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Sir Fitz: The mediocre teacher tells.

Claire: the good teacher explains.

Sir Fitz: the superior teacher demonstrates.

Claire: and the great teacher inspires.

BOTH: they guide us.

They support us.
They inspire us.
They teach us.
Today is the day to thank them and say,


Sir Fitz:
Our ever-supportive and approachable Municipal Mayor of San Jacinto, Hon. Mayor
Francisco P. Altarejos, to the former educator of Sa Jacinto District and now
Sanggunian Bayan Member Hon. Melina G. Bartolay, Chair of Committee in
Education. To the indefatigable Public Schools District Supervisor of San
Jacinto District, madam Nelia G. Nicolas. Our school heads both in
elementary and Secondary (Maam and Sirs) To our active Municipal Federated
PTA President Mr. Hyndryck V. Granado and of course to us, celebrators of this
momentous occasion, FELLOW GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES under the Department
of Education.
To everyone who is here with us today, Ladies and gentlemen, Good Afternoon,
and welcome to the 2023 National Teacher’s Day celebration of San Jacinto
District with the theme, “Together4Teachers”. National Teachers Month
2023 aims to acknowledge and emphasize teachers’ crucial role, loyal
service, and dedicated commitment to developing globally-minded citizens,
nurturing families, strengthening communities, and building the nation.

Sir Fitz:
I am Fitzerald E. Graban.
And I am Claire Jean A. Gegantoca.

BOTH: Your emcees for tonight’s affair.

Sir Fitz:
To start with, let us all show respect for the singing of the Philippine
National Anthem to be conducted by our District ALS Coordinator, Mrs.
Hera Myra B. Mores.

Please remain standing as we pay tribute, honor, and glory to our Almighty
God through a prayer offered to us by the Principal of Leonardo Barrun
Elementary School, Mr. Isaias L. Canchela.
Sir Fitz:
Leadership in education is about learning. The learning of others must be at
the heart of the decision-making of any educational leader. Today, we are
privileged to have with us one of the most dedicated principals of the
Schools Division of Masbate Province. Ladies and Gentlemen, let us all
welcome, Mrs. Wilma M. Almojuela, the Principal of San Jacinto National
High School in her welcome message.

Indeed, teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character,
caliber, and future of an individual. Teachers affect eternity and bring out
the best in a student. Thank you mam Almojuela ……………

Sir Fitz:
Breaking the ice is an intermission number! Let us be entertained by a song
number! Let’s give it up for the San Jacinto Central School.

It is only the school that can provide the potentialities of man. And John
Amos Comenius concluded that the school is a true forging place of men. It
is for this reason that we are here gathered this evening to acknowledge the
participants and to give honor to the people who run the different schools in
our district, the backbone of every learning institution, considered as the
unsung heroes of the Department of Education, molder and mentor whose
function is to mold the youth from mud into a big stone – and it is US

Sir Fitz:

Congratulations to our dearest teachers! You deserved to be recognized

and awarded for all your countless efforts to provide the best learning
experience to our
dearest learners. You have shown your commitment, and
dedication to our profession
Congratulations to our dearest teachers! You deserve to be recognized and
awarded for all your countless efforts to provide the best learning experience
to our dearest learners. You have shown your commitment and dedication to
our profession.

Sir Fitz:
(sir Cantonjos)

At this moment, let us witness another high-energy move performance to be
presented by the teachers of San Jacinto National High School. Let us give
them a round of applause.

Thank you so much SJNHS! That was a lively dance move.

Sir Fitz:
This celebration would not be complete without hearing the message from a
truly emulating person who has not only led our municipality with 100%
hard work and devotion but also led the constituents. Let me call on our
very dynamic and supportive Municipal Mayor of San Jacinto, Hon. Mayor
Francisco P. Altarejos.

Thank you Hon. Mayor Francisco P. Altarejos for that sincere and heartfelt
message. May you continue to lead us in creating programs for the
betterment of the people of the Municipality of San Jacinto.

Sir Fitz:
Now, hold your breath as the selected teachers of Emilio Lee Llacer Sr.
teachers captivate us all in their one-of-a-kind performance.

Thank you so much Emilio Lee Llacer Teachers! That was a _____________

Cabantian NHS Senior High School family is indeed blessed to have the
support of
our Barangay Cabantian Council. At this point in time let us lend our ears
to our
Punong Barangay, none other than Hon. Nilo C. Cabiles for his words of
San Jacinto District is indeed blessed to have the support of our Municipal
Federated PTA President. At this point in time, let us lend our ears to Mr.
Hyndryck V. Granado for his message.

Thank you, sir Granado for taking the time to speak in our celebration.
Wisdom, hope, and encouragement fuels the passion of every individual to
stay focused and continuously move forward. Let us prepare not only our
ears but even our
hearts as we listen to the opening remarks of our ever dynamic and
motherly Public Schools
District Supervisor, Maam Imelda S. Moreno. A round of applause please.
Sir Fitz:
Wisdom, hope, and encouragement fuel the passion of every individual to
stay focused and continuously move forward. Let us prepare not only our
ears but even our hearts as we listen to the message of an outstanding
educator of San Jacinto District and motherly Sangguniang Bayan Member,
Hon. Melina G. Bartolay, Chairwoman of Committee on Education. A round
of applause, please.

Thank you, Hon. Melina G. Bartolay for that inspiring and motivating


Victor Hugo once truly said, “Music expresses that which cannot be put into
words and that which cannot remain silent.” Music is indeed capable of
expressing our hearts and our most sincere emotions. At this juncture, let
us hear a tribute song to us teachers by Mr. Kim Adrian Pampilo, Teacher III
from Bagahanglad National High School.

Sir Fitz:
Wow! That was amazing sir Pampilo! Thank you for such a beautiful
performance and for reminding us of the importance of educators in the
future of every generation and showing appreciation and highlighting the
many contributions of the teaching profession. As we all know, teaching is
about changing and transforming the lives of children, young people, and
their families. Again, lets give him a round of applause.
To complete this extraordinary event, let us listen to the inspirational
message of this extraordinary woman of countless and clever philosophies,
the navigator of this flagship of the leadership of San Jacinto District. I
believe that she deserves a 10-second standing ovation as our way of
recognizing her efforts in inspiring and encouraging every teacher to strive
hard in their chosen profession. A round of applause to the woman of an
hour, Madam Nelia G. Nicolas, Public Schools District Supervisor of San
Jacinto District.

Thank you so much Maam Nicolas. Your words will surely remain in our
hearts and minds.

Sir Fitz:
May we now end this program with a quote that goes, “ Better than a thousand days of
diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”
This has been your emcee, Fitzerald E. Graban.
And Claire Jean A. Gegantoca.
BOTH: saying Good Evening, Godbless us and HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!

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