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English Grammar Worksheet


1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option to complete the following
As soon as I entered the gate, I was informed that he __________a book in his
study since morning.
A) is reading b) was reading c) had been reading d) has been reading
2. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the
following line from a news report.
The students preparing for their boards couldn't carry on their studies
peacefully and the sleep of the elderly, the sickly and the infants had been
a) couldn't cannot
b) on with
c) studies study
d) had been ruined was ruined

3. Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option
Yoga not only ____________the body but it also______________ in
replenishing the mind and soul.
a) exercises helps
b) will exercise help
c) exercised helped
d) has been exercising helping

4. Identify the error in the given sentence from a company’s magazine report
and supply the correction.
Many meetings, including large flagship conferences are pushed online post
pandemic as a result of the global demand for convenience.
5. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the given
statement .
A poor man_________ not even get a chance ever to come out of this vicious
circle of poverty .
a) may b) can c) could d) will
6. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between
a mother and her daughter
Daughter : Can I go for a picnic tomorrow with my friends?
Mother: No you have not yet recovered from fever so it's a bad idea .
When the daughter asked her mother_______________ friends, she refused
saying that she had not yet recovered so it was a bad idea.
a) could she go for a picnic with her
b) if she could go for a picnic the next day with her
c) whether she might go for a picnic with her
d) to go for a picnic with her friends
7. Identify the error on a shops hoarding and supply the correction for the
following .
Visit Tresses
For latest men’s and woman’s hairstyles
8. Read the conversation between two friends. Complete the sentence by
reporting the dialogue .
Anya: Alas! I can't find my bridal ring.
Renee: Did you leave it on the dressing table?
When Anya explain with sorrow that she couldn't find her bridal ring, Renee,
her friend asked ___________________.
9. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line from an article
on the benefits of Neem.
In India and tropical countries where the Indian diaspora _____________, it is
very common to see neem trees used for shade lining streets, around temples
schools and other such public buildings.
A) appear b) is reaching c) have arrived d) has reached
10. Report the dialogue between an interviewer and an interviewee by
completing the sentence.
Interviewer: How long have you been working in ABC company?
Ganesh: It’s been 3 years since I joined that company, sir.
On being asked how long he had been working in ABC company, Ganesh
replied that ____________________.
11.Identify the error in the given sentence from a newspaper report and supply
the correction.
It is disturbing to note that child labour persists and the government’s plans do
not bear any fruits.
12. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.
Under a proposal studied by a committee of the American Medical
Association, the CDCP and others, fat children ___________ get the same
labels as adult overweight or obese.
A) Would b) may c) need to d) dare not
13. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between
two friends meeting after a long time.
Manu: In what capacity do you work in Sunflower International School?
Tanu: I have recently become a coordinator there .
When Manu asked his friend ______________ in Sunflower International
School, Tanu replied that she had recently become a coordinator there .
A) in what capacity she worked
B) in what capacity she was working
C) in what capacity was she working
D) in what capacity did she worked
14.Identify the error on a shop’s hoarding and supply the correction for the
Cloth yourself in the best fashion trends of 2024!
15. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the statement
given below.
Much later in life, I ______________ that though we _____________ much
from our respective holy books, there is a lot to learn from our surroundings.
A) have realised learn
B) realised are learning
C) realised learn
D) realised had learned
16. Correct the conversation between Pankaj and the interviewer. Complete the
sentence by reporting the dialogue.
Interviewer: Mr Pankaj, What are your academic qualifications?
Pankaj: Sir, I did my M.A English from Delhi University.
The interviewer, while interviewing a candidate, Pankaj ________________,
to which he replied that he had done his MA in English from Delhi University.
17.Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option.
Intelligence is the basic knowledge of life which ________________ into
knowing with regular meditation .
A) is getting transformed
B) will be transforming
C) has been transformed
D) is transformed
18. Report the dialogue between two friends regarding different streams in
High school by completing the sentence.
Ravi: I am not sure which course should I take after SSCE?
Ajay: Have you any idea about what you would like to do after 12th?
When Ravi confessed that he was not sure which course should he take after
SSCE, his friend Ajay asked him __________________after 12th.
19. Identify the error in the given sentence from a magazine on nature and
wildlife and supply the correction.
Venomous snakes have an advantage: enzymes in venom digest the meal from
the inside before it rotten in their guts.
20. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between
two girls.
Sushmita: What did you do during the trip?
Pratima: Well, I visited my uncle's house in Shimla and took a lot of
On being asked by Sushmita what she did during the trip, Pratima told her
that she _________________a lot of photographs.
A) had visited her uncle's house and Shimla and took
B) had been visited her uncle's house in Shimla and had taken
C) had visited her uncle's house in Shimla and had taken
D) visited her uncle's house in Shimla and had taken

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