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The collapse of international economic boundaries, rapid changes, workforce mobility and diversity, and the economic interdependence of countries is what is popularly known as Globalisation. This phenomena poses difficult challenges to everyone especially mangers to reassess their capabilities and get ready to manage internationally. The need arises from the fact that traditional management skills are designed to manage only in local environment which is comparatively static and non changing. Contrarily international business environment is highly volatile, and rapidly changing. The skills meant for local environment will thus be insufficient if one has to manage in an international scene. It can be compared with the example of a person who can swim in a swimming pool but what will happen if the same person is thrown to a deep sea having turbulent Waives and engulfing tides. In essence today managers need new management skills which are equally effective for managing both local and international business operations. Armed with these skills one can become like an international soldier capable of fighting international wars. The skills inventory can be very long but grouped together the following core skills will be required for effective global managers: 1-COMFORT WITH RAPID CHANGE: Change is not just a fad word but a reality and a harsh reality to be embraced and dealt with. As such global managers must be very comfortable with rapid changes and competent in making futuristic decisions. It also means reducing ones susceptibility to cultural shocks and developing a high tolerance for unfamiliar people, situations and things. 2- NETWORKING SKILLS: The adage that It doesnt matter how much you know-rather it matters who do you know is extremely relevant in most of the countries. It is thus extremely important for international business operators to acquire the knack for developing good relations with the influential and effective people in other countries. The most important aspect here is the choice of local partners and counterparts. Getting involved with the right partners and avoiding wrong associates is a highly desirable trait which must be learnt by these managers. 3-CROSS CULTURAL SENSITIVITY: Culture means the set of beliefs, values and attitudes deeply held by people of one country, race or religion which set them apart from other people belonging to different countries, races, and religions. Culture deeply affects peoples values, beliefs and perceptions and make them different than that of others. This may lead to a lot of misunderstandings. For example a Westerner while talking to someone in the East who is looking down and not maintaining eyes contact with him may perceive that person to be some one telling lies. Contrarily the Easterner being looked directly into his eyes may find it rude or intimidating. To overcome these types of problems managers must develop cross cultural sensitivity-the

ability to correctly understand, respect ad successfully deal with the people of other cultures. It should be emphasised here that cross cultural sensitivity is extremely important for a modern manager as trivial mistakes can lead to great losses and problems. 4- SELF MOTIVATION: Self motivation is the ability to pick up ones self on continuous basis. Away from home country in another place many things can happen leading to disappointments and failures. To cope up, an international manager must see it very positively and show resilience. The psyche of looking at problems as opportunities and challenges can lead to success. 4- LEARNING ATTITUDE: An insatiable appetite for learning, flexibility, and openness are other qualities which one has to acquire to become a successful global manager. An international manager must have the desire to learn everyday and everywhere and come up with new ideas and solutions so as to cope up with pervasive changes. The quest for knowledge reflected through reading habits, observing and curious attitude and above all the courage to ask a lot of questions is what is known as a learning attitude highly required for an international manager. The nature of doing business has tremendously changed as compared to that of the past. And ironically it is constantly changing every day with a higher speed. To cope up with these changes and become a successful manager one needs to shift gears from national to international manager. The skills as mentioned above are some of the key skills which are required for global managers. Armed with these skills one can successfully manage in intentional environment. Those who lack these skills and do not acquire them are helping their competitors and their employers to dis-arm and ground them.

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