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1. Danisse boarded a Taxi on her way home from a party. c.

Because she was already drunk, she fell asleep. Vhong, d. Homicide
the Taxi driver, decided to take advantage of the situation
and drove Danisse to his apartment far from the city
where he raped her for a period of 3 weeks. The crime is 6. Carla, four (4) years old, was kidnapped by Enrique, the
tricycle driver engaged by her parents to drive her to and
a. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention and rape from school every day. Enrique wrote a ransom note
separately demanding that Carta's parents pay him P500,000.00
b. Kidnapping with rape and one count of rape for each ransom in exchange for her liberty. However, before the
rape subsequent to the first ransom note could be received by Carta's parents,
c. Kidnapping with rape Enrique’s hideout was discovered by the police. Carla was
d. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention only rescued while Enrique was arrested. What crime was
2. While executing a search warrant, a PCPL Nami pocketed
and absconded with the iPhone X of the occupant of the a. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
premises being searched. The phone was not the subject b. Kidnapping for ransom
of the search warrant. lt was not enumerated in the order. c. Impossible crime of kidnapping for ransom
What crime is committed? d. Attempted kidnapping for ransom

a. Abuse of service 7. Ricci threatened and intimidated Andrea that if she does
b. Theft not give him Two Hundred Fifty Thousand (Php
c. Violation of domicile 250,000.00) Pesos, he will upload all her nude photos on
d. None of the above facebook, twitter and Instagram. Andrea complied. Ricci
is guilty of:
3. Betchie and Praisah, while working inside their hair salon,
saw Josh and Johnson robbing the pawnshop across the a. Theft
street. Betchie and Praisah, stupidly and bravely ran b. Acts of Lasciviousness
outside to try to help the attendant of the pawnshop. Since c. Attempted Rape
Betchie and Praisah saw the robbers’ face, Josh and d. Robbery
Johnson shot them dead and ran away with the jewelry
they stole. What crime or crimes are committed? 8. Jenny, a married woman, performed oral sex on Cyril.
Cyril did not know that Jenny was married. After her
a. Two counts of robbery with homicide husband found out, he filed a case against Jenny and Cyril
b. Separate crimes of robbery with homicide and for Adultery.
c. Robbery with homicide a. Jenny and Cyril are liable for adultery
d. None of the above b. Only Jenny can be held liable for adultery
c. Neither Jenny nor Cyril is guilty of adultery
4. With a promise of reward, Robert asked Romy to bring d. None of the above
him a young girl that he (Robert) can have carnal
knowledge with. Romy agreed, seized an eight-year-old 9. Jeremiah, a Filipino citizen of Chinese descent, assisted
girl and brought her to Robert. After receiving his reward, the Chinese Navy in surveying and determining the safest
Romy left while Robert proceeded to have carnal and most secure shores in the Philippines. He thought he
knowledge with the girl. What crime is committed by was helping the Philippines in this endeavor since the
Robert? geodetic maps he prepared would allegedly be transmitted
to the Philippines for future use. Before the survey was
a. Statutory rape completed, Chinese military vessels entered the
b. Rape by sexual intercourse Philippines’ Scarborough shores, set up a station secured
c. Qualified Rape by two warships, and populated two islets which the
d. Child abuse Chinese Government proclaimed as their own, all with the
use of the geodetic maps. What crime is Samuel liable
5. Michael always hated his sister Lorie. In order to kill her, for?
Michael set her house on fire while Lorie was sleeping.
She was killed as a result. The crime committed is: a. Treason
b. Espionage
a. Murder c. Misprision of treason
b. Arson d. None of the above
10. Pat, Jar, and Mary were Criminology students studying in
KCAST. They went to a famous restaurant in Tagum
called Miko’s Brew. As planned, they ordered and ate so
much food and thereafter left the restaurant without
paying for their meal. Pat, Jar and Mary are guilty of

a. Theft
b. Robbery
c. Estafa
d. Usurpation of Personal Property

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