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Born and brought up in India, nestled between starkly diverse cultures and thriving economies, I gradually

discovered that I was an inquisitive kid always on the quest for knowledge. Painting and sketching has always
intrigued me. At a young age, I started giving art lessons to little kids in my neighborhood. I believe that a smile
is the prettiest asset a person can wear and to be responsible for spreading smiles was definitely a thing. After
several visits to the dental office, some for fillings and some to merely satiate my curiosity, I perceived that a
dentist’s delicate and intricate hand skills are a true reflection of artwork. It fascinated me as to how a dentist’s
smiling face, reassuring words, and trained expertise could bring hope to the sanitary rooms of the dental office

I aced the dental admission test and secured admission in dental school. I was lucky to have been exposed to a
plethora of tough cases during my final year and internship. The highlight of my experience was detecting a
case of fluorosis on my brother when I examined him for routine dental checkup. One of my patients was an old
lady from rural India who had never in her life used a toothbrush, mainly due to lack of awareness,
inaccessibility and unaffordability towards healthcare. She was a tobacco chewer and even with my little
knowledge back then, I examined her and diagnosed early signs of oral cancer. This stoked my appetite to
reinforce the emphasis for oral hygiene every nook and cranny.

My zeal for invoking this awareness led me to organize a play on Oral Cancer in my school which attracted a
big audience. I always strive to bring light to my community through volunteer activities by working for causes
close to my heart. The privilege of screening the special children at the Centre for Cerebral Palsy gave me the
most gratifying feeling till date. Moreover, I volunteered at an NGO headed by a leading ENT surgeon in my
city where we diagnosed cases of temporomandibular disorders. Along with other medical professionals, I
learned how to bring joy to people in trying conditions. I continued this work here in America by helping
American Red Cross to aid disaster victims. Leading people on the path towards well-being gives me great
sense of satisfaction.

My curiosity regarding origin of oral diseases did not stop at mere study of diagnosis and treatments; I
embarked on Masters in Oral Biology at the University of Louisville to delve deeper into the biological
foundation of clinical dentistry. I was involved in two intensive research projects to develop new therapeutic
procedures to curb periodontal disease, one of which I presented at Research Louisville. During my research, I
realized that there existed a world of Periodontics much beyond scaling and root planing. Establishing the
biological basis of Periodontics based on a bacterial model to eliminate disease felt far more rewarding than
simply picking up an ultrasonic scaler. In no time, this beautiful world of research captivated my heart. In my
research mentor, I found an exceptional person who encouraged my involvement in in-vivo and in-vitro research
projects. Today I can proudly say that our discovery could possibly help eliminate periodontal disease.

I always stole some time off to follow my roommate, a current dental student at Louisville. Sooner or later I
envisioned myself roaming the hallways of dental school dressed in blue scrubs, carrying my own articulator
and micro-loupes. After hours were spent in the dental laboratory mounting her patient casts and perfecting
custom trays. Time points between running experiments were spent shadowing dental students in the clinics.
Here I noticed that records and findings are stored in a digital data base. Infection control is highly stressed
upon to avoid cross contamination which is far more superior compared to India. Dentistry in India is mainly
discipline based where I spent a whole month in every specialty mastering the individual techniques. Studying
in the American dental school system is a terrific opportunity for me to master the art of Comprehensive
dentistry wherein I can diagnose, evaluate and treat patients as a whole.

Shadowing renowned dentists in America opened up a whole new world of dentistry for me. Being exposed to
advanced technologies like CBCT, intra-oral imaging, CAD/CAM, microscopic endodontics and ultrasonic
TMJ devices, has exceeded my expectations in regard to the standard of dentistry practiced here. I suggested
that cannabis habits should be questioned as part of personal history due to the rise in levels of periodontitis
associated with cannabis smokers. I like how my roots in Oral Biology help me unravel the clinical and
biological side of every equation.
The brain is equipped to be a powerhouse of wisdom and I strongly believe in life-long learning. I keep myself
updated with oral, general health issues and latest technologies by reading research papers, attending CDE
courses and conferences. 3D printing is a revolution in itself. One such course demonstrated the possible use of
a 3D printed mandible in orthognathic surgery. To keep up with this ongoing craze, I approached my friend in
mechanical engineering who was working on 3D printed bio ceramic based products for mandibular implants.
With his help, I was able to 3D print dentures using PLA. I foresee a considerable potential for its application in
dentistry to save precious time and resources.

A dentist doesn’t just fix teeth but also symbolizes a million emotions behind one smile. I am very keen to study
dentistry in America and moreover thrilled to relive my dental school days in state of the art education system
amongst cutting-edge technology. I yearn to learn from world class faculty and further specialize in the field of
Periodontics after my dental degree. As an avid hiker and nature enthusiast, each painful mile that my legs have
carried me through has taught me how to persevere, set goals, and strive for the finish line.

5755 currently, limit- 5200

My previous knowledge of
The highlight of
To gain some professional experience
My interest for
I excelled in
Hands on
My basic area of study
I monitored
Personally, I think a dentist with a vision for… can be a driving force for …
Delve deeper

With the diversity of my experience, enthusiasm for dentistry and persistent pursuit of objectives, I feel
confident that I will

My good track record gives me the confidence that I will be able to meet your expectations

My cherished dream for the future is to become ……

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