Creativity Part 5

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COURSE 1(1.1.1)
How can we nurture/
stimulate creativity ?

• Most often teachers and parents expect routine, fixed responses from children and
thereby their creative spark is killed in absence of imagination. Instead, teacher should
allow students to respond freely to a situation. They must be permitted to think in their
own way and encouraged to produce as many ideas as possible to solve a given problem.

2.Oppertunity for Ego involvement….

• Feelings like ‘this is my creation’ or ‘I have done it’ give some kind of satisfaction to the young
learners. This type of ego satisfaction helps a child to realize that a particular creative work is
actually the outcome of her own effort. This feeling would motivate her to perform in future also.
3.Removal of Hesitation and Fear………

In a country like India, people often hesitate and suffer from fear to take any initiative for creative expression. It is true
for the whole society and classroom is not an exception. Teachers should encourage and persuade children to express
them shelves in any form (writing/ performing etc.) and to overcome any sort of fear/hesitation on their way of

4. Encourage Originality & Flexibility……….

Passive and conventional way of thinking hardly bring any unique solution. Therefore, students must be always
encouraged to think about and produce original or innovative idea and work. They should also be trained to produce
flexibility in words and action quickly and accurately.
5.Provision of Suitable Atmosphere………

• It is the primary requirement that the teacher would make the breeding ground where young individuals can be
exposed to remarkable thoughts and practices. They must also be given proper atmosphere and support to
carry out experimentations and come to inference by them shelves as discoverers do.

6.Development of Healthy habits………….

• It a an important responsibility of the teachers that they must educate children in such a way
that children would be self-motivated to practice discipline, systematic approach, organized
planning in conducting assignments. These healthy habits would be very effective to imbibe
qualities like self- reliance, self- confidence etc. while venturing in unknown world creatively.

• The present evaluation system is totally examination oriented where importance is given
to intelligence (convergent thinking)., rote memorization , fixed or rigid thinking. In this
set up, therefore, creativity of the students is very much ignored or misinterpreted. Such,
old and orthodox system of evaluation must be immediately replaced by open and
progressive system of evaluation where students’ creativity could be judged in true sense.
It is the necessity in todays’ world because creativity or innovative thinking is the key to
survival of human race.
Soma Das
Asst.Prof., SIET

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