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Reading Techniques 5 Topics

Guessing Unknown Vocabulary

Identifying Opinions Improve your IELTS Academic Reading score / Guessing Unkn…

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Introduction to Question Types

Multiple Choice
Guessing Unknown
6 Topics

Identifying Information 6 Topics

Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics

Matching Information 6 Topics

The reading passages in the IELTS reading test can
contain a large amount of vocabulary that may be
unfamiliar to you. However, by guessing the meaning
Matching Headings 6 Topics of unknown words, you should be able do the reading
test more effectively. Below are four strategies which
Matching Features 6 Topics you can use to guess unknown vocabulary.
Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics

Sentence Completion 6 Topics

Reading Techniques 5 Topics
Guessing Unknown Vocabulary
Using context
Identifying Opinions One way to guess the meaning of an unknown word is
by reading the words and phrases around it. This is
Lesson summary called the context.
QUESTION TYPES Consider the words in bold used in context in the
Introduction to Question Types sentence below:

Multiple Choice 6 Topics The everyday use of mild tranquillisers for their
relaxing and calming effect has reached
Identifying Information 6 Topics
unprecedented proportions in the United States. In
fact, a recent survey showed that over 75% of those
interviewed admitted to using tranquillisers on a
Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics regular basis
Matching Information 6 Topics The word 'tranquillisers' may be new to you, but by
reading the words before and after it, you can guess
Matching Headings 6 Topics that they are something that people use to make them
feel relaxed and calm. It may not be the exact
Matching Features 6 Topics meaning, but it is enough to understand the passage.
Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics Now guess the meaning of the words 'unprecedented
proportions' by reading the words and sentences
Sentence Completion 6 Topics around them.
Reading Techniques 5 Topics
 Check your answer
Guessing Unknown Vocabulary

Identifying Opinions If you read the verb group ‘has reached’ in

the first sentence, you can see that that
Lesson summary ‘unprecedented proportions’ must be
something that can be reached; maybe
QUESTION TYPES something high. Then, after reading the
second sentence, it would be logical to guess
Introduction to Question Types that ‘unprecedented proportions’ probably
means a large or high amount (i.e. over 75%).
Multiple Choice 6 Topics This is enough to gain a sufficient
understanding of the meaning.
Identifying Information 6 Topics

Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics

Matching Information 6 Topics Using definitions

Matching Headings 6 Topics In some readings, a definition or explanation of a
technical word is given within the reading passage.
Matching Features 6 Topics Some writers use commas to indicate a definition. For
Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics Certain medical disorders involve the myocardium,
the muscular tissue of the heart.
Sentence Completion 6 Topics
Reading Techniques 5 Topics
Philately, the collecting of stamps, has always
been a popular hobby for the young and old alike.
Guessing Unknown Vocabulary The feeling of strangeness and discomfort, or
culture shock as it is sometimes called, can be
Identifying Opinions quite stressful.
Lesson summary There are also some common phrases to introduce
definitions, which can help you identify them. Look at
QUESTION TYPES how the term 'culture shock' is defined using these
Introduction to Question Types

Multiple Choice 6 Topics

known as
The feeling sometimes
Identifying Information 6 Topics
of called can be
Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics strangeness culture quite
and also shock, stressful.
Matching Information 6 Topics discomfort, referred

Matching Headings 6 Topics that is

Matching Features 6 Topics

Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics

Sentence Completion 6 Topics

Reading Techniques 5 Topics
Using contrast words
Guessing Unknown Vocabulary Another way to guess the meaning of words is to look
for opposites. Some readings contain contrast words
Identifying Opinions like although, even though and while. Sometimes it is
possible to guess the meaning of a word if the
Lesson summary opposite meaning is mentioned in the same sentence
or in surrounding sentences.
Read the following sentence and guess the meaning
Introduction to Question Types of the words in bold.
Multiple Choice 6 Topics
The report argued that although the positive economic
Identifying Information 6 Topics
effects may not be significant, immigration did not
have any detrimental effects on the economy.
Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics
 Check your answer
Matching Information 6 Topics

Matching Headings 6 Topics This sentence uses the contrast word

‘although’. Reading the sentence carefully,
Matching Features 6 Topics you can guess that ‘detrimental effects’ must
have the opposite meaning to ‘positive
Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics

Sentence Completion 6 Topics

Reading Techniques 5 Topics
.Here is a more detailed list of Contrast words.

Guessing Unknown Vocabulary

Identifying Opinions
Using prefixes
Lesson summary Another method for guessing the meaning of words is by

QUESTION TYPES understanding prefixes. Prefixes are a group of letters that

come at the beginning of some words. They have specific
Introduction to Question Types meanings that you should learn because they will help you
to understand the words they are attached to.

Multiple Choice 6 Topics

Read the following sentences and guess the meaning of
the words in bold based on the underlined prefix.
Identifying Information 6 Topics

Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics Previous methods of investigation were found to be

substandard in many areas.
An increase in rural populations has also played a role
Matching Information 6 Topics
in the renewed spread of Malaria in Africa.
The inquiry concluded that antidepressant drugs were
Matching Headings 6 Topics most commonly prescribed for patients between the
ages of 20-25.

Matching Features 6 Topics

Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics

Sentence Completion 6 Topics

Reading Techniques 5 Topics
 Check your answer
Guessing Unknown Vocabulary

Identifying Opinions The prefix sub- means below. From this,

you can guess that ‘substandard’ means
Lesson summary below standard or inadequate or inferior.
The prefix re- means make again or do
QUESTION TYPES again. From this, you can guess ‘renew’
means make new again.
Introduction to Question Types The prefix anti- means against. From
this, you can guess that ‘antidepressant’
Multiple Choice 6 Topics means work against or stop people
feeling depressed.
Identifying Information 6 Topics

Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics

Here is a list of Common prefixes and their meanings.

Matching Information 6 Topics Becoming familiar with these will help you guess the
meaning of unknown words.

Matching Headings 6 Topics

Matching Features 6 Topics

Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics

Sentence Completion 6 Topics

Reading Techniques 5 Topics

Guessing Unknown Vocabulary Guessing Unknown

Vocabulary Practice
Identifying Opinions
Complete the following quiz to see how much
Lesson summary you have learnt about guessing unknown
Introduction to Question Types

Multiple Choice 6 Topics

Identifying Information 6 Topics

Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics

Matching Information 6 Topics

Matching Headings 6 Topics

Matching Features 6 Topics

Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics

Sentence Completion 6 Topics

Reading Techniques 5 Topics

Guessing Unknown Vocabulary

Identifying Opinions Look at the following example and guess the me

reading the sentences around them.

Lesson summary
1 Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) ar
they can help reduce farm production costs,

Introduction to Question Types

A sword with two sides

Multiple Choice 6 Topics An issue that has both advantages and


Something that is very dangerous

Identifying Information 6 Topics

Identifying a Writer's Views 6 Topics

Matching Information 6 Topics

Matching Headings 6 Topics

Matching Features 6 Topics

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Matching Sentence Endings 6 Topics % Complete

Sentence Completion 6 Topics

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