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Criminal Psychology

Criminal Psychology: The study of thoughts, feelings and intentions that contribute to
Criminal Psychologists
criminal behaviour. Criminal Profiling
 Look for cues of Predicts the characteristics of a
deception likely offender.
 Evaluates
mental capacity  Crime scene analysis
 Determines if  Analysis of victim’s life
criminals are  Similarities to other crimes
competent  Analysis of the motivation

Biological Psychological Social

 Inheritable traits  Aggressiveness  Cultural identity and customs
 Hormones such as testosterone  Controlling and a desire for power  Concepts of law
 Drug and alcohol consumption  Masochistic  Childhood raising practices
 Feelings of invincibility and arrogance  Discrimination i.e. racism etc.
 Imbalance of neurotransmitters
 Past experiences and/ or trauma  Family structure
 Differences in brain anatomy
 Relationship with parents  Religious beliefs

Bowlby’s Theory
Psychopathy The MacDonald
Cruelty A child has an innate desire Triad
Lack of Impulse to form an attachment to
Control their care givers – usually
Lack of Empathy Low levels of
the mother.
Fearfor Control
Desire Lack of
attachment in the The Dark Triad
first two years of
life can increase
Convicted the chance of
criminality and
Harsh Physical
Discipline Neglect

Possible The Polygraph

Causes of Micro Expressions
Micro expressions are
Measures the physiological
responses associated with
Disrupted attachment
very fast changes in increased arousal (Blood
Family Life between one’s face to depict
father and son Pressure, Heart Rate and
their true emotion
Galvanic Skin Response)
Low family
Control Irrelevant questions that
Galvanic Skin are asked to establish a
Questions baseline physiological
Response response.
Universal Emotions
The electrical Relevant Questions that are
relevant to the
conductivity of Questions investigation.
skin (sweat)

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