To Do or Ing

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Remember DOING something = looking back (past)

Remember TO DO something= looking forward and thinking


I must remember TO CLOSE the door = Il fait que je pense à fermer la porte

I remembered TO CLOSE the door = J’ai pense à fermer la porte)

I can’t remember CLOSING the door (passe) Je ne me rapelle pas avoir ferme la porte

I remembered CLOSING the door yesterday (passe) Je me suis reppeléavoir fermela porte

Remember + ING Forget+ ING

I’ll never FORGET travelling around Europe

I’ll always REMEMBER travelling across Europe Dans ces deux phrases, on choisit le
gérondif (-ing) travelling parce qu’on parle d’un voyage qui est fini,
qui a eu lieu dans le passé.

I’ll never FORGET meeting the Queen

I’ll always REMEMBER meeting David Beckham in London.

I’ll never FORGET going on a date for the first time

I remember GOING to the supermarket LAST WEEK. I’m sure I bought some toilet paper.

She doesn’t remember MEETING him last year

Remember TO DO……… FORGET TO DO……..l’on doit faire qui doit etre realise (plus tard)

Don’t forget TO CALL the agency -action à venir

Don’t forget TO POST the letter

Remember TO BUY a stamp. Don’t forget TO BUY one.

Remember TO BUY something to eat on the way back home – doit penser à le faire plus tard.

Did you remember TO CALL you Grandmother? Its her birthday today. Don’t forget TO SEND her a
birthday card.

Remember TO MEET him/her at the station. I think train arrives at 6pm.

She forgot TO CLEAN the house for a week. It’s a mess!

I haven’t forgotten TO PAY the electricity bill. I’m broke right now.

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