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In a DBA doctoral study, the problem statement must address:

- What managers or leaders of what organization, industry, or type of business

recognize that their business is being negatively affected by a problem?
- What is the phenomenon that is the problem?
- What are the negative effects of the phenomenon on the businesses?
- What do the managers or leaders need or lack that this proposed study will
explore or examine?
- We normally recommend wording similar to the following.

In the rubric, it states that the problem statement should consist of only four sentences.

1) Hook,
2) Anchor,
3) General business problem, and
4) Specific business problem.

Try to answer these questions:

1) What manager or leaders of what organization, industry or type of business

recognizes that their business is being negatively affected by a problem?

2) What is the phenomenon that is the problem?

3) What are the negative effects of the phenomenon on the businesses?

4) What do the managers or leaders need or lack that this proposed study will
explore or examine?

Now try using something like this wording:

The general business problem is that some ___(type of business)___ are being
negatively affected by _(the phenomenon__ which results in __(negative consequence)
______ for the business.

This model forces the writer to state what type of business. Specificity is critical in
doctoral studies. What type of business are you inquiring into? The model forces the
writer to state the businesses’ internal business problem, and then how specifically is
the business being affected.

The specific business problem is that some ____(who)____of___(type of

business)_______ lacks ___(Strategy or knowledge)______to
____________________________ .
“Who” – Whose problem is this? The leaders, managers, supervisors, board of
directors, who? Who has the capacity / position to rectify the problem?

“Type of business” – be specific, what type of business are you referring to? Lack
strategy or knowledge of what? What is it that they need to solve the internal problem
stated in the third sentence?


The purpose of this _(method)_ __(design)__ proposed study is to __(explore or/ and
examine) ______________________for __(whom)__ to _____(do

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