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Plants are My


Sumber: Buku Tematik Kelas 6A

The Way of the Corn Breeds

The corn is Indonesia's staple food. Madura area is the largest corn
producing regions.
How to grow of corn :
1. Planting a seeds in the fields
2. Corn will grow 3-4 days
3. The Corn can be harvested after 3 months
A corn will produce a flower. The corn flower have fine hair, which
has pollen. The pollen will fly when the wind blows. Pollen which is
carried by the wind, will fall on the stigma located at the bottom of
the flower on the corn tree. When fertilization is occurs, the corn
fruit will be harvested when the corn hair is brown.
The Ways of Generative Breeding
How to Generative Breeding:
1. Generative breeding (mating) occurs through a process pollination and fertilization
2. Generative breeding in plants begins with pollination, which is the attachment or fall
of pollen to the stigma
3. After pollination, the pollen grows to pollen which leads to the ovule chamber.
4. Fertilization occurs in the ovary, which is the dissolution of pollen (spermatozoid) with
a pistil head (egg).
5. The result of fertilization is a zygote.
Zigot -> institutions -> ovules -> seeds and fruit -> fruit flesh.
Institutions in the seed is a candidate for the new plant. The Plants that reproduce
generatively include: rice, mango, durian, and guava.
ASEAN Answers Neighboring Needs of Life

Malaysia, Laos and Indonesia live side by side. Although different countries,
but all three have similarities in social and cultural life. There are still many other
countries that have similarities. Therefore, they joined in an organization called ASEAN,
namely the union of Southeast Asian countries. Here are 10 countries ASEAN.

You must have felt the comfort of a neighboring life. The comfort in a
neighbor needs to be realized because every family has the same flowers. This also
underlies the formation of ASEAN. ASEAN is an international organization consisting of
countries in the Southeast Asia region. These countries are united because of the
equality of geographical location and the same common cultural and flowers.
Task Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. Where is the biggest corn producer in Indonesia?

Answer : ____________________________________________

2. When will the corn plants begin to grow?

After 3 - 4 days
Answer : ____________________________________________

3. When will the corn can be harvested?

After 3 months
Answer : ____________________________________________

4. Generative breeding begins with?

Beginning with pollination
Answer : ____________________________________________

5. What are the results of conception?

Answer : ____________________________________________

6. How many countries does ASEAN consist of?

Answer :10 countries

7. What is the ASEAN?

ASEAN is an international organization consisting of countries in the
Answer : _____________________________________________________
Southeast Asia region
8. What is the reasons for the formation of ASEAN?
Answer : Because of the similarity of locations and similarities in culture

9. “ Corn” in Indonesian langauage is ...

Answer : _____________________________________________________

10. “ Pembubaran” in English language is ...

Answer : Dissolution

Cara : Way
Jagung : Corn
Berkembangbiak : Breeds Generatif : Generative
Pokok : Staple Kawin : Mating
Tumbuh : Grow Terjadi : Occurs
Dipanen : Harvested Penyerbukan : Pollination
Serbuk : Pollen Pemupukan : Fertilization
Pukulan : Blow Memimpin : Leads
Angin : Wind Ovule Chamber : Ovule Chamber
Pembubaran : Dissolution
Lembaga : Institutions
Biji : Seeds

Berbeda : Different
Kesamaan : Similarities
Budaya : Cultural
Banyak : Many
Kenyamanan : Comfort
Tetangga : Neighboring
Organisasi : Organization
Menyadari : Realized
Bunga : Flower
Kesetaraan : Equality
Terdiri : Consisting

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