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GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Unit and Dimension

Q.259 Given that v is the speed, r is radius and g is acceleration due to gravity. Which of the
following is dimensionless?

(A) 𝑟

(B) 𝑣 2 𝑔𝑟

(C) 𝑣𝑟 2 𝑔

(D) 𝑔𝑟

Q.260 The van-der Waals equation is

(𝑃 + ) (𝑉 − 𝑏) = 𝑅𝑇

where P is pressure, V is molar volume and T is the temperature of the given sample of
gas. R is called molar gas constant, a and b are called van-der Wall constants.

Which of the following option(s) is/are CORRECT?

(A) The dimensional formula for b is same as that for V.

(B) The dimensional formula for a is same as that for PV2.

(C) a/V2 does not possess the same dimensional formula as that for RT.

(D) The dimensional formula of RT is same as that of energy.

Q.261 In a new temperature scale say oρ, the boiling and freezing points of water at one
atmosphere are 100°ρ and 300°ρ respectively. Correlate this scale with the Centigrade
scale. The reading of 0°ρ on the Centigrade scale is

(A) 0°C (B) 50°C

(C) 100°C (D) 150°C

GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.262 If Force = (x/density) + C is dimensionally correct, the dimensions of x are -

(A) [ M L T–2] (B) [ M L T–3]

(C) [M L2 T –3] (D) [ M2 L–2 T –2]

Q.263 For 10(at+3), the dimension of a is-

(A) [ M0 L0 T0] (B) [ M0 L0 T1 ]

(C) [ M0 L0 T–1] (D) None of these

Q.264 𝑏
The velocity of a moving particle depends upon time t as 𝑣 = 𝑎𝑡 + (𝑡+𝑐) . Then
dimensional formula for b is -

(A) [ M0 L 0 T 0] (B) [ M0 L 1 T 0]

(C) [ M0 L 1 T –1] (D) [M0 L 1 T –2]

Q.265 If 𝐹 = 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑡 2 + 𝑐 where F is force, x is distance and t is time. Then what is dimension

of 𝑏𝑡 2 is

(A) [M L2 T –2] (B) [M L T –2]

(C) [M0 L 0 T 0 ] (D) [M L T –1]

GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.266 Suppose A= BnCm, where A has dimensions LT, B has dimensions L2T –1, and C has
dimensions LT2. Then the exponents n and m have the values:

(A) 2/3; 1/3 (B) 2; 3

(C) 4/5; -1/5 (D) 1/5; 3/5

Q.267 When a solid sphere moves through a liquid, the liquid opposes the motion with a force
F. The magnitude of F depends on the coefficient of viscosity  of the liquid, the radius r
of the sphere and the speed v of the sphere. Assuming that F is proportional to different
powers of these quantities, guess a formula for F using the method of dimensions.

(A) F = krv (B) F = k/rv

(C) F = kr/v (D) F = kr2v

Q.268 The velocity of a particle depends upon as v = a + bt + ct2 If the velocity is in m/s and t is
the time in s.

Which of the following option(s) is/are CORRECT?

(A) the unit of a will be m/s (B) the unit of b will be m/s2

(C) the unit of c will be m/s3 (D) the unit of c will be m/s4

Q.269 A gas bubble from an explosion under water oscillates with a period T proportional to
PaρbEc, where P is the pressure, ρ is density of water and E is the total energy of the
explosion. Find the value of a,b and c`.

(A) a=1, b=1, c=2 (B) a=1, b=2, c=1

(C) a=5/6, b=1/2, c=1/3 (D) a=−5/6, b=1/2, c=1/3

GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.270 1
Calculate the dimensional formula of energy from the equation 𝐸 = 2 𝑚𝑣 2

(A) [ M L T–2] (B) [ M L T–3]

(C) [M L2 T –2] (D) [ M2 L–2 T –2]

Q.271 Kinetic energy of a particle moving along elliptical trajectory is given by K = s2 where
s is the distance travelled by the particle. Determine dimensions of .

(A) [ M T–2] (B) [ L T–3]

(C) [ M T –3] (D) [ L–2 T –2]

Q.272 The position of a particle at time t, is given by the equation, 𝑥(𝑡) = (𝐼 − 𝑒 −𝛼𝑡 ) where v0
is a constant and  > 0. The dimensions of v0 &  are respectively

(A) M0 L1 T0 & T–1 (B) M0 L1 T–1 & T

(C) M0 L1 T–1 & T–1 (D) M1 L1 T–1 & LT–2

Q.273 The distance covered by a particle in time t is going by x = a + bt + ct2 + dt3;

find the dimensions of a, b, c and d.

(A) L, LT–1, LT–2 & LT–3 (B) L, LT–3, LT–2 & LT–1

(C) L, LT–2, LT–2 & LT–4 (D) All dimensionless

GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.274 If the given relation is dimensionally correct

𝑥 = 𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 2

Here ‘u’ represents the initial velocity, 'x' the displacement and ‘t’ the time.

Then ‘a’ will represent

(A) acceleration (B) length

(C) Energy (D) Power

Q.275 The variation of thermal conductivity of a metal with temperature is often correlated
using an expression of the form –
k = k0 + aT
where k is the thermal conductivity, and T is the temperature (in K). The units of a in the
SI system will be :

(A) W/m K (B) W / m

(C) W/m K2 (D) None, a is just a number

Q.276 A new linear temperature scale, denoted by °S, has been developed, where the freezing
point of water is 200 °S and the boiling point is 400 °S. On this scale, 500 °S
corresponds, in degrees Celsius, to

(A) 100°C (B) 125°C

(C) 150°C (D) 300°C

GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.277 The units of frequency factor in Arrhenius equation

(A) Are the same as those of the rate constant

(B) Depend on the order of the reaction

(C) Depend on temperature, pressure etc. of the reaction

(D) Are cycles per unit times

Q.278 The units of the isothermal compressibility are

(A) m-3 (B) Pa-1

(C) m3 Pa-1 (D) m-3Pa-1

Concentration Terms

Q.279 196 grams of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) are dissolved in water to prepare one litre of
solution. Determine the normality (in gm Eq/L).

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4
GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.280 196 grams of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) are dissolved in water to prepare one litre of
solution. Calculate the molarity (mol/L).

(A) 1 (B) 2

(C) 3 (D) 4

Q.281 196 grams of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) are dissolved in water to prepare one litre of
solution. Calculate the molality (mol/kg).

(A) 1 (B) 2

(C) 3 (D) 4

Q.282 10 g of caustic soda are dissolved in water to prepare 500 ml of solution. Calculate
the normality (in gm Eq/L).

(A) 0.5 (B) 1

(C) 2 (D) 3

Q.283 Find out g of HCl needed to prepare 1 litre of 2N HCl solution.

(A) 73 (B) 93

(C) 63 (D) 53
GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.284 Convert 588 g/l H2SO4 to normality.

(A) 6 N (B) 12 N

(C) 18 N (D) 24 N

Q.285 Convert 5N H3PO4 to g/l.

(A) 41.414 (B) 133.35

(C) 111.23 (D) 163.35

Q.286 An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is prepared by dissolving 20 kg of NaCl in

100 kg of water. Calculate weight % composition of solution.

(A) 55.65 (B) 67.67

(C) 83.34 (D) 87.97

Q.287 An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is prepared by dissolving 20 kg of NaCl in

80 kg of water. Calculate mole% composition of solution.

(A) 92.86

(B) 75.78

(C) 67.67

(D) 35.37
GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.288 The strength of aqueous solution of soda ash is specified as 15% Na2O by weight.
Express the composition in terms of weight per cent soda ash.

(A) 25.65 (B) 63.97

(C) 75.75 (D) 87.50

Q.289 The strength of a phosphoric acid sample is found to be 40% P2O5 by weight. Find
out the actual concentration of H3PO4 (weight%) in the acid.

(A) 25.65

(B) 55.21

(C) 77.87

(D) 93.65

Q.290 Nitric acid and water form maximum boiling azeotrope containing 65 mole % water.
Find the composition of azeotrope by weight per cent.

(A) 45.66 (B) 57.86

(C) 65.33 (D) 32.88

GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.291 Spent acid from a fertilizer plant has the following composition by weight.
H2SO4 = 20%
NH4HSO4 = 45%
H2O = 30%
Organic compound = 05%
Calculate the total acid content of the spent acid in terms of H2SO4 after adding the acid
content chemically bound in ammonium hydrogen sulphate.

(A) 58.35% (B) 89.87%

(C) 67.89 % (D) 77.87 %

Q.292 A sample of water contains 2000 ppm solids. Find the concentration of solids by
weight percentage.

(A) 0.20 (B) 0.60

(C) 0.80 (D) 0.65

Q.293 Which of the following modes of expressing concentration is independent of


(A) Molarity (B) Molality

(C) Formality (D) Normality

Q.294 23 g of ethyl alcohol (molar mass 46 g mol-1) is dissolved in 54 g of water (molar mass 18
g mol-1). Calculate the mole fraction of ethyl alcohol and water in solution.
GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Q.295 4.6 cm3 of methyl alcohol is dissolved in 25.2 g of water.

a) percentage by mass of methyl alcohol
b) mole fraction of methyl alcohol and water.

Given density of methyl alcohol = 0.7952 g cm-3, and C= 12, H = 1 and 0 = 16.

Q.296 Find the mole fraction of HCl in a solution of HCl containing 24.8 % of HCl by mass.
Given H = 1, Cl = 35.5

Q.297 Calculate the mole fraction of ethylene glycol (C2H602) in a solution containing 20% of
(C2H602) by mass in aqueous solution.

Q.298 Calculate the mole fraction of benzene in a solution containing 30% by mass in carbon

Q.299 A solution contains 25% water, 25% ethyl alcohol and 50% acetic acid by mass calculate
the mole fraction of each component.

Q.300 A solution of NaOH (molar mass 40 g mol-1) was prepared by dissolving 1.6 g of NaOH in
500 cm3 of water. Calculate molarity of the NaOH solution.
GATE Chemical Engineering Question Book by Devendra Poonia

Unit and Dimension – Answer Key

Question no Answer

259. D
260. A, B, C, D
261. D
262. D
263. C
264. B
265. B
266. D
267. A
268. A,B,C
269. D
270. C
271. A
272. C
273. A
274. A
275. C
276. C
277. A
278. B
Concentration terms – Answer Key

279. D
280. B
281. B
282. A
283. A
284. B
285. D
286. C
287. A
288. A
289. B
290. C
291. A
292. A
293. B
294. 0.1429, 0.8571
295. (a) 12.68% (b) 0.0755 & 0.9245
296. 0.1399
297. 0.0677
298. 0.4583
299. 0.5022, 0.1965, 0.3013
300. 0.08 M

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