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Periodic Test (2024-25)

General Instructions: - M.M:25
 This paper contains 5 questions. All questions are compulsory.
Q.1 Choose the correct options:- (1x4=4)
A) In Jensen’s model, Level II represents………..
a) Social competence
b) Emotional competence
c) Cognitive competence
d) Associative learning

B) Some societies adopt child rearing practices that foster skill of speed, minimal
moves and mental manipulation, promoting a type of behavior called…………
a) Integral Intelligence
b) Emotional Intelligence
c) Technological Intelligence
d) Contextual Intelligence

C) Formal assessment is objective, standardized and organized. Based on this

information, choose the statements which are true for formal assessment.
i) Formal assessment uses systematic testing procedures.
ii) It is always open to subjective interpretation.
iii) Based on the assessment, predictions about behavior can be made.
iv It varies from case to case and from one assessor to another.
a. ii , iii
b. i , ii
c. i ,iii
d. ii, iv
D) Cognitive assessment system (CAS) can be administered to children between
the ages –
a) 5-18 b) 7-14 c) 6-12 d)8-16
Q.2 Answer the following questions: - (2x4=8)
A) How did Charles Spearman explain the concept of intelligence?
B) Why emotional intelligence is receiving increasing attention of educators?
C) How creativity is related to intelligence?
d) How individual differences are useful for the society?

Q.3 Kyna and Kyra are identical twins. They are separated early in childhood.
Will they show similarities in their intellectual characteristics? Give reason for
your answer. (3x1=3)

Q.4 what is IQ? How do psychologists classify people on the bases of their IQ
Scores ? (4x1=4)

Q.5 How does the Triarchic theory helps us to understand intelligence?


“Any intellectual activity involves the independent functioning of three

neurological systems”. Explain with reference to PASS model. (6x1=6)

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