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1. Doni : What are you doing, Doni?

Arthur : I am…a book.
Doni : May I borrw it?
Arthur : Sorry, I am still reading it
A. reading
B. playing
C. writing
D. painting

2. What is the best description about this picture?

A. Don’t clean the board
B. Don’t pick the flowers
C. Don’t step on the grass
D. Don’t throw the rubbish

3. Choose the correct sentence for this picture.

A. It’s Surabaya Zoo
B. It is Kenjeran Beach
C. It is Bungkul Park
D. It is Heroes monument

4. Michael : .., may I have some tissues, please??

Teacher : Sure, you may!
Michael : Thank you!
A. I am fine
B. You are welcome
C. Thank you
D. Excuse me

5. Ary: Can you tell me, How can I get to the hotel?
Ana: Of course, walk along Tunjungan Street, then ...
Ary: Thank you.
Ana: My pleasure.
A. turn left
B. turn right
C. turn back
D. turn around
6. Maya: Where will we go for our midterm activity?
Nury: How about going to Surabaya Zoo?
Yulia: ... I love it.
A. I don’t think so
B. That’s a good idea
C. I disagree with you
D. I’m sorry, but I think that’s not a good idea

7. Zara: Hi, Aira. I’m hungry….

Aira: That’s a good idea.
A. Let’s go to library
B. Let’s eat in canteen
C. Let’s play in the yard
D. Let’s study in the classroom

8. Andi: Hi, Risma….?

Risma: Yes, I can
Andi: Wow, that’s cool
Andi: Thank you
A. can you run fast
B. can you ride a bike
C. can you read a book
D. can you play football

9. Once upon a time there was an old couple live in the village near the jungle. They didn’t have a
baby. They met Buto Ijo . They asked him for a help. He gave them a gold cucumber. They cut it
and the baby came out . They namd her Timun Mas.
Who gave a gold cucumber?
A. Buto Ijo
B. Old man
C. Her mother
D. Old cuople

10. Budi : Let’s go to Surabaya Zoo.

Toni : All right. That’s good idea.
Budi : How do we … there?
Toni : We’d better go by motorcycle. It is very crowded during the holiday.

A. go
B. gone
C. went
D. going

11. Don’t burn the rubbish. It cause air pollution. The smoke is dangerous for our health.
It is so toxic. We have to put the rubbish into the bin.

Chosoe the correct statement.

A. We may burn the rubbish
B. The smoke is good for our health
C. The smoke is dangerous for our health
D. We have to throw the rubbish away into the river

12. Rendy : which one do you like to do on Sunday, jogging or swimming?

Alfin : I like swimming than jogging
Rendy : Sure, next time, Let’s do it together

A. Alfin likes jogging on Sunday

B. Rendy likes swimming on Sunday
C. Rendy likes jogging on Sunday
D. Alfin like swimming on Sunday

13. Adrian : Look at this car.

Sadio : I think ...
Adrian : May be it crashed somedays ago
A. it is new
B. it is good
C. it is broken
D. it is luxury

14. Seller : What can I do for you, mom ?

Mrs.Ika : I need some water
Seller : … bottles do you need ?
Mrs.Ika : Take me five bottles
A. How much
B. How price
C. How many
D. How money

15. Risky : Let’s go hiking to Bromo mountain.

Reno : … It’s too dangerous because it is erupting.
Adi : What about going to the beach?
Dino : That’s good idea.
A. I don’t think so
B. That’s good idea
C. I agree with you
D. I think so

16. Aminah : Would you please to mop the floor ?

Rian : ...
Aminah : Thank you
Rian : You’re welcome
A. I am sorry
B. Excuse me
C. I can’t
D. Sure

17. Teacher : Let’ s study English

Student s : alright , Sir !
Andi : Excuse me, May I ...,please?
Teacher : of course.

A. Eat to the canteen

B. go to the toilet
C. come in the classroom
D. study at home

18. Read the text and choose the correct answer

Wearing a Mask at School

When I go to school, I will need to wear a mask. All the teachers and the principal will wear a
mask. Even a bus driver will wear a face mask.
People in my class will wear a face mask. We wear them to protect ourselves and others against
an illness called COVID-19. COVID-19 is caused by a virus called a corona virus that is so small, I
can’t see it. This is a drawing of what it looks like through a microscope.
How to protect ourselves from COVID-19
A. We have to wear a cap
B. We have to wear a hat
C. We have to wear a mask
D. We have to wear a helmet

19. On Monday 2 March 2020, Indonesia announced the first two cases of Corona virus Disease 2019
(COVID-19). WHO understands that many people are afraid and uncertain. However, panic and
anxiety will not help us to fight the virus. At this time, we need to refer to the simple yet effective
prevention measures that are being shared by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, WHO and partners; in
particular, on the use of masks.
When did Indonesia announce the first two cases of COVID-19?
A. Many people are afraid and uncertain
B. On Monday 2 March 2020
C. Panic and anxiety will not help us to fight the virus
D. The Indonesian Ministry of Health

20. Read the text and choose the correct statement.

Let us work together!

Come and join us to keep our beach clean
And plant 1000 mangrove trees
Saturday, November 28th 2022
7 am – 9am

Wonorejo mangrove forest

A. The activity will be in the evening

B. The activity will be at Kenjeran beach
C. The activity will be on Sunday, November 28th 2022
D. The activity will include planting 1000 mangrove trees.
21. Arrange and rewrite the sentences below into a good order “how to make a glass of apple juice”!
A. Turn on the blender
B. Peel and cut the apple in small pieces
C. Pour the juice into a glass and serve on the table
D. Put the apple into a blender

22. Write two sentences based on this picture!

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

23. Look at the picture below! Write two sentences that invite someone to join the competition.

1. _______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________

24. Read the rext and fill the column.

Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat or Ki Hajar Dewantara (Surakarta, 2 may 1889, Yogyakarta, 26
April 1959) is an Indonesian pioneer of education for common people. He was the founder of Taman
Siswa school.
He had three slogans, Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho, Ing Madya Mangun Karso and Tut Wuri Handayani.
Tut Wuri Handayani became the slogan of Indonesian Ministry of Education

Drs. Moh. Hatta was born in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, 12 August 1902. He died in Jakarta, 14 March
1980. He was a warrior, statesman, and first vice president of Indonesia. He signed the proclamation
text on the name of Indonesian people with Ir. Soekarno.

No. Name From born Die


25. Look at the poster above. Make 3 sentences about how to stay safe in this pandemic situation.
1. …
2. …
3. …

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