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Class 9


Extra questions (Working Institutions)

Question 1.

The President of India is the highest formal authority in the _______ .



Question 2.

Prime Minister is the one who actually exercises all governmental powers and he is the head of the
_______ .



Question 3.

Who exercises more powers in money matters?


The Lok Sabha

Question 4.

On August 13, 1990, the Government of India issued an office memorandum for 27% reservation for
socially and educationally Backward classes in _______ .


Civil posts or services under Government of India

Question 5.

An institution where disputes between citizens and the government of India are finally settled, is
_______ .

The Supreme Court

Question 6.

In India, a national assembly of elected representatives is called _______ .



Question 7.

An assembly of elected representatives at the state level is called _______ .


Legislative Assembly or Legislature

Question 8.

The President of India is a part of the Parliament, although he/she is not a _______ .


Member of either House

Question 9.

Our constitution gives the Rajya Sabha some special powers over :


The states

Question 10.

In a democratic country like India there are two types of executives. They are _______ .


Political Executive and Permanent Executive

Question 11.

Name a government formed by an alliance of two or more political parties, usually when no single party
enjoys majority support of the members in a legislature.


Coalition Government

Question 12.

What is the full form of SEBC?


Socially and Economically Backward classes.

Question 13.

Who appoints the judges of the Supreme Court?


The President on the advice of the Prime Minister and in consultation with the chief Justice of the
Supreme Court.

Question 14.

Who was the head of the Mandal Commission?


B.R Mandal.

Question 15.

Who is the most important institution in the country?


The Prime Minister is the most important institution in the country.

Question 16.

What is the Parliament?


Parliament is the Supreme law—making body of India.

Question 17.

Name the two houses of the Parliament.


The two houses are—Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

Question 18.

Who is the Supreme Cammander of the defence forces of India?


The President is the Supreme Commander of the defence force of India.

Question 19.

What is meant by ‘Office Memorandum’?


A communication issued by an appropriate authority stating the policy or decision of the government.

Question 20.

What is the role of the President of India?


The President is the Executive head of the state and is the highest formal authority in the country.

Question 21.

What do you know about Mandal Commission?

Mandal Commission was asked to determine the criteria to identify the socially and educationally
backward classes in India and recommend steps to be taken for their advancement.

Question 22.

Who have the power to interpret the Constitution of the country?


The Supreme Court and the High Court have power to interpret the constitution of the country.

Question 23.

Why does the political executive have more powers than the permanent executive?


It is because political executive consists of the direct representatives of the people.

Question 24.

Who were against Mandal Commission’s Recommendations?


Some of the people felt that this commission’s recommendations were quite unfair as it would deny
equality of opportunity to those who did not belong to backward communities. They would be denied
jobs even though they could be more qualified.

Question 25.

What do you understand by an executive?


At different levels of any government, we find functionaries who take day-to-day decisions but do not
exercise supreme power on behalf of the people. All those functionaries are collectively known as the

Question 26.

What do you mean by judiciary?


All the Courts at different levels in a country put together are called the judiciary.

Question 27.

What do you understand by public interest litigation?


Anyone can approach the courts if public interest is hurt by the actions of government. This is called
public interest litigation.

Question 28.

Who are Cabinet Ministers?


Cabinet Ministers are usually top-level leaders of the ruling party or parties who are in-charge of the
major ministries.

Question 29.

What do you understand by the term ‘Political Executive’?


The one that is elected by the people for a specific period, is called political executive.

Question 30.

What do you mean by ‘Permanent Executive’?


Permanent Executive members are appointed on a long-term basis. This category is also called civil

Question 31.

What is judicial review?

The Supreme Court and the High Courts can declare invalid any law or action of the legislature, if they
find such a law or action is against the constitution. They can determine the Constitutional validity of any
legislation or action of the executive in the country, when it is challenged before them. This is known as
judicial review.

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