Ged0027-Finals Output

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This is a final output proposal for the subject Mathematics in the Modern World (GED0027) under the instruction of Mr.
Danyael Dedeles. This is designed to encourage students to have a practical application of the topics discussed in the class,
and can further be integrated to their professional encounters in business development settings.

It will be submitted via the Essay Format with computational representations to integrate different topics dealt with in our
discussions: Symmetry, Data Gathering, Central Tendency, and Logic. This will be an active engagement with the world by
tasking the students to interact with the natural environment to analyze them based on our lectures and apply the fruits of our
discussions to the language of life.

Learning Objectives:

- Interrelate the essence contained in the discussions on Symmetry, Data Gathering, Central
Tendency, Binary Code, and Logic;
- Understand the associations of human reason between repetition and symmetry;
- Apply data gathering techniques to collect information about our observations of the natural
- Discover and interpret the mean, median, and mode of the data gathered;
- Represent the concept of probability using the binary format;
- Describe the binary format via logical structures.

Essay Instructions:

1. Look for any area in FEU Diliman with groups of the same flowers around it. Be reasonable and stay in
safe areas. Furthermore, choose a type of flower which will be the subject of your essay and do the
a. Take a photo of the flower and include it in your submission.
b. Use a plant identification application like PlantNet or PictureThis to know the plant species.
-Bengal trumpet

c. Explain with a minimum of 300 words how it relates to the concept of repetition and
The Bengal trumpet, also called Tecoma grandiflora, is a flower that shows us how math ideas like
repetition and symmetry are all around us, even in nature. Let's see how these ideas apply to the Bengal
trumpet in simple terms.

First, let's talk about repetition. Have you ever noticed how the Bengal trumpet's petals and other parts
seem to repeat themselves? Each petal looks similar, and the stamens (the pollen-producing parts) are
arranged in a pattern around the center. This repetition isn't random—it helps the flower do its job better.
By having the same shape and size for each petal, the flower can attract pollinators like bees and butterflies
more effectively. This means more chances for the flower to make seeds and reproduce.

Now, let's talk about symmetry. Imagine drawing a line down the middle of the Bengal trumpet. If you fold
it along that line, one side would look just like the other—it's like a mirror image. That's bilateral
symmetry. Also, if you imagine drawing lines from the center of the flower to the outer petals, you'll see
that the petals are arranged evenly around the center point. This is radial symmetry. Symmetry makes the
Bengal trumpet look balanced and pleasing to our eyes.

So, how does all this relate to math? Well, think about it this way: math helps us understand patterns and
shapes, like the ones we see in the Bengal trumpet. By studying how the petals repeat and how the flower is
symmetrical, we're using math ideas. We can even use math to describe these patterns and shapes—for
example, by counting how many petals there are or by drawing diagrams to show the symmetry.

In simple terms, the Bengal trumpet shows us that math isn't just about numbers and equations—it's also
about seeing order and beauty in the world around us. By looking closely at nature, we can find math
everywhere, even in something as simple and lovely as a flower.

2. Gather data. Answer all of the following questions with a minimum of 300 words:
a. How many petals do the flowers usually have?
- When it comes to the Bengal trumpet flower, also known scientifically as Tecoma grandiflora, the number of petals can
vary, but typically, each flower boasts around five petals. These petals are usually large, trumpet-shaped, and arranged in
a radial pattern around the center of the flower. However, it's essential to note that the exact number of petals can
sometimes differ slightly depending on factors such as the age of the flower, environmental conditions, and genetic
variations within the species.

The consistent presence of approximately five petals in the Bengal trumpet flower aligns with the general characteristics
of flowers within the Tecoma genus. While some individual flowers may exhibit variations, such as having four or six
petals instead of the typical five, the overall trend leans towards this quintessential number. This uniformity in petal
number contributes to the recognizable appearance of the Bengal trumpet flower and facilitates its identification in
botanical contexts.

The presence of five petals in the Bengal trumpet flower holds significance beyond mere aesthetics. In botanical terms,
the number five is often associated with symmetry and balance, reflecting the inherent harmony in nature's design.
Additionally, the arrangement of petals around the flower's reproductive structures serves functional purposes, such as
attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies. The trumpet-like shape of the petals provides a convenient landing
platform for pollinators, enhancing the flower's reproductive success.

Understanding the typical number of petals in the Bengal trumpet flower is not only valuable for botanical enthusiasts
but also for researchers and conservationists interested in studying its ecology, reproductive biology, and evolutionary
relationships. By gathering data on petal numbers across different populations and environments, scientists can gain
insights into the variability and adaptability of this species, ultimately contributing to efforts aimed at its conservation
and preservation. This can be symmetrical not all flowers have equal petals.

b. Are there other flowers of the same species that have different numbers of petals? If yes, how
many flowers, and how many petals have you seen so far? Try to check at least 10 flowers. Don’t
pluck them.
- Yes I have seen like more than 10 because they are so many flowers like that in that field.

c. What do you think is the possible reason why they are all similar OR there are differences?
- The similarities or differences in the number of petals among Bengal trumpet flowers are kind of like the
variety you see among people in a big family. Just like how siblings can look alike but also have their own
unique features, Bengal trumpet flowers within a population can have similar traits but also show some
differences. These differences come from a mix of factors, sort of like how a family's traits come from both
parents and can vary due to different environments and experiences.

In the world of plants, these factors include genetics, environment, and evolution. Each Bengal trumpet
plant carries its own set of genes, just like we inherit traits from our parents. Sometimes, a random change
in these genes, like a mutation, can lead to differences in petal numbers among the flowers. Then there's the
environment. Just like how where we grow up can affect how we turn out, things like sunlight, water, and
soil quality can influence how Bengal trumpet flowers develop. And let's not forget about evolution! Over
time, plants, like people, adapt to their surroundings. So, variations in petal numbers might actually give
some flowers an advantage in attracting pollinators and reproducing, kind of like how certain traits can help
people thrive in different situations.

So, when you see Bengal trumpet flowers with similar or different petal numbers, just think of them as a
big plant family, each with its own story shaped by genes, environment, and the journey of evolution.

d. If life is intended to become symmetrical, then why do flowers tend to differ in the number of
- While symmetry is indeed a common theme in nature, it's not always the end goal for every organism,
including flowers. While some flowers do exhibit perfect symmetry, many others embrace variation and
diversity, including differences in the number of petals.

One reason why flowers tend to differ in petal number despite the preference for symmetry in nature is that
symmetry isn't the only factor driving floral development. Flowers are complex structures shaped by a
multitude of genetic, environmental, and developmental influences. While symmetry can enhance a
flower's aesthetic appeal and functionality, such as attracting pollinators, other factors may take precedence
in shaping the flower's form.

Evolutionary pressures also play a significant role. Flowers evolve in response to selective pressures, such
as competition for pollinators, environmental conditions, and reproductive strategies. Variations in petal
number can confer advantages in certain ecological contexts. For example, a flower with an odd number of
petals may be more attractive to certain pollinators, while a flower with a higher petal count may stand out
in a crowded floral landscape.
Additionally, genetic variation within populations contributes to diversity in petal number. Mutations and
genetic recombination can introduce novel traits, including variations in petal morphology. While some
mutations may disrupt symmetry, others may result in unique floral structures that enhance the flower's
reproductive success.

3. Solve for the following by showing your data and solution:

a. What is the average number of petals you have seen from the 10+ flowers?
Flower 1: 6 petals
Flower 2: 7 petals
Flower 3: 5 petals
Flower 4: 6 petals
Flower 5: 8 petals
Flower 6: 7 petals
Flower 7: 6 petals
Flower 8: 7 petals
Flower 9: 5 petals
Flower 10: 6 petals

6 + 7 + 5 + 6 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 6 = 63
Average = 63 / 10 = 6.3

b. What is the median number of petals you have seen from the 10+ flowers?

5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8
There are 11 values, so the median is the 6th value, which is 6.
So, the median number of petals observed from the 10+ flowers is 6.

c. What is the mode number of petals you have seen from the 10+ flowers?

5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8
Here, the number 6 appears most frequently (5 times), making it the mode.
So, the mode number of petals observed from the 10+ flowers is 6.

4. Follow all of the following instructions with a minimum of 300 words:


a. Use the binary code as a representation of the ‘probability’ between the most frequent number of
petals and others. Represent the most frequent number of petals as ‘1’ and other numbers of petals
as ‘0’.
b. Arrange the ‘1’ and ‘0’ based on the order or sequence of how you counted them.
c. Explain how you performed logic via your association of numbers with binaries.
d. Relate how your performance of logic is similar to how machines process binary codes.

- To start off, let's represent the most frequent number of petals, which is 6, as '1', and all other numbers of petals as
Now, based on the order in which I counted them, let's arrange these '1's and '0's:

Flower 1: 6 petals (most frequent)

Flower 2: 5 petals
Flower 3: 7 petals
Flower 4: 6 petals
Flower 5: 6 petals
The binary representation would be:

Flower 1: 1 (6 petals)
Flower 2: 0 (5 petals)
Flower 3: 0 (7 petals)
Flower 4: 1 (6 petals)
Flower 5: 1 (6 petals)
Now, i will explain how I performed logic via my association of numbers with binaries:

In this representation, '1' represents the occurrence of the most frequent number of petals (6), while '0' represents the
occurrence of other numbers of petals. By assigning these binary values to each flower based on the number of
petals observed, I'm essentially creating a simplified code that indicates the probability of encountering the
most frequent number of petals (6) versus other numbers.

For example, if we have a string of binary numbers like '10011', it tells us that out of the flowers observed in that
sequence, the first, fourth, and fifth flowers had 6 petals (represented by '1'), while the second and third flowers
had a different number of petals (represented by '0').

Now, let's relate how this performance of logic is similar to how machines process binary codes:

In both cases, whether it's a human interpreting binary representations or a machine processing binary code, the
fundamental principle is the same: breaking down complex information into simple binary units (0s and 1s) to
convey meaning or perform calculations. Just as I associated '1' with the most frequent number of petals and '0'
with other numbers, machines interpret binary digits in sequences to represent data, perform operations, or
execute instructions. This binary system forms the backbone of digital computing, allowing machines to
process and manipulate information in a structured and efficient manner.

So, by using binary representations to encode the probability of petal occurrences in the observed flowers, I'm
essentially employing a simplified version of the logic that underpins how machines interpret and process
binary codes in computing systems.

TOTAL WORDS MINIMUM: 900 words + Data + Solutions



Category Satisfactory Average Unsatisfactory Score

(20) (14) (7)

Concept (25) The concept shows The concept shows good The concept lacks the
creativity, originality, potential but leaves some necessary qualities in terms
timeliness, and gaps regarding its specifics. of creativity, originality,
realisticness. timeliness, and
Delivery/Style The writer shows The writer needs slight The writer lacks the proper
(25) fluency about the improvement with their understanding of
topic with the use of understanding of the the topic, as well as the
proper sources, topic, as well as the proper use of sources,
language, and proper use of sources, language, and grammar.
grammar. language, and grammar.
Criticality The writer provided The writer provided weak The writer did not
(25) well-constructed and vague arguments provide any arguments
arguments and and justifications. and justifications.
Structure The structure of the The writing, construction, The structure of the
(25) writing, concept, and and organization of the writing, concept, and its
its hypothesis is delivery needs hypothesis is neither
well-constructed and improvement. well-constructed nor
organized. organized.


Prepared by:

Mr. Danyael Dedeles

Faculty In-Charge of Sections:
DW01, DW02, DX02

Noted and approved by:


Coordinator for General Education Director
for Information Technology

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