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UNIT 1 Topic 2 : Abstract reasoning

GLOBAL CONTEXT: Identities and relationships

EXPLORATION: Relationships

Statement of Inquiry - Relationships help to model and generalize patterns.

Learning Goal – To perform operations on algebraic expression.
Command terms:
Find: Obtain an answer showing relevant stages in the working.
Identify: Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state briefly a
distinguishing fact or feature.

Task1: Identify the following expressions as monomials, binomials or trinomials:

(1) 11pqr

(2) m + 2n + 2m

(3) a + b + c

(4) r + 5t -2r

(5) a +2a +3a

(6) b -8b+ 7b

(7) 11-2mn -7mn

Task2:Find the sum of the following expressions by column method

1. 2p + 3q and 7p + 8q 2. 14x -3y and -5x + 11y

3. 4x + 5y – 3z and 9x – 6y + 4z

Task 3: Subtract the following expressions, using row or column method.:

PSG/Mathematics/Unit 1 Topic 2 -Abstract Reasoning /RS- Operations on
algebraic expressions
1. 2x – 3y from x – 5y 2. 2a +5cd from 7ab -2cd

Task 4 : Solve of the following algebraic expression

1) a X a X a 2) 2 a X 4 a

3) 4 x X 6 x 4) 4 (2 x+ 3 xy )

5) b × 3 b X 2b 6) 4c x 3d

7) 12 x ÷ 6 xy 8) 121 xyz ÷ 11 y

Expand using the distributive property: 5(2x+ 6y+ 2)

Simplify the following expression by combining like terms:

3(2x - 4) + 6x - 1

PSG/Mathematics/Unit 1 Topic 2 -Abstract Reasoning /RS- Operations on

algebraic expressions

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