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Document Submittal

Document 02-651310-0000100322-SPC-
Contractor SAPAC
Submittal no. HSE-PLN-000017
Contract no. 100322/032 Date 02-Nov-2023


Document no. Type Description Rev no. Action required

Approval Comments
0000100322/032 – Temporary
0000100322- PLAN 03
Work Plan & Procedures Information Other
Approval Comments
Information Other
Approval Comments
Information Other

Contractor Authorized Signatory

Name WESAM SAIED Date 02-Nov-2023


PMC’s Comments

Exception as noted revise

No exception taken Revise and resubmit
Status code and resubmit for record
Rejected Review not required Issued for Construction


Received by Contractor
Name Date

Document No: 02-651310-0000100322-SPC-HSE-PLN-000017 Rev-03 Page 1 of 20


Construction of North Laydown Area in the Gulf of Aqaba

0000100322/032 – Temporary Work Plan & Procedures

02-651310-0000100322-SPC-HSE-PLN-000017 “Rev 03” “02-Nov-2023”

Document No: 02-651310-0000100322-SPC-HSE-PLN-000017 Rev-03 Page 2 of 20

Document history

Revision code Description of changes Purpose of issue Date

01 First Issue For Approval 03-Sep-2023

02 2nd Issue For Approval 24-Sep-2023

03 3rd Issue For Approval 02-Nov-2023

Document approval

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by


Job Title HSE Manager Project Manager Project Manager

Document No: 02-651310-0000100322-SPC-HSE-PLN-000017 Rev-03 Page 3 of 20

1. TEMPORARY WORK PLAN & PROCEDURES ……………………………………………05

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1 Description and Scope ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Description: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Scope: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Definitions/Roles .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Temporary Works Schedule/Register ................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Temporary Works Scheme Concept: .................................................................................................................................... 6
6 Temporary Works Classification............................................................................................................................................ 6
7 Temporary Works Design ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Temporary Works Design Check ....................................................................................................................................... 7
7.2 Pre-installation/Erection of Temporary Works .................................................................................................................. 8
7.3 Installation/Erection, Dismantling, Supervision and Inspection of Temporary Works ...................................................... 8
7.4 Weekly Inspections........................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.5 Inspections Following Adverse Weather or other events ................................................................................................ 8
7.6 Temporary Works Inspection ............................................................................................................................................ 9
7.7 Removal/Dismantling of Temporary Works....................................................................................................................... 9
7.8 Temporary Works Register and Records .......................................................................................................................... 9
7.9 Additional/ Miscellaneous Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 9
7.10 Safety and other Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 9
8 Proposed Temporary Works ................................................................................................................................................ 10
8.1 Office Set UP: .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
8.2 Excavations: .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
8.3 Scaffolding ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
8.4 Shuttering / False works: ................................................................................................................................................. 10
9 References ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
10 Annexures ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12

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1 Description and Scope

1.1 Description:

This plan describes the management of temporary works from design conception through design and development, approval,
construction, use and finally removal. This plan will be used to ensure that temporary works are delivered to site on schedule
for use by the construction team in line with SAPAC, NEOM and statutory requirements.

1.2 Scope:
The scope of temporary works in a construction project is extensive and critical to the successful execution of the project.
Temporary works encompass a wide range of elements and activities that support the construction process. Here's an overview
of the scope of temporary works:

Support Structures:
Temporary works often include structures like scaffolding, formwork, falsework, and shoring systems. These are essential for
supporting construction activities, ensuring worker safety, and creating the necessary framework for building elements.

Access and Egress:

Temporary access structures, such as ramps, bridges, and staircases, are created to allow workers to enter and exit construction
sites safely. These structures are essential for efficient movement within the site.

Earthworks and Excavation:

Temporary works can include retaining walls, embankments, and dewatering systems that are vital for stabilizing excavation sites
and managing water ingress.

Temporary Services:
This category includes temporary utilities like electrical, plumbing, required for construction activities. These services provide the
necessary infrastructure for workers during construction.

Demolition Works:
When existing structures need to be removed, temporary structures and methods are employed to safely demolish and clear the

Safety Measures:
Temporary safety measures, such as barriers, fencing, guardrails, and safety netting, are put in place to protect workers and the
public from potential hazards.

Temporary Access:
Equipment like scaffolding is used for workers to access and work at heights, ensuring their safety and facilitating construction at
elevated levels.

2 Definitions/Roles
Temporary Works (TW) - Temporary Works is any temporary arrangement to construct the permanent works or used to support
the permanent works during its construction and/or until such time that it becomes self-supporting.

Temporary Works can be either industry standard designs that cover a range of limitations, or a bespoke design to cover a site-
specific situation, however in both cases design calculations are required to be produced to demonstrate the suitability of the
chosen option in line with BS 5975.
This definition applies to all temporary works on projects, including but not limited to:

Site accommodation and temporary structures, offices and protected walkways

• Hoardings and external perimeter fencing and signage
• Temporary roads, Scaffoldings and barriers
• Edge protection
• Excavation supports, dewatering and underpinning schemes
• Open excavation
• Temporary staircases, access scaffold, mobile towers

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• Temporary anchor points such as harnesses and winch points
Temporary Works Design - is a solution using engineering principles which comprises of calculation based on a set of
given parameters and limitations for expected loads.

Designated Individual / Temporary Works Designer (TWD) - is a qualified, experienced and competent person,
generally a Civil or Structural Engineer responsible for preparing the engineering design for the Temporary Work installations in
accordance with project requirements.

Temporary Works Checking Engineer (TWCH) - An engineer not involved with the original design and who is
commissioned to check and accept the design or construction. Should be from SAPAC Technical Department.

Temporary Works Coordinator (TWC) - is a qualified, experienced and competent person who co-ordinates the Design,
Erection/installation, Loading, Maintenance and Dismantling of the temporary works. He assesses whether minor elements of
temporary works are to be designed and certified in accordance with the procedure and keep records of all such assessments.
The TWC must be able to commission an independent check on the Temporary Works before it is subject to load/strike but
should not be the person directly responsible for design, erection, maintenance or dismantling of the Temporary Works.

Temporary Works Supervisor (TWS) - is a competent person experienced in the erection of Temporary Works, responsible
to assist the Temporary Works Coordinator in the supervision of the Temporary Works installation, inspection and dismantling
at site. He could be a Site Engineer or q u a l i f i e d Trades F o r e m a n ( SAPAC or subcontractor) appointed b y t h e
Construction / Project Manager and he is responsible to initiate the temporary work permit and reporting to the TWC. Also, his
role covers the full supervision to the whole progress of construction and dismantling of temporary work.

Risk Assessment - Formal safety exercise to manage the hazards associated with a particular activity or group of activities.
The risk assessment is normally chaired by the safety manager and attended by the relevant subcontractor and construction

Special Temporary Works

 Schemes which could endanger the lives of workers or public;
 Schemes which affect the progress of the works;
 Schemes which impose significant loads onto the permanent structure;
 Schemes involving significant safety, third party, contractual or financial risks.

Temporary Works Register -The TWC will maintain an up-to-date register of all the items of Temporary Works on the
site with each item classified as defined on Temporary Works Schedule. The purpose of the register is to ensure that each item
of Temporary Works whether originating within SAPAC or from Sub-contractor, is formally identified and checked in accordance
with requirements.

3 Procedure
Appointment of Temporary Works Personnel
The following personnel are dedicated exclusively to this project and will not be involved in any other tasks. SAPAC is
committed to ensuring that the work carried out by these temporary personnel meets NEOM Standards and deadlines.

As early as practically possible after the contract award the PM and the TM shall identify the required
Temporary Works to be utilized on the project, and formally appoint an experienced TWC. If the size of the
project, or the complexity of the Temporary Works demands, then the PM shall appoint a TWS to assist the
TWC in the supervision and monitoring of the Temporary Works.
The appointment of any Temporary Works personnel shall be accompanied by a clear definition of the roles
and responsibilities of the position involved and the limits of authority to be informed to the construction
 Engineer Waleed Tamimi will be appointed as Temporary Works Designer
 Engineer Muhammad Amir will be appointed as Temporary Work Checking Engineer.
 Engineer Muhammad Khalid will be appointed as Temporary Work Coordinator.

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4 Temporary Works Schedule/Register

 The TWC in coordination with the TWD and Construction Managers shall establish and maintain a schedule in
accordance with– Temporary Works Schedule/Register.
 The TWC shall maintain the up-to-date register of all items in Categories temporary works on the project with
each item classified as defined below.

Temporary Works Register shall be prepared as soon as possible after the award of the contract, and as a minimum, the register
will identify the following:

1. Design brief number

2. Short description of the temporary works
3. Date required
4. Timescale in which the works are to be designed, fabricated and installed to allow the progress of the works to be
compliant with the main contract delivery program
5. Category of temporary works
6. Designer
7. Design checker

The purpose of the register is to ensure that each item of temporary works, whether in- house or b y a Subcontractor, i s
forma ll y identified, checked, installed, maintained and dismantled as per company standards.

5 Temporary Works Scheme Concept:

 The PM and the Construction Manager shall decide and advise the TWC of any requirements for Temporary Works,
upon which the TWC shall assess the requirements to determine the complexity of the required Temporary Works

 When developing the scheme concept, the PM, Construction Manager and the Planning Engineer s hal l take into
account the permanent works scope, any stated sequence of any construction, relevant statutory requirements
and approvals, design standards and Client/Client’s Representative requirements.

 The Construction Manager will initiate installation of temporary facilities with approved MSRA. He will provide facilities
as per approved layout, where they will serve the project adequately and result in minimum interference with
performance of the work.

6 Temporary Works Classification

a) The TWC shall categorize all Temporary Works required for the completion of the Works

b) For Temporary Works Category 0, the TWC and the Construction Manager ensures that supervision team fully
understands and takes account of the limitations of the standard Solutions, and that Temporary Works Category 0 will only
be used in appropriate circumstances.

c) For Temporary Works Category 1 to 3, the TWC and the Construction Manager shall decide the best fit
solution and determine the design and control measures that are necessary.

d) When the chosen scheme concept requires a design brief, the TWC in liais on with the Construction Manager and TM
shall prepare a design brief, which should include but not limited to the following, and deliver the same to the
proposed/appointed TWD:

Details of the organization/personnel involved in the design of the scheme and their respective responsibilities.

 Appropriate drawings and specification of the permanent works.

 Statement of requirement for design of the Temporary Works in accordance with a particular standard or guidance
 Information on any significant risk associated with the design of the permanent works.
 Program for the construction of the permanent works.
 Program for the various phases of the design, design check, statutory approvals, procurement and erection for the
Temporary Works.

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 The timing for the removal of the Temporary Works.
 Access to the permanent works from the Temporary Works.
 Access and any restrictions for erection, maintenance, and dismantling of the Temporary Works.
 Public access and/or protection for public (if applicable).
 Equipment and materials available for use in the Temporary Works.
 Proposals for any relocation/re-use of Temporary Works in staged works.
 Environmental information such as location, altitude, and topography of the site, distance to nearest sea/water course,
rainfall, water levels and prevailing current velocities, as appropriate.
 Site investigation data and reports relating to the areas under and adjacent to the temporary works, including the
information on all underground and overhead services.
 Limitations on the staged construction of works.
 Limitations on the positioning of loads from temporary works over underground services or adjacent to excavations
or retaining walls forming part o f the permanent works.
 Proposals for the protection of the Temporary Works, from an external force or moving objects.
 Limitations imposed by various authorities in relation to working within or adjacent to railways, highways, water
courses etc.
 Any environmental constraints on site by the local authority
 Details of obstruction that may preclude or influence the position Temporary Works.

7 Temporary Works Design

The following TW design categories meets BS 5975 standards and requirements.

a) Category 0 - Standard Solution designs provided by the TWD /Manufacturer or Suppliers which is a basic design in
accordance with the recommendations of relevant codes accompanied by information covering layout, loading, limitation,
tolerances with no further calculations required.

b) Category 1 - The TWD identifies the concept from the design brief and prepares the design using simple methods of
analysis and in accordance with the relevant standards, supplier’s technical literature or other reference publications.

c) Category 2 and 3 - The TWD identifies the concept from the design brief and associated information, the v a r i o u s loads
t h a t w i l l act o n t h e s t r u c t u r e t o g e t h e r with the combinations in which they will be considered, and prepares a
bes poke design suitable for the situation.

d) During the design stage, the TWD may seek clarification or alteration/modification of the brief through submission of RFI or
by requesting that the TWC convenes a clarification meeting to include all the necessary parties in involved with the
supervision and erection of the Temporary Works.

e) After clarification of all issues and finalization of a design brief, the TWD shall proceed to provide the engineered solution by
preparing appropriate calculations, specifications and drawings/sketches taking into account the recognized engineering
principles and specific requirements such as:

 Foundations and site conditions/ preparation

 Position and orientation of components.
 Sequence of operations.
 Any significant risk associated with the design.
 Installation, use and dismantling of Temporary Works.
 Compliance with the required standards a n d /or specifications or authority requirement.
 Variability of materials’ and tolerances.
 Safety in erection and dismantling.
 Impacts and relevance to permanent works.
 All Temporary Works design data and computations are clearly documented on either calculation sheets (or
consultant documentation) or computerized printouts and are signed-off by the TWD.

7.1 Temporary Works Design Check

a) Where a design category requires that an independent Temporary Works Design is to be checked, all data (whether
supported by a Standard Solution or by a Temporary Work Design Brief) shall be submitted progressively to the
independent checker and to comply with BS 5975 design check requirements.

b) After completion of the Temporary Works Design and prior to the commencement of the installation work, the appointed
independent checker shall verify the concept, adequacy, correctness and compliance with the requirements of the design brief.

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If the design is deemed not to comply with any of the requirements, the design shall be reviewed and amended
accordingly, then resubmitted for another check.

c) Only when the design is compliant, and on the completion of the design check, the independent checker and
the TWD sign-off a Certificate of Design Conformity, endorsing that the design complies with the requirements of the
design brief. The certificate shall also include the drawing/sketches, specification and methodology that are part of the design.

d) The independent checker shall submit the design documents to the TWC and Construction Manager for installation of the
Temporary Works.

7.2 Pre-installation/Erection of Temporary Works

a) It is the responsibility of the TWD and the TWC to define the installation/dismantling of the works. Inspection and quality
checking requirements are specified in the method statement and/or HSE Risk Assessment documents.

b) Category 0~1 - HSE Risk Assessment and method statement are produced by the TWC in liaison with the Construction
Manager prior to installation/erection works. Potential hazards are identified with mitigation measures.
c) Category 2~3 - Having ensured that the design information is adequate, the TWC in liaison with the Construction
Manager prepares a comprehensive method statement for the installation/erection and dismantling of the works.
d) Based on the method statement, the TWC in liaison with the Construction Manager and the TWD shall conduct an HSE
Risk Assessment for all the identified risks and/ or potential hazards and include them in the method statement for submission.
e) SAPAC and its TWC will ensure MS&RA’s are produced and approved by consultant/client in coordination/consultation
with HSE team.

7.3 Installation/Erection, Dismantling, Supervision and Inspection of Temporary Works

a) During the installation/erection and dismantling of Temporary Works, the TWC ensures that th e design
documentation, method statement and r isk control measures are followed.

b) Progressive inspections/checking are conducted by the TWC/TWS as specified in the method statement
and/or risk assessment.

c) For complex Temporary Works Design or when a TWS is employed to assist the TWC, the TWS ensures
that proper supervision and inspections are carried out.

d) The TWC shall inform the Construction Manager and the TWD when discrepancy arises between the existing
site conditions and the proposed design. Appropriate actions shall be taken to correct the matter at the earliest

e) Changes in the requirements of the design brief shall be recorded in writing with reference to the original design.

f) SAPAC will ensure all installation/erection/dismantling/modification of TWs is controlled by a PTW system.

7.4 Weekly Inspections

a) In addition to the hold-point inspections on the permits, formal inspections should be undertaken once the
temporary works are i n service to ensure that th ey remain compliant. The frequency should be agreed
between the TWC and the TWD. Generally, inspections should occur at minimum once in a week, but is
dependent on the type, location and risk.

a) All inspections shall be recorded and retained in the Temporary Works Register or in situ (i.e. scaff
tag, etc.). All defects are to be reported immediately to the line manager, or the TWC, rectified and re-
tested/inspected. Inspections must include compliance to the design.

7.5 Inspections Following Adverse Weather or other events

a) Inspections shall be undertaken immediately after the following adverse weather, heavy rain, high winds, etc., especially
false works and scaffolds. As weekly inspections, these must be recorded and retained in the temporary works file.

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b) Inspections shall also be undertaken if the temporary works is damaged by vehicles, altered or amended in any way
c)After any adverse weather conditions, all TWs will be re-inspected and tagged safe for re- use by the TWC in liaison with the
CM and HSE team

7.6 Temporary Works Inspection

a) A final inspection shall be carried out by the TWC or TWS to verify that it is constructed in accordance with
the requirements of the standard solutions/design and any subsequent modifications using the reference
provided in related Method of Statement and Risk Assessment.

b) Once satisfied with the result of the Temporary Works inspection, TWC shall prepare a reference finding

7.7 Removal/Dismantling of Temporary Works

a) Prior to dismantling of Temporary Works, the TWC or TWS shall conduct an inspection to ensure compliance of
control measures identified in Risk Assessment. It will ensure that the permanent works has sufficient strength
to be self-supporting.

b) Once verified that the permanent structure is capable to be self-supporting (i.e. achieving by for example,
confirming the concrete strength, or that all structural steelwork elements and connections are completed), the
TWC shall enter in Temporary Works Register.

c) Construction Manager to follow the method statement and risk assessment during the removal/dismantling
of the Temporary Works.

7.8 Temporary Works Register and Records

a) Results of Temporary Works inspections, dates and type of permits issued are recorded in the Temporary
Works Schedule/Register by the TWC or TWS.

b) Copies of the completed Temporary Works inspection records and Certificate of Design Conformity to be
retained by the Document Control for future reference.

7.9 Additional/ Miscellaneous Requirements

a) A centralized permit control point (PTW Control Room) shall be established at site which will be managed by a
PTW Coordinator from HSE Department. The PTW Coordinator will be responsible for the issuance/ closeout
or revocation of all issued work permits.

b) PTW Control Room shall be responsible in issuing the work permits for hazardous work (excavation, hot works,
etc.) and the necessary control measures must be indicated in the Work Permit. The Work Permit should also
be displayed at the Work Area. The temporary works shall be verified prior to the issuance of the relevant work
permits at specific work areas.

c) The PTW Control Room shall have an overview of the live work permits updated on a daily basis indicated on
a large-scale drawing with separate floor/ level plans.

7.10 Safety and other Requirements

SAPAC will ensure approved/ qualified/ competent person(s) in place for temporary works in accordance with
Contract Requirements/ NEOM Assurance Standards, including SAPAC HSE Plan, Work at Height, Fall
Protection Plan and all legal obligations.

All TW related documents such as MS/RA, designs, permits to work will be approved by
Client/consultant prior commencement of the work.
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8 Proposed Temporary Works
8.1 Office Set UP:
Site offices will be comprising o porta cabins, temporary portable toilets, rest shelters, parking, septic tanks, portable
water tanks, temporary electric and plumbing installations and security posts. Proper drawing will be prepared with
coordinates prior to set up and approval will be acquired. Temporary work coordinator will supervise all installations
and make sure as per approved design and drawings.
This activity is categorized as B. Temporary work Checking Engineer will do post erection inspection to make sure all
requirements are met.

8.2 Excavations:
As GOA North Laydown Construction project is an infra structure project and there will be a lot of earth
moving and ground breaking work. Temporary Work Designer / Appointed person will make sure designing and
planning of all excavations as per NEOM and local and international standards. Type of protection, depths, slope
protection, edge protection, angle of excavation shall be in between 30 ˚ to 45 ˚ and structural stability will be
considered during designing. In case of benching 1m depth and 1m height of bench ratio 1:1 is considered as safe
method to provide protection against collapse of the excavation. Temporary work coordinator will make sure all
excavations and work should execute as per approved design. This activity is categorized as C. Temporary work
Checking Engineer will do post erection inspection to make sure all requirements are met.
Key measures include:
 All excavation shall be carried out with an approved MS/RA and Permit to Dig procedure shall be followed
 All excavation shall have carried out in the close supervision of a competent person
 Before excavation, all buried services (if any) shall be detect by service detection devices.
 Adequate signage, edge protection barriers and lighting shall be provided
 SAPAC shall provide proper access/egress into excavations and marked green if access is safe to enter the
excavation and red if excavation is not safe.

Inspection of Excavations

 All excavation shall be inspected and documented by a competent engineer on weekly basis.
 Daily inspection shall be done by competent supervisor before entry to any excavation
 After adverse weather condition all excavation shall be inspected by competent engineer to confirm the
stability and safety of the excavation
Comments are incorporated

8.3 Scaffolding

SAPAC shall ensure the following measures in relation to the use of scaffolding at site:

 SAPAC shall appoint a scaffold coordinator to oversee and manage all scaffolding arrangements on-site. He
will be responsible or maintenance, inspections and record keeping of scaffolding erected at site., and
maintenance of scaffold register as well.
 A scaffold must have guard rail, mid rails and toe board installed on all open sides of platforms
 The scaffold material shall be inspected and properly stacked to prevent from damage.
 Defective parts shall not be used in any case
 The erection of scaffold shall be accordance with the NEOM HSA Standards.
 The competent person shall inspect the scaffold and tag it as Green, Yellow or Red according the inspection
and after the inspection the scaffold can be used.
 Unauthorized modification/alteration to scaffold or any platform will not be acceptable. The alteration of
scaffold shall be carried out in the presence of the competent person.
 All scaffold erector shall be trained and certified by the Third Party

8.4 Shuttering / False works:

SAPAC Shall ensure that all personnel involved in the assembly, disassembly, and use of false work/shuttering are
adequately trained in safe practices and certified from third party (NEOM approved vendors)

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Inspect Materials:
SAPAC shall thoroughly inspect all materials and components before use to verify their integrity and quality.

Load Limits:
SAPAC strictly adhere to load limits and design specifications to prevent overloading, which can lead to structural failure.

Secure Foundations:
SAPAC ensure the foundations for false work are stable and properly compacted to prevent settling or shifting.

Bracing and Support:

SAPAC shall provide adequate bracing and support to prevent lateral movement, collapsing, or buckling.

Fall Protection:
SAPAC shall implement fall protection measures for workers who are working at height or near edges.

Weather Conditions:
SAPAC shall monitor weather conditions, and avoid working in adverse weather, as it can affect the stability of false

Erection Precautions for False Work or Shuttering:

Follow Design Plans:

SAPAC shall assemble false work according to the provided design plans and specifications. The designs of temporary
system shall be designed by approved manufacturer and in accordance with NEOM HSAS. The

Proper Assembly:
SAPAC shall ensure that all components are properly aligned and connected as per the design. The erection shall be
performed by a competent person in the supervision.

Quality Control:
SAPAC shall conduct quality checks during the assembly process to identify any defects or issues.

SAPAC shall regularly inspect connections, pins, and wedges for tightness and security by competent person and provide
with Tags (Green, Yellow or Red) accordingly.

Survey and Leveling:

SAPAC shall use surveying equipment to ensure that the false work is level and plumb as required.

Maintenance Requirements for False Work or Shuttering:

All maintenance work shall be performed by trained and competent person and supervisor.
Regular Inspections:
SAPAC shall conduct regular inspections of false work for signs of wear, damage, or structural issues.

SAPAC shall keep false work clean to prevent the accumulation of debris or materials that can weaken its structure.

SAPAC shall promptly address any damage or defects discovered during inspections, and replace damaged components
as needed.

SAPAC shall maintain records of inspections, repairs, and modifications for future reference.

SAPAC shall properly store false work components when not in use to prevent deterioration.

Periodic Load Testing:

SAPAC shall depending on the duration of use, periodically perform load tests to ensure the false work can still support the
required loads.

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9 References
 SAPAC OHS Plan GOA North Laydown Construction Project 100322-032
 NEOM Health & safety Assurance Standards Section 27 Temporary Works
 SAPAC Lifting Plan GOA North Laydown Construction Project 100322-032
 SAPAC Fall Prevention Plan GOA North Laydown Construction Project 100322-032
 DM Standards for Construction Safety
 Temporary Structures in Constructions by Robert Ratay
 Temporary Works: Principles of design and construction provides authoritative and comprehensive guidance
on temporary works for practicing engineer by Peter F & Ray Filip

10 Annexures

Table 1- Categories of Design Check

The table on the following page is based on BS 5975:2008 and is broken down into four
Categories A-D:
A Generally ‘low risk’ works
B-C Medium risk works
D High risk works
The level of input into design, design checking, construction methods and controls is relevant to the level of

Category Scope Comment Independence of Checker

Restricted to standard This applies to the use of standard Because this is a site issue, the
solutions only, to ensure the solutions and not the original design, check of MS/RA, for
A site conditions do not conflict with which will require both structural example, may be carried out
the scope or limitations of the calculation and checking to category by another member of the site
chosen standard solution. A, B, C as appropriate. or design team.

For simple designs. These may Such designs would be undertaken The check may be carried out
include; formwork, false work using simple methods of analysis and be by another member of the
(where top restraint is not in accordance with the relevant design team.
B assumed), needling and standards, suppliers’ technical
propping to brickwork literature or other reference
openings in single story publications.
On more complex or involved Category C checks would include The check should be carried out
designs. Designs for designs where a considerable degree of by an individual not
excavations, for foundations, for interpretation of loading or soils involved in the design and
C structural steelwork information is required before the design of not consulted by the
connections, for reinforced the foundation, excavation support or designer.
concrete. slope.
For more complex or The designs include unusual designs or The check Should be from the
innovative designs, which where significant departures from SAPACTechnical Department.
result in complex sequences of standards, novel methods of analysis or
D moving and/or construction of considerable exercise of
either temporary works or engineering judgment are involved.
permanent works.

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Project Name
Start date onsite:

As detailed within the Temporary Works Management Plan I hereby appoint _ _ _as the Temporary Works
Coordinator for the above project. In agreeing to carry out this role the TWC shall be responsible for.

 Safety at all times especially during erection, use and dismantling of temporary works (TW).
 Review company procedures for the design, checking, erection, inspection, use and dismantling of temporary
 Assess and recommend specialist temporary works suppliers and designers as required.
 Classify and register all packages of temporary works and compile the Temporary Works Register
 Prepare detailed design briefs for each item of temporary works when required by the temporary works
 Ensure concept, design, risk assessment and checking are carried out in accordance with design brief.
 Delegate supervision regime for all temporary works to ensure that they remain suitable and fit for purpose.
 Submit checked temporary works design drawings and calculations for approval.
 Where appropriate, ensure that copies of the design, design check and test certificates as well as permits to
load/strike are issued and registered.
 Delegate work responsibilities to Temporary Work Supervisor.

Muhammad Khalid

I accept the role of Temporary Works Coordinator (TWC) for the above project, as detailed with the Temporary
Works Coordinator responsibilities.

Name: Signature:


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