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Soal Latihan I- Bimbingan Online D3 Khusus 2018

Jumlah soal: 25 (15 TPA dan 10 TBI)

Carilah Sinonim (=), Antonim (><), dan Analogi (-/:) dari kata di bawah ini

1 Iterasi= 7. Fragmen>< 13. Bunga: Buket =

A Hubungan A. Defragmen A. Kata: Kalimat
B Interaksi B. Bagian B. Buku: Kertas
C Sublimasi C. Pigmen C. Majalah: Buku
D Perulangan D. Utuh D. Bunga: Matahari
E Identifikasi E. Campuran E. Ember: Plastik
2 Transedental= 8. Peril >< 14. Pengacara: Hakim: Hukum=
A Bergerak A. Ketidakbutuhan A. Guru: Murid: Sekolah
B Berpindah B. Kebutuhan B. Petenis: Perenang: Petinju
C Kesinambungan C. Pujian C. Nahkoda: Pilot: Sopir
D Abstrak D. Kebencian D. Guru: Dosen: Pendidikan
E Tembus Pandang E. Amarah E. Anak: Ayah: Kakek
3 Protesis= 9. Tesis>< 15. Kereta Api: Diesel =
A Hipotesis A. Hipotesis A. Kompor: Elpiji
B Praduga B. Sintesis B. Jam Dinding: Baterai
C Tesis C. Epitesis C. Sepeda: Aki
D Buatan D. Antitesis D. Pesawat terbang: Avtur
E Miniatur E. Disertasi E. Motor: Dinamo
4 Opas= 10. Virulen ><
A Zamrud A. Virus
B Safir A. Jahat
C Pesuruh A. Baik
D Awak B. Ramah
E Batu C. Ambisius
5 Filantropi= 11. Lukisan: Bingkai
A Dermawan A. Plafon: Ubin
B Bijak B. Pintu: Kusen
C Sederhana C. Buka: Tutup
D Unggul D. Tangga: Tingkat
E Semangat E. Kayu: Bata
6 Deteriorasi >< 12. Batur: Danau: Bali = Poso:…:…
A Keterbelakangan A. Sungai: Toraja
B Keterbalikan B. Danau: Makassar
C Kemajuan C. Gunung: Gorontalo
D Kemunduran D. Danau: Sulawesi Tengah
E Kerapuhan E. Danau: Sulawesi Tenggara

Soal Nomor 16-25. Isilah titik-titik dengan pilihan jawaban yang menurut Anda benar. Petunjuk: Setiap
soal dibawah ini tidak memiliki salah satu antara subjek atau predikat (kata kerja, modal, to be).
Identifikasi unsur yang hilang sebelum memilih jawaban yang tepat.

16. You probably……. 40% of your waking time working.

A. Spend
B. Spended
C. To spend
D. Spent
E. Spending

17. There …. Only one chance in 30.000 billion that the person who is specifically you will be born.

A. Will
B. Are
C. Is
D. Being
E. Shall

18. I know what I am….. about.

A. Talked
B. Talking
C. Being talked
D. To talk
E. Talks

19. One of my old friend told me about that when he….. a member of the board of directors

A. was
B. being
C. is
D. be
E. are

20. Relaxation ….. the absence of all tension and effort.

A. was
B. being
C. is
D. be
E. are

21. If I am tired, it is not because of the mental work but the way I have….. it.

A. done
B. did
C. does
D. been doing
E. do

22. we rarely….. when we are doing something interesting and exciting

A. got tired
B. get tired
C. gets tired
D. get to tired
E. got to tired

23. Whie writing the book monts ago, I ….. a revival of Jerome Kern’s delightful musical comedy Show Boat

A. went to see
B. go to see
C. is going to see
D. was going to see
E. is gone

24. A few years ago, I made a decision that………… my life

A. completely alter
B. had completely altered
C. completely altered
D. was altering
E. been altered
25. Shanty and sandra……… to see the college within 15 minutes from now.

A. Will be going
B. Is going
C. Are going
D. go
E. will go

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