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Week 1

“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them;
for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” A saying from the Greek Philosopher
Aristotle that talks about the state of education in the time of Ancient Greece to which reflects in
today’s modern history of teaching. Quite poetic when you think about that quote.

Upon what I have experienced with the first week of my Field Study, Caruhatan National
High School is a school that’s next to an Elementary School and it’s a small high school. The
environment is really peaceful and less chaotic than the main schools I experienced like the
lively General T. De Leon National High School. Flag Ceremonies in Caruhatan National High
School happens as early as 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning, but if there are lots of latecomers, a
second flag ceremony happens as well. It’s really awkward to have this happen especially how
my colleagues were standing there as well for the long time, anticipating the part where we get to
meet our Cooperating Teachers.
Observations of the classes in Caruhatan National High School with my Cooperating
Teacher; Sir Edwin B Jarilla, is something unique for a style in teaching with the children. For
starters, the teaching style he has is akin to a traditional teacher utilizing modules and readings
than teaching with using technology similar to the newer or ICT Knowledge-Driven teachers.
The use of run down or worn-out modules during the COVID-19 Pandemic seems out of place at
first for a teaching style, but as hours went on… The style of teaching is really interesting. It’s
like a blast from the past-type of style of teaching and I adore it.

Within the day, my CT holds 5 sections; mainly Grade 9 Students and all of them are
lively and energetic as ever. Sure, some don’t listen, but they are attentive and willing to answer
and report what they can. But this could set with minor setbacks if they weren’t disciplined
properly. It’s something I have learned because most of the class Sir Jarilla holds is really
positive and lively. These 5 sections tend to be the same in the first week of tackling. Who
knows what changes it would display once time comes. Till then, I appreciate this first week of
observing the school.

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