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Diagnostic Pathology: Thoracic 2nd

Edition Saul Suster

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“‘The autobiography of a Winnebago Indian’ is edited with

explanatory notes by Paul Radin. A middle-aged Winnebago called
‘S. B.,’ who belongs to a prominent family of the tribe and has had
typical experiences, relates them in considerable detail and with
great candor. He tells of his youthful amusements and fasts, of his
courting and his many affairs with women, of his various travels, of
his time spent with shows and circuses, of his term in prison charged
with murder, of his conversion to the peyote rite and of his
subsequent visions of Earthmaker (God). The narrative
extraordinarily adumbrates customs and sentiments which have
almost always been studied from the outside but which here have the
most intimate ring of actuality.”—Nation

“A human document of extraordinary value alike for the

ethnologist, the psychologist, and the lay reader.” R. H. Lowie

+ Freeman 1:334 Je 16 ’20 880w

“As ethnology the account is of great value, and merely as general

reading it is highly delectable.”

+ Nation 111:164 Ag 7 ’20 40w

for state school systems. 75c Russell Sage foundation

“In ‘An index number for state school systems,’ Dr Ayres finds a
single number which expresses the average of ‘ten different measures
of the diffusion, the quantity, and the quality of the public education
received by the children’ of the several states. The ten measures
averaged into the index are: (1) the per cent of school population
attending school daily; (2) average days attended by each child of
school age: (3) average number of days schools were kept open; (4)
per cent that high-school attendance was of total attendance; (5) per
cent that boys were of girls in high schools; (6) average annual
expenditure per child attending; (7) average annual expenditure per
child of school age; (8) average annual expenditure per teacher
employed; (9) expenditure per pupil for purposes other than
teachers’ salaries: and (10) expenditure per teacher for salaries. The
publication includes tables giving the index numbers of the several
states for the census years since 1890 and for 1918, the resulting
ranks of the states at the several periods, the correlation between the
several items and the final index, and the correlation between the
average of the five items that are based on attendance and the
average of the five that are based on expenditure.”—School R

School R 28:709 N ’20 420w

Springf’d Republican p11a Je 13 ’20
+ Survey 44:495 Jl 3 ’20 190w

AYRES, RUBY MILDRED. Richard Chatterton,

V. C. il *$1.75 Watt

“One fails to fathom the reason why handsome, indifferent
Richard Chatterton, jilted as a slacker by millionairess Sonia, should
extort an iron-clad promise from a nice old gentleman, never to tell
of his departure as a private in the Blank brigade to France where he
chums with his own valet and performs the double deed of heroism
which wins him the most coveted of English decorations. One word
of that and Sonia would never have thrown herself into the artful
arms of his false friend Montague. When unavoidable evidence jams
upon her slow credence the facts about Richard, she sees him in
London, invalided home, and insane jealousy of his pretty nurse
makes her conduct still more complicated. Later, the mistaken report
of the hero’s death, the showing up of the villain in lurid tints and
Sonia’s abrupt disappearance, get things into a grand tangle. The
lovers show a genius for miscomprehension that keeps the action
going strong until the pallid convalescent is accidentally discovered
by Sonia in a convenient sitting-room, where fate and the author
have to get behind the two and push them into each other’s arms.”—
Pub W

“The triteness of the story is unrelieved by any felicity of style; this

is the sort of novel dashed off in a hurry to meet an uncritical

− N Y Times 25:287 My 30 ’20 260w

“There are vivid scenes of departing troops, trench warfare and

base hospitals, contrasted with gay glimpses of London society and
country life. And pleasant is the mellow romance of the plump
chaperone and the ‘God bless my soul’ old family friend—they at
least have the saving grace of humor.” Katherine Perry

+ Pub W 97:177 Ja 17 ’20 300w

Abbotscourt. $2 (2c) Kenedy

(Eng ed 20–8732)

This is preeminently a story of human kindness with enough of

harshness in it to throw the kindly people and their doings into relief.
The two sides of the picture are represented by two branches of the
same family: the clerical, younger son side in spiritual and worldly
prosperity throughout successive generations; and the baronet side
in as steady degeneration. At last there is a reversion to type in
Eleanor, the physically and mentally sound and beautiful daughter of
the ramshackle Sir Anthony Abbot of Abbotspark, whom the Rev.
Thomas Abbot of Abbotscourt heroically resolves to adopt into his
family on her father’s death. The story revolves around poor
Eleanor’s plight as a misfit both in the vicar’s family, surrounded by
kindness, and in her dissolute brother’s house, exposed to his low
designs. To escape both she flees into an unknown world and when
her trials have reached their climax a veritable conspiracy of
kindness and good will bring her back to life and love.

“The story is a vivid picture, drawn with the author’s customary

skill, of provincial social life in ecclesiastical circles and interest is

+ Ath p1168 N 7 ’19 100w

“There is something delicately feminine about John Ayscough’s

handling of his theme, his humor, his almost imperceptible irony.
‘Abbotscourt’ cannot be called a great book, nor would its author
claim such a distinction for it. But it is worth reading for its style, its
purity, and for that fragrance as of lavender and old lace which
permeates its pages.”

+ Cath World 112:258 N ’20 220w

+ Cleveland p105 D ’20 80w
Spec 123:819 D 13 ’19 60w

“It is worth dwelling on the method of approach to the characters;

it differs so greatly from much that passes for character drawings
now. It is open perhaps to a smile here and a shrug there, but it is
supported nevertheless upon a basis of thought which though
delicate is secure.”

+ − The Times [London] Lit Sup p629 N 6

’19 580w


labor legislation. (Columbia univ. studies in history,
economics, and public law) pa *$2 Longmans 331


“This book traces the origin and development of international

labor legislation from the time of Owen (1818), with chapters on
progress toward international agreements (1890–1900), labor
conferences and treaties (1900–1913) and the labor development of
the world war. Part 2 deals with the difficulties in international labor
legislation and Part 3 with the Washington conference of 1919
including a summary of the discussion of the eight-hour day and the
employment of women and children.”—Am Econ R

Am Econ R 10:839 D ’20 70w

“The assembled material will be useful to the student in the field of

labor, even though he may be puzzled by several indefinite references
and by some errors (possibly typographical).” Amy Hewes

+ − Am Hist R 26:361 Ja ’21 310w

Reviewed by J: B. Andrews

+ Survey 45:287 N 20 ’20 180w


BABSON, ROGER WARD. Central American

journey. (Interamerican geographical readers) il
$1.20 (3c) World bk. 917.28


This is the story of the Carroll family in their travels through

Central America—an attempt to combine in the form of a story for
children and an account of travel, certain information on our
commercial relations with our southern neighbors. Its aim is to teach
children that, in the process of linking nation with nation the world
over, friendly trade relations contain the romance of the immediate
future, that they imply human relations, fair dealing, and honorable
business standards. Among the contents are: Castles in New Spain;
The gateway of the world; The great waterway; On the trail of
Columbus; A plantation in Costa Rica; Mules and mountain trails;
The ancient land of Nicaragua; The wonders of a wilderness; The
treasure of San Juancito; The small republic of Salvador. The book
has an index and many illustrations.

Booklist 17:120 D ’20

+ N Y Evening Post p2 My 1 ’20 250w
BABSON, ROGER WARD. Fundamentals of
prosperity; what they are and whence they come. *$2
Revell 174


“In this book the statistician of Wellesley Hills holds that we must
look to religion and not to modern efficiency methods to insure
national prosperity. He contends that down to this hour, mankind
(or humanity—or the world at large) has lost its way, chiefly because
of its refusal to accept the golden rule as the basis of true living.”—
Springf’d Republican

“It is a courageous book, inspired by an unshakable faith in the

pricelessness of character, filled with wholesome advice to business
men, and garnished with anecdotes that would be equally
appropriate at a meeting of the stock exchange and a dinner party.”

+ N Y Evening Post p8 N 6 ’20 190w

“It is a business man’s call to business to change its aim, a sermon

of a high order of eloquence that if heeded would change the course
of civilization.”

+ Springf’d Republican p6 D 13 ’20 200w

BABSON, ROGER WARD. W. B. Wilson and

the Department of labor. *$2 Brentano’s 353

“The present head of the Department of labor at Washington has

had the kind of life history that is often described as ‘typically
American,’ but it happens that he was born and passed his childhood
days in Scotland. He was taken from school at the age of eight and
sent to the mines. As he grew up he worked as a common laborer,
iron miner, locomotive fireman, lumber-jack, log-driver, farmer, and
union organizer. He was sent to Congress from Pennsylvania for
three terms, and when the Department of labor was created he
became by President Wilson’s appointment the first Secretary of
labor. All this and much more is told in the present volume by Roger
W. Babson, the statistician, who was himself formerly chief of the
Information service of the Department of labor. Mr Babson’s book
describes and analyzes the machinery and policy of the
department.”—R of Rs

+ Am Econ R 10:363 Je ’20 80w

Booklist 17:28 O ’20
+ Cleveland p77 Ag ’20 60w

“A well-constructed and interesting biography.”

+ N Y Times p30 Ag 1 ’20 160w

“It is a little hard to tell where Babson begins and Wilson leaves
off, for the biographer has not been quite able to play the part of
Boswell to his Johnson.” J. E. Le Rossignol
+ − Review 2:333 Ap 3 ’20 420w
R of Rs 61:334 Mr ’20 150w
Springf’d Republican p8 Ag 6 ’20 290w

“Mr Babson has both succeeded and failed. He has done effectively
what he set out to do. He has failed to do the much greater thing,
such for example, as that which Graham Wallas has accomplished in
his life of Francis Place. In a word, his book is not a biography
insofar as biography is an art.” W. L. C.

+ − Survey 44:89 Ap 10 ’20 600w

BACON, FRANK. Lightnin’; after the play of the

same name by Winchell Smith and Frank Bacon. il
*$1.75 (3c) Harper


A novel made from a popular play of the same name in which Mr

Bacon has been playing the title part. Lightnin’ Bill Jones, so-called
because it doesn’t describe him, is a gentle, genial old humorist who
keeps a hotel in Calivada, on the California-Nevada line. In fact the
state line runs thru the house, so that divorcees wishing to obtain the
advantages of the easy divorce laws of one state might do so and at
the same time enjoy the privileges of a California resort. Two land
sharks, who for reasons of their own, wish to get control of the
property, talk Bill’s wife and adopted daughter into their scheme,
and then, unable to win Bill’s consent, persuade the wife to get a
divorce. But their plans are foiled, and Bill with his genius for
“fixing” things also brings about a happy ending to the love romance
of two young people.

Booklist 16:280 My ’20

“The pathos and humor of the play seem dry and forced in the
story. Still the charm of old ‘Lightnin’ Bill’ Jones stands to some

+ − Boston Transcript p4 Ap 21 ’20 220w

“The author continually insists that Jones is a ‘lovable character,’

but to the reader he seems no more than a lazy, shiftless, old
drunkard, who looks to his wife and daughter for sustenance. Mr
Bacon does not succeed in freeing the narrative from the atmosphere
of the footlights.”

− Springf’d Republican p8a Ap 4 ’20 150w


Dover patrol, 1915–1917. 2v il *$10 (4½c) Doran


“At Dover during 1915, 1916 and 1917, more operations were
initiated and carried out than under any naval command since the
wars at the beginning of last century.” (Preface) The author
enumerates his reasons for writing the book: to write while memory
is still accurate; to fill the need for an adequate account of the work
of the Dover patrol; to contradict the untrue statements of the press
anent his dismissal. Contents of volume 1: Historical; The ships of
the Dover patrol; Matters of strategy; Coastal bombardments; The
work of the trawlers and paddle mine-sweepers; The Belgian coast,
its patrol and barrages; Landing the guns on the Belgian coast; A
proposed attack on Ostend; Preparations for a great landing; Plans
for blocking Zeebrugge and Ostend; The control and protection of
traffic. Contents of volume 2: The incomparable sixth flotilla; The
downs and merchant shipping; The barrages in the channel; The
drifters and their tasks; The French coast; C.M.B.’s, M.L.’s,
submarines and smoke; Operations; The air services of the Dover
patrol; Dover harbour and dockyard; Epilogue; Appendixes; Index.
Each volume is abundantly illustrated and supplied with charts and

“An important contribution from the standpoint of historical


+ Booklist 16:273 My ’20

“As a question of strategy one of the most interesting parts of the

book is that dealing with the plans drawn for a joint army and navy
effort to turn the enemy out of his Belgian bases.” C. C. Gill

+ Bookm 51:477 Je ’20 1700w

“Admiral Bacon’s book has in it much matter for the layman and
much for the expert. For that reason it is more shapeless than have
been many books written about the war. For that reason also, it is a
truer presentment of the conditions obtaining.” Muriel Harris
+ Nation 110:657 My 15 ’20 750w
+ Outlook 126:768 D 29 ’20 6Ow

“For this lucid and sailor-like account of an essential service

Admiral Bacon deserves praise.”

+ Review 3:707 Jl 7 ’20 1400w

“This notable book wavers a little between treatise and narrative,

but it is well worth reading all the same. A certain sense of grievance
animates Sir Reginald Bacon’s pages. But it only obtrudes itself here
and there, for instance, in a tendency to belittle the method of
Admiral Keyes’s attack on Zeebrugge.”

+ Sat R 128:sup13 N 29 ’19 1050w

“Sir Reginald Bacon’s detailed narrative of the Dover patrol is a

well-written and highly interesting book, which will rank with Lord
Jellicoe’s history of the grand fleet among the chief authorities on the
naval side of the war.”

+ Spec 123:582 N 1 ’19 1600w

“It is a striking and interesting narrative, gracefully related, with a

thousand sidelights on this little-known field of naval operations.”

+ Springf’d Republican p6 Je 21 ’20 720w

“The 633 pages of ‘The Dover patrol’ are crowded with statements
of fact, criticisms not indeed of persons (for, apart from his official
enemy, and vague indications of contradicting sinners, Admiral
Bacon is generous in his tone to his colleagues and subordinates),
but of principles and the methods of the art of war at sea. Admiral
Bacon sometimes writes expressly for the professional reader, but he
remembers the little knowledge of most of us, avoids pedantry, and
has a respectable share of the blessed faculty for making things

+ The Times [London] Lit Sup p599 O 30

’19 2150w
+ Yale R n s 10:437 Ja ’21 270w


STEPHENSON SMYTH. Scoutmastership. *$1.50
Putnam 369.4


This “handbook for scoutmasters on the theory of scout training”

is the American edition of the author’s book on British scout training
with a few alterations by way of adaptation. Its arguments are
elaborations on the four main principles on which, according to the
author, scout training is based, and which require of the scoutmaster
that “(1) He must have the boy spirit in him; and must be able to
place himself on a right plane with his pupils as a first step; (2) He
must realize the psychology of the different ages of boy life; (3) He
must deal with the individual pupil rather than with the mass; and
(4) He then needs to promote a corporate spirit among his
individuals to gain the best results.” After the introductory exposition
of these principles the contents are: How to train the boy; Character;
Health and physical development; Making a career; Service for
others; Reconstruction; The education act and the Boy scout; The
attitude of labour towards scouting; Be ye prepared; Appendix.

“A readable handbook.”

+ Booklist 17:9 O ’20

+ Review 3:215 S 8 ’20 80w

BAFF, WILLIAM E. Inventions, their

development, purchase and sale. *$2 Van Nostrand


“This book is essentially a manual on the marketing of

inventions.... In its broader aspect it is a book on business policy and
is sent out on its mission of enlightening inventors and others about
plans by the aid of which inventions may be profitably exploited....
The problems discussed are the manufacturers’ problems as well as
those of the individual inventor.” (Preface) Among the subjects
covered are: Value and price of patents; Gauging the merits of an
invention; Developing inventions; The market for inventions;
Patents as property; Inventor and capitalist; Elementary contract
laws. The final chapter consists of Suggestions from the author on
every phase of selling inventions. There is an index.

“It should prove of essential service to the inventor who is about to

market his ideas.”
+ N Y Evening Post p15 My 8 ’20 250w


and bright stars. (For the children’s hour ser.) il
$1.50 (3½c) Bradley, M. 973


A series of stories from American history. The author says, “I have

written this book because I believe that the story of the American
people as it is embodied in the history of our United States supplies
the most important material for character building in the entire field
of elementary education, and should be offered to children in a new,
humanitarian way as a means of helping them to understand the
present.” (Preface) The stories are arranged chronologically and
include: Pilgrims for freedom; The first fight; The freeman’s charter;
Following the beaver’s trail; At the gate of old Harvard; Ringing in
the fourth of July; In the wake of the first steamboat, etc. A
chronology of main events referred to comes at the close.

“The stories are well told.”

+ Springf’d Republican p6 My 25 ’20



stories. il $2.50 (3½c) Bradley, M. 292

All the well-known myths are here retold for boys and girls. There
is an introduction on How the myths began, followed by the stories
of Prometheus, Pandora (Hawthorne’s “Paradise of children”),
Vulcan, Orion, Perseus, Pegasus, Phaeton, Apollo, Mercury,
Proserpine, Jason, the golden apples, the wooden horse, and others.
There are six pictures in color by Clara M. Burd.

“An attractive collection.”

+ Ind 104:380 D 11 ’20 30w


Leroy. *$2 Dutton


“When the story opens Barry is a spy in the service of Napoleon;

the war is on between France and England. Barry had learned to
believe in the people who were fighting for liberty and equality. But
there comes a time when Barry’s regard for the French consul is
turned to contempt and hatred. The abduction and execution of the
Duc d’Enghien, whom Barry knew to be loyal to Napoleon, was the
cause of his revolt. Asserting that he would never forgive the Little
Corsican for his cold-blooded treachery, he goes over to the other
side and offers his services to the British. He forces a duel on Nelson
at one moment and saves his life at the risk of his own at another.”—
N Y Times
“Rather disconnected and has not quite the charm or vivacity of
‘The gamesters’ or ‘The highwaymen.’”

+ − Booklist 16:345 Jl ’20

“In criticizing Mr Bailey’s methods in portraying his most difficult

figures, I would not subtract from the extent of his accomplishment.
He has, we must admit, failed in Napoleon and Nelson. ‘Barry Leroy’
is an excellent story in spite of this lack. It possesses the fine dash,
the romance, the joy of adventure for itself, that we have come to
associate with other times than our own.” D. L. M.

+ − Boston Transcript p6 Ag 4 ’20 1050w

“Throughout the book the action never lags; there are no dull
moments. As a spy-story having an historic background and
interwoven with a charming love affair, ‘Barry Leroy’ is above the
average in construction and sustained interest.”

+ N Y Times 25:168 Ap 11 ’20 500w

“The fantastic vein of the story is well sustained, though

necessarily told in episodes with little organic connection, as if
written for serial publication.”

+ Sat R 129:234 Mr 6 ’20 80w

BAILEY, LIBERTY HYDE. Nursery-manual; a

complete guide to the multiplication of plants. (Rural
manuals) il *$2.50 Macmillan 631.5

“Rewritten and reset, L. H. Bailey’s ‘The nursery-manual’ is off the

press in its 22d edition. It deals fully with seeds, layers, cuttings,
buds, grafts and otherwise. To those who are acquainted with the
earlier editions—the first having been issued early in 1891—little
introduction is needed, save to say that the material is brought up to
date with addition of observations gained in further research. An
extended alphabetic list of plants with full directions for each is
included. The volume also includes an illustrated account of the main
diseases and insects of nursery stock, valuable to the commercial
grower.”—Springf’d Republican

Booklist 16:231 Ap ’20

R of Rs 61:448 Ap ’20 50w
+ Springf’d Republican p10 Mr 12 ’20
The Times [London] Lit Sup p242 Ap
15 ’20 40w

BAILEY, TEMPLE. Trumpeter swan. il *$1.90


“The hero, a young soldier, returns from France to face changes of
fortune and soon to realize that the girl he loves has lost her heart to
another man. How Randy makes good, writes the romance of ‘The
trumpeter swan,’ and wins back the wandering heart of his lady, is all
set down. Interwoven is the minor story of baby Fiddle Flippen.”—
Boston Transcript

+ Booklist 17:115 D ’20

“The plot of Temple Bailey’s latest story is practically nil, but its
settings are wonderfully picturesque. The hills of old Virginia and the
moors of Nantucket are powerfully contrasted to furnish a
background for a readable light tale.” C. K. H.

+ − Boston Transcript p6 N 3 ’20 500w

+ Cleveland p105 D ’20 50w

“Her readers will like this new book. The love passages are
wholesome, strike the note of sincerity, and therefore cannot but be

+ N Y Times p25 Ja 16 ’21 430w

Reviewed by Marguerite Fellows

+ Pub W 98:658 S 18 ’20 190w

“A good simple natural harmless story.”

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