Reflection For Journal Based On PPST Domains

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A Reflection on the Experiential Learning Experience throughout my days of

observing in the Caruhatan National High School
(Based on the 7 PPST Domains)

I lasted over 12 weeks in total to finish my Daily

Task Record (DTR) for my Field Study, and all of these
weeks are focused on Romeo and Juliet. I started from the
4th of February up to the 4th week of April. Time flies
when you are focused on observing the school and such. I
have learned lots of things when it comes to analyzing
and experiencing as an observer on how the world of
teaching is in the experience and demonstration of the
Throughout the teachings and the rules of being a teacher, there are thing to note on
which tackles and discusses on the seven domains of the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST). In my observation, the domains aligned within the weeks as I can recall all of
the 12 weeks of observing in Caruhatan National Highschool under the resource/cooperating
teacher Edwin V. Jarilla as these weeks are long, but not boring to analyze, reflect, and
understand what are the PPSTs that Caruhatan National High School Teachers use and provide
for teaching.
To Start, the First domain according to
the PPST in the Department of Education Order
no. 42, s. 2017 is the Content, Knowledge, and
Pedagogy. Throughout the teachings that my
resource teacher has taught, six out of seven
strands were met as my resource teacher has
utilized them. He utilized using English and
Filipino in teaching and learning for every
lesson to explain, has known the Content
knowledge of the curriculum areas and applies
it in the class, utilized the research-based
knowledge and principles of teacing and
learning, used the strategies for promoting the
Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and
promoting literacy and numeracy, and planned
the strategies of classroom communication.
Within the observation of this domain towards
the reflection in the span of 12 weeks, the
resource teacher despite without using ICT in
teaching, still taught with the strategies he
believes in and it still worked.
The learning environment of the school itself is somewhat rigid as safety was off the
boards. The fact that there are broken desks, chairs that have rotted in rust and knocked one or
two legs off, blackboards that sometimes have holes on them by the time of third to fourth
quarter, ceiling fans that don’t work or has a missing propeller or two, and others. It is fair that
the structure of the classroom that my resource or cooperating teacher is still in tact, it’s just that
I feel bad for the broken chairs because they are more common. In building C at the fifth floor,
the Comfort Room for males is filled with nothing but broken chairs. Not just scattered on the
floor, but a mountain pile of it. If I have the chance to decide on what to do with those chairs, I
would suggest to grab and cut pieces of legs of each broken chair and have the cut pieces be
welded properly in each chair possible to reuse them once more. Even if it’s government
provided and funded, the chairs still have a way to be repaired one way or another.
The learners in the class are varied with their
different backgrounds, they have strengths and
weaknesses as usual, though I like to commend a
student in one class. He is going to school with a heart
condition and he and his class were punished. Instead
of staying, the student followed. When the punishment
is over, the cooperating teacher acknowledge the
student and let them rest to have the heart calm down. I
don’t know if I say this but I respect that student’s
commitment with following what the teacher said or ordered.
The planned curriculum in school is aligned with what the Department of Education
(DepEd) has given. Assessments of the school are high quality, always key stakeholders and
enhances teaching and learning practices. If I can remember, they use assements and reports in
their personal growth and professional development during meetings to assess the performance
of the department and their co-teachers. It’s a nice and organized way to know what to improve
and what to reinforce with in terms of an educator’s own performance.
To conclude the reflection, Caruhatan National High School may share flaws and lots of
professional feats, but it’s a public school that deserves more staff and support. Comparing it to
the school next to them; Cartuhatan National Elementary School, the teachers there are old and
would retire from teaching, but with this observation, I might consider teaching there as my
secondary goal. My primary goal being to teach in Parada National High School. The facilities in
the school are planned to be renovated thanks to the COVID-19 Pandemic slowly fading away,
hopefully for 2-3 years, I get to see the school in it’s new glory. My passion may be teaching, but
Caruhatan is one of the schools I am willing to take my training to become a great teacher.

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