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Indian Journal of Chemical Tec hnol ogy

VoL 10, November 2003, pp. 644-653

Ideas for process improvement emanating from audit of a bromine plant in the
Greater Rann of Kutch
A S Mehta*, P K Ghosh , H N Shah & R 1 Sangha vi
Central Salt & Marine Chemi cals Research Institute, Bhav naga r 364 002, Indi a
Received 30 Julv 2002: revised received 22 April 2003; accepted 28 May 2003

The main effiuent in the 'Steaming Out Process' for recovery of elemental bromine from salt bittern is hot
acidified debrominated bittern. An exercise was undertaken recently in collaboration with a manufacturer in
Greater Rann of Kutch to audit the performance of the plant, evaluate the composition of effiuent discharged from
the bromine plant, and explore the possibility of value addition of the effiuent or, preferably, minimise effiuent at
source. Important recommendations made at the end of the study are: (i) controlled neutralization of acidified
debrominated bittern by lime can produce fine granules of calcium sulphate of ca. 95 % purity, (ii) there is need to
enhance the debromination efficiency as, otherwise, bromate formation is inevitable in the course of neutralization,
(iii) evaporation of dilute brine is essential for recovery of marine chemicals and (iv) debrominated bittern could be
utilised in solar ponds which would be a suitable source of non-conventional energy in the highly remote and arid

Bromine, the third member of halogen group

e lements, is recovered from sea brines, wel l brines or
s ub- so il brines • In Indi a, sea bittern (i.e., mother
liquor left after recovery of common sa lt from brine)
is th e main raw material for recovery of bromine2 .
Generally, steaming-out and air-blowing processes
are used for recovery of bromine all over the world 3 .
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute
developed the ' Stea ming Out Process' for recovery of
e lemental bromine from sa lt bittern nearly three
decades ago and several plants in Indi a have been
working satisfactori ly based on thi s technology . The
process is most suitable for Indi an producers because
the plant for the process is easy to set-up and its
operation is quite simple. Another advantage is that it
eliminates the requireme nt of alkali in the main
process. Th ere is, however, a need for s mall amount
of alkali in neutralizin g ac idic effluent, a lthough , thi s
advantage is partly offset by the substantiall y hi g her
requirement of steam.
Fi g ure 1 shows the flow sheet of the steaming out Cl 2
process. The major operations include :
(i) acidification of bittern and ox idation of
bromide to bromine by chlorine,
(ii ) steam stripping of liberated bromine from the BITTE.H..N


*For co rrespondence (E-ma il: sa lt @csir.rcs.i n; Fig. !- Process now sheet for recovery of bromine (S tea ming ou t
Fax: 027R-2567562/2566970) process)
Mehta et al.: Ideas for process improvement in bromine plant Articles

Gulf of


Fig. 2- Map of Gujarat

(iii) condensation of steam-bromine mixture, and Seawater enters through the mouth of Kori Creek and
(iv) purification of crude bromine. inundates the vast areas of GRK (- 90 km x 60 km)
during high tides in May and June every year.
Main effluent in the process is hot acidified Because of basin-type topography of the area, the
debrominated bittern. Heat is recovered from the hot seawater cannot recede back to the sea. It travel s up to
bittern and is utilized in pre-heating the feed bittern and sometimes beyond Indi a Bridge, Khavda (Fig. 2).
whi le the debrominated bittern gets cooled to aro und Progress ive solar evaporation converts the seawater
40°C and is then neutrali zed by lime slurry and into bittern. Large deep salt beds are also formed 1n
discarded. In the process of neutrali zation of bittern , Rann as a result.
sludge-mainl y calcium sulphate-is produced as
secondary so li d waste. Non -co ndensab le bromine and Two Indi an companies have show n considerable
chlori ne comi ng out of th e condenser and gravity vision in venturing into this inhospitable terrain and
separator are absorbed in two scrubbers. Bittern is setting up bromine manufacturing facilities , of which
used as a stripping medium in the first scrubber and in one of the sites was 'identified by CSMCRI ,
the second scrubber caustic soda solution is used. Bhavnagar almost a decade ago. Dilute brine of 20 to
Bittern coming out of the first scrubber is fed into the 22°Be' density is pumped in the winter months in the
bromine tower along with the feed bittern; whereas reservo irs and condensers of private companies. Brine
the alkaline bromine so luti on coming out from the is circul ated in the condenser with the help of natu ral
other scrubber is mixed in the bittern reservoir. gradient avai lable in the area and is solar evaporated
The Greater Rann of Kutch (G RK) is bestowed to 29°Be' or higher densities. ln summer month s, the
with profuse quantity of naturally occurring bittern~· 5 . density reaches up to 33°Be'. This is th e feed for the

Articles Indian J. Chern. Techno I., November 2003

bromine plant. Relation between specific gravity of Temperature of feed bittern coming
brine and 0 Be' is given by Eq. (1). out of the heat exchanger
Temperature drop of coolant across
Specific gravity of brine= 145/(145-0 Be') (I)
the condenser
An exercise was undertaken by CSMCRI in Temperature of liquid bromine in the
collaboration with a private company manufacturing gravity separator
bromine in GRK to evaluate the quality of effluent
discharged from their bromine plant. Performance of
Performance auditing of bromine plant
the plant, experimental results of upgradation of
sludge, and potentiality of neutralized waste bittern Samples of feed bittern , liquid effluent and solid
for recovery of marine chemicals and as heat storing waste were collected in December 1999 and March
fluid of solar pond, are described in th e article. 2000 from the bromine plant and analyzed in the
Institute. Chemical analysis of feed and effluent of the
Ideal bromine plant performance plant is given in Tables 1 and 2. Total dissolved solids
Performance of bromine plant based on steaming (TDS) present in feed in December 1999 varied from
out process can be observed by consumption of raw 40.25-40.66% (wlv) and in effluent it ranged from
material and utility per ton of bromine produced. 37.04-37.8%. Corresponding TDS values of samples
Major raw materials are bittern and chlorine. collected in March 2000 were 40.62-42.33% and
Stoichiometrically, one mole chlorine requires to 39.64-40.05%, respectively. Thi s indicates that
produce one mole bromine, i.e. one ton bromine dilution of bittern takes place in the tower because of
production theoretically requires about 0.44 ton addition of live steam.
chlorine. In actual bromine plant, 0.5-0.55 ton
chlorine produces one ton bromine . Debromination Capacity of bromine plant
efficiency across the tower and overall bromine Debromination efficiency across the tower IS
recovery should be in the range of 95-99% and 85- expressed as follows:
90% respectively. Steam requirement can vary from
16 to 20 ton per ton of bromine depending upon
concentration of bromine in feed bittern. It is not Efficiency = (bromine in feed- bromine in effluent) *
100 I (bromine in feed). . .. (2)
advisable to operate bromine plant if bromine
concentration in the feed bittern is less than 2 g/L.
While bromine plant is under operation, it can be Bromine concentration in feed and effluent varied
monitored by bittern and chlorine flow rate. from 2.42 to 2.48 and 0.06 to 0.11 gL-1, respectively,
Temperature at various points in the plant should be in December 1999. Debromination efficiency varied
as under: from 95.5 to 97.6 per cent. Considering 90 per cent
recovery of elemental bromine from the liberated and
Temperature of steam bromine stripped bromine from the tower (this is equivalent to
mixture at the top of the tower about 85 per cent over all recovery of bromine), the
Temperature of effluent coming out capacity of bromine plant works out as under in
of the tower winter months :

Table !- Ionic composit ions of feed billern and debromi nated bittern of bromine plant
(samp les collec ted on December 9, 1999)

No Sample Time Density pH of Constutuents % wlv Bromine

8e' bittern ca+- Mo+
b so4-2 Cl- g/L

I Feed II A.M 29 .7 1.94 0.004 4.84 5.72 19. 15 2.42

2 Effluent II A.M 28.8 1.29 0.004 4.66 5.65 18.82 0.10
3 Feed I P.M. 29.6 2.37 0.004 4.81 5.72 19.15 2.45
4 Effl uent I P.M. 28.8 1.48 0.004 4.64 5.55 18.49 0.11
5 Feed 3 P.M. 29 .3 4.92 0.004 4.84 5.64 18.82 2.48
6 Effluent 3 P.M. 28.5 1.15 0.004 4.64 5.48 18.49 0.06

Mehta et al.: Ideas for process improvement in bromine plant Articles

Table 2- lonic compositions of Feed bittern and debrominated bittern of bromine plant
(samples collected on March 14, 2000)

No. Sample Time Density pH of Constutuents % wlv Bromine

8 e' bittern Mg+- so4 2 Cl- g/L

I Feed II A.M 32. 5 1.94 6.95 8.73 20.14 3.46

2 Effluent IIA .M 32.4 1.29 6.80 8.36 19.81 0.33
3 Feed 1 P.M . 33.6 2.37 6.92 8.66 20.47 3.56
4 Effluent I P.M. 32.7 1.48 6.73 8.48 19.81 0.32
5 Feed 3 P.M. 33.7 4.92 6.92 8.76 21.13 3.48
6 Effluent 3 P.M. 31.7 1.15 6.78 8.49 19.81 0.30

Table }--Bromine plant operational data

Item 09/12/1999 14/03/ 2000

Time 11.00 AM l.OOPM 3.00 PM 11.00 AM 1.00 PM 3.00 PM

Feed Bittern temperature (0 C) 21 22 23 28 30 32

Bittern inlet temperature to the tower (0 C) 90 90 90 92 93 94
Effluent outlet temperature from th e tower (°C) 108 108 108 107 107 107
Steam temperature ( C) 148 149 137 149 147 150
Steam flow rate kg/h. 2983 3106 3017 1317 1272 1279
Tower top temperature (0 C) 85 85 83 81 ' 84 83
Bittern flow rate m3/h 80 80 80 38 38 38
Chlorine flow rate kg/h 84 83 83 50 50 50
Feed bittern density (0 Be' ) 30 30 30 31:5 31.5 31.5
Treated effluent pH 7 7 7 7 7 7

Capacity= 2.45 (g. average Br2/L) x I o-6 (Ton/g) consumption corresponding to V1 volume of feed.
x 80 (m 3/h) x 103 (Lim 3) x 0.9632 (average Average Mg+ 2 ion concentrations are 4 .83 and 4.65 %
debromination efficiency) (wlv), respectively, in feed and effluent in December
x 0.90 (recovery as elemental bromine) 1999. Steam consumption based on the above formula
= 0.17 Tlh works out to be 3096 kglh in December 1999. Some
= 4 .08 Ton/day. of the important operational data recorded from the
control room of the plant are given in Table 3. It can
Similar calculation for March 2000 shows that be seen from the table that steam consumption data in
bromine production capacity works out to be 5.23 ton December 1999 tallies with the values recorded from
per day. Considering average production as 4 .6 the control room of the plant. Based on this data, one
ton/day and 300 working days per annum, annual ton of bromine requires about 15.65 to 17.81 tons of
production of bromine works out to be 1400 tons steam. Similar results for steam consumption in
which is in agreement with the design capacity. March 2000 indicated that its consumption for one ton
bromine works out to be 7.18-9.28 ton. Lower steam
consumption in March 2000 indicates inferior
Steam consumption
performance of the plant. This is reflected in the
Based on dilution in magnesium ion content in the
lower debromination efficiency across the bromine
effluent compared to feed bittern, steam consumption
tower as can be seen from Tables 1 & 2.
in the tower is calculated by the formula (Eq . 3)
Live steam fed to the tower serves two purposes : (i)
" . (3) to raise temperature of feed bittern from 90°C to
boiling point of bittern (l08°C in this case) and (ii ) to
where C, and C2 are the concentrations of Mg+2 in strip out liberated elemental bromine from the
feed and effluent respectively and V2 is the volume of solution 6 . Sensible heat required by the bittern is
effluent corresponding to V1 volume of feed. received from the latent heat of steam as shown
Difference between V2 and V, indicates steam below:

Articles Indian J. Chern. Tec hno!., November 2003

Table 4-Chemical ana lysis o f sludge and treated debrominated bittern (Effluent)

No Sample Constituents(% w!w for sludge, % w!v for e fflu ent ) Bromine

1 Sludge 1.90 58.62 19. 16 20.32

2 Effluent (911211999) 29.5 14.9 1 0.01 7. 10 13.57 0.36
3 Effluent ( 14/3/2000) 31.7 7.58 Nil 9.95 17.63 0.66

Sensible heat required by =m *Cp* f'!.T = lime slurry. Treated effl uent di scharged from the pit
bittern to raise temperature 1.41 x 106 Kcal/h has a pH around 7. Chemical analysis of sludge and
from 90 to 108°C treated effluent are given in Table 4. Total dissol ved
Latent heat of steam at 148°C = 503 Kcal!Kg solid present in the treated effluent varies fro m 28.47
steam temperature to 35.58 % (wlv). Analysis of sludge shows that it
Steam required to raise = 1.41 X 106 /503 = contains about 58 per cent calcium su lphate.
temperature of feed 2.8 Tons/h
Considering 10 % of 2.8 tons as steam required to Presence of oxidizing species in the effluent
drive out bromine from the tower, total quantity If Br2 removal from acidified bittern following the
works out as 3.08 Tons/h and 18.1 tons steam per ton displacement reaction with Ch is not complete,
of bromine. This figure tallies closely with the above neutralization of the acidified bittern effluent with
fi gures , which , in turn , indicates that plant lime will lead to conversion of Br2 to Br0 3- and Br"
performance in December was ideal but not so in according to Eq . (4) g iven below :
March. One can see that as concentration of bromine
increases in bittern, steam requirement comes down. 6 Br2 + 6 Ca(OHh ---7 5CaBr2 + Ca(Br0 3 h + 6H20
In March , bromine concentration is about 36% higher . .. (4)
as co mpared to December value. Since feed bittern
flow rate and other operating parameters were Intermediates such as hypobromite (BrO-), bromite
maintained constant in December and March , steam (Br02-) are also poss ible. Presence of such oxidizing
required to raise the temperature of bittern shou ld be species was analy zed by Iodometry method 8 . It can be
3.08 Tons/h . This corresponds to 14. 13 tons of steam seen from Table 5 that - 5-7 % of the original Br"
per ton of bromine, whereas actual values are content of bittern remains in the effluent di scharged
substantially lower. from the tower. Br" concentration increases marginally
upon neutrali zati on that may be on account of Eq. (4)
Acid requirement and neutralization of effluent above. Accordingly, traces of Br0 3- amount ing to- 6
It can be seen that pH of ac idified feed bittern and ppm would be ex pected in the neutralized effl uent.
effl uent varies from 1.94 to 4.92 as per tables 1 and 2. Actual measurements indi cated an amount
It is essenti al to keep pH of feed bittern in the range substantially hi gher, i.e., - 18 ppm, as can be seen in
of 3-4 for better recovery of bromi ne 7 . As such, Table 5. The unusual hi gher concentration of Br0 3-
bittern is acidic in character and when its temperature led to exp loration of possible presence of oxidizing
becomes 100°C or so, its pH comes down to 5.0, so spec ies in the feed bittern. As can be seen from Table
addition of only small quantiti es of acid is required. It 5, such bittern, even pri or to treatment wi th Cl 2 , has a
was observed on the site that in the upper section of bromate content of the same magn itude as the
bromine tower, lot of organic impurity (black in neutralized debrominated effluent bittern . By
colour) was getting deposited on the g!ass wall and ana lyzing bromate content in bittern obtained from
oxidation of such organic impurity required more acid vario us salt works it is confirmed that und er normal
as reported by engineers on the site. Higher acid circumsta nces bittern does not contain any such
usage led to more sludge. It is, therefore, essential to oxidis ing species. Its probable origin is, therefore, the
identify and eliminate th e black impurity from the discharge of liquid stream from the scrubber which is
tower. fed in to the bittern reservoir. Thus, there is a need and
Acidified eftluent coming out of bromine tower is scope to minimize presence of bromate species in
collected in a pit and is neutralized with the help of debrominated neutralized effluent.

Mehta eta!.: Ideas for process improvement in bromine plant Articles

Table 5--Concentration of oxidi zing species present in feed and treated bittern
(samples collected on August 12, 2000)

No Sample Time Bromine as BrO-, Br0 2- and Bromine as Br03- After boiling Bromine as
Br0 3- ppm ppm Bro-, Br0- 2 and Br03- ppm

I Feed 11.00 AM 21.31 18.65 18.65

2 Untreated Effluent 11.00 AM 7.99 4.00 1.33
3 Treated Effluent 11.00 AM 26.64 15.98 21.31
4 Feed 1.00 PM 26.64 18.65 21.31
5 Untreated Effluent 1.00 PM 15.98 13.32 2.66
6 Treated Effluent 1.00 PM 23 .98 17.32 19.98
7 Feed 3.00 PM 25.31 18.65 21.31
8 Untreated Effluelll 3.00 PM
9 Treated Effluent 3.00 PM 25.31 15.98 18.65

Table 6--Chemical analysis of brine, billern and salt fraction obtained during evaporation of 22.3 °Be' Brine

No Sample 0
Be' Constituents (% w/v for brine, % wlw for salt fraction )
NaCI CaS0 4 MgS04 MgCI 2 KCI

Brine 22 .3 16.81 0.17 2.63 6.26 1.15

2 Brine 27 .3 18.33 0.07 0.64 10.79 1.53
3 Bittern 29.0 13.76 0.01 5.65 14. 12 2.0
4 Salt fractio n 94.18 0.65 1.08 2.77 1.32

Evaporation of dilute brine Obviously, the bromine plant effluent, which is

With a view to study evaporation of dilute brine, discarded in the creek (Rann), contains Jess absolute
certain volume of brine sample (22.3°8e') was amount of salt than that present in the brine pumped
collected in December 1999 from the discharge of the from the creek. However, its concentration is higher
pump installed at pumping point in the creek. 5 L than that of the dilute brine pumped from the creek,
brine was taken in open shallow metallic tray and was which contained about 259 g TDS L-1 whereas the
subjected to solar evaporation. Salt fractions separated value for the liquid effluent was about 355 g TDS L-1•
at 27.3 °Be' and 29 °Be' were collected. Chemical Chemical composition of bittern does not change
analysis of brine and salt fraction that separated significantly across the tower except mild dilution
between 27.3 "Be' and 29 °Be' is given in Table 6. because of the addition of live steam. Even the pH of
Experimental results show that about 40 g salt is treated liquid effluent is comparable to the pH of
separated during evaporation from 22.3 to 27.3 °8e' dilute brine (22°Be' ) pumped from the creek. Indeed,
and it is mainly CaS04 (gypsum) . Further evaporation the debrominated bittern after neutralization is very
of brine from 27 to 29 °Be' gave about 566 g common similar in salt composition and pH to the sea bittern
salt (NaCI). Brine volume decreased from 5 L (22.3 discharged in the sea by solar salt manufacturers.
Be') to 2.1 L (29 °Be' ). Total dissolved salt present During early nineties, CSMCRI had carried out
in 5 L of 22.4 °Be' brine and 2.1 L 29 °8e' bittern was survey of Greater Rann of Kutch to assess potentiality
about 1350 and 747 g, respectively. Thus, amount of of GRK to harness marine chemicals from existing
salt crystallized in the evaporation process is about salt beds and entrapped bittern therein 4 . At that time
603 g. samples of brine and bittern entrapped in the salt
The above data indicated that to process 80 m3 layers were collected and analyzed throughout the
bittern (29°8 e' ) per hour in bromine plant, it is year. For comparison chemical composition of few
necessary to have 190 m3 brine (22.4°8e' ) per hour. selected samples based on survey results are given
Amount of salt present in !90 m3 brine (22.4°Be' ) along with the composition of treated bittern of
works out to be 51.3 ton and in the bromine plant bromine plant in Table 7.
effluent (i.e. 80 m3 of 29°Be' ) salt is 28.5 ton , the It is evident from the data given in table 7, that
balance being the salt which crysta lli zes out during liquid effluent of bromine plant is almost similar in
evaporation prior to being fed to the bromine plant. co mposition to bittern entrapped in the salt layers. As

Articles Indian J. Chern. Techno!., November 2003

Table 7-Comparison of debrominated neutralized effluent of bromine plant with bittern trapped in the salt layers in GRK

Constituents Bittern trapped in salt layers near Udhma post in GRK Debrominated neutral ized bittern
(% wlv) of bromine plant (% wlv)
8e' 28 28 3 1.2 31.7 29.5 31.7
CaS04 0.02 0.03 0.01
MgS04 5.50 10.7 6.58 8.78 7.10 9.95
MgCl2 9.02 5.37 20.07 17.89 13.57 17.63
NaCI 20.25 24.08 7.80 9.65 14.91 7.58
KCl 2.05 1.95 3.20 1.80 2.70 3.00
Br2 0.18 0. 19 0.32 0.34 0.14

regards the salt, which crystallizes out from the dilute lakh tons. Chemical analysis of this crude mixture
brine during concentration prior to use in the bromine shows that, as expected, it is a mixture of sels mixt.
plant, such a process also occurs regularly in the GRK and common salt. This salt may be disposed in the
due to natural ingress of brine and solar evaporation, Rann .
leading to formation of vast salt deposits and bittern .
During summer bittern is evaporated all the way up to Up gradation of gypsum
33°Be' to enhance capacity of the plant. Unless all of Acidified debrominated bittern must be neutralized
the salt produced during evaporation is removed from before discharge. This is done with the help of lime
condenser/crystalliser, its continued deposition would slurry, the average daily consumption being 3.6 tons
reduce their working volume. It is, therefore, fe lt that with active lime content of 68-70%. Presently the
the salt should either be disposed off elsewhere in the sludge that is obtained has the composition given in
Rann-this would pose no problem since the Rann , in Table 4. As is eviden t, CaS04 is the main constituent
any case, is filled with salt deposits-or, preferably, along with moisture, although there are still
suitable markets for the salt should be identified. substantial quantities of impurities. It is possible to
leach out water so luble magnesium chloride and
Recovery of marine chemicals su lphate from the sludge. Dilute well brine of 2 to
At present, the bittern, after concentrati ng , up to 3°Be', which is available near the plant site, was used
densities as high as 33°Be', is used only for bromine for this purpose.
recovery. There is considerable opportunity to recover In the first experiment about 84 g wet sludge was
other products as well, namely, potash and magnesia, mixed with 150 mL well brine and mixture was
for which further evaporation of the bittern is stirred for 15 min. The mixture was fi ltered and
required, which would lead to crystallization of product was dried. In the second similar experiment at
additional quantities of crude salt followed by sels the end of filtration, the product was washed by well
mixt. (NaCl!MgS04 ), at around 33-35°Be' and kainite brine to remove adhering impurity of sodium and
(KCI.MgS04 .3H 20) at 35-37°Be'. Kainite could be magnesium salt. Chemical analysis of each
moved to a factory for recovery of potash 9 although, constituent and material balance is given 111
admittedly, such recovery is more complex than from Tables 8 & 9.
carnallite5 . The mother liquor after recovery of kainite From the analytical results and material balance
would contain mainly magnesium chloride (with calculation, it is clear that almost all gypsum
some magnesi um sulphate) and can be utili sed for (CaS04 .2H 2 0) present in the sludge was recovered in
manufacture of magnesium sulph ate, magnesium the final upgraded product. Purity of the product
carbonate and magnesia (via intermediate fo rmation works out to be around 95 %, which is acceptable to
of magnesium hydroxide). cement industry 10 . Assuming all ac tive lime to be
In experiments conducted in the laboratory, when converted into gypsum, the amount of gypsum that
4.5 L 29.5°Be' bittern was evaporated up to 35.4°Be' , could be produced in a day works out to be 4.75 ton .
its volume decreased to 1.38 L and 1.35 kg salt was Filtrate that comes out during the upgradation of
crystalli zed . Based on this data, if 1920 m 3 bittern sludge is dilute in nature and may be discarded along
(29°Be') per day is evaporated, it will give 576 ton with the rest of the liquid effluent. It would , however,
salt. Considering 300 working days per annum, the be preferable if the need for washing with well brine
amount of salt that will be crystallized comes to 1.73 can be elimjnated altogether and CaS0 4 obtained

Mehta et al.: Ideas fo r process improvement in bromine plant Articles

exclusively in pure form in the neutralization process 0.7 ton gypsum from 80 m3 of bittern processed in the
itself. It is proposed that this may be possible through plant in a day . This compares favourably with the
finer pH control during neutralization and solid waste production of ca. 7 tons. This can be
incorporation of a seeding technique so as to produce ascribed primarily to the reduced level of acidification
CaS0 4 in more granular form which settles easily and of feed bittern, which accounted for a drop in acid use
is free from impurities. by ca. 5-8 times. The balance effect was on account of
use of hydrochloric acid instead of sulphuric acid.
Feed bittern acidified by hydrochloric acid Therefore, every effort must be made to prevent over-
When feed bittern to bromine plant is acidified by acidification of the feed bittern.
sulphuric acid it poses the following problems in the
smooth operation of bromine plant, Use of bittern reservoir as solar pond
(i) if bittern is having density less than 29°Be', In view of the remote location of GRK, there is no
calcium sulphate is precipitated in the tower power grid and, therefore, energy is at a premium.
resulting in choking of the tower, Solar pond technology is an attractive proposition,
(ii) neutralization of acidic bittern with lime generates more so because of the arid nature of the region and
more sludge (calcium sulphate), because of more the high solar insolation . The attractiveness is further
sulphate in the effluent which in tum creates solid Table &--Chemical analys is of various streams in the
disposal problem . upgradation of gypsum

Both these problems were addressed during the Constituent Input Output
present study and it was decided to explore possibility Sludge Well Upgraded Fi ltrate
of acidifying feed bittern using hydrochloric acid % (w/w) brine gypsu m % (wlv)
% (w/v) % (w/w)
instead of sulphuric acid. Accordingly, bromine
plant was operated in August 2000 by acidifying feed CaS0 4 32.98 0.37 52 .84 0.24
bittern using hydrochloric acid, and samples were MgS04 5.27 0.03 3.48
collected, their analytical results are given in MgCI2 7.90 0.20 1.06 3.56
Table 10. NaCI 8.95 1.81 1.22 6.62
CaC0 3 1.00 2.00
Extent of acidification was maintained at average 3 1.42 28.81
pH of - 2.4 instead of - 1.75 for earlier production
using sulphuric acid as acidifying medium. Chemical Table 9--Material balance of gypsum upgradati on experiment
composition of feed and effl uent remained almost
same. Whatever minor differences were found, they Constituent Input Output
Sludge Well Upgraded Filtrate
are attributed to density variations of bittern . (90 g) brine gy psum (170 mL)
Encouragingly, debrominati on efficiency across the ( 150 mL) (55 g)
tower remained unchanged (93.6-95.5 %). Acidified
effluent di scharged from the tower was neutralized by CaS0 4 29.68 0.56 29.06 0.4 1
MgS04 4.74 0.05 5.9 1
lime. In laboratory experiments with the
MgCI 2 7.11 0.30 0.58 6.05
debrominated bittern, about 8.0 g calcium sulphate NaCI 8.06 2.72 0.67 11.25
was precipitated from one liter effluent on CaC0 3 0.90 1.10
neutralization by lime slurry and this is equivalent to Moisture 28.28 15.85

Table 10--Composition of feed bittern and debrominated bittern of bromine plant

(samples collected on August 12: 2000-feed bittern ac idi fied by HCI)

No. Sample Time Density pH of Constituents (% wlv) Bromine

8 e' bittern Mg+ so4· cr g/L

I Feed II A.M 32.2 4.84 6.50 8. 19 19. 15 3.14

2 Effl uent II A.M 31.3 2. 10 6.35 7.93 18.49 0.20
3 Feed I P.M . 32.2 4.97 6.47 8. 12 19.15 3. 17
4 Effl uent I P.M. 31.4 2.85 6.30 7.93 18.82 0.15
5 Feed 3 P.M. 32.1 4.86 6.45 8. 16 19.48 3.09
6 Effluent 3 P.M. 3 1.2 2.64 6.25 7.9 1 18.82 0.14

Articles Indian J. Chern. Techno!., November 2003

enhanced in view of the ready availability of high Conclusions

density bittern free of cost which can serve as the Based on the auditing of bromine plant in GRK
working fluid in the pond bottom as described below. following points e merged as conclusion:
(i) steam consumption plays an important role in
Solar pond is considered to be the simplest and the operation of the plant. There are different
most cost-effective solar collector-cum-energy methods of monitoring steam consumption in
storage device. The solar pond is an artifici a lly the plant and one should counter check them at
created po nd in which den se sa line brine is charged in regular interval.
the bottom and brines having lower density are (ii) a pH of 3-4 suffices for the purpose of bromine
charged to form density gradient. The part of solar di spl acement by chlorine and the requirement of
inso lation incident on the po nd reaches the bottom acid for such acidification of bi ttern is minimal.
and gets absorbed. Because of this, th e temperature of Over-acidification is unwarranted as it reduces
the bottom dense layer increases. However. due to bromine recovery and leads to much larger
prevailing density gradi ent, the convect ion currents quantities of sludge formed in the process of
are suppressed and the e nergy collected is stored as neutra li zation of the debrominated bittern.
thermal energy. Pon d bottom can reach as high as (ii i) controlled neutrali zation of acidified
11 0°C depending on the concentration of dense de brominated bittern by lime can produce fine
brine • 12 , while a temperature of 90°C can be
granules of calcium sulphate of ca. 95 % purity .
maintained under dynamic load. The thermal ene rgy (iv) presence of oxidizing species of bromine in the
collected and stored in the po nd can be utilized neutralized bittern is as high as 18 ppm. There is
readily as process heat, although, its use in mo re need to enhance the debromination efficiency as ,
sophisticated applications like power generation is otherwise, bromate formation is inevitable in the
also possible . CSMCRI had constructed and course of neutralization. An interim solution
o perated a bittern-based so lar pond which yielded the could be the introduction of a reducing agent
information and expertise required to design which may deactivate the bromate ion .
commerciall y viable ponds • Poss ible reduction of (v) evaporation of dilute brine is essential for
efficiency of the po nd due to factors such as hi g h recovery of marine chemicals. In turn this
wind velocity, low c larity of bittern, and seepage of produces large quantities of common salt. It
the bottom layer are, however, critical issu es which should be di sposed off in order to increase the
need to be addressed. life of condensers and crystallizers.
(vi) kainite type mixed salt can be recovered through
Company manufacturing bromine uses a bitte rn further evaporatio n of the debro minated bittern
reservoir of 10,000 sq.m. area with about 3 m depth and utili sed for potash recovery. The
for storing bittern for round the clock o peration debrominated bittern could also be utili sed in
through out the year. One such reservoir can be easi ly solar ponds which would be a s uitable source of
converted into solar pond . Thermal energy stored in non-conventional energy in this highly remote
the pond can be used to pre-heat boiler feed water. and arid region .
Based on CSMCRI experience on bittern based so lar Acknowledgement
pond, it is possible to collect about I 0 to 12% solar Authors would like to thank Ms. Ballarpur
energy falling on the pond as thermal energy . Industries Limited, Khavda Bhuj , which is now
Considering about 5000 Kcal/m 2/day solar insolation rechri stened as Solaris Chemtech. Ltd. for sponsoring
in Kutch and 10% heat coll ection efficiency of the the project, sharing the operational bromine plant data
pond, 10,000 m pond can yield 5 millio n Kcal and valuable discussion with engineers of BILT
thermal energy per day. If boiler feed water is pre- during the course of the project.
heated from 30 to 80°C, the amount of water that can
be pre-heated by the energy stored in the pond works References
out to be 100 m 3 , which is equivalent to 100-ton I Jolles Z E, Bromine and its compounds (Ernest Benn
Limited, London), 1966.
steam. This is sufficient to pre heat boiler feed water 2 Annual Report of Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research
of a bromine plant that can manufacture 1400 ton Institute, G 8 Marg, Bhavnaga r 364 002 India, Ju ly 1972
bromine annually. pp 5.

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