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Rather than having the reader try to with longer follow-up and greater therapy is the product of the initial as
interpret fragments of data, it would numbers of events.2 Additionally, well as the final risk. Accordingly, what
be better if the investigators at last early cessation of a clinical trial for were the initial and final levels of LDL
reported their findings according to benefit could lead to overestimation cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, and CRP
initial hsCRP levels. That would help of treatment effects.2 Although the in the four groups?
the reader (and health authorities) recommendation to stop the trial Finally, what was the prevalence
make their minds up about the appro- was made according to predefined in the placebo group of those who
priateness of using hsCRP as a screening criteria by an independent data had a CRP of less than 2 mg/L at any
tool in the general population. and safety monitoring board,3 the time during the trial? The clearer the
I declare that I have no conflicts of interest. decision to start a low-risk patient on evidence of an independent effect of
statins on the basis of hsCRP remains CRP, the more rapid will be the clinical
Nicolas Danchin controversial.4 application of these results.
We declare that we have no conflicts of interest. I declare that I have no conflicts of interest.
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, APHP,
Université Paris Descartes, 20 rue Leblanc, *Robert Rosenstein, David Parra Allan D Sniderman
75015 Paris, France
1 Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FAH, et al.
Reduction in C-reactive protein and LDL Veterans Affairs Medical Center West Palm Beach, McGill University Health Centre, Royal Victoria
cholesterol and cardiovascular event rates after West Palm Beach, FL 33410, USA Hospital, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1, Canada
initiation of rosuvastatin: a prospective study 1 Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FAH, et al. 1 Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA, et al.
of the JUPITER trial. Lancet 2009; 373: 1175–82. Reduction in C-reactive protein and LDL Reduction in C-reactive protein and LDL
cholesterol and cardiovascular event rates cholesterol and cardiovascular event rates
after initiation of rosuvastatin: a prospective after initiation of rosuvastatin: a prospective
Paul Ridker and colleagues1 conclude study of the JUPITER trial. Lancet 2009; study of the JUPITER trial. Lancet 2009;
that reductions of LDL cholesterol and 373: 1175–82. 373: 1175–82.
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein 2 Bassler D, Montori VM, Briel M, Glasziou P, 2 Furukawa TS, Strauss S, Bucher HC, Guyatt G.
Guyatt G. Early stopping of randomized clinical Dichotomizing continuous test scores,
(hsCRP) are indicators of successful trials for overt efficacy is problematic. sensitivity and specificity, and LR+ and LR-. In:
treatment with rosuvastatin. How- J Clin Epidemiol 2008; 61: 241–46. Guyatt G, Rennie D, Mead MO, eds. Users’
3 Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FAH, et al. Guides to the Medical Literature: Essentials of
ever, the JUPITER trial did not target Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, 2nd edn.
specific concentrations of hsCRP or men and women with elevated C-reactive Cook: McGraw-Hill, 2008: 212–14.
LDL cholesterol by means of a strategy protein. N Engl J Med 2008; 359: 2195–207.
4 Myers GL, Christenson RH, Cushman M, et al.
of titration of rosuvastatin. Rather, it National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Although I laud Paul Ridker and
assessed a single dose versus placebo. laboratory medicine practice guidelines: colleagues1 for demonstrating the
emerging biomarkers for primary prevention
No evidence was presented to suggest of cardiovascular disease. Clin Chem 2009;
vascular anti-inflammatory benefits
that adjusting statin doses to reach 55: 378–84. of rosuvastatin, we should consider
a particular concentration of hsCRP the less expensive anti-inflammatory
(or LDL cholesterol) would improve The clinical implications of the JUPITER option: aspirin.
outcomes. study1 are substantial. Therefore Aspirin was used by only 16·6%
We were also concerned with the an understanding of the methods of participants in the placebo and
finding (figure 2)1 that an hsCRP matters even more than usual. rosuvastatin groups, despite their
concentration of less than 1 mg/L with First, the participants were divided elevated cardiovascular risk and thus
an LDL cholesterol concentration of at into four mutually exclusive groups indication for aspirin2 (42·1% in the
least 1·8 mmol/L did not significantly on the basis of an arbitrary cutpoint placebo group and 38·3% in the
reduce the risk of the primary outcome for C-reactive protein (CRP) and for rosuvastatin group had metabolic
(although there seemed to be a LDL cholesterol. This approach can syndrome). Why aspirin use was not
favourable trend), yet the hazard for produce larger differences than the enforced is unclear, since its use is
hsCRP concentrations of less than more conventional one of continuous indicated (in the absence of specific
2 mg/L (irrespective of LDL cholesterol analysis.2 Were there significant contraindications) by age, diabetes,
concentration) revealed a significant independent continuous relations and hypertension individually, let
improvement in favour of rosuvastatin. between LDL cholesterol and risk alone when in combination. Ironically,
This inconsistency raises concerns versus CRP and risk? a previous article by Ridker3 supports
about the usefulness of hsCRP in the Second, the treatment group with aspirin use to lessen myocardial
assessment of treatment in the lower- high LDL cholesterol and high CRP infarction risk through reduction of
risk population targeted by JUPITER. received no benefit from rosuvastatin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein
Perhaps if the trial had not been whereas in the group with low LDL (hsCRP). Meanwhile we must consider
prematurely halted this trend could cholesterol and low CRP, risk was that if we do treat patients on the basis
have been more completely assessed reduced by 65%. Outcome after of their hsCRP concentration, most Vol 374 July 4, 2009 25


western populations would require respectively.2 According to these data, the ratios of apolipoprotein B to apo-
statins (which might be excessive a relevant proportion of patients lipoprotein A and of LDL cholesterol
without more long-term data). included in JUPITER could poten- to HDL cholesterol. We also present
A perhaps more subtle point that tially have established chronic in paragraph 4 of the Results data on
readers should consider is that statins kidney disease (defined as eGFR outcomes stratified by baseline LDL
are not only anti-inflammatory and <60 mL/min/1·73 m²). cholesterol and hsCRP. Thus, the infor-
cholesterol-lowering, but also partly Chronic kidney disease is character- mation sought by both W E Feeman
antithrombotic themselves4 and able ised by an increased cardiovascular and Nicolas Danchin are already
to reduce venous thromboembolism.5 risk and by a positive response to provided. JUPITER did not enrol
If the benefits of rosuvastatin in the statins.3,4 In our opinion, the frequency patients with low LDL cholesterol and
JUPITER study are corroborated by of chronic kidney disease should be low hsCRP because we previously saw
another similar study in which aspirin established in this population, as within the AFCAPS/TexCAPS trial1
is adequately used, then we should should whether the positive response that such individuals have a very low
consider broadening statin therapy. to rosuvastatin was affected by the absolute risk and did not benefit from
I declare that I have no conflicts of interest. presence of chronic kidney disease. statin therapy.
We declare that we have no conflicts of interest. Whereas Robert Rosenstein and
Jeffrey M Bloom David Parra focus on p values within *J Segura, L M Ruilope specific subgroups, our prespecified
1334 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, USA
analyses assessed trends across levels
1 Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca F, et al. Hypertension Unit, Nephrology Department,
of achieved LDL cholesterol and
Reduction in C-reactive protein and LDL Hospital 12 de Octubre, 28041 Madrid, Spain
cholesterol and cardiovascular event rates achieved hsCRP where effects are
1 Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FAH, et al.
after initiation of rosuvastatin: a prospective highly significant (p<0·0001). The
Reduction in C-reactive protein and LDL
study of the JUPITER trial. Lancet 2009;
373: 1175–83.
cholesterol and cardiovascular event rates after independent data and safety moni-
initiation of rosuvastatin: a prospective study
2 Hayden M, Pignone M, Phillips C, Mulrow C. of the JUPITER trial. Lancet 2009; 373: 1175–82. toring board was highly experienced
Aspirin for the primary prevention of and followed rigorous principles
2 Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FAH, et al.
cardiovascular events: a summary of the
Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in in their prespecification that early
evidence for the US Preventive Services Task
men and women with elevated C-reactive
Force. Ann Intern Med 2002; 136: 161–72. termination would require proof
protein. N Engl J Med 2008; 359: 2195–207.
3 Ridker PM, Cushman M, Stampfer MJ,
Tracy RP, Hennekens CH. Inflammation,
3 Tonelli M, Isles C, Curhan GC, et al. Effect of beyond a reasonable doubt. The
pravastatin on cardiovascular events in people board elected to continue the trial
aspirin, and the risk of cardiovascular disease in
with chronic kidney disease. Circulation 2004;
apparently healthy men. N Engl J Med 1997; for an additional 6 months after the
110: 1557–63.
336: 973–79.
4 Rosenson RS, Tangney CC.
4 Navaneethan SD, Pansini F, Perkovic V, et al. conservative stopping boundary was
HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) for
Antiatherothrombotic properties of statins:
people with chronic kidney disease not
crossed. Data that accrued thereafter
implications for cardiovascular event
reduction. JAMA 1998; 279: 1643–50.
requiring dialysis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev independently confirmed both the
2009; 2: CD007784. magnitude and statistical significance
5 Glynn RJ, Danielson E, Fonseca FA, Genest J,
Gotto AM. A randomized trial of rosuvastatin of the main effects. We thus believe the
in the prevention of venous
thromboembolism. N Engl J Med 2009; Authors’ reply board protected the interests of society
360: 1851–61. We agree with Jaime García de Tena and the trial participants and provided
that smoking cessation, blood a valid estimate of treatment effect.2
Paul Ridker and colleagues1 conclude pressure control, and lifestyle modifi- Cut-points for both LDL cholesterol
that, for people who choose to cation remain important for primary and hsCRP were not arbitrary but
start pharmacological prophylaxis, prevention. However, half of all vascular prespecified on the basis of previous
reductions in both LDL cholesterol and events occur among those with average work.3 In continuous rather than
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein are or low concentrations of cholesterol. categorical analyses, we obtain largely
indicators of the success of treatment JUPITER showed that targeting statin similar results, as suggested by our use
with statin therapy. therapy to those with elevated high- of percentage reductions in addition to
In the initial description of the sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) absolute reductions. Allan Sniderman is
JUPITER study,2 table 1 contains and low LDL cholesterol reduces heart correct in that achieved levels depend
baseline estimated glomerular attack and stroke by 50% and total in part on baseline characteristics, and
filtration rates (eGFR) of 73·3 mL/ mortality by 20%. Similar benefits were our analyses therefore adjusted for
min/1·73 m² for the rosuvastatin seen among those with elevated hsCRP a wide range of baseline covariates
group and 73·6 mL/min/1·73 m² for and no other major risk factors. including LDL cholesterol, hsCRP,
the placebo group. 1 year later, as In our paper and webappendix, we and HDL cholesterol. Only 1% of the
shown in table 4, median eGFRs were show that the effects of hsCRP are placebo-allocated group achieved LDL
66·8 and 66·6 mL/min/1·73 m², independent of LDL cholesterol and cholesterol concentrations of less than

26 Vol 374 July 4, 2009

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