How To Score 90% Marks SSC Tier 1 & Tier 2 Exam

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How To Cover SSC General Awareness (SSC G.S.

म नंबर
कै से लाय)
Two Books Could be enough to secure 90%+ Marks in SSC Exams (दो बुक से आप को 90
% मा स तक लाने म होगी आसानी ) 1. Kiran Samanya Gyan NCERT Based (TheoryBook)
( करण सामा य ान NCERT Based ( योरी बुक ) & 2. Kiran SSC Chapterwise & Typewise
G.S. PYQs (Kiran SSC Chapterwise & Typewise G.S सा ड पेपस )

History & Art & Culture (इ तहास & कला एवं सं कृ त) Total Weightage = 17%

Ancient History( ाचीन भारत का इ तहास) = 4% Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran

Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 22% out 100%

Ancient History( ाचीन भारत का
इ तहास )) Pages 16 To 33 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 14% out 100%

Ancient History) Pages 33 To 39 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 26% out 100%

Ancient History) Pages 40 To 49 Type 3 Questions
Type 4 (Weightage 10% out 100%
Ancient History) Pages 50 To 54 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 23% out 100%

Ancient History) Pages 55 To 61 Type 5 Questions

Medieval History of India(म यकालीन भारत का इ तहास) = 3% Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran
Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 46% out 100%

Medieval History(म यकालीन भारत का
इ तहास)) Pages 62 To 75 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 52% out 100%

Medieval History) Pages 76 To 88 Type 2 Questions
Modern History of India( आधु नक भारत का इ तहास ) = 4% Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran

Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 7% out 100%

Modern History( आधु नक भारत का
इ तहास ))
Pages 89 To 90 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 7% out 100%

Modern History) Pages 90 To 91 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 18% out 100%

Modern History) Pages 91 To 100 Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 43% out 100%

Modern History) Pages 100 To 103 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 20% out 100%

Modern History) Pages 103 To 111 Type 5 Questions
Indian Art & Culture(कला एवं सं कृ त) = 5% Overall Weightage of SSC GS
Step 1 : Read Kiran
Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 22% out 100%

Indian Art & Culture(कला एवं सं कृ त)) Pages 141 To 142 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 7% out 100%

Indian Art & Culture) Pages 146 To 147 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 70% out 100% Pages 142 , 143 & 148
Indian Art & Culture) To 150 Type 3 Questions
Indian Polity & Governance (भारतीय रा य व ा एवं सं वधान ) = 10% Overall Weightage of SSC GS
Step 1 : Read Kiran
Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 6% out 100%

Polity(भारतीय रा य व ा एवं सं वधान
)) Pages 151 To 155 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 14% out 100%

Polity) Pages 156 To 158 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 18% out 100%

Polity) Pages 159 To 160 Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 5% out 100%

Polity) Page 168 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 6% out 100%

Polity) Pages 163 To 164 Type 5 Questions
Type 6 (Weightage 1% out 100%
Polity) Pages 167 To 168 Type 6 Questions

Type 7(Weightage 6% out 100%

Polity) Page 168 Type 7 Questions

Type 8 (Weightage 3% out 100%

Polity) Page 169 Type 8 Questions

Type 9 (Weightage 31% out 100%

Polity) Pages 170 To 184 Type 9 Questions

Physical Geography(भौ तक भूगोल ) = 4% Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran

Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 19% out 100%

Physical Geography(भौ तक भूगोल )) Pages 191 To 197 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 29% out 100%

Physical Geography) Pages 197 To 211 Type 2 Questions
Type 3(Weightage 19% out 100%
Physical Geography) Pages 212 To 217 Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 14% out 100%

Physical Geography) Pages 218 To 234 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 2% out 100%

Physical Geography) Pages 235 To 236 Type 5 Questions

Type 6 (Weightage 14% out 100%

Physical Geography) Pages 237 To 242 Type 6 Questions

Geography of India(भारत का भूगोल ) = 8% Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran

Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 21% out 100%

Geography of India(भारत का भूगोल )) Pages 246 To 251 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 27% out 100% Pages 252 To 253 , 259

Geography of India) To 264 Type 2 Questions
Type 3(Weightage 6% out 100%
Geography of India) Pages 253 To 254 Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 8% out 100%

Geography of India) Pages 254 To 258 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 10% out 100%

Geography of India) Page 258 Type 5 Questions

Type 6 (Weightage 12% out 100%

Geography of India) Pages 264 To 282 Type 6 Questions

Type 7 (Weightage 15% out 100%

Geography of India) Pages 283 To 286 Type 7 Questions

Economics(अथशा ) = 10% Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran

Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 1% out 100%

Economics(अथशा )) Page 331 Type 1 Questions
Type 2 (Weightage 11% out 100%
Economics) Page 331 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 18% out 100%

Economics) Pages Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 13% out 100%

Economics) Pages 344 To 345 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 36% out 100%

Economics) Pages 335 To 338 Type 5 Questions

Type 6 (Weightage 3% out 100%

Economics) Pages 348 To 350 Type 6 Questions

Type 7 (Weightage 14% out 100%

Economics) Pages 350 To 353 Type 7 Questions

Physics(भौ तक व ान) = 9% Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran
Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book
Type 1 (Weightage 29% out 100%
Physics(भौ तक व ान)) Pages 390 To 396 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 26% out 100%

Physics) Pages 397 To 406 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 17% out 100%

Physics) Pages 406 To 412 Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 23% out 100%

Physics) Pages 412 To 414 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 3% out 100%

Physics) Pages 415 To 416 Type 5 Questions

Type 6 (Weightage 2% out 100%

Physics) Page 417 Type 6 Questions

Chemistry(रसायन व ान) = 7% Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran
Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book
Type 1 (Weightage 26% out 100%
Chemistry(रसायन व ान) ) Pages 421 To 424 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 36% out 100% Pages 424 To 425 & 436
Chemistry ) To 444 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 12% out 100%

Chemistry ) Pages 429 To 435 Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 2% out 100%

Chemistry ) Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 5% out 100%

Chemistry ) Page 421 Type 5 Questions

Type 6 (Weightage 20% out 100%

Chemistry ) Pages 454 To 455 Type 6 Questions

Biology (जीव व ान ) = 11 % Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran
Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book
Type 1 (Weightage 18% out 100%
Biology (जीव व ान )) Pages 459 To 462 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 5% out 100%

Biology) Pages 490 To 504 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 13% out 100%

Biology) Pages 491 To 504 Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 7% out 100%

Biology) Pages 463 To 464 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 47% out 100%

Biology) Pages 465 To 469 Type 5 Questions

Type 6 (Weightage 7% out 100%

Biology) Pages 518 To 524 Type 6 Questions

Computer(क यूटर) = 6 % Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran
Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book
Type 1 (Weightage 1% out 100%
Computer(क यूटर)) Pages 540 , 538 , 539 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 2% out 100%

Computer) Page 535 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 5% out 100%

Computer) Page 536 Type 3 Questions

Type 4 (Weightage 3% out 100%

Computer) Page 536 Type 4 Questions

Type 5 (Weightage 1% out 100%

Computer) Page 537 Type 5 Questions

Type 6 (Weightage 3% out 100%

Computer) Page 537 Type 6 Questions

Type 7 (Weightage 5% out 100%

Computer) Page 537 Type 1 Questions

Type 8 (Weightage 12% out 100%

Computer) Page 537 Type 2 Questions

Type 9(Weightage 13% out 100%

Computer) Page 537 Type 3 Questions

Type 10 (Weightage 1% out 100%

Computer) Page 537 Type 4 Questions
Type 11 (Weightage 27% out 100%
Computer) Page 537 Type 5 Questions

Type 12 (Weightage 27% out 100%

Computer) Type 6 Questions

Science & Technology( व ान एवं ौ ो गक ) = 1 % Overall Weightage of SSC GS

Step 1 : Read Kiran
Samanya Gyan ( Theory
Book) Step 2 : Practice PYQs

Topics or Types as mentioned in Cover Theory Portion Cover from Kiran Chap. G.S.
Kiran SSC General Awareness from below Pages Book

Type 1 (Weightage 44% out 100%

Science & Technology ( व ान एवं
ौ ो गक )) Pages 525 To 534 Type 1 Questions

Type 2 (Weightage 23% out 100%

Science & Technology ) Pages 525 To 534 Type 2 Questions

Type 3(Weightage 15% out 100%

Science & Technology ) Pages 525 To 534 Type 3 Questions
Type 4 (Weightage 18% out 100%
Science & Technology ) Pages 525 To 534 Type 4 Questions

Total 83% of GS Syllabus could be covered by above data (ऊपर दए गए डाटा से आप 83 % सलेबस
लगभग कवर सकते ह)

* Data could be tentaive *Pages of Topics covered can overlap *need more feedback so that we
can enhance for every aspirants

Topics left are Books & Author + Awards + Current Affairs Portion
Percentagewise Weightage of Each Chapter (*Data Taken from Kiran

Analysis of 18000+ Questions asked in SSC Exams (*Data Taken from SSC Kiran
GS B k)
Kiran Samanya Gyan One Liner GK NCERT BASED
Kiran SSC General Awareness PYQs Hindi
Kiran SSC General Awareness PYQs English

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