Mains Mensuration PDF by Aashish Arora

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Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Directions : Read the following data carefully and answer the following
The length of the rectangle and radius of the circle are (p+8) cm and 8q cm
respectively. The breadth of the rectangle is (m+1) cm. There is also a cube,
with each side equal to r cm and the total surface area of the cube and area
of the circle are equal. (Use π = 3)
Note: - It is given that, pqm is a three digit number less than 700 such that,
2-digit number pq is divisible by 13, and 2-digit number pm is divisible by 9,
and 2-digit number qm is divisible by 12.

!नद$श: !न&!ल(खत डेटा को 1ानपूव5क पढ़7 और !न&!ल(खत :; का उ=र द7।

आयत कA लं बाई और वृ= कA FGHा Iमशः (p+8) सेमी और 8q सेमी है। आयत कA चौड़ाई (m+1) सेमी
है। एक घन भी है , !जसकA :Wेक भुजा r सेमी के बराबर है और घन का कुल सतह YेGफल और वृ= का
YेGफल बराबर है । (π = 3 का :योग कर7)
नोट: - यह \दया गया है ]क, pqm 700 से कम तीन अंक_ कA सं`ा है , 2-अंकAय सं`ा pq 13 से ]वभाH
है, और 2-अंकAय सं`ा pm 9 से ]वभाH है , और 2-अंकAय सं`ा qm से ]वभाH है 12.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

The length of the rectangle and

radius of the circle are (p+8) cm
and 8q cm respectively. The
breadth of the rectangle is (m+1)
cm. There is also a cube, with each
side equal to r cm and the total
surface area of the cube and area
of the circle are equal. (Use π = 3)

Note: - It is given that, pqm is a

three digit number less than 700
such that, 2-digit number pq is
divisible by 13, and 2-digit number
pm is divisible by 9, and 2-digit
number qm is divisible by 12.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

If one root of the equation

3x2-27x+Z = 0 is ‘r’, then find
the value of { 𝟐
+ 7} ?

य"द समीकरण 3x2-27x+Z = 0 का एक

ू 'r' है , तो { + 7} का मान
3ात क4िजए? (2q<p+m)

A. 26
B. 32
C. 24
D. 22
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
There is a park in the shape of
equilateral triangle whose perimeter is
same as the maximum circumference
of the circle. Find the cost of fencing
two sides of the park, if the cost of
fencing is Rs. 96/cm? (π=3)

समबा% &'भुज के आकार का एक पाक1 है 4जसक5

प6र&ध वृ: क5 अ&धकतम प6र&ध के समान है । य@द बाड़
लगाने क5 लागत 96/cm Eपये है , तो पाक1 के दोनG
HकनारG पर बाड़ लगाने क5 लागत Iात करJ।? (π=3)

A. 2856
B. 4096
C. 3876
D. 3168
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Directions : Read the following data carefully and answer the following
The smallest possible hemispherical shaped pond is dug inside a rectangular
shaped land whose longer side is x unit and shorter side is y unit. The pond is
carved out in such a way that it is touching two opposite sides of the
rectangular land and the soil collected after digging the pond is used to fill 16
cubicle holes of a nearby land.
Note: L.C.M and H.C.F of x and y is 60 and 3 respectively.

\दशा!नद$श : !न&!ल(खत डेटा को 1ानपूव5क पढ़7 और !न&!ल(खत :; का उ=र द7।

सबसे छोटा संभव अध5गोलाकार आकार का तालाब एक आयताकार आकार कA भू!म के अंदर खोदा जाता है
!जसकA लं बी भुजा x इकाई और छोटी भुजा y इकाई होती है । तालाब को इस तरह से बनाया गया है ]क यह
आयताकार भू!म के दो ]वपरीत पY_ को छू रहा है और तालाब कA खुदाई के बाद एकG कA गई !मdी का
उपयोग पास कA भू!म के 16 घन छे द_ को भरने के !लए ]कया जाता है ।
नोट: x और y का L.C.M और H.C.F Iमशः 60 और 3 है।
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
The smallest possible hemispherical
shaped pond is dug inside a
rectangular shaped land whose
longer side is x unit and shorter side
is y unit. The pond is carved out in
such a way that it is touching two
opposite sides of the rectangular
land and the soil collected after
digging the pond is used to fill 16
cubicle holes of a nearby land.
Note: L.C.M and H.C.F of x and y is
60 and 3 respectively.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Find the value of (r3+13)/5 where
r is the length of one edge of the
cubicle hole and it is given that
radius of the hemisphere is a
whole number. (π = 3)

(r3+13)/5 का मान 3ात क4िजए जहां r

8य9ू बकल छे द के एक =कनारे क4 लंबाई है और यह
"दया गया है =क गोलाधB क4 9CDया एक पण ू B संFया
है । (π = 3)

A. 11
B. 8
C. 18
D. 9
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
There is a square shaped field whose perimeter is
m unit more than the maximum possible perimeter
of the rectangular land. If the cost of ploughing the
square field is Rs.6/unit2 land, then find the total
cost of ploughing the whole field? (in Rs.)
(1.5m = total number of prime numbers between 0
and 25)

एक वगा&कार मैदान है -जसक0 प2र3ध आयताकार भू-म क0 अ3धकतम

संभव प2र3ध से m इकाई अ3धक है। य@द वगा&कार खेत क0 जुताई क0
लागत 6 Dपये/इकाई2 भू-म है, तो पूरे खेत क0 जुताई क0 कुल लागत
Fात क0-जए? (Dपये मG)
(1.5 मी = 0 और 25 के बीच अभाL संMाओ ं क0 कुल संMा)

A. 4594
B. 5684
C. 6534
D. 3124
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

There is a square shaped field whose

perimeter is m unit more than the
maximum possible perimeter of the
rectangular land. If the cost of ploughing
the square field is Rs.6/unit2 land, then
find the total cost of ploughing the whole
field? (in Rs.)
(1.5m = total number of prime numbers
between 0 and 25)

A. 4594
B. 5684
C. 6534
D. 3124
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Directions : Read the following data carefully and answer the following
There are different kinds of solid geometric shapes in a toy shop and the
shopkeeper of the toy shop makes different types of toys by joining these
shapes. It is given that the height of the cylinder is (p+8)/9 and length of the
cube is (s+5)/18 and radius of the cone is (q+3)/5. (all values are in cm)
Note: i) q/7 and s/5 are integers and 60<q<s<100
ii) s-q = 8
iii) 𝒑 = -n, where n is the largest two digit number<0

\दशा!नद$श : !न&!ल(खत डेटा को 1ानपूव5क पढ़7 और !न&!ल(खत :; का उ=र द7।

एक (खलौने कA दक ु ान म7 ]व!भe :कार कA ठोस Hा!मतीय आकृFतयाँ होती हh और (खलौने कA दक ु ान
का दकु ानदार इन आकृFतय_ को जोड़कर ]व!भe :कार के (खलौने बनाता है । यह \दया गया है ]क !सल7 डर
कA ऊंचाई (p+8)/9 है और घन कA लं बाई (s+5)/18 है और शंकु कA FGHा (q+3)/5 है। (सभी मान सेमी म7
नोट: i) q/7 और s/5 पूणाkक हh और 60<q<s<100
ii) वग5 = 8
iii) 𝒑 = -n, जहां n दो अंक_ कA सबसे बड़ी सं`ा है <0
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
There are different kinds of solid geometric
shapes in a toy shop and the shopkeeper of
the toy shop makes different types of toys
by joining these shapes. It is given that the
height of the cylinder is (p+8)/9 and
length of the cube is (s+5)/18 and radius
of the cone is (q+3)/5. (all values are in
Note: i) q/7 and s/5 are integers and
ii) s-q = 8
iii) 𝒑 = -n, where n is the largest two
digit number<0
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Toymaker mounted the cube on the
cylinder such that cylinder’s top is
exactly in the middle of the face of
cube. Find the total surface area of
the toy formed if the curved surface
area of the cylinder is 88 times the
height of the cylinder?

टॉयमेकर ने घन को 4सलJ डर पर इस Pकार लगाया

Hक 4सलJ डर का शीष1 घन के मुख के HबUुल बीच मJ
हो। य@द 4सलJ डर का घुमावदार सतह Wे' 4सलJ डर क5
ऊंचाई का 88 गुना है, तो बने [खलौने का कुल सतह
Wे' Iात करJ?

A. 1405
B. 1396
C. 1206
D. 1152
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
The toymaker makes a toy in which the
cone is mounted on the base of a
hemisphere such that the base of cone
overlaps the base of hemisphere. If the
total surface area of the toy is 2496 cm2
then find one-fourth of the volume of the
toy? (π=3)

Oखलौना बनाने वाला एक Oखलौना बनाता है -जसमG शंकु को एक

गोलाध& के आधार पर इस Rकार SाTपत Tकया जाता है Tक शंकु का
आधार गोलाध& के आधार को ओवरलै प करता है। य@द Oखलौने का
कुल सतह UेVफल 2496 सेमी2 है तो Oखलौने का एक-चौथाई
आयतन Fात क0-जए? (π=3)

A. 2816
B. 2508
C. 1961
D. 3107
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
The toymaker makes a toy in
which the cone is mounted
on the base of a hemisphere
such that the base of cone
overlaps the base of
hemisphere. If the total
surface area of the toy is
2496 cm2 then find one-
fourth of the volume of the
toy? (π=3)

A. 2816
B. 2508
C. 1961
D. 3107
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Directions : Read the following data carefully and answer the following
Safiadidi bought a solid spherical rubber ball and a hollow cylinder from the
market. The radius of the spherical ball is (B+6) cm and the height of the
cylinder is 2A cm whereas its volume is 9Cπ cm.
Note: ABC is a three-digit number in which the unit digit number is half of
the digit at tens place and 1 more than the digit at hundreds place.
[30<product of the digits A,B,C<100]

\दशा!नद$श : !न&!ल(खत डेटा को 1ान से पढ़7 और !न&!ल(खत :; का उ=र द7।

स]फ़यादीदी ने बाज़ार से एक ठोस गोलाकार रबर कA ग7द और एक खोखला बेलन खरीदा। गोलाकार ग7द
कA FGHा (B+6) cm है और !सल7 डर कA ऊंचाई 2A cm है जब]क इसका आयतन 9Cπ cm है।
नोट: ABC एक तीन अंक_ कA सं`ा है !जसम7 इकाई अंक कA सं`ा दहाई के अंक से आधी और सैकड़े के
nान पर अंक से 1 अFधक होती है।
[30<अंक_ A,B,C का गुणनफल<100]
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Safiadidi bought a solid spherical
rubber ball and a hollow cylinder
from the market. The radius of the
spherical ball is (B+6) cm and the
height of the cylinder is 2A cm
whereas its volume is 9Cπ cm.
Note: ABC is a three-digit number
in which the unit digit number is
half of the digit at tens place and 1
more than the digit at hundreds
[30<product of the digits
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Safiadidi cut the spherical rubber ball by
knife at a distance of K cm from its centre
into 2 different pieces. What should be the
approximate value of K such that the
cumulative surface area of the newly
formed pieces is 75/7 % more than rubber
ball’s original surface area? (K>11)

सTफयादीदी ने गोलाकार रबर क0 गGद को उसके कGZ से K

सेमी क0 दूरी पर चाकू से 2 अलग-अलग टुकड़] मG काट
@दया। K का अनुमा-नत मान ^ा होना चा2हए ताTक नए
बने टुकड़] का संचयी सतह UेV रबर क0 गGद के मूल सतह
UेV से 75/7% अ3धक हो? (K>11)

A. 15 cm
B. 13 cm
C. 12 cm
D. 16 cm
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Safiadidi cut the spherical rubber
ball by knife at a distance of K cm
from its centre into 2 different
pieces. What should be the
approximate value of K such that
the cumulative surface area of
the newly formed pieces is 75/7
% more than rubber ball’s
original surface area? (K>11)
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Safiadidi kept the spherical ball on the
top of the hollow cylinder standing
vertically, then what will be the vertical
distance of the topmost point of the ball
from the base of the cylinder? (Volume
of the cylinder is greater than 100cm3)

सTफयादीदी ने गोलाकार गGद को खोखले बेलन के शीष&

पर लं बवत खड़ा रखा, तो बेलन के आधार से गGद के
सबसे ऊपरी Tबaदु क0 ऊbा&धर दूरी ^ा होगी? (-सलG डर
का आयतन 100 cm3 से अ3धक है)

A. 34 cm
B. (17+√143) cm
C. (22+√170) cm
D. (20+√187) cm
E. None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Safiadidi kept the spherical ball on
the top of the hollow cylinder
standing vertically, then what will be
the vertical distance of the topmost
point of the ball from the base of the
cylinder? (Volume of the cylinder is
greater than 100cm3)

A. 34 cm
B. (17+√143) cm
C. (22+√170) cm
D. (20+√187) cm
E. None of these

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