Internship Report of PAC

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Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra

Internship Report

Submitted by Abdul Razaq

S/O Shabir
Registration No. MEEN201101042
Batch Batch-II Winter Internship 2023-24

Khawaj Fareed University of Engineering and

Information Technology
Rahim Yar Khan
Internship Report

Table of Content
Objective .................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
History........................................................................................................................................ 6
Organization ............................................................................................................................... 7
Types of factories at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC): - ............................................ 8
1. Aircraft Manufacturing Factory: ............................................................................. 8
2. Avionics Production Factory: .................................................................................. 8
3. Aircraft Rebuild Factory (ARF): ............................................................................. 8
4. Mirage Rebuild Factory (MRF):.............................................................................. 9
Designated Factory .................................................................................................................... 9
Mirage Rebuilt factory (MRF):.............................................................................................. 9
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 9
History of MRF .................................................................................................................... 10
Origins and Acquisition of Mirage Aircraft: ................................................................... 10
Establishment of Maintenance Facilities: ........................................................................ 10
Formation of Mirage Rebuilt Factory: ............................................................................. 10
Evolution and Expansion: ................................................................................................ 10
Modernization and Upgrades: .......................................................................................... 11
Contributions to National Security: ................................................................................. 11
Future Prospects: ............................................................................................................. 11
Properties of Mirage Aircraft ............................................................................................... 11
High Maneuverability ...................................................................................................... 12
Supersonic Speed ............................................................................................................. 12
Versatility......................................................................................................................... 12
Advanced Avionics .......................................................................................................... 12
Range and Endurance ...................................................................................................... 12
Weapons Integration ........................................................................................................ 12
Reliability and Maintainability ........................................................................................ 12
Stealth Features (In Some Models) .................................................................................. 13
Overhauling steps of Mirage Aircraft ...................................................................................... 13
Distribution of MRF ................................................................................................................ 13
Engine Section ..................................................................................................................... 14

Internship Report

I. Disassembly and Inspection of Engine Wing: .......................................................... 14

II. Quality Control Wing ............................................................................................ 14
III. Production Planning Control (PPC) Wing............................................................. 14
IV. Repair and Fabrication Wing ................................................................................. 15
V. Accessory Wing..................................................................................................... 15
Engines Overhauled at MRF................................................................................................ 16
T-56 Engine ..................................................................................................................... 16
ATAR-09C Turbo Jet Engine .......................................................................................... 16
T-56-A-15-Turboprop Engine ......................................................................................... 17
F100 Turbofan Engine ..................................................................................................... 17
J69-7-25A Turbojet Engine ............................................................................................. 18
Aircraft Section .................................................................................................................... 18
Component Wing ................................................................................................................. 18
Landing Gear Shop .......................................................................................................... 18
Servo Shop ....................................................................................................................... 18
Mechanical Shop .............................................................................................................. 19
Hydraulic Shop ................................................................................................................ 19
Fuel Shop ......................................................................................................................... 19
RFND Wing ......................................................................................................................... 20
Electroplating ................................................................................................................... 20
Heat Treatment................................................................................................................. 20
Machining available ............................................................................................................. 20
CNC Turning ................................................................................................................... 20
CNC Jig Boring Machine................................................................................................. 21
CNC Milling .................................................................................................................... 21
Precision Machining ........................................................................................................ 21
Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) ...................................................................................... 21
Structure and Repair Wing (SR) .......................................................................................... 22
Fuse Lage ......................................................................................................................... 22
CMM ................................................................................................................................ 22
Master Gage ..................................................................................................................... 22
3D Printing ....................................................................................................................... 22
Investment Casting........................................................................................................... 22

Internship Report

CNC Hydro Forming Machine ............................................................................................ 23

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 23

List of Figures
Figure 1. Products of PAC Kamra ............................................................................................. 7
Figure 2. Mirage Aircraft ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3. Mirage Turbofan Engines ......................................................................................... 15

Internship Report

The objective of an internship at PAC Kamra (Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra) is to
provide aspiring individuals with practical exposure and hands-on experience in the field of
aerospace engineering, aircraft manufacturing, maintenance, and related disciplines. Through
this internship, participants will have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge gained
through academic studies to real-world projects, collaborate with experienced professionals,
and contribute to the advancement of aviation technology. Additionally, interns will enhance
their skills, gain insights into industry practices, and develop a deeper understanding of the
complexities involved in aerospace engineering and manufacturing processes. This internship
aims to nurture talent, foster innovation, and prepare individuals for future careers in the
aerospace industry.

PAC Kamra, short for Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra, stands as a beacon of innovation
and excellence in the aerospace industry within Pakistan and beyond. Nestled in the heart of
Kamra, Punjab, this complex serves as a hub for the design, development, manufacturing, and
maintenance of a wide array of aircraft and aerospace systems.
Established in 1971, PAC Kamra has evolved into a multifaceted organization, encompassing
various divisions and facilities dedicated to different aspects of aerospace engineering and
technology. From fighter aircraft to trainer jets, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to overhaul
and maintenance services, PAC Kamra plays a pivotal role in bolstering Pakistan's defense
capabilities and contributing to the global aerospace sector. At PAC Kamra, a commitment to
innovation, quality, and reliability underscores every endeavor. The complex boasts state-of-
the-art infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and a skilled workforce comprising engineers,
technicians, and professionals passionate about pushing the boundaries of aerospace
Moreover, PAC Kamra serves as a center for research and development, collaborating with
domestic and international partners to explore emerging technologies and enhance its
capabilities further. With a focus on continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving
industry trends, PAC Kamra remains at the forefront of aerospace innovation in the region.
Beyond its contributions to defense and aerospace, PAC Kamra is also dedicated to nurturing
talent and fostering a culture of learning and development. Through various training programs,
internships, and collaborations with educational institutions, the complex endeavors to inspire

Internship Report

the next generation of aerospace professionals and contribute to the growth of Pakistan's
aerospace industry. PAC Kamra stands as a symbol of Pakistan's prowess in aerospace
engineering, embodying a legacy of excellence, innovation, and commitment to advancing the
frontiers of aviation technology.

In 1971, five years after induction of F6 aircraft in PAF, it was realized that the aircraft had
started falling due for overhaul and in the absence of in country overhaul facility, the aircraft
would be sent abroad for desired inspections, resulting in huge amount of spending in terms of
Foreign Exchange and generating undesired downtime for the aircraft fleet. With this
background the commanders of Pakistan Air Force decided to embark upon achieving the
historic goal of creating an indigenous overhauling facility for F6 Fleet of PAF. After
negotiation with the OEM and the Chinese Government, the establishment of F6 Rebuild
Factory now known as Aircraft Rebuild Factory (ARF) started at Kamra duly supervised by
Chinese Experts. On its completion, the first ever aircraft rolled out after Overhaul in the year
Having gained the overhauling experience of Chinese Origin Aircraft, it was considered
essential to establish a similar General Overhaul (GOH) facility for French Origin Mirage III
& V aircraft of PAF. The project for establishment of Mirage Rebuild Factory (MRF) started
in 1974 and the first overhauled Mirage aircraft rolled out of the factory in the year 1980. Atar
09c engine and related accessories Maintenance Repair Overhaul (MRO) facility was also
established at MRF during early 80s with subsequent addition of various other engine MRO
services. After establishment of overhaul of Chinese and French Origin aircraft, efforts were
generated to enter into the arena of Aircraft Manufacturing. As a humble beginning a light
trainer MFI-17 aircraft was chosen for indigenous manufacturing, for which Aircraft
Manufacturing Factory (AMF) was established after successful negotiation with the Swedish
OEM in the year 1975.

Internship Report

Figure 1. Products of PAC Kamra

Similarly, the experience of manufacturing a light aircraft gave Aircraft Manufacturing Factory
(AMF) the impetus to go into a co-designing and development program for manufacturing of
a Jet Aircraft. Once again the Pak-China friendship played a vital role and K-8 project was
initiated at AMF. The project culminated as production of a Jet-Trainer Co-designed and
produced by Pakistan and China in 1994. AMF is involved even today in manufacturing of
about 20% of the structure of K-8 at these facilities. This background of AMF was considered
good enough to venture into the area of indigenous production of a jet fighter aircraft. That is
how AMF is now fully involved in the national program of co-producing JF-17 Thunder
Aircraft with China.

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) is an organization which comprises of four co-located
factories which virtually take care of maintenance of all operational assets of Pakistan Air
Force (PAF) for the purpose of effective control and efficient working. The complex is
governed by a Board which is headed by Chairman PAC Board. The Chairman of the Board is
serving Air Marshal of Pakistan Air Force (PAF). He is assisted by 03 resident and 02 non-
resident members namely:
• Member Finance (Resident Member)
• Member Commercial (Resident Member)
• Member Technical (Resident Member)
• Member Ministerial Coordination (Non-Resident Member)
• Member Private (Non-Resident Member)

Internship Report

Types of factories at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC): -

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) encompasses various factories and facilities dedicated
to different aspects of aerospace engineering, manufacturing, maintenance, and research. Some
of the types of factories at PAC include:
1. AMF (Aircraft Manufacturing Factory)
2. APF (Aircraft Avionics Production Factory)
3. ARF (Aircraft Rebuild Factory)
4. MRF (Mirage Rebuild Factory)

1. Aircraft Manufacturing Factory:

This factory is responsible for the assembly and production of various types of aircraft,
including fighter jets, trainer aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Skilled
technicians and engineers work here to fabricate airframes, install avionics systems, and
conduct quality assurance checks.
2. Avionics Production Factory:
Specializing in avionics and electronics systems, this factory manufactures components such
as radar systems, communication equipment, navigation systems, and flight control systems. It
plays a critical role in enhancing the capabilities and performance of aircraft produced at PAC.
3. Aircraft Rebuild Factory (ARF):
The Aircraft Rebuild Factory focuses on the refurbishment, modernization, and overhaul of
existing aircraft platforms. This factory specializes in extending the operational life of aircraft

Internship Report

by conducting comprehensive inspections, repairs, and upgrades to ensure they meet current
standards and requirements. ARF may undertake projects such as structural repairs, avionics
upgrades, engine overhauls, and installation of new systems or equipment to enhance the
performance and capabilities of the aircraft. The ARF plays a crucial role in maintaining the
readiness and effectiveness of Pakistan's air force by prolonging the service life of aging
aircraft and ensuring they remain operationally relevant.
4. Mirage Rebuild Factory (MRF):
The Mirage Rebuild Factory is specifically dedicated to the overhaul, refurbishment, and
maintenance of Mirage aircraft. Mirage aircraft have been a significant part of Pakistan's air
force inventory, and the MRF is responsible for ensuring their continued airworthiness and
operational readiness. MRF conducts extensive inspections, repairs, and upgrades to Mirage
aircraft to extend their service life, enhance performance, and incorporate modern avionics and

Designated Factory
Designating the Mirage Rebuilt Factory as a mechanical internship training site provides a
unique opportunity for aspiring mechanical engineers to gain hands-on experience in the
refurbishment and maintenance of Mirage aircraft. As a trainee at this facility, individuals will
have the chance to work alongside experienced professionals in a dynamic environment
dedicated to aircraft overhaul and restoration.

Mirage Rebuilt factory (MRF):

The Mirage Rebuilt Factory (MRF) stands as a cornerstone of aerospace engineering and
maintenance within the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) infrastructure. Situated within
the sprawling complex of PAC Kamra, the MRF specializes in the refurbishment, overhaul,
and modernization of Mirage aircraft, a key component of Pakistan's aerial defense capabilities.
With a rich history of service and expertise spanning decades, the Mirage Rebuilt Factory
embodies a commitment to excellence and innovation in aerospace maintenance and upgrade
solutions. Its strategic location within PAC Kamra underscores its integral role in supporting
Pakistan's defense requirements and advancing the nation's aerospace capabilities.
At the heart of the Mirage Rebuilt Factory's mission is the preservation and enhancement of
Mirage aircraft, originally manufactured by Dassault Aviation in France. These versatile and
formidable aircraft have served as a mainstay of Pakistan's air force, requiring meticulous

Internship Report

maintenance and periodic refurbishment to ensure their continued operational effectiveness.

The Mirage Rebuilt Factory boasts state-of-the-art facilities, equipped with advanced
technologies and specialized machinery tailored to the unique needs of Mirage aircraft
maintenance. Skilled technicians, engineers, and support staff collaborate tirelessly to conduct
comprehensive inspections, repairs, and upgrades, adhering to stringent quality standards and
regulatory requirements.
Moreover, the Mirage Rebuilt Factory is not merely a center for maintenance and
refurbishment; it is a hub of innovation and continuous improvement. Through ongoing
research and development efforts, the factory explores new technologies, materials, and
methodologies to optimize Mirage aircraft performance and extend their service life.

History of MRF
The history of the Mirage Rebuilt Factory (MRF) is closely intertwined with Pakistan's
strategic and defense requirements, as well as its efforts to maintain and enhance its aerospace
capabilities. Here's an overview of the historical journey of the MRF:
Origins and Acquisition of Mirage Aircraft:
Pakistan's association with Mirage aircraft dates back to the 1960s when the Pakistan Air Force
(PAF) acquired Mirage III and Mirage V aircraft from France.
These aircraft played a pivotal role in bolstering Pakistan's air defense capabilities, particularly
during conflicts and tensions with neighboring countries.
Establishment of Maintenance Facilities:
With the acquisition of Mirage aircraft, the need for maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO)
facilities became evident.
Initially, maintenance and repair activities for Mirage aircraft were conducted at various PAF
bases, but the volume and complexity of work necessitated a dedicated facility.
Formation of Mirage Rebuilt Factory:
The Mirage Rebuilt Factory (MRF) was established within the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex
(PAC) Kamra to cater specifically to the refurbishment, overhaul, and modernization of Mirage
aircraft. The factory was equipped with specialized machinery, tools, and skilled personnel to
undertake comprehensive maintenance and upgrade tasks.
Evolution and Expansion:
Over the years, the MRF evolved and expanded its capabilities to meet the growing demands
of Mirage aircraft maintenance.
It continuously upgraded its facilities, adopted new technologies, and expanded its workforce

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to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Modernization and Upgrades:
In addition to routine maintenance and overhaul activities, the MRF played a significant role
in modernizing Mirage aircraft to keep them operationally relevant.
Upgrades included avionics enhancements, structural modifications, and integration of
advanced weapons systems to enhance combat capabilities.
Contributions to National Security:
The Mirage Rebuilt Factory has made significant contributions to Pakistan's national security
by ensuring the operational readiness and effectiveness of Mirage aircraft.
Its timely maintenance and modernization efforts have enabled Mirage aircraft to fulfill critical
roles in aerial defense, reconnaissance, and strike missions.
Future Prospects:
As Pakistan continues to invest in its aerospace capabilities, the Mirage Rebuilt Factory is
expected to play a vital role in supporting the maintenance and modernization of Mirage
aircraft for the foreseeable future.
The factory will likely continue to evolve and adapt to emerging technologies and operational
requirements to remain at the forefront of Mirage aircraft sustainment.

Properties of Mirage Aircraft

The Mirage aircraft, renowned for its agility, speed, and versatility, possesses several
distinctive properties that contribute to its operational effectiveness.

Figure 2. Mirage Aircraft

Internship Report

Here are some key properties of Mirage aircraft:

High Maneuverability
Mirage aircraft are renowned for their exceptional agility and maneuverability, enabling them
to perform a wide range of aerial maneuvers with precision and speed.
Their aerodynamic design, combined with powerful engines and advanced flight control
systems, allows for rapid changes in direction and altitude, essential for air combat situations.
Supersonic Speed
Mirage aircraft are capable of achieving supersonic speeds, often surpassing Mach 2 (twice the
speed of sound).
This high-speed capability enables Mirage aircraft to quickly reach their targets, evade enemy
threats, and execute rapid tactical maneuvers.
Mirage aircraft are highly versatile platforms that can be adapted for various mission roles,
including air superiority, ground attack, reconnaissance, and interception.
Their modular design and advanced avionics systems allow for easy integration of different
mission-specific equipment and weapons payloads.
Advanced Avionics
Mirage aircraft are equipped with advanced avionics systems, including radar, navigation,
communication, and electronic warfare suites.
These avionics systems provide pilots with enhanced situational awareness, target acquisition,
and self-defense capabilities, crucial for operating in dynamic and hostile environments.
Range and Endurance
Mirage aircraft have impressive range and endurance capabilities, allowing them to operate
over long distances and remain airborne for extended periods.
This enables Mirage aircraft to conduct missions such as aerial patrols, reconnaissance sorties,
and deep strike operations with minimal logistical support.
Weapons Integration
Mirage aircraft are capable of carrying a wide array of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons,
including missiles, bombs, rockets, and gun pods.
Their versatile weapon systems allow for precise targeting of both aerial and ground targets,
making Mirage aircraft formidable assets in combat scenarios.
Reliability and Maintainability
Mirage aircraft are known for their reliability and ease of maintenance, thanks to robust

Internship Report

engineering principles and streamlined maintenance procedures.

This ensures high aircraft availability rates and minimizes downtime for maintenance and
repairs, essential for sustained operational readiness.
Stealth Features (In Some Models)
Some variants of Mirage aircraft incorporate stealth features and radar-absorbing materials to
reduce their radar cross-section and enhance survivability in contested airspace.

Overhauling steps of Mirage Aircraft

The overhauling steps of Mirage aircraft are following flow diagram

Distribution of MRF
MRF usually distributed in two major sections which ae following:

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1. Engine Section
2. Aircraft Section

Engine Section
The Engine Section at the Mirage Rebuilt Factory (MRF) is a critical component of the facility,
specializing in the maintenance, repair, overhaul, and testing of the engines installed in Mirage
aircraft. As the powerplant of the aircraft, the engine section plays a pivotal role in ensuring
the reliability, performance, and safety of Mirage aircraft. Here’s an overview of the key
functions and activities conducted within the Engine Section:
i. Disassembly and Inspection of Engine wing
ii. Quality Control Wing
iii. Production Planning Control wing
iv. Repair and Fabrication wing
v. Accessory wing
I. Disassembly and Inspection of Engine Wing:
• The Disassembly and Inspection Wing is responsible for the initial phase of engine
maintenance, where engines removed from aircraft undergo disassembly and thorough
• Skilled technicians dismantle the engine components, including turbine blades,
compressor stages, combustion chambers, and accessory drives, following established
• Comprehensive inspections are conducted to assess the condition of each component,
identifying wear, damage, or defects that may require repair or replacement.
II. Quality Control Wing:
• The Quality Control Wing ensures that all engine maintenance activities meet stringent
quality standards and regulatory requirements.
• Skilled inspectors conduct inspections and audits throughout the engine overhaul
process to verify compliance with specifications, procedures, and documentation.
• Quality control measures are implemented to ensure the integrity, reliability, and safety
of refurbished engines before they are returned to service.
III. Production Planning Control (PPC) Wing:
• The Production Planning Control Wing is responsible for coordinating and optimizing
the workflow within the Engine Section.
• Production planners develop schedules, allocate resources, and prioritize tasks to ensure

Internship Report

efficient utilization of manpower and equipment.

• They liaise with other sections and departments to streamline production processes,
minimize downtime, and meet project deadlines.
IV. Repair and Fabrication Wing:
• The Repair and Fabrication Wing is tasked with repairing, refurbishing, or fabricating
engine components that require maintenance or replacement.
• Skilled engineers and technicians perform precision repairs, machining, and welding
on engine components to restore them to optimal condition.
• When components are beyond repair, the wing may fabricate new parts using advanced
manufacturing techniques to ensure compatibility and performance.
V. Accessory Wing:
• The Accessory Wing focuses on the maintenance, repair, and overhaul of engine
accessories and peripheral systems.
• This includes components such as fuel pumps, oil pumps, starters, generators, and
hydraulic systems that support the operation of the engine.
• Skilled technicians troubleshoot, test, and refurbish accessory components to ensure
their reliability and functionality.
Each wing within the Engine Section plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability,
performance, and safety of aircraft engines through meticulous maintenance, inspection, repair,
and quality control processes. Together, they contribute to the sustained operational readiness
and effectiveness of Mirage aircraft and other platforms reliant on their engines.

Figure 3. Mirage Turbofan Engines

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Engines Overhauled at MRF

There are some following engines are overhaul at MRF:
• T-56 Engine
• TFE731-2A-2A Engine
• J69-T25 An Engine
• Attar Engine
• F 100 Engine

T-56 Engine
• T-56 Engine is single shaft, modular design military turboprop engine developed by
Alon Engine company now Produced under Rolls-Royce. The T-56 engine is known as
world number one large turboprop Engine. I mostly used inC-130 Hercules and other
civilians’ airlines like Conair 580.The engine delivers approximately 4,000 horsepower
to propeller with an additional 800 pounds of thrust produced by jet exhaust Its
maximum altitude is 55,000 feet.
• The T-56 engine features a 14- stage axial flow compressor. The Compressor is
responsible for drawing in and compressing ambient air, preparing it for combustion.
This Compressor has 1024 blades. The engine has combustion chamber with a canular
design and cylindrical through flow combustion liners.
• The T-56 engine utilize on ignition system to initiate the Combustion process in
Combustion chamber using ignites plugs. These plugs differ from spark ply’s used in
reciprocating engine and are designed to provide reliable ignition during engine start-
up and certain flight Conditions. The Combustion in combustion chamber then expand
and flow through turbine section. The turbine is driven by the high-temperature and
Energy gases high pressure gases extracting to power the compressor and drive the
propeller Overall, T-56 engine follows Brayton Gale.

ATAR-09C Turbo Jet Engine

ATAR-09C engine is a 20th Century French technology made by SNECMA
manufacturers that is aa French turbine engine development Company, Safran Aircraft
Engines, previously SNECMA is a French aerospace engine manufacturer head
quartered in Lourcournnes and a subsidiary of 5 a from. It designs, manufactures and
maintains engines for commercial and military aircraft rocket engines for launch

Internship Report

vehicles and "as well satellites.

A turbine engine consists of three basic parts

• Compressor
• 2 Combustion chamber
• Turbine

ATAR-09C have different sections

• Intake Casing
• Compressor
• Centre Casing
• Combustion chamber
• Turbine Section Inner Cone
• Nozzle Support.

T-56-A-15-Turboprop Engine
The T-56 turboprop engine stands for its Cornerstone of aviation history, renowned
exceptional reliable, robust design, and versatile application. This engine has found its
home in varies aircraft, mostly notably the Locke heed C-130 Hercules where it has
played a crucial role in enabling and strategic airlift capabilities for military forces
around the world.
F100 Turbofan Engine
The Pratt and Whitney F100 key powerplant used in the F-16 fighter jet, providing it
with impressive thrust and performance Capabilities. Pratt and Whitney & on American
aerospace manufacturer with global service operations. F100 engine series hand
undergone several iteration and upgrades, contributing to the F-16's renowned agility
Speed and combat effectiveness. The Fl00 engine produce a significant amount of
thrust, enabling the F-16 to achieve high speeds and excel maneuvers. The after burning
capabilities further enhances the aircraft performance during Combet and acceleration
The F100 features a multi spool design, which contributes to efficient power delivery
and optimal performance across Various regimes. F100 turbo fan engine is a modular
type of engine ease in maintenance and overhauling. The F100which provides turbofan
engine has five modules.
• Inlet Fan Module

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• Core Engine Module

• Fan Drive Turbine Module
• Augmenter Module
• Gear Box Module

J69-7-25A Turbojet Engine

The J69 turbojet engine Characterized by its compact design and notable specific at
delivered a dry thrust of approximately 1025 to 1045 pounds Showcasing its efficiency
in generating power without the use of afterburners. Measuring around 95.2 inches in
length and 22.9 inches in diameter, the engine compact size contributed to its versatility
in various aircraft applications. Weighing between 500 to 600 pounds, the J69 struck a
balance between power and weight a crucial factor in aircraft performance its single
stage centrifugal compressor efficiency drew in and compressed air, while the single-
stage axial flow turbine harnessed this compressed air for propulsion while the J69
propelled aircraft to subsonic speeds, its design and Specifications made it an asset in
aviation technology during its operational tenure.

Aircraft Section
Component Wing
There is a total twelve shops in the component wing in which there are six mechanical shops.
• Landing Gear Shop
• Servo shop
• Mechanical shop
• Hydraulic shop
• Pneumatic shop
• Fuel shop

Landing Gear Shop

The over hauling and maintenance of the landing gear system is handled by the landing
gear shop, each component is bench tested after disassembly. Over hauling of the
landing gear system comprises two types of inspection, Minor Maintenance MM and
Review General which is major examination.
Servo Shop
Servos and servomechanisms play a critical role in aircraft control systems. They are
used to assist in precise control of various flight surfaces, such as ailerons, elevators

Internship Report

and rudders. Servos are electromechanical devices that receive commands from the
pilot control inputs of aircraft avionics system and move the flight surfaces accordingly
Contributing to aircraft stability, sew as that are Used in Mirage 05.
• Aileron servos
• Elevator Servos Rudder Servos
• Flap Servos
• Slats Servos Spoiler Servos
• Trim Servos

Mechanical Shop
Mechanical shop contains and deals with the repair of the mechanical components that
are used in Mirage 05, repairing and overhauling for their proper working and
reliability. Mechanical components that are being overhauled
• Torque Limiter
• Control Volume
• Rudder Pedal
• Unlocking Box
• Shock Cone Motor
• Pitch Bulk Crank

Hydraulic Shop
Hydraulic shop deals with all components of the aircraft that work on the hydraulics.
Hydraulics is very important part of aircraft these are like the muscles of the aircraft
and hydraulic Oil is same as blood running in the veins and Muscles. These are used in
landing gear systems, Cockpit dour, Flaps, stats, ailerons Mirage braking system uses
Fuel Shop
The fuel shop verses the repair, maintenance and overhauling of Mirage 05's fuel tanks.
The Aircraft has in fuel tanks, Six of which are external. The six internal tanks are
internal and three of which have a total capacity of3500 liters, while the external fuel
tanks have capacity ranging from 1500 to 1700 liters. One external internal tank takes
roughly 15 minutes to empty giving a total flying length of I how30 minutes when using
only internal tanks, however flight time can be enhanced using external tanks. Precision
Measurement Equipment Lab (PMEL)measuring equipment Lab is to ensure a
Precision Controlled environment designed accurate measurements in various fields

Internship Report

such as electronic mechanics and typically contains specialized facilities to

measure different parameters with high precision. Here are Some Facility Electronic
• Torque Facility
• Dimension Facility
• Pressure and Temperature Facility

During Internship we visited R and F Wings its Repair and Fabrication Wing. And we
F wing its many new things. The special process are given below more learned Rand F
Repair and Fabrication wing has the facility to accomplish chrome, Nickle, Silver,
Cadmium, Line Copper, phosphate, Chromate, Alodine, Anodization, Electro less
Nickle up to and Diffused Nickle Cadmium electro plating maximum job size of 18
inches and the plating layer ranging from 0.0006mm to Fabrication0.40mm. Repair and
wing has a facility of Anodizing of Aluminum and Aluminum alloy coating up to
maximum size of 12 inch.
Heat Treatment
Heat treatment processes includes hardening, annealing, Normalizing, Tempering,
Quenching. and Carburizing. Heat treatment furnace has it's operating limit up to
maximum temperature at1150 Č.

Machining available
The following machining processes are
CNC Turning
• CNC turning machine is used in R and F Wing for precision machine, reclaiming parts
requiring repairs and manufacturing parts to maintain and Service the aviation engine.
• CNC grinding machine enable precise and efficient material removal using a rotating
grinding wheel.
• primary objective is to achieve close tolerance an d Surface finishes
• Applications include flute grinding, thread and Cylinder
• CNC grinding machine known for their ability to smooth surface finishes and
minimizing deformation

Internship Report

CNC Jig Boring Machine

• These Machines are designed for high precision machining Particularly for drilling,
reaming and boring.
• They are Capable of achieving tight tolerance and an used for creating precise holes
• Jig boring machine accurate dimension are essential for application requiring extreme
precision, Such as in the aerospace

CNC Milling
CNC milling is an automated technology designed to remove material in a Controlled
preprogramed manner to Produce Parts.
CNC milling machine operates on G and M Code. Al most all materials can be
manufactured on this machine.
CNC milled parts have high tolerance with machines Capable of achieving tolerance
10. Dol to ± 0.005 in.
The process works by removing parts from a workpiece using a Computer -Controlled
rotating cylinder Cutting that moves along multiple axis.
Precision Machining
It is a process that removes excess material from a workpiece while holding close
tolerance finishes to create a finished product. It involves cutting, milling, turning and
Electrical discharge machining and generally performed by CNC.
Precision machining is designed for high tolerance, produce Parts with greater accuracy
and low defects. The parts are created with specialized tools and the equipment to meet
the original design to the most accurate level often made from metals and the other

Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI)

NDI refer to use nondestructive (NDI) techniques to examine the aircraft and structures
without components NDE is an repair and essential part of the aircraft maintenance
overhaul process ensuring safety and reliability of aircraft. During aircraft overhauling.
NDI techniques are employed to detect defects other irregularities of various aircraft
Following NDI techniques Corrosion are used in MRF.
• Visual Inspection
• Fluorescent Penetrating Inspection (FPI)

Internship Report

• Magnetic Particle Testing

• Eddy Current technique
• Radio Graphic Testing
• Ultra Sonic Testing

Structure and Repair Wing (SR)

Includes SR wing overhauling of big structure like fuselage and Wings.
Fuse Lage
The mirage aircraft typically feature distinctive waisted particle, with a fuselage designed
according to a area role. The fuse lage houses the cock pit avionics, fuel tanks and other
systems necessary are aircraft operations. It provides structural integrity and
aerodynamics Stability to the aircraft. During overhauling process, the fuselage
undergoes inspections, maintenance and refurbishment. This includes de painting,
disassembly, ageing, analysis and inspection for cracks, corrasion and other structural
CMM stand for coordinates measuring machine which used to measure the geometries
of objects. CMM use a probing system to detect discrete points on the surface of object,
allowing for precise dimensional measurements.
Master Gage
Master 3D gage is portable and affordable CMM that revolutionize dimensional
measurement with its integrated Hexagon Metrology, sin axis command powerful 3D
model-based software. It offers precise and efficient verification of part quality. It
provides real time measurement and enhancing productivity. With optional 3D
scanning capabilities and hot swappable probs of for versatility in inspecting complex
profiles. whether it's for inspection, reverse engineering or dimensional control, this
advanced CMM delivers accurate results.
3D Printing
After reverse engineering the part is 3d printed for next step i.e. investment Casting.
Two 3d Printers used in MRF design facility.
• P4 Dual lens 3D printer
• Maker Bot 218

Investment Casting
The investment casting is used to manufacturing of part. It is a process where wax

Internship Report

pattern is 3D Printed and used to create 9melted out and molten metal Final part. It is
ahigh quality parts. Ceramic shell. Then pattern is then is poured in to shell to create
flexible cast savings and producing

CNC Hydro Forming Machine

This machine Combine the precision of computer numerical control technology with
the fluid pressure-based hydro forming process. It allows for accurate and automated
shaping of enabling the production of complex shapes, with high efficiency. The CNC
hydroforming which is metal parts, available at MRF has following properties
• Dimension: 11 feet x 2 feet x 4-9 inches
• Total 4 motors
• 1 Main motors: 22.2KW
• 2 Back motors,
• Servo gear motor:
• Tank Capacity
• 22Kw / one cycle
• 22kw 600 liters

My internship at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra's factory, MRF, has been an
invaluable experience that has significantly enhanced my understanding of mechanical
engineering in an aerospace context. Working on the maintenance and repair of aircraft
components, I was exposed to the intricate systems and high standards required in this industry.
This hands-on experience with advanced machinery and technology has greatly developed my
technical skills and provided a solid foundation for my future career.
One of the most enriching aspects of this internship was the mentorship and guidance I received
from experienced professionals. Their expertise and commitment to excellence were both
inspiring and educational, helping me to cultivate a professional work ethic and a dedication to
continuous improvement. Additionally, adhering to strict safety protocols and quality control
measures has highlighted the importance of precision and attention to detail in ensuring the
reliability and performance of aeronautical components.


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