsecutive whole numbers does the anmwerle? 12 and V2 SOKAI (p16) 2. Which expression has a value of 107 @d. 6+4xG-Q+1 (S+u) «(3-21 OB. 5 + (443)x(2-1) Oc. 6-4)xG+241 Qx% I+! Ob. 5+ (4-3)x(2+1) qt 10 Date Checked by Parent: Parent Signature: 5OAA2 (107) 3, Eight months ago, Joel weighed 162 pounds. He decided to eat healthier foods and lost an average of 3 pounds per month. Weite an expression that shows how to find Joel's current weight: b2- 8 X3 & NFA (20) 4. Place {and 2 on the number line below. 36 a. Explain how you decided where to place 4.and 2 on the number line. Z split the distance from D tp 2 ‘into 3 equal lengths ord marked the 1 length as 4. Then split the distance from 0 to 4. ine? 5 equal lengths and marked &. b. Which of the two fractions, 4 or 2, is closer to £? Explain how you know. 2 is closer + 4 om the number line. Lesson 13 - Healthy Living - Money Management 1 Kesping track of your money isa huge deall Below is the story of Kirten’s shopping trip. Since she was using a gift} card with a $100 limit, she needed to keep track of how much she spent. Read the story and then show your work as | complete the balance sheet : N87 87 (p86) Kirsten went to the mall to buy gifts for hor family, She had $100 to spend, This is what she purchased: # Dad — Jacket ~ $19.87 © Brother & Sister — 2 Toys - $8.73 each # Mom — Necklace — $22.14 © Grandma — Pin ~ $14.62 1, Did she have any money left for herself? Yess 2. If 20, how muck? B® 25.9) 5NBTB7 (p, 96) BALANCE SHEET Ttem Cost | Show Your Work | New Bulance Starting Balance_|_— $100 Example: ; $100.00 pe siss7| = 14.97 | * 013 jacket > 80.13 $313 x2 | $3013 2 toys $3.73 |(gx2)4(a3v2) IEA lu + hd $62.07 $17.40 $ 02.07 Necklace ig22iy) 7 oy |# Yo. 53 p 4yo.53 46.53 Pin |#14u2) 714-62 | $25.41 $254! Lesson 14 5683 (op. 131-132) 9 QUNSWEFS Moy Var! 1. Draw two different quadrilaterals and identity them. [ Porallelegrann rectangle a. Explain how you know that these two shapes are quadrilateral. Both figures have 4 sides, So both ore quodrilaterals. b. Using the shapes from above, describe all the ways these shapes are alike and different. K Answers wow, Ali Nory porallel anoles sides “S 5NBT.86 ; SNBTBS (pp. 45-47, 51-82) 2. Solve. 5,340 + 20 = 27 534 x 20 = _ 10, 68° si00 + ne? ! 29210 +10) map" 2 {io x 934) "Bo6 | 2 y 5,340 53H ' ot | ABB a 9 33%" 134 yo"? 410800 o40 BNBTAS (p20) 3, The gas tank on Super-MAC's super-car holds about 12 gallons. If gas costs $3.15 per gallon, which is closest to the cost of filling the tank if it is empty? @A. $38.00 OB. $36.00 OC. $34.50 Ob. $31.50 4. Explain the steps you took above to arrive at this estimate. Hanes L pounded $3:15 to $320 Sov Ww “3 be easier to multiply « and Wax 20 = 280 12.x3 = 36 ~ Blo + 2HD = 33.40 sa closest estimate . odd Lesson 15 A number of students reported the time they spent studying for a test, The line plot displays the responses from students Amount of Time Spent Studying i 3 é e s e j e e 3 3 = e e oF : 2 Time (Fraction of an Hour) 5082 (8%) 1. What was the total amount of time spent studying? 10 hours (exd)+ (at) oa 24 2+ b& 10 5082 (92) 2. If the total amount of time spent studying had been redistributed evenly so that each student studied an equal amount, how much would each student have studied? hour G4 10 hours =! hoor for to atudents each 20 students - dent ENFB Te (6 92) 3, Joanna had 3b of cherries. She gave each neighbor = 1b, How many neighbors received § lb of cherries? 16 neighbor S Explain how you got your answer by drawing a model. 5 nei Sors served ge 2ach pou Alb tip 4b 5 neighbors per pound x Bpounds = 15 neighbors SNETBS (pp. 46-47) 4. What is the product of 372 and 48? [7, 8510 372 Lesson 16 ‘5.NBT.B.7 (p. 68) 1. a. Natasha bought a hamburger, fresh fruit, and a drink for lunch. If she received $3.53 in change, how much money did she give to the cashier? $ 0-00 2.99 +199 hae (83 % 400 \ + 2:50 ou @-30 +353 ou b. For cach fact below, check if the fact is necessary or tnnecessary to solve the problem above. Fact Natasha's Iriend got $14.93 in change. Natasha received $3.53 in change. Ahamburger, fresh fruit, and a drink cost $6.47. A cheeseburger, rench fries, anda drink cost $6.07. Date Checked by Parent: Parent Signature: 5OAA2 (6.107) 2. Amy's class needs to sell 700 tickets. They already sold 224 tickets to adults and 90 tickets to children. How many tickets do they have left to sell? a Write an expression to represent this problem. e T00 - 224-40 > BORAT (1) 3, What is the value of the expression? 2x(120+3)-12= 6% 2x4O-12 BO -12 = 68 ‘SNF.B.6 (p. 88) 4. Ms. Eckelman had 24 students in her class. If $ of the class made the honor roll, how many students did NOT. make the honor roll? _1 NV Show your work. ay 24= Ix24t3 = 245358 3 24- Bell

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