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Time 1 hour. Answer all questions in this test.

1. Explain the relationship between this diagram Q1. Provide 5 points (5 marks)

Mineral a
Rock x Mineral b
Mineral c

Diagram Q1

Definition, relationship and example or explain the rock formation by giving example , eg :
granite or metamorphic , sedimentary rock usually not really realte to 1 specific mineral
because it’s the most hit by weathering and cementation of accumulation of minerals

The relationship between minerals and rocks is fundamental to understanding the Earth's
geological processes.

Minerals are the building blocks of rocks, and the composition, arrangement, and
interactions of these minerals determine the characteristics of the resulting rocks.

Igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks are aggregates of minerals formed through

various geological processes. For instance, in igneous rocks like granite, minerals such as
quartz, feldspar, and mica crystallize from magma during cooling.

Metamorphic rocks, such as schist, show mineral recrystallization in response to heat and
pressure. sedimentary rocks like sandstone form through the accumulation and cementation
of mineral particles transported by natural forces.

The rock cycle, a continuous process of rock formation, transformation, and recycling,
underlines the dynamic relationship between minerals and rocks on Earth's surface.
Understanding this relationship is crucial for interpreting the Earth's geological history, as the
distinctive properties of rocks are linked to the mineralogical composition and processes that
shaped them.


Rocks undergo distinct formation processes that give rise to their unique characteristics.
Igneous rocks originate from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava, where
minerals like quartz, feldspar, and mica crystallize to form rocks such as granite.

Metamorphic rocks, exemplified by schist, arise from pre-existing rocks undergoing changes
induced by heat, pressure, or chemical fluids, leading to the recrystallization of minerals. ‘
Sedimentary rocks, like sandstone, form through the weathering and erosion of existing rocks,
followed by the deposition and cementation of mineral particles transported by water, wind, or
In each case, the specific minerals present and their interactions during the formation process
contribute to the distinctive texture and appearance of the resulting rock. Igneous rocks
shows the minerals crystallized during magma cooling, metamorphic rocks shows altered
mineralogy due to heat and pressure, and sedimentary rocks represent a compilation of
transported and cemented mineral particles, emphasizing the intimate relationship between
minerals and rock formation.

2. What is the different characteristic of texture of minerals in extrusive and intrusive igneous
rock ? Provide 6 points (6 marks)
When the question ask on texture of the minerals , usually it relates to igneous and
metamorphic rock only , so remember intru extru of igneous rock and foliation , non folistion
n granular texture of metamorphic rock. You can draw and write in details like both figures
to explain and label.
The texture of minerals in igneous rocks, whether intrusive or extrusive, is intricately shaped
by the rate of cooling during magma solidification.
Intrusive igneous rocks, formed through slow cooling beneath the Earth's surface, exhibit
a coarse-grained texture as mineral crystals grow to a relatively large size, readily visible
to the naked eye. Examples like granite shows distinct crystals of minerals such as quartz,
feldspar, and mica. These rocks show a plutonic or phaneritic texture with uniform-sized
mineral grains.
Conversely, extrusive igneous rocks, generated through rapid cooling at or near the Earth's
surface, feature fine-grained textures due to the prevention of large crystal formation.
Basalt, a common extrusive rock, illustrates microscopic crystals with a microcrystalline
structure, requiring a microscope for detailed examination. These rocks exhibit an
aphanitic texture, presenting a uniform, fine-grained appearance without visible
individual crystals. In instances of extremely rapid cooling, exemplified by volcanic glass
or obsidian, extrusive rocks may form glassy textures devoid of discernible crystals. The
interplay between cooling rates and mineral textures underscores the diverse characteristics
within both intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks, highlighting the geological processes that
govern their formation.
(6 marks)

3. Name one of rock that you know , and List at least three (3) minerals in igneous ,
metamorphic or sedimentary rock.

1. Quartz:
- Composition: Silicon dioxide (SiO2)
- Characteristics: Quartz is a hard, transparent to translucent mineral that often forms well-
defined crystals. It contributes to the overall hardness and durability of granite.

2. Feldspar (Potassium Feldspar and Plagioclase Feldspar):

- Composition: Potassium feldspar contains potassium, aluminum, and silica; Plagioclase
feldspar contains sodium, calcium, aluminum, and silica.
- Characteristics: Feldspar is a group of minerals with a range of colors (white, pink, gray).
In granite, you'll often find both potassium and plagioclase feldspar.

3. Mica (Biotite or Muscovite):

- Composition: Biotite is a dark-colored mica containing iron and magnesium; Muscovite
is a light-colored mica containing potassium and aluminum.
- Characteristics: Mica minerals have a sheet-like structure and are often responsible for
the shiny appearance of granite. Biotite gives a dark hue, while muscovite is lighter in color.

5. Process of metamorphism can lead to change in mineralogy and change in minerals texture
in the newly formed metamorphic rocks. With respect to types of metamorphism, i.e. regional
and contact metamorphism, explain briefly which type of metamorphism leads to change in
mineralogy? (6 marks)

Metamorphism, a fundamental geological process, entails the transformation of rocks in

mineralogy, texture, and, at times, chemical composition due to elevated temperature,
pressure, or chemically reactive fluids. (very important point) The two primary types of
metamorphism are regional metamorphism and contact metamorphism, each characterized by
distinct features and geological settings.
Regional metamorphism unfolds over expansive areas, often associated with tectonic events
like mountain-building or tectonic plate collisions. It involves high pressure and temperature
conditions, typically occurring during the deep burial of rocks in the Earth's crust. This process
induces significant changes in mineralogy, leading to the formation of new minerals stable
under the altered conditions, often resulting in the development of foliation—a layered or
banded texture due to mineral alignment. Rocks such as schist and gneiss commonly emerge
from regional metamorphism.

In contrast, contact metamorphism operates on a more localized scale, occurring near igneous
intrusions where rocks interact with molten magma or hot fluids. While it involves high
temperatures, the pressures are generally lower compared to regional metamorphism.
Contact metamorphism leads to limited changes in mineralogy, primarily through the
recrystallization of minerals induced by the heat from intruding magma. This process often
results in non-foliated textures, where minerals are not aligned in distinct layers. Examples
of rocks produced by contact metamorphism include marble (derived from limestone) and
hornfels, where the original minerals may undergo recrystallization without significant
mineralogical changes.

In summary, metamorphism is a dynamic geological phenomenon encompassing regional

and contact metamorphism, each influenced by specific conditions and geological contexts.
Regional metamorphism, associated with large-scale tectonic processes, induces profound
changes in mineralogy and often leads to the development of foliated textures. On the other
hand, contact metamorphism, occurring in localized areas near igneous intrusions, results in
limited mineralogical changes, typically with non-foliated textures. The diverse manifestations
of metamorphism underscore its crucial role in shaping the Earth's crust and the formation of
various rock types.
more localized and less mineralogically transformative effects of contact metamorphism.
6. Table Q6 lists the descriptions of various rock types,(i) state whether the respective
description is correct or wrong and (ii) Point out the reason for your answer. (20 marks)

Table Q6: Descriptions of various rock type

Descriptions (i) (ii) Reason
Correct/wrong (3 mark each)
(1mark each)
Minerals arrangement in metamorphic rocks is Wrong Cleavage is a term
termed as cleavage used to describe
the way minerals
break along
certain planes due
to their internal
structure. In
rocks, the
arrangement of
minerals is often
characterized by
foliation or
lineation, not
Sedimentary rocks can be easily indentified by Wrong Sedimentary
their interlocking crystalline texture rocks typically
have a clastic or
texture. The term
texture" is more
characteristic of
igneous rocks,
where minerals
interlock as they
crystallize from
molten magma.

Temparature is the only agent of metamorphism Wrong Regional

associated with regional metamorphism metamorphism is
associated with
both high
temperature and
pressure. The
combination of
these factors,
along with
reactive fluids,
contributes to the
changes in
mineralogy and
texture observed
in rocks
Ultrabasic igneous rocks are formed at a later wrong This statement is
stage of crystallisation of magma (low incorrect.
temparature) Ultrabasic
igneous rocks,
such as peridotite,
are actually
formed at the
early stages of
from magma,
specifically at
They are rich in
iron and
magnesium and
have a low silica
Calcium carbonate (mineral in limestone) is Wrong Calcium
very resistant to physical and chemical carbonate, the
weathering main mineral in
limestone, is
susceptible to
especially in the
presence of acidic
conditions. It can
dissolve over time
through processes
like carbonation.

6. An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 on Richter scale that hit Chile on April 2014, proves
the dynamics nature of the earth. Chile is known to be a country that lies on Pacific Ring of
Fire. As future civil engineer, knowledge on this major geohazard is essential in dealing with
the occurrence of such incidents.
a) Explain how the nature and structure of the earth system could induce earthquake
(6 marks)
Earthquakes are primarily induced by the dynamic processes occurring within the
Earth's lithosphere, which is the rigid outer layer consisting of the crust and
uppermost part of the mantle. The Earth's internal structure and geological
phenomena play a significant role in triggering earthquakes. Here are some key

1. Tectonic Plate Movements:

- The Earth's lithosphere is divided into several large and rigid plates known as
tectonic plates. These plates are constantly in motion due to the convective currents
in the underlying semi-fluid asthenosphere.
- The interactions at plate boundaries, including convergent (colliding), divergent
(moving apart), and transform (sliding past each other) boundaries, result in stress
and strain along fault lines.

2. Faults and Faulting:

- Faults are fractures in the Earth's crust where blocks of rock have moved relative to
each other. The stress along these faults can cause them to rupture, releasing stored
energy in the form of seismic waves, leading to an earthquake.
- The movement along faults can be vertical (normal faults), horizontal (strike-slip
faults), or a combination of both.

3. Subduction Zones:
- In subduction zones, one tectonic plate is forced beneath another in a process known
as subduction. The intense pressure and heat generated in these zones can lead to
the release of seismic energy, causing powerful earthquakes.
- Subduction zones are often associated with deep-sea trenches and volcanic arcs.

In summary, the geological processes and the structure of the Earth's lithosphere,
especially related to tectonic plate movements, faulting, subduction, and volcanic
activity, are key factors contributing to the occurrence of earthquakes. The release
of accumulated stress along fault lines and plate boundaries leads to the generation
of seismic waves, resulting in the seismic events we recognize as earthquakes.

b) In the incident, minor scale of tsunami was reported. Why? (answer your
question based on the type of movement of the tectonic plates)
(6 marks)
In the aftermath of a seismic event, the occurrence of a minor-scale tsunami can be
attributed to the specific type of movement along tectonic plate boundaries.
One significant factor contributing to the generation of tsunamis is the vertical
displacement of the seafloor during an undersea earthquake. The Earth's lithosphere
is divided into several tectonic plates that interact along plate boundaries. At
subduction zones, where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, the process
can lead to sudden movements and uplift of the seafloor. Alternatively, at transform
boundaries, where plates slide past each other horizontally, lateral movements can also
contribute to the displacement of the water column.
It is essential to recognize that the type of tectonic plate boundary and the specific
characteristics of the seismic event play a key role in determining the size and
potential destructive force of a tsunami. While some earthquakes may induce
significant vertical displacement and lead to large-scale tsunamis, others,
characterized by minor vertical movements, may result in tsunamis of a lesser
magnitude. Therefore, a understanding of the tectonic plate dynamics involved in the
seismic event is crucial for comprehending the observed scale of the associated tsunami.

7. Rocks are formed from various processes such as cooling of magma, sedimentation and
metamorphism. As such, different type of rocks carries their own typical characteristics
that can be identified in mass and material form. With sketches where appropriate,
discuss the typical characteristics of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock at
both rock mass and rock material scale.

Characteristic Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks

- Massive - Foliated or non-foliated
Rock Mass Scale structures - Horizontal layers structures
- Coarse or fine- - Found in mountainous
grained - Cliffs or gentle slopes regions
Rock Material - Crystalline - Particle arrangement (sand, - Mineral alignment (foliated)
Scale structure organic remains, etc.) or recrystallization
- Examples: - Examples: Sandstone, - Examples: Slate, Marble,
Granite, Basalt Limestone, Shale Schist

(18 marks)

8. Weathering processes are very much dependent on types of parent rocks and climatic regime.
a) Based on mineralogy of GRANITE, discuss the typical texture, colour and
mineralogy of its RESIDUAL SOIL. (10 marks)

The texture of residual soil from granite is influenced by the breakdown of
mineral particles during weathering. Granite itself has a coarse-grained texture
due to the slow cooling of magma beneath the Earth's surface. As weathering
progresses, the granite breaks down into smaller particles, resulting in a finer
texture in the residual soil. The texture can vary from sandy to silty to clayey,
depending on the degree of weathering.

The color of granite residual soil is often related to the mineral composition of the
parent rock. Granite is known for its light colors, including pink, gray, and
white, which are primarily attributed to minerals such as feldspar and
quartz. As weathering occurs, the color of the residual soil may be influenced by
the breakdown of minerals and the presence of secondary minerals. The soil
may range from light to dark colors, with variations depending on factors like
organic matter content.

Granite is composed of several key minerals, including quartz, feldspar (both
potassium and plagioclase), and mica (biotite or muscovite). In the residual soil
derived from granite, these minerals undergo weathering processes that lead to
specific mineralogical changes:
- Quartz: Known for its durability, quartz tends to persist in the residual soil. It
may remain as intact grains or undergo some alteration.
- Feldspar: Weathering of feldspar leads to the formation of clay minerals. The
extent of weathering depends on factors such as climate and the specific type of
feldspar present in the granite.
- Mica: Mica minerals may break down into smaller particles, contributing to
the texture of the residual soil. The dark-colored biotite and lighter-colored
muscovite may exhibit different weathering patterns.

Physical and chemical weathering processes significantly influence the formation

and characteristics of residual soil from fresh granite. Let's explore how each of
these weathering types contributes to the evolution of granite into residual soil:

1. Physical Weathering:
- Mechanical Breakdown: Physical weathering involves the mechanical
breakdown of rocks without altering their chemical composition. In the case of
fresh granite, physical weathering processes like frost action, thermal expansion
and contraction, and abrasion contribute to the disintegration of the rock.
- Particle Size Reduction: As physical weathering progresses, larger mineral
particles in granite are broken into smaller fragments. This process influences the
texture of the residual soil, creating a range of particle sizes from gravel to sand to
2. Chemical Weathering:
- Mineral Decomposition: Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of
minerals in the granite through chemical reactions. Granite is composed of
minerals such as feldspar, quartz, and mica, and each mineral responds differently
to chemical weathering.
- Formation of Secondary Minerals: Feldspar, a common mineral in granite,
undergoes hydrolysis, transforming into clay minerals like kaolinite. This process
contributes to the development of clay-rich fractions in the residual soil. Quartz is
relatively resistant to chemical weathering and may persist in the soil.
- Oxidation and Reduction: Iron-bearing minerals in granite, such as biotite,
may undergo oxidation, resulting in the formation of iron oxides. This process can
impart a reddish or brown color to the residual soil.

3. Interaction of Physical and Chemical Weathering:

- Increased Surface Area: Physical weathering creates fractures and exposes
fresh mineral surfaces, enhancing the susceptibility of granite to chemical
- Water as a Weathering Agent: Water plays a crucial role in both physical
and chemical weathering. It facilitates the penetration of chemicals into mineral
structures, promotes freeze-thaw cycles in physical weathering, and serves as a
medium for various chemical reactions.

4. Climate Influence:
- Humid Climates: In humid climates, where moisture is abundant, chemical
weathering is often more pronounced. The breakdown of minerals, especially
feldspar, leads to the development of clay-rich soils.
- Arid Climates: In arid climates, physical weathering due to thermal stress
and mechanical forces may dominate. The limited moisture availability restricts
the extent of chemical weathering.

In summary, physical and chemical weathering act in tandem to transform fresh

granite into residual soil. Physical processes break down the rock mechanically,
creating smaller particles, while chemical processes alter the mineral composition,
leading to the formation of clay minerals and the oxidation of iron-bearing
minerals. The interplay of these weathering processes is influenced by climatic
conditions, ultimately shaping the characteristics of the residual soil.

b) Describe the karstic terrain of LIMESTONE, specifically comment on its

engineering significance and potential problems for construction of high rise
building on this rock type. ( explain , example , explain the process or describe
the example) for 10 marks , give 3 points.
1. Sinkholes

-common in karstic limestone caused by depressions formed when underground

cavities collapse, posing a significant engineering challenge.

- Problems for Construction: High-rise buildings are vulnerable to sinkholes as

they can compromise the stability of the foundation. Sinkholes may suddenly appear
and cause structural damage.

( 3-4 marks for 1 points)

2. Caves and Underground Voids

- Limestone dissolution creates extensive cave systems and underground voids.

- Problems for Construction: Construction near or above these voids can lead to
subsidence, potentially causing structural damage to buildings. Ensuring the stability
of the ground becomes crucial.

3. Ground Subsidence:

- Significance: Karstic terrain may experience ground subsidence as limestone

dissolves, creating a potential risk for settling/ settlement

- Problems for Construction: Settlement can result in uneven settling of

foundations, causing structural issues for high-rise buildings.

4. Foundation Instability:

- Significance: Limestone's susceptibility to dissolution can lead to unstable

foundation conditions.

- Problems for Construction: High-rise buildings require robust foundations. The

instability caused by karstic features poses challenges in designing and constructing
foundations that can withstand the dynamic nature of the underlying limestone.

5. Water Infiltration:

- Significance: Karstic terrains may have enhanced permeability, allowing rapid

water infiltration.

- Problems for Construction: Construction projects must account for potential

water ingress, which can affect the structural integrity of high-rise buildings and may
lead to moisture-related issues.
6. Engineering Solutions:

- Geotechnical Studies: Thorough geotechnical investigations are crucial to

understand the karstic features and plan construction accordingly.

- Foundation Design: Engineering solutions may involve specialized foundation

designs, such as piling, to ensure stability.

- Risk Mitigation: Implementing risk mitigation strategies, such as grouting to fill

voids, can help reduce the potential impact of karst-related issues on construction

(10 marks)

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