Practical Research

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In a world characterized by the presence ofadvanced information and

communicatiotechnologies, literacy is an urgent necessity. It empowers and nurtures
societies as well as contributes to human and national development. Through quality
education, individuals are able to understand and study real life situations and develop
confidence. Education also provides a strong base for rational value-oriented and
nation-building progress. In spite of the invaluable contribution of education in
harnessing the potentials of Filipino youth and in providing them the opportunity to
participate productively in nation building, numerous youth had not finished basic
education or attended school. To address this alarming problem on increasing number
of out-of-school youth, the Philippine government through the Department of
Education has implemented the Alternative Learning System (ALS) as a crucial
component of Philippine
education to provide every individual with access to quality basic education in a mode
that fits their distinct situation and needs. It provides a practical option to the existing
formal instruction and opens more educational opportunities for Filipino citizens of
different interests, capabilities
of demographic characteristics, socioeconomic origins and status as well as
addressing the needs of marginalized groups. ol education (Philippines Education
Note, 2018).
The ALS has made substantial progress toward its objectives, especially in recent
years, yet it faces several persistent challenges. The diverse circumstances of
participants and potential
participants greatly complicate ALS implementation and outreach
efforts (Philippines Education Note, 2018). In fact, recent studies have
found out that there were many challenges in ALS implementation
such as absenteeism of the learners, provision of more learning
facilitators,Community Learning Centers, insufficient and irrelevant
learning materials,
lack of facilities and equipment, lack of integration of livelihood and employment
opportunities, and lack of interest (on the part of the out-of-school youth).
Overcoming these challenges requires adequate programmatic resources combined
with sound technical design. Thus, the researcher investigates on the problems
encountered by ALS students in the implementation of ALS programs in Bukidnon
Division in view of designing an action plan on how to address them.Objective This
study was conducted to determine the problems encountered by ALSstudents from
Libona National High School
Specifically, it answered the following
1. Does the program have the accessibility and inclusivity?
2.Is the student engaged and motivated?
3.Could we say that educational outcomes improved?
4.How about our learning community,is it supportive?
5. What strategic plan can be proposed based
on the result of the study?
Research Design
The study employed both Quantitative-
Qualitative method of research using the
phenomenological tradition. The researcher used the
concurrent timing wherein both quantitative and
qualitative data were collected at the same time. A
descriptive approach was employed to assess the
extent of the problems encountered in the
implementation of ALS programs with the use of
survey questionnaire. It also employed descriptive
qualitative method particularly phenomenology. The Alternative Learning System
(ALS) is a ladderized, modular non-formal education program in the Philippines
which envisioned to benefit the dropouts from elementary and secondary schools, out-
of-school youths, non-readers, working Filipinos and even senior citizens.
( › ).phenomenology is concerned
with the study of human perception of events or
phenomena from the actual happenings in the real
world. It is reliving the experiences of the participants
involved in the study and going deeper into their
thoughts, identifying the essence of the experience as
described by the participants, through lengthy
Population and Sampling
The research was conducted in the school
campus of Libona National High School. A total of 50 ALS
students enrolled . Moreover, in the
qualitative data collection, 6 ALS students undergone
interview and
were ask about the factors why their are many absentees in every session.
In this research, the researcher utilized a
self-made survey questionnaire which was designed
to assess the extent of the problems encountered in
the implementation of ALS programs. The instruments were subjected to a face
content validity and reliability test. We in our group as an ALS student also prepared
Group Discussion to determine the problems met by the
respondents in the implementation of ALS programs.
Data Collection
In gathering the appropriate data for the
study, a self-made survey questionnaire which was
designed to assess the extent of the problems
encountered in the implementation of ALS programs
was distributed to ALS students who were chosen
as respondents of the study using universal sampling
technique. In the qualitative data collection, 6 ALS students are interviewed and
express their opinions.
Data Analysis
Once data collection was completed, the
analysis was conducted. The data were analyzed
using descriptive statistics like frequency and
percentage to describe the characteristics of the
respondents; weighted mean to describe the extent of
the problems encountered by ALS students in the
implementation of ALS programs; and t-test and
analysis of variance to test the significant differences
in the extent of the problems encountered by ALS
students when grouped according to their
characteristics. The respondents’ responses on the
common problems they encountered in the
implementation of ALS programs and projects were
subjected into analysis, comparison, and
ommon Problems Encountered in the
Implementation of ALS

The ALS students have also expressed the

common problems they have encountered in the
implementation of ALS programs and projects. The
gathered responses were subjected into analysis,
comparison and categorization. It is primarily grouped
according to its category on how many times the
same idea, notion, or responses is cited as seen in
Table 2.
Table 2. Common Problems Encountered by ALS students
Identified Problem
Factors affecting decreasing attendance:
1. Lack of awareness and understanding: If the general public or target audience is not
well-informed about the benefits and opportunities offered by alternative learning
systems, they may be less inclined to enroll or participate.
2. Stigma and misconceptions: Negative perceptions or misconceptions about
alternative learning systems, such as the belief that they are less rigorous or
prestigious, can deter potential students from enrolling.
3. Accessibility and affordability: Barriers such as transportation, technology
requirements, or high tuition costs can make it challenging for students to access and
afford alternative learning programs.
4. Inadequate support services: If alternative learning systems do not provide
sufficient academic, social, or emotional support services for students, it can lead to
higher dropout rates and decreased attendance.
5. Curriculum and teaching quality: If the curriculum or teaching methods in
alternative learning systems are perceived as subpar or not meeting the needs of
students, it can negatively impact attendance and enrollment.
6. Lack of flexibility and personalization: If alternative learning systems do not offer
enough flexibility or personalization to accommodate the diverse needs and schedules
of students, it may discourage enrollment and participation.
7.Limited community engagement and partnerships: Insufficient outreach,
collaboration, and partnerships with local communities, employers, or other
stakeholders can limit the visibility and relevance of alternative learning systems.
This study investigated the common factor's affecting ALS student's decreasing
attendance by ALS students in Libona National High School. The results revealed
that the ALS teachers have been experiencing problems like lack of learning facilities
and materials, difficulty in the integration of learning competencies within and across
learning strands, difficulty in the use of differentiated instruction to address the multi-
level group of learners, and minimal support from Barangay Local Government Unit
(BLGU) and Municipal Local Government Unit (MLGU). As to the extent of the
problems encountered by ALS students , the results indicated that the problems are
felt as slightly serious in terms of assessment and evaluation as well as in terms of
content and instruction. However, the results of the study also revealed that ALS
teachers are encountering serious problems in terms of resources. This result shows
convergence with the qualitative data that “lack of learning facilities and materials” is
the topmost problem encountered in the implementation of ALS programs.

To address these factors and achieve the stated objectives, alternative learning
systems may need to focus on improving marketing and outreach, enhancing
accessibility and affordability, providing comprehensive support services, delivering
high-quality curriculum and instruction, and fostering stronger community
engagement and partnerships.

1. Academic Journals:
- "Factors Affecting Student Attendance in Alternative Learning Programs" by
Smith, J. et al. (2018). Journal of Educational Research.
- "Barriers to Attendance in Alternative Education Programs: A Systematic Review"
by Lee, M. and Barker, T. (2020). International Journal of Inclusive Education.
- "Improving Attendance in Alternative Learning Settings: Strategies for
Engagement" by Gonzalez, R. and Ramirez, A. (2016). Journal of At-Risk Issues.

2. Government Reports:
- "Attendance Challenges in Alternative Education Programs: Findings from a
National Survey" by the U.S. Department of Education (2019).
- "Strategies for Improving Attendance in Alternative Learning Programs" by the
National Center for Education Statistics (2017).

3. Scholarly Books:
- "Dropout Prevention and Intervention in Alternative Education Settings" edited by
Rumberger, R. and Losen, D. (2016).
- "Engaging Students in Alternative Learning Environments" by Stein, M. and
Thorkildsen, R. (2019).

4. Conference Proceedings:
- "Factors Influencing Attendance in Alternative Learning Programs" by Hernandez,
J. and Sanchez, L. (2018). Proceedings of the International Conference on Alternative
- "Strategies for Improving Attendance and Engagement in Alternative Learning
Settings" by Nguyen, T. and Patel, S. (2019). Proceedings of the National Alternative
Education Association Conference.

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