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Date: [Month, day, year]

To: [Names of employees within the organization]

From: [Your first and last name, official business title]

Subject: [Subject line related to the business]

[Begin with listing the reasoning for why you’re writing this memo on the company’s behalf.
Next, provide necessary details about what all employees, from executives down to entry-level
employees, need to know about these latest developments within the company. Explain if this
memo is a response or a follow-up to previously written communications sent by the company.]

[State your conclusion regarding your memo here, but you can use this section to identify
potential reactions from employees and the plans your company aims to take that are
supplemental to the points above. If you need employees to act on this memo or reach out to a
specific point person, list this information here.]

Thank you,

[Your first and last name]

[Company email address]
[Company phone number]

If applicable, you can list an attachment that supports the decision being announced in the

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