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aurel chandra syalsabilah

xi ips 2
h e L L O

perfect tense
when to use present perfect

1). we use the present perfect

tense to talk about experiences.
it is important if we have done it
in our lives or not. it is not
important when we dind it.
examples :
• I have been abroad two time ( saya
tip! we often pernah ke luar negeri dua kali )
use never and
ever with the • Anna has never been seriously
present injured ( anna tidak pernah terluka
perfect tense parah)
to talk about
experience • Have you ever eaten sushi? ( apakah
kamu pernah memakan sushi? )
2). we use the present
perfect tense to talk about
an action which started in the
past and continuous up to
examples :
have been a teacher for more than ten
tips! we often
years ( saya telah menjadi guru selama
lebih dari sepuluh tahun )
use since and
for to say how
we haven’t seen anna since friday ( kami long the action
belum melihat anna sejak jumat ) has lasted.

how long have you been at this school?

(berapa lama kamu berada di sekolah
ini? )
3). we also use the
present perfect tense to
talk about a past action
that has the resulth in
the present
examples :
i have lost my wallet = i don’t have it now (
saya kehilangan dompet saya = saya tidak
memilikinya sekarang )

ani has gone to south america = he isn’t here

now ( ani telah pergi ke amerika selatan = dia
tidak ada di sini sekarang )

have you finished your homework? = is your

homework ready? ( apakah kamu sudah
menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahmu? = apakah
pekerjaan rumahmu sudah siap? )
for and since
we use present perfect tense to talk about action
which started in the past and continues up to the
we use since with the
we use for with a
time when the action
period of time, for
started, for example:
example: a few day,
last year, june 8, i met
half an hour, two years you

examplses :
have had this computer for about a year
how long have you been at this school?
already means that yet means that
something happened something that
earlier than we we expected has
expected. with
happened or
present perfect
already usually
hasn’t happened
goes after have or we usually put it
has and before the at the end of a
main verb sentence
examples already:
• we’ve already had our breakfast

• when are you going to do your homework?

• but i’ve already done it!

• do you want a cup of coffee?

• no, thanks. i’ve already had one

examples yet:
• has the past arrived yet?

• have you done your homework?

• not yet

• haven’t you got ready yet? look at the time!

thank youu

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