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1. This is number 5. This is number...

a. eight

b. nine
a. three
c. ten
b. four
6. Selamat pagi in English is...
c. five
a. Good morning

b. Good afternoon
2. This is number
c. Good night

7. Selamat tinggal in English is...

a. six

b. seven

c. eight

a. Good bye

3. Lengkapilah! b. Good morning

1,2,...,4 c. Good nigh

a. three

b. two 8. Senang bertemu denganmu in English is...

c. one a. Good bye

. That is number ... b. Nice to meet you

c. Hallo

9. A: "Hello, girls!"

a. five c. Seven B: ".....,Jihan."

b. six a. See you later c. Hello

b. Good night
10. A: "See you later:"

B: ...

a. Nice to meet you

b. Good afternoon

c. See you

I. Jodohkanlah soal di bawah ini dengan


III.. Tulis ulang kalimat di bawah ini dengan


16. Good bye


17. Good morning


18. See you


19. My name is Sinta


20. This is number one


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