Ahmadi Javid Et Al 2019 A Method For Risk Response Planning in Project Portfolio Management

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Project Management Journal

Vol. 51(1) 77–95
© 2020 Project Management Institute, Inc.
A Method for Risk Response Planning Article reuse guidelines:
in Project Portfolio Management DOI: 10.1177/8756972819866577

Amir Ahmadi-Javid1, Seyed Hamed Fateminia2,

and Hans Georg Gemünden3

To improve the effectiveness of project portfolio risk management, a portfolio-wide approach is required. Implementing a
proactive strategy, this article presents a method based on mathematical optimization to select an appropriate set of a priori local
and global responses to address risks that threaten a project portfolio considering key factors, such as cost, budget, project
preference weights, risk-event probabilities, interdependencies among work packages, and both occurrence and impact
dependencies among risk events. As the proposed method has new features compared to the existing methods developed for a
single project, it can also be used in project risk management.

modeling and optimization, portfolio management, project management, response planning, risk management

Introduction (Teller et al., 2014). In a project portfolio environment, it is

insufficient to manage the risks of only individual projects
Uncertainties and risks are undeniable in all projects, which
(Olsson, 2008), and a portfolio-wide approach seems necessary
highlights the important role of project risk management
to deal with portfolio risks (Teller, 2013; Teller et al., 2014).
(PRM) in project success. Achieving project goals is the pur-
The main purpose of portfolio risk management is to ensure
pose of PRM (Pellegrinelli, 1997; Zhang, 2007; Teller & Kock,
that all portfolio components will achieve the best possible
2013). PRM processes include risk identification, qualitative/
success by putting together its components, organizational
quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning, risk response
strategy, the business model, and environmental factors. It
implementing, and risk monitoring and controlling (Project
actually aims to optimize a key value for the organization by
Management Institute, 2017a).
balancing risks through increasing the probabilities and
When performing several projects concurrently, companies
impacts of positive risks, and decreasing the probabilities and
prefer to use project portfolio management because of its flex-
impacts of negative risks (Project Management Institute,
ibility to environmental changes in order to remain competitive
(Teller, Kock, & Gemünden, 2014). The Project Management
The review of the existing literature has widely acknowl-
Institute (2017b) defines project portfolio as a collection of
edged the benefits of project portfolio risk management (PPRM),
projects, programs, subportfolios, and operations that are
such as (1) considering portfolio components’ risks and inter-
grouped together to meet strategic business objectives. Portfo-
relations among risks (Teller, 2013), (2) facilitating resource
lio management objectives are to perform the right projects, to
allocation for the portfolio projects (Teller, 2013), (3) perform-
align the projects with the organization’s strategies, and to
ing accurate evaluation of the projects, (4) conducting the proj-
balance the portfolio (Teller, 2013). To achieve these objec-
ects according to the identified risks (Sanchez, Robert, &
tives, portfolio management applies business strategy by inte-
Pellerin, 2008), (5) increasing the portfolio strategic order and
grating decision-making processes about project investments,
trading off risks and resources, and improving the value of the
portfolio (Kopmann, Kock, Killen, & Gemünden, 2017). 1
Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Kock, Heising, and Gemunden (2016) argue that portfolio University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
balance refers to balancing risk and innovation in the portfolio. BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
Any portfolio management approach that neglects risks may Corresponding Author:
result in an unbalanced portfolio. Moreover, organizations can- Amir Ahmadi-Javid, Amirkabir University of Technology.
not be prepared for the future without integrating portfolio risks Email: ahmadi_javid@aut.ac.ir
78 Project Management Journal 51(1)

Negative Mitigation
Risks (Active/Passive)
(Threats) Transfer

Known Positive risks Exploiting

Unknowns (Opportunities) Enhancement
Uncertainties Acceptance
and Risks Reactive (Active/Passive)

Unknown Passive (Passive
Unknowns Accept Acceptance)

Figure 1. A categorization of different risk response strategies.

balance, (6) enhancing the effectiveness of the risk management, an opportunity. In the sharing strategy, some or all of the own-
and (7) maximizing the potential to deliver an optimum value to ership of an opportunity is allocated to a third party that is well
the organization (Project Management Institute, 2017b). able to benefit from it.
Hillson (1999) has mentioned that the risk management pro- Unknown unknowns—for which a priori or a posteriori
cess is worthless without considering risk responses, which responses cannot be planned because of the perfect lack of
really makes a difference in addressing identified risks. Risk information—should inevitably be passively accepted and
response planning is the process of developing options and deter- responded to with workarounds.
mining risk responses that reduce threats to and increase oppor- The contingency and management reserves are budgets that
tunities for project and portfolio objectives (Project Management are typically used to handle a posteriori responses and work-
Institute, 2017b). Figure 1 provides an overview of the main arounds, respectively, if required, whereas a part of the risk
strategies used in this process. management budget is aimed at implementing a priori
Let us start with the branch of known unknowns. Known responses and must be paid before occurring risk events.
unknowns can be addressed reactively or proactively. There Although several studies consider risk response planning in
is only one strategy for the reactive handling of negative risks, PRM, research studies on PPRM mostly concentrate on risk
which is acceptance. In the case of proactive handling, there are identification and analysis, and risk response planning is
different strategies for handling negative risks (threats) and neglected (see the next section for a detailed literature review).
positive risks (opportunities). Proactive handling of negative To the best of our knowledge, no study has yet investigated risk
risks includes avoidance, mitigation, and transfer. In the risk- response planning in PPRM.
avoidance strategy, threats are eliminated or objectives are Zhang (2011) reviews 171 articles collected from the Inter-
fully protected from their detrimental impacts. In the mitigation national Journal of Project Management and Project Manage-
strategy, the probability of occurrence and/or adverse impact of ment Journal. The survey categorizes risk research into two
a risk are planned to be reduced by a set of a priori responses, groups where the concept of risk is considered an objective fact
which are implemented before the occurrence of the risk. In the and a subjective construction. Zhang (2011) also discusses the
transfer strategy, the impacts of a threat are shifted to a third basic assumptions, viewpoints, tendencies, the starting points,
party, together with the ownership of the required responses. and practical implications of both groups. Padalkar and Gopinath
Each of acceptance and mitigation can be active or passive. (2016) provide a systematic literature review of six decades of
In the active case, a set of a posteriori responses are planned research in project management. From a collection of 2,268
before the occurrence of the risk and implemented after the articles, the review identifies the most influential ones published
occurrence of the risk, whereas in the passive case, some work- in the leading journals of project management. Their analysis
arounds (non-preplanned activities) are carried out. shows that risk management is the third most important research
There are also three strategies for proactively handling pos- theme, after project methods and success factors. However, iden-
itive risks (opportunities), including exploiting, enhancement, tified influential studies on risk management may be explanatory
and sharing. The exploiting strategy seeks to eliminate the case studies of managing risks in single-project cases, or they are
uncertainty associated with a positive risk by ensuring that the conceptual studies that are concerned with constructing defini-
opportunity definitely happens. The enhancement strategy is tions of risk and uncertainty; or they are models to assess, mea-
used to increase the probability and/or the positive impacts of sure, or manage projects risks (Padalkar & Gopinath, 2016). The
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 79

conceptual studies also focus on single projects. Only Sanchez, The rest of the article is organized as follows. The second
Robert, Bourgault, and Pellerin (2009) address risk management section provides a literature review of project risk response
approaches at the project portfolio level. Their review article planning and PPRM. The third section describes the problem
explicitly shows that no study investigated risk response plan- under consideration and presents an optimization-based
ning at this level. This is a critical research gap that must be method to address it. The method uses an integer linear pro-
filled because risk management has been a dominant theme in gramming model, which can be solved for large-sized instances
project portfolio management. of the risk response planning problem very efficiently. The
We should also recognize a major difference between tradi- fourth section explains an example constructed based on a real
tional risk planning approaches in project management and gen- case in an Iranian project-oriented organization that is active in
eral management. In general management, the seminal article by the oil and gas industry. The fifth section applies the method to
Markowitz (1952) focuses on optimizing a portfolio of invest- this example. The sixth section deliberates the possible gener-
ments, whereas in project management, the PERT (program alizations and challenges of the method. The last section con-
evaluation and review technique) method, introduced in the late cludes the article and suggests future studies.
1950s, considers a project as an independent element inside an
organization. However, no project is an island (Engwall, 2003).
Zhang (2007) explains that previous project risk studies pay Literature Review
much attention to the statistical links between risk events and
This section provides a survey of the research studies on two
risk consequences, setting aside the influence that a project may
topics: risk response planning in project management and risk
have on those links. He describes this influence as the vulner-
management in project portfolio management, which are
ability of the project, and conceptualizes it by exposure and
related to the scope of this research.
capacity, where exposure is defined as the degree to which a
project is exposed to risk events, and capacity is defined as the
capability of a project to deal with the impacts of risk events. Project Risk Response Planning
According to our view, risk management should be applied There has been an increasing tendency to investigate project
at the project portfolio level. Exposure of projects in a portfolio risk response planning. In this subsection, the articles on this
can come from common risk drivers, but it can also stem from topic are briefly reviewed. Studies on risk response planning
interdependencies between projects (e.g., competition among can be classified by the approach they use: the semi-
scarce resources, input-output relationships between projects, quantitative approach and the quantitative approach. The goal
and bilateral information needs between two projects). Teller of the semi-quantitative approach is to present tools and pro-
et al. (2014) show the importance of analyzing and considering cesses to show how to develop and select optimal risk
such interdependencies in order to make better informed mea- responses using a trade-off approach (Hillson, 1999; Kujawski,
sures. However, they do not systematically analyze what it 2002; Qazi, Quigley, Dickson, Kirytopoulos, 2016) and/or
means to increase the capability to deal with the impacts of using a zonal-based approach (Datta & Mukherjee, 2001;
risk events at the portfolio level. This is the theme of our Piney, 2002), while the quantitative approach strives to use
current study. mathematical modeling and optimization to evaluate or achieve
Hence, this research is an attempt to take a forward step to a set of optimal risk responses considering various criteria
developing an optimization-based method to determine a suit- (Ben-David & Raz, 2001; Fan, Lin, & Sheu, 2008; Kayis,
able set of risk responses for a project portfolio. This study is a Arndt, Zhou, & Amornsawadwatana, 2007; Seyedhoseini,
practical answer to the following question: What has to be done Noori, Hatefi, 2009; Zhang, 2016; Zhang & Fan, 2014).
to achieve a set of optimal risk responses in a project portfolio, Applying the semi-quantitative approach, Hillson (1999)
considering project and portfolio budget constraints, local and performs an introductory study for developing risk responses
global risk events, and their dependencies and effects? This in PRM, and concludes that risk response planning is the most
research contributes to the current literature of PPRM by devel- important step in PRM. For selecting risk responses, he sug-
oping a multistep method, including a mathematical model, gests using the risk reduction leverage factor, which can be
which can be solved very efficiently for large-scale, real- measured by converting risk impacts into money for each risk
world cases. response separately. This method does not consider the inter-
This study involves application-inspired basic research and relations and mutual impacts of risk events. Kujawski (2002)
falls into Pasteur’s quadrant, which bridges the gap between makes trade-offs considering objectives and preferences, and
“basic” and “applied” research. During the modeling phase, increases the probability of project success with respect to
the authors communicated with high-level managers—like selecting risk responses based on some of Markowitz’s
portfolio and project managers of project-oriented organiza- (1952) portfolio selection principles. It assumes risks are inde-
tions—to consider their concerns and critical elements, and pendent and treats risk response actions as a whole. An effi-
also to align the method with their requirements. In this cient set of actions is determined considering the outcome cost
regard, the method is applied to an example extracted from versus the probability of success. Various scenarios, decision
a real case study. trees, and cumulative probability distributions are used to
80 Project Management Journal 51(1)

Table 1. A Comparison of Articles Using Optimization for Risk Response Planning

Dependency Among
Risk Events Interdependency
Project- Portfolio- Among Work
No. Reference Optimization Method and Objective wide wide Occurrence Impact Packages

1 Ben-David A heuristic to minimize the total risk cost for one project P
and Raz
2 Kayis et al. Five heuristics to maximize a metric based on cost/risk ratio P
(2007) for one project
3 Seyedhoseini A heuristic to maximize scope expected deviation for one P
et al. project
4 Zhang and An ILP model to maximize the total risk relief for one project P
Fan (2014)
5 Zhang (2016) An ILP model to maximize the total risk relief for one project P P
6 Current An optimization-based multistep method to maximize the P P P P P
study weighted sum of expected risk relief for one portfolio

characterize risks and responses. Qazi et al. (2016) establish an method is also recommended to determine the required para-
iterative process to identify risks and to select a set of optimal meters. Zhang and Fan (2014) develop a method to select risk
mitigating strategies by measuring the impacts of different response strategies in a project using an integer linear program-
combinations of risk mitigation strategies on an overall utility ming (ILP) model to maximize the sum of estimated risk
function of a project. response effects. Zhang (2016) uses a similar model in which
Piney (2002) uses a zonal-based approach and presents a the risk relief values are adapted based on expert judgment to
sequenced process to integrate PRM steps, and illustrates how consider occurrence dependencies among risk events using the
to evolve and use a decision-making tool that he calls the risk parameters “strength” and “direction.” The objective is to max-
response planning chart for opportunities and threats. Based on imize a weighted sum of risk reliefs subject to a constraint on
this chart, risk response strategies can be determined by the the implementation cost.
acceptability of risks’ impacts and probabilities, which are Table 1 categorizes the articles applying optimization meth-
mapped onto a chart’s vertical and horizontal axes. Datta and ods, which enables us to compare the current study with other
Mukherjee (2001) develop a process to quantify project risks similar articles. In this table, there are two types of dependency
based on their immediate and external impacts. for risk events: occurrence and impact. The occurrence depen-
On the other hand, there are a few research studies that apply dency between two risk events is exactly the concept considered
the quantitative approach and use optimization methods. A in probability theory, which mathematically means the probabil-
review is provided in the sequel for the most important ones. ity that both risk events occur simultaneously does not equal the
Fan et al. (2008) make a contribution to risk response literature product of the occurrence probabilities of the two risk events.
by constructing a framework that defines the relationship The impact dependency between two risk events refers to the
between risk responses and project characteristics. They also case where a positive or negative synergy between the impacts is
develop a mathematical model to mitigate risk responses’ created whenever both risk events happen together; in other
costs, using an optimization analysis. Ben-David and Raz words, the impact of simultaneous occurrence of both risk events
(2001) apply a greedy heuristic algorithm to find a set of is not equal to the sum of the individual impacts of the two risk
cost-effective response actions. Kayis et al. (2007) develop five events.
heuristics to minimize the implementation cost subject to the The reviewed articles have made a significant contribution
constraints of response combinations, implementation budget, to selecting an optimal set of risk responses for a single project.
and acceptable risk effect for new product development in Thus far, however, there has been little discussion about occur-
concurrent engineering projects. Specifically, the model mini- rence and impact dependencies of risk events or interdepen-
mizes the difference between the upper bound mitigation cost- dencies of work packages, which are explained in the method
risk ratio (the most effective risk mitigation target) and the section.
mitigation cost-risk ratio generated from the project within the
limited budget. Seyedhoseini et al. (2009) introduce a heuristic
algorithm to select project risk responses while maximizing an Project Portfolio Risk Management
integrated measure, called the scope expected deviation. Our survey indicates that there are only a couple of articles that
Applying the technique of simple additive weighting, the scope address PPRM in project-oriented companies where their
expected deviation is calculated. The pairwise judgment dominant approach is qualitative. These studies are generally
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 81

classified into three categories: (1) proposing conceptual Some of them are known concepts, while a number of them are
frameworks for PPRM (Sanchez et al., 2008; Teller, 2013), defined here for the first time to present our method.
(2) suggesting PPRM methodologies (Olsson, 2008; Petit, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A hierarchical
2012), and (3) discussing the relation of PPRM and other fac- decomposition of the total scope of work that must be carried
tors, such as success to meet portfolio objectives (Teller & out by the project and portfolio teams to accomplish the objec-
Kock, 2013; Teller et al., 2014). tives and create the required deliverables.
In the first category, Teller (2013) provides principles for Work Package (WP): The work defined at the lowest level
more effective PPRM by developing a risk management con- of the master schedule plans of the work breakdown structures
ceptual model in which three important elements of the port- of the projects of the portfolio or the portfolio’s main
folio are organization, process, and culture. Sanchez et al. operations.
(2008) also present a conceptual framework for the identifica- Interdependent: Two WPs are here called interdependent
tion of portfolio risks and opportunities. The proposed frame- (or have an interdependency) if they have some sorts of rela-
work integrates risk management concepts with project tionships, such as serial, pooled, and reciprocal (for more
portfolio management and helps to align decisions with the details, see the subsection on Step 1 below).
strategic goals of the organization. Risk Event (RE): An uncertain event or condition that has a
In the second category, Olsson (2008) analyzes risks in a negative effect on one or more projects or portfolio operations
project with a portfolio-wide perspective. Moreover, Petit when it occurs (we do not consider positive risks here).
(2012) reviews the impact of uncertainty on the project port- Directly Exposed Work Package (DE-WP)/Indirectly
folio in dynamic environments by proposing a PPRM method Exposed Work Package (IE-WP): A DE-WP of a given RE
and studying four portfolios from two different companies on is a WP that is directly affected by that RE, whereas an IE-WP
the basis of uncertainty impacts. is a WP that is indirectly affected by the RE. Clearly, each
In the third category, Teller et al. (2014) come up with the IE-WP of an RE must have some interdependencies with the
idea of how PPRM can lead to portfolio success by reviewing DE-WPs of that RE.
177 companies. The study indicates that risk management has a Local/Global Risk Event: A local RE directly affects only
strong relation with portfolio success. Furthermore, Teller and one or more WPs of a single project. Hence, for each local RE,
Kock (2013) suggest that risk handling and transparency have
all the DE-WPs belong to the same project. A global RE
significant impacts on the portfolio success.
directly affects either at least two portfolio WPs that do not
belong to the same project or at least one portfolio operation.
Gap Analysis Occurrence Dependent (or Independent): Two REs are
Although risk response planning at the project level has been here called occurrence dependent if their occurrences are
considered by several researchers (see Table 1), the above dependent (or independent) from the probabilistic point of
review reveals that it has not been addressed at the portfolio view, that is, the probability of the simultaneous occurrence
level. This research gap motivates the authors to develop a of both events is (or is not) equal to the product of the occur-
powerful optimization-based method that proactively handles rence probabilities of the two REs.
risk response selection in PPRM by incorporating new features Impact Dependent (or Independent): Two REs are here
previously not considered in the studies on PRM, such as (1) called impact dependent (or independent) if there is no (or is a)
occurrence dependency and impact dependency among risk synergy between their impacts when both risk events happen
events, (2) interdependencies among work packages, (3) incor- together, that is, the impact of the simultaneous occurrence of
porating both palliative and etiological risk responses, and (4) both REs is (or is not) the sum of the individual impacts of the
considering both local and global risk responses. two REs.
Mutually Exclusive: Two REs are called mutually exclu-
sive if they cannot occur together, that is, the probability of the
Method simultaneous occurrence of both REs is zero.
This section presents our method for risk response planning in a Risk Response (RR): A planned action that reduces threats
project portfolio, which first requires defining terms necessary to project and portfolio objectives created by some REs, by
for the ensuing discussion. Then, the main assumptions under decreasing the REs’ occurrence probabilities and/or negative
which our method works are provided. In the third subsection, effects. An RR that is implemented before the occurrence of an
the general steps of the method and its blueprint are given. In RE is called a priori; otherwise, it is a posteriori.
the remaining subsections, the steps are explained in greater Palliative/Etiologic RR: A palliative RR reduces only neg-
detail. ative consequences of an RE, while an etiologic RR reduces the
occurrence probability of an RE, and it may also mitigate neg-
Method: Definitions ative effects of the RE.
Simple/Compound RR: A compound RR relieves the
The important definitions used throughout this article are
effects of an RE on at least one of the IE-WPs of the RE, where
briefly presented as follow in order of appearance in the article.
82 Project Management Journal 51(1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Preprocessing Determining Determining
Identification Identification Running Analyzing
Impact- DE-WPs Local Computing
and and Optimization and
Dependent and and Risk Reliefs
Interdependency Dependency Model Adjustment
REs IE-WPs of REs Global RRs
Analysis Analysis

Portfolio WPs RE List Modified RE List DE-WPs An Initial Set A Final Set
and and and and Categorized Risk of of
WP Network RE Network RE Network IE-WPs List RR List Reliefs Selected RRs Selected RRs

Figure 2. The method’s blueprint.

the RE can be local or global. An RR that is not compound is 5.Interdependencies of work packages are considered when
called simple. computing risk reliefs obtained by implementing RRs.
Local/Global RR: A local RR relieves the adverse impacts 6. Each project has a limited risk management budget for
of some REs on some of the DE-WPs and IE-WPs of a single the risk mitigation.
project, where the REs can be local or global. An RR that is not 7. There is a limited response budget for the mitigation of
local is called global. the portfolio’s risks using a priori RRs.
Expected Risk Relief: The expected positive effect of 8. The total implementation cost of global RRs must be
implementing an RR for an RE (the expected risk reduction less than a given budget.
degree for an RE resulting from an RR). 9. For each RE, only one local or global RR can be
Response Budget: A budget within the cost baseline, as a implemented.
part of risk management budget, that is allocated for the imple- 10. Risk reliefs obtained by RRs can be quantified (by a
mentation of a priori REs to mitigate identified risks. method such as expert judgment or using historical
Project Preference Weight: The importance of a project in data) in a way that they are comparable.
comparison with other projects from a risk management per- 11. The portfolio manager (or management team) is able
spective, which is represented by a number between 0 and 1. to centrally perform risk response planning.
These weights should be determined by expert judgment and
may reflect different considerations such as strategic The goal is to determine a set of a priori RRs in order to
alignment. maximize the weighted sum of the expected risk reliefs
obtained by implementing the selected RRs.
These assumptions can be considered in practical situations
after doing some simplifications and adjustments. Based on these
Method: Assumptions assumptions, we will present our method in the next subsections.
The proposed method concentrates only on risk response plan-
ning for the existing projects of a portfolio where the projects Method: General Steps
are chosen in a separate process; project selection and risk
management are not integrated. Our method integrates risk identification and risk response selec-
REs are responded to via a proactive handling approach, that tion for the current ongoing projects in the portfolio. The method’s
is, a set of a priori RRs should be selected and implemented blueprint is illustrated in Figure 2, which includes eight steps. Steps
before the occurrence of REs. 1 to 6 explain how inputs should be prepared to run the optimization
Depending on the portfolio environment, risk response plan- model in Step 7. In Step 8, the portfolio manager may analyze and
ning may differ. Hence, we need to clarify the appropriate adjust the results by carrying out some sensitivity analyses.
setting in which our proposed method is applicable. The main To manage the mathematical modeling, the list of REs must
assumptions of our method are as follow: be carefully prepared in a specific manner. The outputs of Steps
1 through 6 are the lists of REs and RRs with their correspond-
1. The projects and operations of the portfolio, the REs, ing occurrence probabilities and risk reliefs, which are used as
the RRs, and the corresponding information are com- the inputs for the optimization model in Step 7.
pletely known.
2. REs affect the projects and the portfolio negatively.
3. REs can be local/global, and occurrence dependent
Steps 1 through 6: Preparation of the Model Inputs
and/or impact dependent. Given the fact that considering all details in a mathematical
4. RRs are a priori responses that can be palliative/etio- model can make it complex and inapplicable, our method
logic, local/global, and simple/compound. mainly focuses on benefiting from well-prepared inputs to
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 83

Portfolio Components Work Risk Risk

Packages Events Responses

RR 1

RE 1 RR 2

WP 1 RE 2 RR 3

Project 1 WP 2 RE 3

Portfolio WP 3

Project 2 WP 4

WP 5

Figure 3. An illustration of the structure of the model input.

make the optimization model computationally tractable. The A WP interdependency analysis is required to design com-
six steps for the preparation of the required input data are pound RRs in Step 5 as well as to more accurately compute risk
explained in the following six subsections. reliefs in Step 6. To clearly understand WPs’ relationships, a
network of WPs, here called the WP network, can be used. This
network extends the concept of a project network. In a WP
Step 1: Work Package Identification and Interdependency Analysis.
network, different types of interdependencies among portfolio
In our method, risk identification and response selection are
WPs can be visualized by different types of lines. Figure 4
performed based on the projects’ work breakdown structures.
shows the WP network of the illustrative example given in the
Hence, the first step of our method is to develop a portfolio
next section on a case study. Note that completed WPs are not
WBS. To do this, the first level of the projects’ master schedule
required to be considered in our analysis unless they have some
plans and the main operations of the portfolio can be accounted
interdependencies with other uncompleted WPs and their deli-
for as WPs, which are here called portfolio WPs, and numbered
verables may be affected.
sequentially. In Figure 3, you can find a simple example of a
portfolio with two projects and five portfolio WPs.
The portfolio WPs can be interdependent. Such relation- Step 2: Risk Event Identification and Dependency Analysis. The
ships are influenced by the internal and external environ- second step of our method is to identify all possible risks, and
ments. Thompson (1967) defines three kinds of list them as REs based on the portfolio WPs identified in Step
interdependencies, which can also be used here: sequential, 1. The occurrence probabilities and negative impacts of REs
pooled, and reciprocal. A sequential relationship is referred should be evaluated by expert groups; there is a wide range of
to as a serial interdependency between two projects/tasks/ tools and techniques for this purpose. To ensure that all REs are
WPs where one project/task/WP requires the other project/ considered, risk-aware roadmapping can be utilized (Ilevbare,
task/WP’s output as its input (this relationship can also be Probert, & Phaal, 2014). An RE that only impacts some of the
considered for more than two WPs, similar to precedence WPs of a single project is called local; otherwise, it is called
relations among activities in a project network). A pooled global.
interdependency indicates a situation in which projects or REs can be dependent in some ways. Here, two REs are called
tasks compete for the same scarce resources, while they are occurrence dependent if they are considered dependent events
independent. A reciprocal interdependency is a mutual rela- from the perspective of probability theory. Two REs are called
tionship between two projects/tasks/WPs, for example, when impact dependent if they generate some positive or negative
two R&D projects exchange knowledge (Chinowsky, Tay- synergies when they happen together. Occurrence and impact
lor, & Marco, 2011). dependencies among REs can be visualized by a network, here
84 Project Management Journal 51(1)

Project P2

WP 6

WP 7
ject P1
Pro WP 8

WP 9
WP 1
WP 10
WP 2

WP 3

WP 4

ct P
WP 11
WP 5

WP 12

WP 13

WP 14

WP 15



Figure 4. The WP network for the example provided in the case study section.

called the RE network. Figures 5 and 6 show two different RE example, when two WPs are interdependent because of sharing
networks for the four identified REs: A, B, C, and D. In both RE a scarce resource, then REs caused by the hazard of losing that
networks, there is an occurrence dependency between C and D. resource are expected to be dependent. For another example,
In Figure 5, REs B and C are only impact dependent, whereas when two WPs are not interdependent, their local financial REs
they are both impact dependent and occurrence-dependent in can be dependent because of a common portfolio-wide source
Figure 6. such as international sanctions.
Our method classifies REs based on their exposure, not In this step, the probabilities of simultaneous occurrence
based on their sources. An RE is assigned to a WP if the WP must be determined by experts, if required. In fact, these are
is exposed to that RE, so a single RE can affect a number of required in the preprocessing carried out in the next step only
portfolio WPs. The risk sources are not necessarily restricted to for those REs that are both occurrence and impact dependent.
WPs and can be project-wide or organization-wide. Hence, in For example, in Figure 5, we do not need to compute the
general, there is no obvious relationship between WP interde- probability Pr(CD) for the occurrence-dependent REs C and
pendency and RE dependency. When the sources of (hazards D because they are not impact dependent. However, in Figure
causing) a number of REs are the same, then the REs can be 6, for the occurrence-dependent REs B and C, we need to
dependent. As a result, if some WPs are exposed to the same compute Pr(BC) because REs B and C are impact dependent.
hazard, the corresponding REs become dependent. For In this step, for impact-dependent REs, the synergies created by
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 85

the simultaneous occurrence of the REs must also be deter-

mined by experts.

A To illustrate the situation shown in Figure 6, consider the

following REs of a real-life case:

A: Risk of fatal damages due to explosions

B: Risk of failure in drilling cooling system
C: Risk of drill-bit breakdown
B C D: Risk of drill bits falling into holes.

REs C and B have both occurrence and impact dependencies.

The occurrence dependency follows from the fact that if the
drilling cooling system fails to cool the drill bits (RE B happens),
the frequency of drill-bit breakdowns (RE C) increases. These
REs are also impact dependent. Indeed, each one of REs B and C
D can cause a delay in the drilling plan and an extra cost. However,
when both REs happen simultaneously, the resulting cost is
much higher than the sum of the individual extra costs, because
the drill-bit breakdown can become more severe.

Impact Dependency Step 3: Preprocessing Impact-Dependent Risk Events. In the third

Occurrence Dependency step, those REs that are impact-dependent must be prepro-
cessed and converted to a set of REs that are mutually exclu-
sive. This preprocessing is a required condition for the validity
Figure 5. An example of an RE network without any pair of REs that of the objective function of our mathematical model proposed
are both occurrence and impact dependent. in Step 7 below. The preprocessing procedure is simply demon-
strated through the following example.
Consider the RE networks shown in Figures 5 and 6. Two
impact-dependent REs B and C can be decomposed into three
mutually exclusive REs; that is, BC (both B and C happen
together), BC0 (B happens, but C does not), and B0 C (C hap-
pens, but B does not). After this, experts can easily compute the
impacts of the new REs BC, BC0 , and B0 C. The modified RE
A network is given in Figure 7.
Moreover, the occurrence probabilities of the new virtual
REs BC, BC0 , and B0 C must be determined. If B and C are
occurrence independent (as illustrated in Figure 5), from
PrðBCÞ ¼ PrðBÞ PrðCÞ, the occurrence probabilities of BC0
B C and B0 C are calculated by
PrðBC0 Þ ¼ PrðBÞ 1 � PrðCÞ and
PrðB0 CÞ ¼ 1 � PrðBÞ PrðCÞ:

If B and C are occurrence dependent (as illustrated in Figure

D 6), these probabilities are specified by
PrðBC0 Þ ¼ PrðBÞ � PrðBCÞ and PrðB0 CÞ ¼ PrðCÞ � PrðBCÞ;

where PrðBCÞ has been determined in the previous step.

Note that determining the occurrence-dependence status of
Impact Dependency the new REs BC, BC0 , and B0 C is not required for computing
Occurrence Dependency the model’s objective function. However, in the following,
some technical details are provided for readers who are curious
to have a deeper understanding of this status (the discussion
Figure 6. An example for an RE network with a pair of REs that are below is only on occurrence dependency, so “occurrence” is
occurrence and impact dependent. omitted for shortness). In fact, REs BC, BC0 , and B0 C can be
86 Project Management Journal 51(1)

our information level in the decision process because it only

divides the current events into smaller events and does not

A eliminate or add any new outcome. For the example in Figure

7, one can see that the events BC, BC0 , and B0 C partitions the
event B [ C (where one or both of B and C happen). This
B′C BC′ partitioning is required to truly compute the impacts of BC,
BC0 , and B0 C when B and C are impact dependent.
The preprocessing of impact-dependent REs may have an
BC effect on the decision results from the perspective of actual
project risk management rather than just from the aspect of
mathematics. Fortunately, the newly defined REs in the pre-
processing phase are not pure mathematical objects and can be
simply understood by managers. In Figure 7, RE BC is the
event that both REs B and C happen together, B0 C is a situation
that only C happens, and BC0 relates to the case that only B
D happens. Actually, the impacts of these new REs can be easily
computed by a risk analyzer, whereas evaluating the impact of
each basic RE (B or CÞ individually seems impossible. Hence,
we can conclude that the project decisions for impact-
dependent REs need to be redefined for the newly decomposed
Impact Dependency REs, which are not impact dependent and can be easily ana-
Occurrence Dependency lyzed in practice.

Step 4: Determining DE-WPs and IE-WPs of REs. Considering that

Figure 7. The modified RE network for the RE network given in
REs may affect portfolio WPs that have interdependencies with
Figure 6, where REs B and C are occurrence and impact dependent.
other WPs, we can define two types of WPs: directly-exposed
WPs (DE-WPs) and indirectly-exposed WPs (IE-WPs). DE-
dependent on or independent of RE D. In Figure 7, between
WPs are directly affected by an RE, whereas IE-WPs have
each one of BC, BC0 , and B0 C; and D a dotted line is consid-
interdependencies with some of the DE-WPs, which may be
ered, but some of them may not really be required; we keep
indirectly exposed to negative consequences created by the RE.
them all to highlight the possibility of dependence. If we had
Recognizing the DE-WPs and IE-WPs of an RE is important
more information about the basic REs C, B, and D, we could for the computation of the risk reliefs of RRs (Step 6) and the
determine exactly which of these lines are actually needed. design of compound RRs (Step 5).
Recall that D and C are independent if and only if D and C0
are independent; indeed,
Step 5: Determining Local and Global RRs. The aim of this step is
PrðDC0 Þ ¼ PrðDÞ � PrðDCÞ ¼ PrðDÞ � PrðDÞ PrðCÞ to identify possible and feasible RRs for each one of the REs
¼ PrðDÞ 1 � PrðCÞ ¼ PrðDÞ PrðC0 Þ: finalized in Step 3. After accomplishing qualitative and quan-
titative risk analyses, appropriate RRs should be determined.
Hence, in Figure 1, as C and D are dependent, the events C0 As can be seen from Figure 3, different RRs can be defined for
and D are also dependent. Although we know that both of the each RE.
pairs C and D, and C0 and D are dependent, BC, BC0 , and B0 C An RR that is considered to cover a local or global RE for
may be dependent on or independent of D even if B is indepen- only one project is called local RR; otherwise, it is called
dent of D. To show this, consider a simple experiment of picking global. Both local and global RRs can cover a set of DE-
a random number from f1; 2; 3; 4g uniformly. Two examples WPs and IE-WPs of an RE, rather than only one WP. Distin-
are now explained below. guishing local and global RRs is required to control the budget
For the events D ¼ f1; 2g, C ¼ f3; 1; 4g, and B ¼ f2; 4g, limitations considered for the projects and the whole portfolio.
we can see that D and C depend on each other, while B is An RR that protects at least one IE-WP is called compound,
or else it is called simple. Designing compound RRs is possible
independent of D. In this case, D and BC are dependent.
only by considering the WP network and needs a more deep
Now define the events D ¼ f1; 2g, C ¼ f3; 2; 4g, and
and creative analysis.
B ¼ f2; 4g, where again D and C are dependent, but B and
D are independent. In this case, D and BC are independent.
The preprocessing explained above is used to make it pos- Step 6: Computing Expected Risk Reliefs. In this step, an expected
sible to express the objective function (1) (see the optimization risk relief obtained by executing each RR for each RE is com-
model below) based on our decision variables. It will not affect puted as follows:
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 87

k : The expected implementation cost of the global RR k,
Expected risk relief ¼ k 2 B.
0 0
1 0 0
RE s negative effect RE s occurrence probability rbT : The total response budget for the implementation of all
@ before A�@ before A� the selected local and global RRs in the portfolio.
implementing RR implementing RR rbLl : The response budget for the implementation of the
0 0
1 0 0
1 selected local RRs for project l, l 2 P.
RE s negative effect RE s occurrence probability
B C B C rbG : The response budget for the implementation of the
@ after A�@ after A; selected global RRs.
implementing RR implementing RR
which can be used for both palliative and etiologic responses. V: The overall expected risk relief; the weighted sum of
Note that input parameters aij and bklj (defined and used in expected risk reliefs obtained by implementing the selected RRs.
the next step) are to be computed based on the above Xij : A binary variable that is equal to 1 if the local RR i is
formula. selected for RE j; i 2 Al ðjÞ, j 2 El , l 2 P.
When computing the negative effects of an RE before and Yk: A binary variable that is equal to 1 if the global RR k is
after the implementation of an RR, one should carefully con- selected, k 2 B.
sider the negative consequences of the RE on all DE-WPs and Note that parameters aij and cLij , and variables Xij are not
IE-WPs. To clearly understand the procedure, see the detailed required to be defined for any pair of i 2 A and j 2 E, because
example provided in the case study section. each RR i 2 A is only applicable to a limited number of REs.
Indeed, a pair of i and j is reasonable if i 2 Al ðjÞ and j 2 El for
some project l 2 P.
Steps 7 and 8: Modeling, Optimization, and Sensitivity Optimization Model
Using the above notation, our decision problem can be formu-
This subsection shows how our risk response planning problem lated as follows:
can be formulated under the assumptions stated earlier and
based on the input prepared via Steps 1 to 6. The resulting ILP Model for a Project Portfolio.
formulation is an ILP model, which can be solved using many 2 0 13
available ILP solvers. The details of this model are provided in X X X X
the following. max V ¼ 4 wl @ aij Xij þ bklj Yk A5 ð1Þ
j2E l2P i2Al ðjÞ k2BðjÞ
Required Sets
P: The set of the projects of the portfolio, which includes an subject to:
additional virtual project v0 whose WPs are the portfolio oper- X X
Xij þ Yk � 1 j 2 El ; l 2 P ð2Þ
ations, if required. i2Al ðjÞ k2BðjÞ
El: The set of (local and global) REs that affect project l, X X
l 2 P. cLij Xij � rbLl l 2 P ð3Þ
E: The set of all (local and global) REs, that is, E ¼ [ El . j2El i2Al ðjÞ
l2P X
Al ðjÞ: The set of local RRs that eliminate, transfer, or miti- cG
k Yk � rb
gate RE j for project l; l 2 P, j 2 E. k2B

A: The set of all local RRs, that is, A ¼ [ Al ðjÞ. 0 1

l2P; j2El X X X X
@ cLij Xij A þ cG T
BðjÞ: The set of global RRs for eliminating, transferring, or k Yk � rb ð5Þ
l2P j2El i2Al ðjÞ k2B
mitigating RE j, j 2 E.
B: The set of all global RRs, that is, B ¼ [
BðjÞ. Xij ; Yk 2 f0; 1g i 2 Al ðjÞ; j 2 El ; l 2 P; k 2 B: ð6Þ
Input Parameters The objective (1) maximizes the sum of weighted excepted
wl: The RM preference weight of project l, l 2 P. risk reliefs obtained by implementing the selected RRs.
aij : The expected risk relief for RE j that is obtained by Equivalently, the objective function in (1) can read as
implementing the local RR i; i 2 Al ðjÞ, j 2 El , l 2 P: 2 0 13
bklj : The expected risk relief for RE j of project l that is X X X X
V¼ wl 4 @ aij Xij þ bklj Yk A5;
obtained by implementing the global RR k; k 2 BðjÞ, l 2 P, l2P j2El i2Al ðjÞ k2BðjÞ
j 2 E.
cLij : The expected implementation cost of the local RR i for which is the weighted sum of the expected risk reliefs associ-
RE j; i 2 Al ðjÞ, j 2 El , l 2 P. ated with the projects. To obtain (1), we need to make sure that
88 Project Management Journal 51(1)

Portfolio WBS

Project P1 Project P2 Project P3

Seismic Seismic Drilling

WP 1 WP 3 WP 6 WP 8 WP 11 WP 13
Survey Recording Survey Recording Design Artificial Lift

RE 1 RE 2 RE 5 RE 6 RE 10 RE 11 RE 14 RE 15 RE 19 RE 22

RR L1 RR L3 RR L7 RR L8 RR L12 RR L14 RR L18 RR L19 RR L12 RR L28

RR L2 RR L13 RR G1 RR L24 RR L29
WP 4 WP 9
WP 2 WP 14
Drilling WP 7 Water Injection
RE 20
RE 7 RE 8 RE 16 RE 17
RE 3 RR L25 RE 23
RR L9 RR L10 RE 12 RR L20 RR L21
RR L4 RR G1 RR G5 RR L30
RR L5 RR G2 RR L15 RR L31
RR L16
RE 27 WP 10
WP 5 Other WP 12 WP 15
RE 27 Well Premises Other
RE 29 RE 26
RE 28 RE 25 RE 21 RE 29 RE 26
RE 4 RR G5 RR G5
RR G3 RR G2 RE 13 RR L26 RR G5 RR G5
RR L6 RR G4 RR G4 RR L27
RR L17
RE 28 RE 25
RR G3 RE 28 RE 24
RE 26 RE 9 RR G4 RR G3 RR G2
RR G4 RR G4 RR G3 RR L32
RR G5 RR L11 RR G4 RR L33
RR L34
RE 18
RR L35
RR L22

Figure 8. The local and global REs and RRs for the hypothetical case study (dark gray-shadowed and light gray, circle-edged boxes indicate
global REs and RRs, respectively).

the REs are not impact independent, which is guaranteed here MATLAB. This yields the optimal set of selected RRs and
due to the preprocessing of the initially identified REs in Step 3 the optimal amount of overall expected risk relief.
of the method. In Step 8, the portfolio manager should evaluate the optimi-
Note that extending the objective function in (1) is not zation results. The manager can also request carrying out sen-
straightforward and results in a complex formula for the case sitivity analyses to determine the most appropriate budgets
where the decision maker is not risk neutral and interested in after consulting with the other managers and experts. More-
using a nonlinear utility function. Actually, the computational over, the portfolio manager can assess the impact of consider-
procedure used in Zhang (2016) to apply a nonlinear utility ing a class of RRs, such as global RRs. The next sections show
function to its objective function is not mathematically correct. how such analyses can be conducted.
Constraint (2) guarantees that only one local or global RR
can be selected to mitigate each RE. Constraint (3) ensures
that the total implementation cost of the selected local RRs for
Case Study
each project meets its budget requirement. Constraint (4) con- This section provides an example that is a simplified extraction
trols the global RR implementation budget. Constraint (5) of a real-world case, which is used to illustrate how our proposed
ensures that the total implementation cost of all the selected method can be applied in practice. It should be noted that the
local and global RRs does not exceed the portfolio response authors are allowed to report only some limited parts of the case
budget. study. The case is the portfolio of an Iranian project-oriented
In Step 7, the model (1)–(6) must be solved by either organization that is active in the oil and gas industry. As shown
advanced ILP solvers such as CPLEX or elementary ones in Figure 8, the portfolio includes two similar onshore seismic
included in general-purpose packages, such as Excel or projects and one offshore drilling project.
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 89

The WPs of the seismic projects are surveying, drilling, Results

recording, project management services (PMS), and other
In the following, the optimization-based method proposed in the
activities, while the WPs of the drilling project are design, well
method section is applied to the case-oriented example explained
premises, artificial lift, water injection, and other activities.
in the case study section. The data sets given in Tables 3 and 4
Figure 4 (already used in the method section) depicts the
and Figure 9 are used as inputs for the optimization model (1)–
interdependencies among WPs of the three projects in our case
(6). The model is implemented in GAMS IDE 24.8.5 and solved
study. From this WP network, one can see that, for instance, the
using CPLEX optimizer on a personal computer with Intel Core
project managers of projects P1 and P2 compete for scarce and i5 2.66 GHz CPU and 4 GB RAM.
expensive resources for WPs 3 and 8, and any RE that threatens The following subsections report our numerical results. The
these resources when they are used by one of these WPs can first subsection reports the selected RRs, which are obtained by
have adverse effects on the other WP. Hence, the pooled inter- solving the model (1)–(6). The second subsection assesses the
dependency is considered for these WPs. For another example, it impact of our portfolio-wide approach to risk response plan-
can be seen that to properly manage WPs 2 and 7, professional ning. The other two subsections carry out sensitivity analyses
data and knowledge need to be exchanged, so the reciprocal with respect to the total response budget rbT and the response
interdependency is considered for these WPs. By performing budget rbG for the implementation of the global RRs,
Steps 2 through 6 of the method, we obtain the local and global respectively.
REs, their occurrence probabilities and impacts, and their corre-
sponding local and global RRs. Figure 9 presents the parameters
related to these REs and RRs, which include also the occurrence Results: Optimal Response Plan for the Case Study
probability of each RE, the implementation cost of each RR, and After solving the model (1)–(6) for the example examined
the expected risk relief obtained by implementing each RR for above, the optimal value of the objective function is deter-
each relevant RE. Based on Figure 9, one can simply deter- mined as V � ¼1,223.825. In the optimal solution, the vari-
mine which local or global RRs are available for a given RE. ables Xij whose (i,j) are (2,1), (5,3), (6,4), (8,6), (9,7),
For example, RE 1 is a local RE affecting project P1 with the (12,10), (18,14), (19,15), (20,16), (22,18), (23,19), (26,21),
occurrence probability of 0.5. Two RRs L1 and L2 (with the (29,22), (30,23), and (35,24); and the variables Yk with
implementation costs of 150 and 100, respectively) can be k ¼1, 2, and 5 become 1, whereas the other variables are
used to mitigate RE 1, where their expected risk reliefs for 0. This solution is used to determine the selected responses.
RE 1 are 250 and 275, respectively. Figure 9 illustrates how the selected RRs cover the REs.
The REs and RRs are obtained by the risk analysis team of From this figure one can see that 15 out of 35 local RRs
the company based on expert judgment and the historical data are selected. It can also be seen that the three global RRs
available for similar projects after several meetings with the G1, G3, and G5 are chosen for six local REs and four global
three projects’ and the portfolio’s stakeholders. Table 2 pro- REs. In fact, this risk response plan is a differentiated hybri-
vides some instances of REs and their corresponding RRs. dization of local and global RRs to respond to the local and
Table 3 illustrates how the expected risk reliefs of the RRs global REs.
for the local RE 3 can be calculated based on the formula
given in Step 6 of our method. This table indicates that the Results: Portfolio-Based Approach versus Project-Based
only DE-WP of RE 3 is WP 2; hence, from Figures 4 and 8 one Approach
can find that the IE-WPs of RE 3 are WPs 7 and 12. Table 3
shows that expected risk reliefs obtained by performing RRs This subsection compares the portfolio-based approach to
L4 and L5 for RE 3 are 201 and 156, respectively. Both RRs risk response planning with the traditional approach, in
L4 and L5 are compound because they cover some IE-WPs of which risk response selection is done independently for each
RE 3, so they include a set of actions that mitigate the direct project.
and indirect effects of RE 3 on WPs 2, 7, and 12. They also In the project-based approach, the following mathematical
decrease the occurrence probability of RE 3 from 0.3 to 0.18 model is solved for each project l 2 P separately where the
and to 0.25, respectively, which shows both RRs are global RRs are not considered and where global REs are treated
etiological. as local REs for those projects influenced by them.
Finally, Table 4 provides the other parameters required to ILP Model for a Single Project.
run our optimization model in Step 7 of our method, which are X X
determined by the portfolio management team. The response max Vl ¼ aij Xij ð7Þ
budget of each project is set as a predefined percentage of j2E i2Al ðjÞ
each project budget. The total portfolio response budget is set
subject to:
to 5,500, which equals the sum of all projects’ response bud- X
gets and an additional budget considered for the whole Xij � 1 j 2 El ð8Þ
portfolio. i2Al ðjÞ
Local REs
Global REs
WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 WP 7 WP 8 WP 9 WP 10 WP 11 WP 12 WP 13 WP 14 WP 15
RE 1 RE 2 RE 3 RE 4 RE 5 RE 6 RE 7 RE 8 RE 9 RE 10 RE 11 RE 12 RE 13 RE 14 RE 15 RE 16 RE 17 RE 18 RE 19 RE 20 RE 21 RE 22 RE 23 RE 24 RE 25 RE 26 RE 27 RE 28 RE 29
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2
Occurrence Probability
0.50 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.15 0.25 0.60 0.70 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.10 0.70 0.35 0.50 0.40 0.35 0.50 0.60 0.65 0.15 0.20 0.35 0.35 0.50 0.70 0.50 0.70 0.50
Implementation Cost
L1 150 250
L2 100 275
L3 500 50
L4 270 201
L5 120 156
L6 320 288
L7 190 37.5
L8 210 75
L9 230 378
L10 300 140
L11 220 15
L12 150 82.5
L13 110 76.5
L14 240 45
L15 170 15
L16 190 25
L17 300 70
L18 310 248.5
L19 130 265

Local RRs
L20 270 320
L21 470 70
L22 100 250
L23 160 318
L24 300 240
L25 290 65
L26 420 123
L27 380 118.5
L28 180 104
L29 250 134
L30 260 185.5
L31 390 147
L32 470 175
L33 390 157.5
L34 160 175
L35 320 245
G1 600 700 450 600
G2 1500 700 405 420 100
G3 500 140 650 500 490 630
G4 1200 490 455 300 100 70

Global RRs
G5 400 350 490 350 420 300

Figure 9. The outputs of Steps 2–6 of the method for the case study; the RRs selected in Step 7 are highlighted in gray.
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 91

Table 2. Instances of Local and Global REs, and their Corresponding the integrated approach is shared among the projects propor-
Local and Global RRs tionally to the budget of each project considered for its local
Type RE Corresponding RR After obtaining the optimal value of the above model for
each project l 2 P, denoted by Vl� , the overall expected risk
Global (RE 25) Core businesses (RR G2) Contracting with an relief (i.e., the weighted sum of expected risk relief) based on
professionals and experts HR consultant company to P
leave their jobs develop HR rewarding
the project-based approach is computed by V^ ¼ wl Vl� .
systems and competitive For our case study, we have V1� ¼1,357, V2� ¼ 262.275, and
direct payments �
(RR G4) Employing
V 3 ¼ 769.5. Hence, the total expected risk relief obtained by
professional experts and the project-based approach becomes V^ ¼ 844.305, which sig-
training them as alternative nificantly decreases up to 397.52 units (about 32%) compared
experts to the optimal total expected risk relief obtained by the
(RE 26) Noncooperation (RR G5) Designing and portfolio-based approach. This clearly shows the advantage
among different levels of developing integrated of using our proposed approach, into which local and global
the portfolio because of business management REs and RRs can be incorporated simultaneously.
the low integration of systems like enterprise
portfolio systems and resource planning (ERP) by
processes outsourcing Results: Impact of Portfolio Response Budget
Local (RE 1) Weakness of satellite (RR L1) Using special This subsection shows how the optimal overall expected risk
signals during surveying equipment relief varies with the total portfolio response budget rbT , where
operation (RR L2) Creating access
all the local and global response budgets vary proportionally to
corridors based on the
offset policy the initial budgets given in Table 4. As Figure 10 shows, there
exists a direct relationship between the optimal overall
(RE8) Noncooperation (RR L10) Developing an
among different levels of internal web-based portal expected risk relief and the total response budget. Indeed, an
the project because of the increase in the total response budget may significantly increase
low integration of project the optimal overall expected risk relief. The optimal overall
systems and processes expected risk relief for the budget 5,500 is equal to
(RE 15) Delay in the (RR L19) Hiring a local agent 1,223.825, but this considerably improves when the budget
procurement of explosive increases to 6,500 or 7,500. However, only small variations
materials due to security in the optimal overall expected risk relief can be seen when
and legal problems the total response budget exceeds 9,500. According to this
analysis, the effective range of the total response budget in our
case is between 3,500 and 8,500, from which the right amount
of budget can finally be selected by the portfolio management
X X rbL team.
cLij Xij � rbLl þ X l rbG ð9Þ
j2El i2Al ðjÞ rbL
k2P k
Results: Impact of Response Budget for Global RRs
Xij 2 f0; 1g; i 2 Al ðjÞ; j 2 El : ð10Þ
Figure 11 shows the relationship between the optimal overall
As seen above, for a fair comparison, in the project-based expected risk relief and the response budget for implementing
approach, the total response budget dedicated for global RRs in global RRs, where all the local response budgets remain

Table 3. The Procedure for Calculating Expected Risk Reliefs Obtained by Applying RRs L4 and L5 for RE 3, Where Both RRs L4 and L5 Are
Compound and Etiological

After Implementing

RE 3 Before Implementing RR L4 RR L5

Impact on DE-WP WP 2 400 50 122

Impact on IE-WP WP 7 200 33 80
WP 12 137 17 50
Total impact 730 100 252
Occurrence probability 0.3 0.18 0.25
Expected risk relief 201 ¼ 0:3 � 730 � 0:18 � 100 156 ¼ 0:3 � 730 � 0:25 � 252
92 Project Management Journal 51(1)

Table 4. The Other Parameters Determined by the Portfolio unchanged and the global response budget varies proportion-
Management Team Based on their Policies ally to the value set in Table 4. Increasing this budget consid-
Project Project Project Global
erably impacts the optimal risk relief. When there is no budget
Inputs P1 P2 P3 RRs for global RRs, the optimal overall expected risk relief
becomes 491.47, while it can be improved up to 1,537.524 if
Project response 1,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 the budget increases to 3,000. This reveals that incorporating
budget global RRs plays a central role in PPRM.
Project preference 0.3 0.2 0.5 NA
Generalizations and Challenges
The method presented here has been shown to be useful for the
case company; and, theoretically, it seems possible that this


Optimal Overall Expected Risk Relief








0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000

Total Response Budget

Figure 10. The optimal overall expected risk relief versus the total response budget of the portfolio.

Optimal Overall Expected Risk Relief






0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000

Response Budget for Implementing Global RRs

Figure 11. The optimal overall expected risk relief versus the response budget for implementing global RRs.
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 93

method can also be used for other kinds of project portfolios lessons learned are used by only a minority of users. The study
and other kinds of industries. However, in practice, the condi- by Kock et al. (2015) uses a sample of 184 matched dyads,
tions for the application of the model must be satisfied, and the where the project portfolio coordinators assess the processes
expected benefits of applying the method should justify the and PPMISs, and where the decision makers evaluate the proj-
expenditures of its implementation. ect portfolio success. The sample comprises a variety of dif-
Today people spend about one-third of their working time ferent project portfolios covering a bundle of industries and
on projects, and about 80% of these projects are internal proj- different kinds of project portfolios. The implication of this
ects; only 20% are externally commissioned (Schoper, Wald, & study is that the current method should become an integrated
Ingason, 2018). These internal projects contribute strongly to part of a PPMIS, and that specific measures and tools for train-
future value creation. There is a trend that the time spent on ing and motivating users, and for creating a software module
projects, and the value generated by projects, will further with a high usability are needed. In addition, the processes need
increase, particularly in emerging economies. The fact that a a sufficiently high level of maturity, particularly in the risk
high percentage of projects are internal projects implies that the management processes.
human resources of these projects can be better planned and The findings of Teller (2013), Teller and Kock (2013), and
controlled, and that similar projects using a shared resource can Teller et al. (2014) show that risk culture also plays a crucial role
be bundled in project portfolio regimes. In addition, the high in providing and exchanging information. Therefore, steps to
amount of working time, the strong impact on value generation, improve cooperation among stakeholders should also be applied.
and the fact that projects usually face a higher uncertainty and Regarding strategic orientations, Kock and Gemünden
risk than operations indicate that there is a great potential for (2017) show that the two components of entrepreneurial orien-
benefit generation by using better methods of risk response tation (i.e., the innovation orientation and the willingness to
planning at the project portfolio level. take risks) have a decisive influence on project portfolio suc-
To use the method developed in this article, a certain level of cess, while they also have a significant positive influence on
project management development is required. Gemünden, Leh- business success (if the perspectives for higher success are
ner, and Kock (2018) suggest a model of project-oriented orga- good). When holding constant the four well-documented suc-
nization that contributes to the high value creation by cess factors of project portfolio management (i.e., stakeholder
successfully implementing innovative products, services, pro- involvement, strategic clarity, business case monitoring, and
cesses, and business models; and by adapting its innovation agility), which are also significant in their study, the innovation
system to changes required in the competitive context. Their orientation and willingness to take risks show positive signif-
model comprises three sectors: structures, people, and values. icant moderation effects in six out of eight predicted interaction
Structures include the organization of roles, responsibilities, effects. This means that the method presented here can be
processes, planning and controlling systems; and information applied particularly well in project portfolio contexts that con-
systems for projects, programs, and project portfolios. People tain highly innovative projects and where decision makers
include the cooperation of people within and between teams show a high propensity to take risks. In such cases, an effective
through better leadership and teamwork; a better development plan of risk responses will very likely pay back. It is important
of individual project management competencies and motiva- to note that the firms with the highest market values of their
tions through human resource management measures, in par- shares in stock exchanges and those with the highest value
ticular, value-generating career systems; and knowledge increases probably belong to the candidates who may profit
management approaches to capture, to secure, and to reuse from a better risk response planning.
learnings from projects. Values include strategic orientations The discussion of empirical studies that indicate potential
that drive and direct behaviors in support of the project success benefits of the method developed in this study could be
(i.e., future, entrepreneurial, and stakeholder orientations). enlarged, and in a similar vein, the number of studies that give
For the application of the proposed method, structures for hints as to which competencies would foster the likelihood of a
the project portfolio should be implemented at a high level of successful usage. On the other hand, the basic model developed
maturity and sophistication. Kock, Schulz, Kopmann, and here could also be elaborated so that it fits better to differing
Gemünden (2015) show that organizations using project port- requirements of different contexts.
folio management information systems (PPMIS) generate a In many industries, risk measures have to be taken in order
significantly higher project portfolio success. There are mean- to increase the safety and reliability of their processes. For
ingful positive interaction effects between the maturity of the example, in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector, exten-
processes of managing single projects and project portfolios, sive clinical studies have to be made in order to prove that the
and risk management in single projects and project portfolios. products fulfill their desired functions effectively and that the
The most-often-used functions supported by PMMISs are potential customers will comply in using them correctly. These
resource allocation decisions, short-term planning and control studies also have to show that a long list of harmful side effects
of project portfolios, and prioritization decisions of projects. will not occur. Thus, planning risk responses is not only used to
Risk management functions are used by about 50% of the improve economic performance. Rather, it is a sine qua non to
firms, and functions to support competence management and get the permission to be in business. In many industries, such
94 Project Management Journal 51(1)

regulations exist. Indeed, high-reliability organizations may Funding

also profit from the method developed here for good ethical The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship,
reasons, irrespective of the economic gain. and/or publication of this article.

Conclusions References
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7(1), 77–91.
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the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Quality and Reliability Management, 25(1), 60–71.
Ahmadi-Javid et al. 95

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Author Biographies
Petit, Y. (2012). Project portfolios in dynamic environments: Organiz-
ing for uncertainty. International Journal of Project Management, Amir Ahmadi-Javid is an Associate Professor of Operations
30(5), 539–553. Management at Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran
Piney, C. (2002, June). Risk response planning: Selecting the right Polytechnic). He has published numerous research articles on
strategy. Paper presented at the Fifth European Project Manage- different planning aspects of supply chains and service sys-
ment Conference, PMI Europe, Cannes, France. tems, risk analysis, project management, and financial engi-
Project Management Institute. (2017a). A guide to the project man- neering. He is a professional expert in developing efficient
agement body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide) – Sixth edition. mathematical solutions and business analytics for complex
Newtown Square, PA: Author. management problems based on optimization, graph theory,
Project Management Institute. (2017b). The standard for portfolio game theory, stochastic analysis, statistics, and data analysis.
management – Fourth edition. Newtown Square, PA: Author. He can be contacted at ahmadi_javid@aut.ac.ir.
Qazi, A., Quigley, J., Dickson, A., & Kirytopoulos, K. (2016). Project
complexity and risk management (ProCRiM): Towards modeling Seyed Hamed Fateminia is a PhD student in construction
project complexity driven risk paths in construction projects. Inter- engineering and management at the University of Alberta,
national Journal of Project Management, 34(7), 1183–1198. Canada, where he is pursuing further studies in project and
Sanchez, H., Robert, B., & Pellerin, R. (2008). A project portfolio portfolio risk management. He holds a Bachelor of Science
risk-opportunity identification framework. Project Management in industrial engineering and a Master of Science in project
Journal, 39(3), 97–109. management. Before starting his doctoral studies, he gained
Seyedhoseini, S. M., Noori, S., & Hatefi, M. A. (2009). An integrated professional work experience by joining active companies in
methodology for assessment and selection of the project risk the oil and gas industry as the project management specialist
response actions. Risk Analysis, 29(5), 752–763. and risk analyst for about five years. He can be reached at
Teller, J. (2013). Portfolio risk management and its contribution to fateminia.h@ualberta.ca.
project portfolio success: An investigation of organization, pro-
Hans Georg Gemünden, Dr. rer. oec. habil., Dr. h.c. rer. oec. et
cess, and culture. Project Management Journal, 44(2), 36–51.
soc., is a Professor of Project Management at BI Norwegian
Teller, J., & Kock, A. (2013). An empirical investigation on how
Business School in Oslo since October 2015. He was Professor
portfolio risk management influences project portfolio success.
of Technology and Innovation Management at Technical Uni-
International Journal of Project Management, 31(6), 817–829.
versity of Berlin from 2000 to 2015, and Professor of Corporate
Teller, J., Kock, A., & Gemünden, H. G. (2014). Risk management in
Strategy at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology from 1988 to 2000.
project portfolios is more than managing project risks: A contin-
gency perspective on risk management. Project Management Jour- He was founder and chairman of the TIE division of the Asso-
nal, 45(4), 67–80. ciation of University Professors of Management from 2000 to
Sanchez, H., Robert, B., Bourgault, M., & Pellerin, R. (2009). Risk 2002. He was a member of the supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat)
management applied to projects, programs, and portfolios. Inter- of ThyssenKrupp Technologies AG (about 50,000 employees)
national Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), 14–35. from 2006 to 2011. From 2008 until 2012, he was one of
Schoper, Y-G., Wald, A., & Ingason, H. T. (2018). Projectification in the four principal investigators for business administration at
Western economies: A comparative study of Germany, Norway Germany’s national science foundation, DFG (Deutsche
and Iceland. International Journal of Project Management, Forschungsgemeinschaft). He was the winner of the Interna-
36(1), 71–82. tional Project Management Association’s IPMA Achievement
Thompson, J. D. (1967). Organizations in action: Social science bases Award in 2015.
of administrative theory. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Zhang, H. (2007). A redefinition of the project risk process: Using He has authored more than 150 articles, more than 180 confer-
vulnerability to open up the event-consequence link. International ence proceedings, more than 130 invited chapters, and four
Journal of Project Management, 25(7), 694–701. books in the fields of innovation management, entrepreneur-
Zhang, H. (2011). Two schools of risk analysis: A review of past ship, project management, organization, marketing, decision
research on project risk. Project Management Journal, 42(4), making, and accounting. He has supervised 90 doctoral stu-
5–18. dents as the second supervisor (“opponent role”) and 71 as the
Zhang, Y. (2016). Selecting risk response strategies considering proj- first supervisor (“promoter role”). Seventeen of the first super-
ect risk interdependence. International Journal of Project Man- vised candidates became full tenured university professors. He
agement, 34(5), 819–830. can be contacted at hans.g.gemuenden@tu-berlin.de.

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