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Document Submittal

Document 02-651310-0000100322-SPC-
Contractor SAPAC
Submittal no. HSE-PLN-000015
Contract no. 100322/032 Date 20-July-2023


Document no. Type Description Rev no. Action required
Approval Comments
0000100322/032 – Occupational
0000100322- PLAN 01
Health & Hygiene Plan Information Other

Approval Comments

Information Other
Approval Comments
Information Other

Contractor Authorized Signatory IT
Name Faris Mohammad Date 20-July-2023


PMC’s Comments

Exception as noted revise

No exception taken Revise and resubmit

Status code and resubmit for record

Rejected Review not required Issued for Construction


Received by Contractor
Name Date

Document No: 02-651310-0000100322-SPC-HSE-PLN-000015 Rev No.XX Page 1 of 17




Construction of North Laydown Area in the Gulf of Aqaba


0000100322/032 – Occupational Health & Hygiene Plan

02-651310-0000100322-SPC-HSE-PLN-000015 “Rev 01” “07-June-2023”

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Document history

Revision code Description of changes Purpose of issue Date

01 First Issue For Approval 20-July-2023

Document approval

Prepared by
Mohammad Farooq
Reviewed by
Ali Dwiri H Approved by
Faris Mohammad
Job Title HSE Manager QHSE Project Manager

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Occupational Health &

Hygiene Plan

Project: Construction of North Laydown Area in Gulf of Aqaba (100322-032)

Document No: 02-651310-0000100322-SPC-HSE-PLN-000015 Rev No.XX Page 5 of 17

Table of Contents
1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Definitions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4 Roles & Responsibilities: .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Camp Boss: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Safety Manager ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5 Legislative Obligations .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

6 Personal Hygiene Techniques .................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.1 Washing Hands: ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.2 Using Sanitizer:................................................................................................................................................................. 6
6.3 Protecting Wounds:........................................................................................................................................................... 7
7 Toilet Cleaning Process ............................................................................................................................................................. 7

7.1 Precaution for public toilet cleaning chemicals ................................................................................................................ 7

7.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)............................................................................................................................... 7
8 Toilet cleaning procedure: ......................................................................................................................................................... 8

8.1 Clean the Public Toilets and Urinals First, and Then Apply a Bowl Treatment ............................................................... 8
8.2 High-Touch Areas Should Be Cleaned and Disinfected ................................................................................................... 8
8.3 Ensure that Public Toilet Cleaning Equipment is in Good Working Order ...................................................................... 8
9 Maintaining Toilet Hygiene ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
10 Kitchen Cleaning and Hygiene .................................................................................................................................................. 8
11 Ways to Clean Off Area ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
12 Safe & Hygienic Cooking .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
13 Food Storage ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
14 Control of Pest Infestations ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

15 Occupational Health Management: ......................................................................................................................................... 10

16 Occupational Health Surveillance ........................................................................................................................................... 11
17 Functions of Health Plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 11

18 Provision of Healthy Work Environment ................................................................................................................................ 11

19 Provision of Medical Facility & Ambulance ........................................................................................................................... 11

20 Provision of Medical Insurance ............................................................................................................................................... 12

21 Observing Special Days and Campaigns ................................................................................................................................. 12

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Occupational Health and Hygiene Plan
Project: Construction of North Laydown area in Gulf of Aqaba

Location map


Document History

. Date Prepared Reviewed Approved Revision History

Farooq Aziz Ali Dawairi Fares AL-Nadesh Issue for Review

01 06 Oct. 2022
(QHSEM) (PM) &approval

(HSE Manager)

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1 Purpose

Hygiene, both inside and outside the residence, is an essential aspect of our daily lives. Over recent centuries, major advances in
the availability of, and our understanding of the need for, hygiene tools and practices have resulted in quantum leaps in general
health and life expectancy. It is common to refer to “hygienic practices” as the measures that have to be implemented to ensure
wellbeing and good health. These practices include a high number of actions, which are all important to reach the final objective,
and which vary depending on the mode of action and on the subjects involved.

For example, we all know that the first standard hygiene practice, before eating, is to wash your hands with soap and water. However,

this may not be sufficient if you have been dealing with infected persons; in this case it may be more appropriate to disinfect your
hands to prevent getting sick yourself. www.aise.eu This is what "targeted hygiene" means; to identify the areas and the situations
that could lead to a risk, and to implement adequate hygiene measures, where and when indicated, to reduce exposure to harmful
microorganisms. This involves recognizing that there are situations where hygiene can be achieved with products that remove dirt
and along with it a sufficient part of the pathogenic microbe /contaminant, and others where it is appropriate to use disinfectant
products and practices that ensure a greater reduction of harmful microorganisms.

2 Scope

This plan covers all hygiene management at SAPAC Saudi Pan Kingdom residences and labor camps in NEOM region.

3 Definitions

Well-being: In simple terms, well-being can be described as judging life positively and feeling good. For public health purposes,
physical well-being (e.g., feeling very healthy and full of energy) is also viewed as critical to overall well-being.
Hygiene: is the practice through which people maintain or promote good health. Making themselves and their surroundings clean,
cleaning and - when needed - disinfecting surfaces, hands, units, surroundings and items of personal use in order to break the chain
of infection, all contribute to hygiene. Other hygiene measures are for instance keeping a certain distance from ill people.
Arrangements are required to educate and ensure workers adopt good hygiene practices such as personal hygiene standards,
protection against dermatitis, use of PPE etc.

Personal Hygiene: The various methods a person takes to avoid infections, maintain cleanliness and good health.

Cleaning: is the mechanical or chemical removal of dirt and soil from the human body, an object or an area. Normally, cleaning
with soap or detergent followed by rinsing with water is adequate to remove visible dirt and allergens. By removing dirt, the number

of germs will be considerably reduced. Hence, cleaning is a major step towards hygiene.

Disinfection: in situations where there is high risk of transmission of germs (e.g. when there is someone who is infected or is
vulnerable to infection), the targeted use of a disinfectant helps prevents infections. Disinfectants are products that contain or

generate biocidal active substances with antimicrobial properties and that communicate this function to end users. These products
prevent the spread of infection by deactivating/killing harmful organisms.

Microbes: Microbes are organisms that are too small to be seen without using a microscope, so they include things like bacteria,
archaea, and single cell eukaryotes — cells that have a nucleus, like an amoeba or a paramecium. Sometimes we call viruses
microbes too.

4 Roles & Responsibilities:


4.1 Camp Boss:

- Shall managed camp facilities, (cabins, canteen, kitchen, housekeeping, janitorial, laundry and recreation, ensuring they
are in good working order and organized at all time
- Formulating schedule for cleaning of all facilities.
- Scheduling training of occupants with respect to hygiene.
- Making schedule and arranging supply of clean drinking water, potable water etc.

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- Arrangement of all hygiene items like soaps, disinfectant, washing and cleaning agents etc.
- Janitor:
- Washes windows and mirrors.
- Takes out the trash and recycling.
- Wipes down and sanitizes surfaces.
- Cleans, sanitizes, and stocks restrooms.
- Handles leaf and snow removal as needed.
- Follows instructions from the head janitor.
- Sweeps, mops, polishes, and vacuums floors.

4.2 Safety Manager

- Plan, coordinate and organize hygiene activities and training.
- Develop materials on hygiene, and prepare methodology on implementation of hygiene awareness sessions.
- Impart hygiene awareness sessions to children and parents on significance of hygiene practices
- Conduct hygiene awareness in a way that behavior change can occur.
- Have a detailed and regular plan for conducting hygiene awareness sessions

- To work for the promotion of Hygiene practices
- Make known for community the importance, significance and impact of good hygiene practice.,
- Provide daily/weekly progress/activity reports Motivate the community for contribution in program.

- Keep an updated record of all field activities Undertakes any other related tasks assigned by the supervisor

5 Legislative Obligations
- H 15/06/1424 dated,)69181/30 (. No Resolution M IT
- Royal Decree No. M/21
- Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 745
- NEOM-OSHFS-GF Standard Operation Procedures
- OHSMS 45001: 2018 - OHSMS - Requirements.
- ISO 14001:2015- Environmental Management system- Requirements
- K.S.A Legislation - Royal Decree no. 21 on Safety in the Workplace
- KSA Fire Protection Requirements 801
- Ministerial Decree no. 435
- Labor law - (Royal Decree No. M/51)

- Shari’a Law;
- Basis Law of Governance (1992);
- Labour Law and Protection of Workers (2005);
- Public Environment Law (PEL) (2001);

- Royal Decree No. 7/M/8903 (2/14/1401H) Standards for the Environment

- Royal Decree No. M/56 OF 28/07/1436H. Occupational Safety & Health
- Royal Decree NO. M/10 on 05-10-1406, Civil Defense

- Royal Decree No. 34 General Environment Regulation

- Document No. 1409-1 Environmental Protection Standards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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6 Personal Hygiene Techniques

6.1 Washing Hands:

A number of infectious diseases can be spread from

one person to another by contaminated hands. These
diseases include gastrointestinal infections, such as
salmonellosis, and respiratory infections, such as
influenza, colds and coronavirus (COVID-19)

We should wash hands when:

- After Visiting toilet

- On entering food room
- After changing a dress
- After combing or touching hair, nose, mouth etc.
- After sneezing or using tissue

- Before and after touching raw food
- After handling waste food

- After using detergents
- After cleaning tables or utensils
- After using apron

6.3 Using Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer is not a replacement of Hand Washing.


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6.4 Protecting Wounds:

Cuts and wounds should be covered with water proof

dressings to avoid spread of any infection to others.

Grooming & Personal Care:

All the personal grooming should be done on routine


7 Toilet Cleaning Process
The bacteria in excrement are gastrointestinal pathogens, so sitting on the public toilet cleaning isn’t a big deal. Touching surfaces

that may be infested with germs and viruses and then swallowing them because they’re on your hands is the true danger. Carry a
little alcohol wipe with you while using public restrooms. Alcohol wipes are discreet and tiny, yet they are excellent at eradicating
most germs and viruses that may be transmitted through public toilet seats. Wipe the seat well with an alcohol wipe and toss the
alcohol wipe in the garbage; let the seat dry completely before using. Hiring expert cleaners is the greatest method to ensure that
bathrooms and toilets are clean. They have the expertise and equipment to leave your facility not just spotless but also germ-free.
As a consequence, the consumers are secure, healthy, and have a positive impression.

7.1 Precaution for public toilet cleaning chemicals

- All the chemicals which are being used for cleaning purpose shall not be mixed with each other follow the instructions and
precaution mentioned on the label.

- SDS (Safety data sheet) shall be provided and available with the chemical storage area.
- All chemical shall be stored in well ventilated area as per the directions mentioned in SDS by the manufacturer.
- Fire detection/protection system shall be provided and in working condition.
- Only authorized and trained personnel allowed to enter and use the chemical.
- All chemical shall be kept in designated storage area after every use.

- Keep the content of the chemical in the same packing by the manufacturer.
- Do not store combustible materials/chemical near or inside chemical storage area.

- After every use employee shall wash his hands properly.

- Do not stack / kept food items near chemical.
- All chemical shall be used for their intended purpose and as per directions mentioned at the label of the product.
- Wear proper PPEs

7.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Before cleaning Public Toilet Cleaning, ensure sure that all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be available. This
protects everyone from being exposed to cleaning chemicals and other compounds that might cause harm or health concerns. To
for all intents and purposes protect the hands, eyes, and nose, the most particularly basic PPE required for cleaning toilets literally
is gloves, goggles, and a mask, which particularly is fairly significant. Hair coverings basically are also an excellent choice, which
generally is fairly significant. You avoid contamination, mostly please for all intents and purposes sure to properly dispose of this
PPE after use in a generally big way.

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8 Toilet cleaning procedure:
8.1 Clean the Public Toilets and Urinals First, and Then Apply a Bowl Treatment

It is advisable to pre-clean toilets and urinals before cleaning them. Remove any debris from within and around them
before flushing. Any accessories, such as urinal strainers, should be placed in a container containing a disinfection
solution. Then, using a multi-purpose cleaner, begin wiping away small spots. After that, pre-treating the bowls and
urinals with cleaning solution. Allow it to stand for the required duration, which might range from 5 to 20 minutes (read
and follow the instructions printed on the label). If the public toilets and urinals haven’t been cleaned in a while, leave
the cleaner in place for a bit longer. Non-acidic bowl cleanser shall be use for the cleaning purpose

8.2 High-Touch Areas Should Be Cleaned and Disinfected

The floor, toilets, and urinals are normally the dirtiest and smelliest sections of the toilet, it is recommended to
concentrate on them when public toilet cleaning. High-touch areas, on the other hand, shall be cleaned and disinfected
since they might house germs and act as infection vectors.

Door handles and knobs, faucet handles, and soap dispenser levers are some of the locations shall pay attention to.
Particular attention shall be given to the surfaces of paper towel and toilet paper dispensers as well. Toilet flush handles

or buttons, as well as toilet seats and lids, should all be disinfected.

8.3 Ensure that Public Toilet Cleaning Equipment is in Good Working Order
Right cleaning equipment shall be provided to keep the clean toilets bowl. Microfiber cloths and mops, mop buckets,
and squeegees are some of the most important goods to invest in. A separate broom and dustpan for the bathroom should
also be purchased.
Make sure the equipment is thoroughly cleaned to ensure its efficacy. Microfiber cloths and mop heads, for example,
must be washed separately and not treated with softeners.

Meanwhile, after each usage, mop heads must be cleansed and disinfected. It’s best to replace them if they’ve been used
to clean up blood or other body fluids. Otherwise, when they’re worn out, replace them.

Another important aspect of public toilet cleaning and disinfection is to start cleaning from the walls and work your way

to the exit door. This is the most efficient cleaning method that also avoids contaminating areas that have previously
been completed.

9 Maintaining Toilet Hygiene


- Keep the Toilet Lid Shut after use


- Toilet seat sanitizer shall be provided and used after every use
- Proper Waste Disposal system shall be implemented and maintained accordingly
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before stepping out
- Dry hands before stepping out
- The floor shall be kept dried

10 Kitchen Cleaning and Hygiene

- All trash shall be kept out from the kitchen to prevent bacterial growth. Disinfecting spray shall be used after cleaning the
trash can.
- Kitchen Cleaning shall be performed after every cook shift.
- Open the windows to air the kitchen

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- Sweep the floor with disinfectant material
- Clean the sink
- Wipe off stoves area
- Arrange utensils
- Cleaning of fridges

11 Ways to Clean Off Area

- Poor cleaning and personal hygiene habits/practices can cause food contamination, food poisoning, and spread of infection.
- Wash hands before performing the next job function after touching other food, and after smoking, chewing tobacco, eating
and drinking, taking out the garbage, changing diapers, touching body parts such as the mouth or going to the washroom.

- Wash hands before and after handling raw food, especially meat and poultry.
- Report immediately any symptoms of illness or infection to the supervisor. It may not be appropriate for you to handle
food while you are sick.
- Cover any cuts with a bandage and wear clean gloves. However, do not wear rubber or latex gloves near open flames or
other heat sources. Gloves may melt or catch fire. Change gloves if you touch anything that would normally require you
to wash your hands.

- Wear hair nets to help prevent loose hair from falling on food. Use tools or utensils to serve food whenever possible. Touch
food with your hands as little as possible.

- Use a clean spoon each time you taste or sample food.
- Touch only the handles of flatware/utensils when setting the table.
- Do NOT wear jewellery in food preparation areas, especially rings; they may collect dirt or bacteria and make it harder to

clean your hands. Similarly, keep nails trimmed short. Do NOT use aprons to dry hands.
- Do NOT smoke in food preparation areas.
Use good cleaning and storage techniques to reduce the chance of food borne illnesses. The highest levels of contamination
are found in areas that are damp, such as kitchen sponges, dishcloths, sink drains, and faucet handles.
- Maintain the general cleanliness of the kitchen by:
- Disposing of food scraps properly and removing crumbs
- Wiping counters clean with soap and water and sanitize with a disinfectant
- Sweeping and wet mopping floors to remove food
- Cleaning all surfaces, including counter tops, faucets, handles and knobs, refrigerator handles, stoves/ovens, other
appliances, etc.
- Do not store garbage in the food preparation area. If possible, store garbage in a cold place to prevent bacteria growth and
pest infestation.

- Inspect kitchen for signs of microbiological growth such as mould, slime, and fungi. Clean the affected area appropriately.
- Inspect the kitchen for any plumbing leaks. Notify your supervisor to get it repaired.
- Choose an effective cleaning agent or disinfectant for the job. Most cleaning can be done using water and soap. Some
resources will recommend disinfecting with bleach. While bleach is an effective disinfectant, it must be used with care.

See the OSH Answers document “Working with Household/Chlorine Bleach” for more information. To sanitize, clean
with 5mL (1 tsp) of bleach in 750 mL (3 cups) of water in a labelled spray bottle.
- Make sure that cleaning equipment and materials are conveniently located close to where they are needed.

- Launder dishcloths, aprons and towels by using a washing machine.

- Clean the food storage area regularly where dry goods, pasta, rice, canned foods, and cereals are stored to prevent buildup
of crumbs and other pieces of food.

12 Safe & Hygienic Cooking


To reduce bacteria growth:

 Thaw food by using the refrigerator, microwave, oven, or by placing sealed packages in cold running water.
 Never thaw food on the kitchen counter. The outer layers will warm before the inside thaws. Bacteria will grow in these
 Cook meats to the recommended temperature. Use a clean food probe thermometer.

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 Wash fruits and vegetables in running water before preparing, cooking, or eating. It is not necessary to use soap or specialty
produce cleaners.
 Serve hot food while hot, or put it in the fridge or freezer as soon as possible once cooled (within two hours of preparation).
 Never leave food out for more than two hours, including cut fruits and vegetables.
 Use clean dishes and utensils to serve food. Never use the same ones you used when preparing raw food.
 Keep food on ice or serve it on platters from the refrigerator.
 Divide hot party food into smaller serving platters. Keep platters refrigerated until it's time to warm them up for serving.

13 Food Storage

Keep cooked food warmer than 60°C (140°F) or at 4°C (40°F) or cooler.
 Keep the refrigerator set at 4°C (40°F). If you are unsure of its temperature, use a thermometer and adjust the temperature
control as required.
 Keep frozen food at -18°C (0°F) or less. This temperature stops bacterial growth, although it may not kill all bacteria
already present before freezing.
 Other food storage tips include:

 Put groceries that require refrigeration or freezing in the refrigerator or freezer away as soon as possible after they are
 Consider using insulated bags during warmer months when transporting food.

 Clean the refrigerator and freezer regularly to remove spoiled foods that may transfer bacteria or molds to other food.
 Do not keep foods too long. Use a dating system to make sure foods are used before their expiry date.

 Do not overstock the refrigerator. Allow the air to circulate freely, which will help keep food cool more effectively.
 Pack lunches in insulated carriers with a cold pack. Do not store the lunch container in direct sun or on a warm radiator.

If using a cooler (for example, at a picnic), keep the cooler cold by using ice or ice packs. Keep the cooler out of direct
sunlight. Open the cooler as little as possible. It may be helpful to use a separate cooler for drinks if you will open the
cooler for drinks more often.
14 Control of Pest Infestations

 Refuse shipments in which you find pests, such as cockroaches (their egg cases) or mice.
 Remove garbage regularly and properly.
 Keep garbage tightly covered so it does not attract pests.

 Store recyclables as far from your building as local by-laws allow.

 Store all food and supplies away from walls and floors.
 Maintain food storage areas at 50 percent or less humidity. Low humidity helps keep cockroach eggs from hatching.
 Refrigerate foods, such as cocoa, powdered milk, and nuts, that attract insects.

 Keep the equipment used for cleaning dry.

 Clean and sanitize your work area thoroughly after each use

15 Occupational Health Management:

Occupational health is an area of work in public health to promote and maintain highest degree of physical, mental and social well-

being of workers in all occupations.

Its objectives are:

 the maintenance and promotion of workers' health and working capacity;

 the improvement of working conditions and the working environment to become conducive to safety and health;
 the development of work organization and working cultures that should reflect essential value systems adopted by the
undertaking concerned, and include effective managerial systems, personnel policy, principles for participation, and
voluntary quality-related management practices to improve occupational safety and health.

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 The science and practice of occupational health involves several disciplines, such as occupational medicine, nursing,
ergonomics, psychology, hygiene, safety and other.
 The World Health Assembly urges countries to
 develop national policies and action plans and to build institutional capacities on occupational health,
 scale up the coverage with essential interventions for prevention and control of occupational and work-related diseases
and injuries and occupational health services
 ensure in collaboration with other relevant national health programs such as those dealing with communicable and non-
communicable diseases, prevention of injuries, health promotion, mental health, environmental health, and health systems

16 Occupational Health Surveillance

Occupational health surveillance provides information on where, how and why workers get sick or hurt on the job. This information
is used to improve worker health and safety through appropriate prevention activities. Workplace injuries and illnesses can be
prevented by control or elimination of hazards. SAPAC will provide a comprehensive occupational health surveillance program for
all employees.

17 Functions of Health Plan
 identify and assess the risks from health hazards in the workplace

 watch for factors in the work environment and working practices that may affect workers’ health, such as sanitary
installations, canteens and housing provided by the employer

 advise on work planning and organization, including workplace design and the choice, maintenance and condition of
machinery, and other equipment and substances used in work
 participate in the development of programs for the improvement of work practices
 collaborate in testing new equipment and evaluating its health aspects
 advise on occupational health, safety and hygiene, and on ergonomics and protective equipment
 monitor workers’ health in relation to work
 try to make sure that work is adapted to the worker
 contribute to vocational rehabilitation
 collaborate in providing training and education in occupational health and hygiene, and ergonomics
 organize first aid and emergency treatment
 participate in the analysis of occupational accidents and occupational diseases.

18 Provision of Healthy Work Environment

Workplaces impact health and well-being. It benefits both employers and employees if workplaces are safe and support health. A

healthy workplace is more than just safe it considers health practices, the physical work environment and the psychosocial
environment. Natural light, ergonomics, green space, noise, food choices, exercise, commuting, fairness and flexibility are all
important to employees. Employers providing healthier options at the workplace have witnessed many benefits such as reduced

insurance costs and absenteeism. Employers that care about creating a healthy workplace have witnessed increased employee job
satisfaction, morale and productivity. There is increasing evidence that the same workplace factors that improve health.

19 Provision of Medical Facility & Ambulance


SAPAC is determined to fulfill all the needs of workers towards a healthy life style. In this regards a basic medical facility equipped
with lifesaving equipment and 24/7 ready ambulance will be provided to all residences.

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20 Provision of Medical Insurance

SAPAC will provide a handsome medical insurance policy to all of its employees which will cover all minor and maximum major
medical issues as per KSA Labor Law.

21 Observing Special Days and Campaigns

SAPAC will observe and launch campaigns on special health days like Heart Day, Mental Health Day etc. to improve the health of

workers as well as to convey the message to employees.


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