CBR B.Ingris Lanjutan Tungunedo Manalu

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To Fulfill Mini Course Research Assignments

Geography English

1. Meilinda Suriani Harefa S.Pd., M.Si.
2. Syukri Hidayat M. Kom.

Name : Tungunedo Manalu (3233131062)
Class : A Reguler 2023



List of contents
CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………….....3
1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………3
1.2 Purpose of writing……………………………………………………..3
1.3 Benefits of Critical Book Reports……………………………………..3
1.4 Book Identity…………………………………………………………..4
CHAPTER II BOOK SUMMARY…………………………………………5
2.1 Summary of Chapter I…………………………………………………5
2.2 Summary of Chapter II………………………………………………...5
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION……………………………………………….6
3.1 Book Advantage………………………………………………………..6
3.2 Lack of books…………………………………………………………..6
CHAPTER IV………………………………………………………………...7
4.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………...................7
4.2 Bibliography……………………………………………………………7

1.1 Introduction
Critical Book Review is comparing two books to evaluate the book's
weaknesses and strengths. With this assignment, students also gain insight into
how to do it compare and better understand the meaning or content of the book.

1.2 Purpose of Writing

This critical book report was created to complete an assignment in the

South Asian History course and aims to fulfill the value of the course, as well
as improve and strengthen it critical thinking to understand a book.

1.3 Benefits of Critical Book Reports

By completing this critical book report assignment, as students we gain

knowledge or insight into how important it is to know the entirety and contents
of a book to be criticized. Another benefit is that readers You can more easily
find out what the conclusions or contents of this book are through the summary
made in this article, so that readers can find out what the advantages and
disadvantages of a book are.

1.4 Book Identity

Book cover image:

Book Name: Geography and Technology

ISBN : 9789401570244, 9401570248

Number of pages : 652

Publication date : 15 Januari 2014

Format : Paperback

Publisher : Springer

Language : English

Editor : J. W. Harrington Jr, Stanley D. Brunn, Susan L. Cutter

2.1 Chapter I
Thomas J. Wilbanks “Geograpy And Technology” it Can be argued that Geography’s
Originis as a category of know ledge had technology as a cornetstone, according to James
(1972). Geography arose from two fundamental desires in human Nature : (1) to fin out what
hies over to the next hill. To explore unknown places and report what we fin : and (2) to
know Where, we are in order both to get home and to return to that spot if we wish I,,e,, to
navigate on the face of. The earth.
These demeusions interact with a wide range of oberarching social issues : Proverty,
democratization, globalization technological change, enviromental, sustai nabililyty, and
other, bot to mention such unexpectendey emerging issues, to resenct tobe adderessed in this
Book, as homeland security :
a. Technology and the meaning of location.
b. Technology and the Character of placess an the people who Vive there.
c. Technology and the anlysis of Geography Information.

2.2 Chapter II
1 Communications Technology and the Productiom of Geography Knowledge
a. Networks of interatiction the monilization of Change.
b. The Internet, The world Wide wes and diseiplinary Fragmention.
c. and Discipllnary Change bot yet A Conclucision.

2. Changing Times
a. The early twentieth Century the association American Geographers (AAG) was founded in
1904 During the first three decades of the AAG’S existence, the U.S was undergoing
ttansition from a rural.

Urbanization and modernization in American life coincided with the rapid development of
those technologies which, as they developed, would play important roles in geographic
research years abead.

b. The new deal and world war II The decades following the discipline of Geography. After
world ware I, the U.S

c. The decades following the end of war II were years of profound Change for American
Society an the discipline of Geography

d.The cold war the cold war came to an abrupt end in the late 1980 and early 1990 in
association with the collapse of communis in the Soviet Union and easten Eeurope.

3. Changes in geograpic Technology As Refiected in Geograpic Publication.

a. Federal Support for Research in Geography journals in the 1950s and 1960s.
we began our anlysis by examining all articels published in the an nals of the
association of American Geographers, the professional Geographers and
geographycal review in the sifty years period between 1950 and 1999
b. Federal Support for Geographic research in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s in
the 1070, the three journals published a total of 100 papers a know ledging
federal Support. Given the fact that preffesional Geographer was bow
publishing a significant number of research articels.


3.1 Book Advantage

Menurut I think this book is very interesting to read, this book is also suitable for pupils,
students and the general public, the writing in the book is very good, it doesn't make you get
bored quickly reading this book, The written language is also easy to understand, the cover
used is also attractive. In the book there are also pictures so that readers don't It's easy to get
bored reading this book.

3.2 Lack of books

In my opinion, there are no shortcomings in this book.


4.1 Conclusion
Geography arose from two fundamental desires in human Nature : (1) to fin out what
hies over to the next hill. To explore unknown places and report what we fin : and (2) to
know Where, we are in order both to get home and to return to that spot if we wish I,,e,, to
navigate on the face of. The earth.
These demeusions interact with a wide range of oberarching social issues : Proverty,
democratization, globalization technological change, enviromental, sustai nabililyty, and
other, bot to mention such unexpectendey emerging issues, to resenct tobe adderessed in this
Book, as homeland security.
Federal Support for Research in Geography journals in the 1950s and 1960s. we began our
anlysis by examining all articels published in the an nals of the association of American
Geographers, the professional Geographers

4.2 Bibliography


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