Mockboard Psy-Assessment test answers

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It pertains to everything done from the administration, scoring and interpretation of

the test.


a. Psychological assessment

b. Assessment

c. Testing

d. Psychological testing

2. It is the gathering & integration of psychology-related data for the purpose of making
a psychological evaluation


a. Psychological assessment

b. Assessment

c. Testing

d. Psychological testing

3. Which among the following is/are true?

I. Psychological traits & states exist.

II. Psychological traits & states can be quantified and measured.

III. Test-related variables does not predict non-test related behavior.

IV. Errors are sometimes part of the assessment process.


a. Only I is true

b. Only I & II are true

c. Only I, II, & III are true

d. All are true

4. In order for Sinag to pass the board exam and have her license, she needs to at
least attain an overall percentage of 75% among the four subjects. This is an example


a. Criterion-referenced test

b. Norm-referenced test

c. IQ test

d. None of the above

5. Most IQ tests are:


a. Content-referenced

b. Group-referenced

c. Criterion-referenced

d. Norm-referenced

6. This is the level of measurement that has all the 3 properties of measurement and in
which mathematical operations are most permissible.


a. Nominal

b. Ordinal

c. Interval

d. Ratio

7. The following can be manipulated using MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS except for:

a. Nominal

b. Ordinal

c. Interval

d. Ratio

8. Which among the following is not a measure of CENTRAL TENDENCY:


a. Mean

b. Median

c. Mode

d. SD

9. In a 30-point item quiz in experimental psychology, the class got an average score of
8. Student A got a score of 28, while student B got a score of 25. Student C obtained a
score of 26, while Student D got a score of 29. To know the central tendency of the
class, the teacher should use:


a. Mean

b. Median
c. Mode

d. Cannot be determined

10. Ms. Bianca gave an examination to her BSP 2D class. Supposedly, the chapters
covered of the exam were chapters 1 to 3. However, the items she gave were from
chapters 4 to 5, which led the majority of the class to have low scores, and only a few
people got high scores. With this given information you would expect that the
distribution would be:


A. Left skewed

B. Right skewed

c. Normal distribution


11. When the results of their exams were released, Arvin saw that he got 90 in his
Abnormal Psychology class, 92 in his Developmental Psychology class, 89 in his
Psychological Assessment class, and 87 in his IOP class. Given these data, you could
infer that:


a. He performed best in Developmental Psychology.

b. He performed equally in Abnormal Psychology & Developmental Psychology.

c. He performed the least in IOP.

d. The data are not enough to make a conclusion.

12. For his Abnormal Psychology class, Arvin got a score of 92 with a mean of 90 and
a standard deviation of 2. What is his z score?


a. 1

b. 2

c. 1.5

d. 3

13. Given the data in item 12, what is Arvin’s T score?


a. 50

b. 60

c. 70

d. 80
14. This is the standard score with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.


a. z score

b. T score

c. sten

d. stanine

15. The tails of the bell curve is


a. Asymptotic

b. Asymptomatic

c. Symptomatic

d. Symptotic

16. Angelu is planning to conduct a research about the relationship of perfectionism

and conscientiousness. She should use what statistical tool?

a. Regression


c. Correlation

d. T-test

17. Deliberately assigning what’s considered as “pass” or “fail” on your variable (grades
of the participants) is an example of:


a. True dichotomous variable

b. Artificially Dichotomous variable

c. Fake dichotomous variable

d. Real dichotomous variable

18. Vera wants to know if there is a significant difference between males & females
when it comes to resilience. What statistical tool should Vera use?


a. Unpaired t-test

b. Paired t-test

c. Independent t-test
d. 2 options are correct

19. This is a component of the observed test score that does not have anything to do
with the testtaker’s ability.


a. True score

b. Reliability coefficient

c. Error

d. Validity

20. While the testing is on-going, a man with a knife was outside the room while
shouting profanities and threatening the people outside. This caused the testtakers to
be worried and anxious. This could serve as a/an:


a. Systematic error

b. Random error

c. Measurement error

d. Not an error

21. This refers to the consistency in measurement.



a. Reliability

b. Validity

c. Utility


22. It requires the administration of the same test to the same people twice.


a. Alternate forms reliability

b. Split-half reliability

c. Test-retest reliability

d. Inter-rater reliability

23. Arvin wants to establish the reliability of his newly constructed test. It is a
multiple-choice type of test with only one correct answer, further he made sure that all
of the items have a p = 0.50. What should Arvin use?

a. Cronbach’s alpha

b. KR20

c. KR21

d. Spearman brown

24. A Cronbach’s alpha of .98 is considered as:


a. Acceptable range of reliability

b. Excellent range of reliability

c. Good range of reliability

d. Questionable

25. In order to measure the reliability of a behavioral checklist, Gail decided to ask three
of her colleagues to use it. Afterwards, she used a statistical tool to measure the degree
of the consistency of their assessment. What method of reliability measure was used by


a. Test-retest reliability

b. Parallel forms reliability

c. Alternate forms reliability

d. Inter-rater reliability

26. Dee created an intelligence test for the first time and she is now about to assess its
reliability. When she asked her senior psychometrician, she was advised to use
test-retest reliability. Was her senior psychometrician’s advice, correct?


a. Yes, because intelligence is homogenous variable and, in such instances, test-retest should
be used.

b. No, because intelligence is a heterogenous variable therefore it should not be used.

c. Yes, because intelligence is a static variable and is stable overtime, therefore test-retest
should be used.

d. No, because intelligence is dynamic and changes over time, internal consistency should be

27. Which among the following is/are not TRUE?

I. Validity is the extent of how a test measures what it purports to measure.

II. A test can be universally valid for all time, all uses, and with all types of testtakers.

III. The validity of a test may diminish as the culture or the time changes.

IV. A test’s validity may not be reestablished to the same as well as other populations. *

a. Only I & III are false

b. Only II & IV are false

c. All are false

d. All are true

28.What is the relationship of reliability & validity?


a. A test cannot be valid if it is not reliable.

b. A test cannot be reliable if it is not valid.

c. Reliability does not limit validity.

d. There is no relationship between the two.

29. Based on Item 25, what statistical tool should Gail use?


a. Spearman Brown

b. Biserial Correlation

c. Fleiss Kappa

d. Cohen’s Kappa
30. Going back to item 10, we could infer that Ms. Bianca’s examination lacks what
kind of validity?


a. Content

b. Construct

c. Criterion

d. Face

31. To assess the validity of the newly created college admission test of Backburner
University, they have decided to use the first semester GWA of the incoming freshman
students as a standard to assess if the test was actually effective. What measure of
validity will they use?


a. Content

b. Construct

c. Criterion

d. Face

32. During the hiring process, Anjo scored high in the aptitude test which led him to
being hired. However, after three months, his assessment showed that he was not really
fit for the job because of his low job performance. What kind of miss rate does this


a. Alpha

b. Alpha Error

c. Beta Error

d. Beta

33. Based on the vignette in item 32, the aptitude test is lacking in what kind of


a. Content

b. Concurrent

c. Predictive

d. Construct

34. To check for the validity of his newly constructed life satisfaction scale, Jae
correlated the scores of the testtakers in this scale to their scores in Beck’s Depression
Inventory. The results showed that there is no significant correlation between the two.
This is evidence of what kind of validity?


a. Content

b. Construct

c. Criterion

d. Known-groups

35. This is a rating error in which the rater’s ratings are consistently overly negative due
to his/her tendency to be too strict.


a. Severity error

b. Negative error

c. Horn effect

d. Extreme effect

36. The following are evidences of construct validity except for:


a. Evidence of homogeneity
b. Evidence of changes with age

c. Convergent & discriminant evidence

d. None of the above

37. What is the correct process of test development?


a. Test conceptualization, Test construction, Item analysis, Test tryout, and Test revision

b. Test construction, Item analysis, Test Tryout, Tests conceptualization, Test revision

c. Test conceptualization, Test construction, Test tryout, Item analysis, Test revision

d. Test conceptualization, Item analysis, Test conceptualization, Test Revision, Test tryout

38. Marcelino has already decided the scaling and scoring method that he will use, and
is now writing the test items for the depression scale that he is developing. Marcelino is
in what stage of test development?


a. Test conceptualization

b. Test construction

c. Item analysis

d. Test tryout
39. Which among the following is not a PART OF ITEM ANALYSIS?


a. Item reliability

b. Item difficulty

c. Item utility

d. Item discrimination

40. If Marcelino’s target number of items is 20, he should at least have how many
items in his item pool?


a. 25

b. 30

c. 40

d. 50

41. The larger the item difficulty index, the the item.

a. More difficult

b. Easier

c. Moderately difficult


42. An item should discriminate between high scorers and low scorers. It is a red flag if
either the high scorers or low scorers are more likely to answer the item correctly,
instead half of the two groups should answer it correctly to say that the said item
discriminates the two groups.


a. first statement is inaccurate

b. second statement is inaccurate

c. both statements are accurate

d. both statements are inaccurate

43. Dino is a newly hired registered psychometrician in the HR department of a

company B. During the orientation, he was told that he will be administering Thematic
Apperception Test to the applicants. What should Dino do?


a. Just do what he is told for he might be fired.

b. Administer the test in the future because he can use it as a psychometrician.

c. Report his boss to the Psychological Association of the Philippines.

d. Explain properly to his boss that as a psychometrician, he is not allowed to administer such
tests and recommend another test that befits the job.

44. What could be the reason for the answer in item 43?


a. He can because an RPm is allowed to take a Level B test.

b. He cannot because an RPm cannot take a Level C test.

c. He cannot because he has no prior training to conduct TAT.

d. Two of the options could be correct.

45. Angie, a psychologist, needs to conduct an intelligence test to her 15-year-old

client. What test should she use?





46. Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale has a mean of and an SD of :


a. 100; 15

b. 100; 16

c. 115; 16

d. 115; 115

47. The mother of your 24-year-old client is demanding for the results of her son’s
psychological tests. She insisted that she wanted to check the veracity of her son’s
results and insists that she is his mother and that it is her right. What is the best course
of action?


a. Show the mother the results of her son because she is the mother after all.

b. Deceive the mother and show her fake results in order to protect his confidentiality.

c. Do not show the results and explain to her that you cannot do that without the consent of
your client.

d. Report the mother to the authorities because she is trying to invade the privacy of her child.
48. Jerem is a psychologist who he fell in love with one of his former clients named
Linette. He pursued her and became in a romantic relationship with her three years after
their therapy sessions have ended. Was this act of Jerem ethical?


a. Yes, because enough time has passed since their client-therapist relationship has ended.

b. No, therapists and their former clients should never be in a relationship.

c. Yes, there isn’t any stipulation in the code of ethics about client-therapist romantic

d. No, therapists should not engage in any relationships (eg., sexual intimacy) other than for
professional purposes to avoid multiple relationships.

49. After concluding that you are not competent enough to handle the case of your
client, you have decided to refer him to your colleague and gave your client’s data to the
said colleague. The day of your supposed therapy session, you told your client that
instead of having the session, you will bring him to your colleague to introduce them
with each other. Was your behavior ethical?


a. Yes, because you were not competent enough to handle the case of your client. It goes
without saying that you have to refer him to another professional.

b. Yes, your colleague was competent enough to handle your referred client and he also
accepted your referral.
c. No, you accepted your client’s case therefore you should see through it until the end.

d. No, because you have failed to get the consent of the client and failed to keep his data

50. You have discussed with your colleagues the case of a particular client of yours
in order to ask for their professional insight about it. Is this unethical?


a. Yes, we should never talk about the case of our clients to anyone.

b. Maybe. If you left out any identifiable information, it will not be considered as unethical.

c. The PAP code of ethics does not have any stipulation about this.

d. No, actually it would still be ethical if you have revealed who your patient is since what you
are discussing is important for his case.

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