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The quiz has two levels; Level One and Level Two

All contestants would participate in this level which has three(3) rounds. Each round has questions
covering five categories (1. Old Testament 2. New Testament 3. Church History &Current Affairs
And National Church Affairs 4. Bible Study / Home cell manual, Teens Devotional Guide 5. Doctrine
of CoP, Vision 2023, Youth Ministry Vision &School of Apologetics Level 1&2 Handbook). Each
participating District would have 15 major questions which will cover all the areas of study. No
District would be given more than 15 major questions unless in the case of a tie where questions
would be asked to break the tie. When participating Districts are 7 or more, only the first 5 winners
would qualify for the next level. For participating Districts with less than 7, that is 6 and below, the
first 3 would qualify for the next level.

Each District would answer only one (1) major question from each of the five categories for 3 marks
in 6 seconds and a bonus question could be passed on for 1 mark in 3 seconds.


1. For what reason did the new king that arose in Egypt enslave the Hebrews?
A. He feared the Hebrews would outnumber the Egyptians
B. He feared the Hebrews would join hands with their enemies if war broke out.
C. He wanted to strip the Hebrews of their possessions.
D. He wanted cheap labor.

2. What happened as the Egyptians oppressed the Israelites more and more?
A. The Israeli population kept increasing.
B. The Israelites kept escaping in batches.
C. The Israelites became poorer and were famished.
D. The Israelites rebelled against them.

3. What work were the Israelites assigned to do while they were in slavery?
A. They produced bricks and mortar.
B. They mined for gold.
C. They made pottery.
D. They tended the sheep of the Egyptians.

4. Which of these was the name of one of the Hebrew midwives?

A. Rebecca
B. Naamah
C. Jochebed
D. Shiphrah
5. Which of these cities was built by the Hebrews?
A. Memphis and Cairo
B. Thebes and Pithom
C. Raamses and Pithom
D. Cairo and Alexandria

6. Which of these was a midwife to the Hebrews?

A. Vashti
B. Deborah
C. Zipporah
D. Puah

7. Why is it that the midwives did not carry out Pharaoh’s command?
A. It was because they were afraid to do so.
B. God told them not to do it.
C. It was because they feared God.
D. It was because Pharaoh did not bribe
them big enough.

8. What reward did God give the Hebrew midwives for their good deeds?
A. God protected them from facing
Pharaoh’s punishment.
B. God gave them families.
C. God gave them peace.
D. God delivered them from the plagues.

9. What did God command Moses to use to cause and spread the plague of boils?
A. Dust C. Powder
B. Ashes D. Water

10. Who suffered from the plague of boils that God unleashed upon Egypt?
A. The Egyptians and their animals.
B. The Israelites and their animals.
C. Both the Egyptians and the Israelites.

11. Which people were killed by the hail?

A. Both people and animals who were
in the field at the time of the hail
B. The animals in the field at the time
of the hail.
C. The herdsmen of Pharaoh in the field
at the time of the hail.
D. Pharaoh’s palace administrators.

12. Apart from destroying lives, what else did the plague of hail and fire do?
A. It destroyed houses.
B. It broke trees.
C. It polluted the air.
D. It made the rivers dry.
13. The fifth plague God brought upon the Egyptians was what?
A. The plague of hail and fire.
B. The plague of boils.
C. Mass death of animals.
D. The plague of lice.

14. The sixth plague God brought upon the Egyptians was what?
A. The plague of hail and fire.
B. The plague of boils.
C. Mass death of animals.
D. The plague of lice.

15. The seventh plague God brought upon the

Egyptians was what?
A. The plague of hail and fire.
B. The plague of boils.
C. Mass death of animals.
D. The plague of flies


1. What had Jesus experienced just before He went into the wilderness to fast?
A. He had been to the wedding feast at
B. He had preached in the synagogue
for the first time.
C. He had been baptized by John the
D. He had done His first miracle.

2. Who inspired Jesus Christ to go into the wilderness to fast?

A. John the Baptist
B. The quest for divine wisdom.
C. The quest for power to work
D. The Holy Spirit

3. While tempting Jesus, what did the devil ask Jesus to turn into bread?
A. A rock
B. A stone
C. Some stones
D. A pebble

4. Which city did the devil take Jesus to tempt Him?

A. Jerusalem
B. Jericho
C. Bethany
D. Sychar
5. Where was Jesus standing when the devilsaid, “If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down
A. He was standing on the quay.
B. He was standing on a hill in the wilderness.
C. He was standing on the top of a mountain.
D. He was standing on a pinnacle of the temple of God.

6. Why did Jesus say, “It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”?
A. He said that because the devil tempted Him to jump from a high point.
B. He said that because the devil tempted Him to bow down to him.
C. He said that because the devil tempted Him to accept the kingdoms of the world.
D. He said that because the devil said something that could have tempted God to destroy him

7. Where was Jesus standing when the devil showed Him all the kingdoms of the world?
A. He was standing on Herod’s palace in Jerusalem
B. He was standing on a hill in the wilderness
C. He was standing on the temple of Jerusalem
D. He was standing on an exceedingly high mountain.

8. In which town did a centurion come to beseech Jesus?

A. Nazareth
B. Bethany
C. Bethlehem
D. Capernaum

9. What help did the centurion seek from Jesus?

A. The centurion wanted Jesus to heal his servant of paralysis.
B. The centurion wanted Jesus to heal him of leprosy.
C. The centurion wanted Jesus to heal his twelve years old daughter who was dying of fever.
D. The centurion sought the way to salvation.

10. Why did the centurion stop Jesus from coming to his house?
A. He stopped Jesus from coming because, while speaking to Jesus, he was told that his servant
was dead.
B. He stopped Jesus from coming because He saw himself as unworthy of Jesus to come to his
C. He stopped Jesus from coming because it was uncustomary for a Jew like Jesus to come to the
home of a Gentile.
D. He stopped Jesus from coming because He was not a Jew.

11. What was wrong with Peter’s mother-in-law at the time Jesus visited Peter’s house?
A. She was vexed by a demon.
B. She was sick of a fever.
C. She was down with paralysis.
D. She was grieving the death of his son.

12. What was Jesus doing from the time the tempest started?
A. He was unfurling the sails of the boat.
B. He was stirring the boat to safety.
C. He was asleep
D. He was mending the net.

13. According to Matthew chapter 8, the demons acknowledged Jesus as what?

A. The Savior of mankind
B. The Son of God
C. The lamb of God
D. The Holy One of God.

14. According to Matthew chapter 8, Jesus met two demon-possessed men. Where were
they coming from?
A. The city
B. The banks of the river
C. The wastelands
D. The tombs

15. Why did Jesus cast the demons into the herd of swine?
A. Since swine were unclean animals, Jesus saw that it fits to cast them into the swine.
B. The demon pleaded with Him to cast them into the swine.
C. Since Jesus could not find anywhere to send the demons to, He cast them into the swine.
D. He did that because demons are afraid of swine.


1. Name any three Executive Council Members who have completed their tenure in 2023.
Answer: Apostles: Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, Ousmane P. Zabre, Samuel Yaw Antwi, Dr.
Daniel Okyere Walker and Prophet David Kamkam Beditor. (Any three is correct) - Page 1
2. Name any three elected Executive Council Members in 2023?
Answer: Apostles: Eric Nyamekye, Samuel Gyau Obuobi, Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, Dr.
Dieudonne Nuekpe, Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin and Lare Banimpo. (Any three is correct) - Page 2

3. Among the Executive Council Members who have completed their tenure, name the three
members who served for 5 years or 1 term as at 2023?
Apostles Samuel Yaw Antwi and Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker and Prophet David Kamkam Beditor -
Page 1

4. How many Ministers have been appointed RCC Coordinators effective 1st September, 2023?
Answer: Four (4) - Page 2
5. Who has been appointed as the RCC Coordinator for the Northern Region effective 1st September,
Answer: Apostle John Budu K. Tawiah - Page 2

6. Who has been appointed to replace the late Elder Dr Johnson Addo on the board of trustees in
Answer: Board of Trustees
Elder Ing. Owura Sarfo
7.Why was Regional Missions Coordinator created in 2024.
Answer: Due to the fast-growing nature of the mission's work, ti was decided to introduce the
appointment of regional mission coordinators to assist the International Mission Director in
the various regional blocs.
8.Who is the current Regional Mission Coordinator?
Answer: Apostle Dr Michael Agyemang Amoako has been appointed the Regional Missions
Coordinator, Americas, and the Caribbean.
9.Name the newly appointed RCC coordinators in Ghana
Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin- Central Region
Apostle James Gabriel Quardson- Bono, Ahafo, and Bono East Regions
10.Who is currently the general secretary of the church?
Answer: Aps. Samuel Obuobi


1. What was the topic for week fifteen (15)

Answer: Breaking Barriers to Reach All People
2. What was the topic for week sixteen (16)
Answer: Paying the Price for Positive Change (Study in Workers’ Guild Groups)
3. What was the topic for week seventeen (17)
Answer: Gospel Sunday
4. What was the topic for week eighteen (18)
Answer: Lord Super Sunday
5. What was the topic for week nineteen (19)
Answer: Following a pattern of teaching in the local church
6. From Week 16 quote the memory verse
Answer: But the earlier governors placed a heavy burden on the people...but out of reverence
for God, I did not act like that – Nehemiah 5:15.
7. From Week 16 how did the previous governors treat the people? Verse 15
Answer: The former governors who were before me laid heavy burdens on the people and took
from them their daily ration forty shekels of silver
8. From Week 16 Identify key decisions Nehemiah took to enhance the welfare of the people.
Answer: 16 Instead, I devoted myself to the work on this wall. All my men were assembled
there for the work; we[a] did not acquire any land.
17 Furthermore, a hundred and fifty Jews and officials ate at my table, as well as those who
came to us from the surrounding nations. 18 Each day one ox, six choice sheep and some
poultry were prepared for me, and every ten days an abundant supply of wine of all kinds. In
spite of all this, I never demanded the food allotted to the governor, because the demands were
heavy on these people.
9. Quote Luke 15:5
Answer: And when he has found it, he lays it on his
shoulders, rejoicing. – Luke 15:5
10. Quote Act 17:4
Answer: And. Some of the Jews were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas as did many God-
fearing Greeks and not a few prominent women – Acts 17:4.
11. Which week had this memory verse Acts 17:4?
Answer: Week 19
12. Quote Ephesians 2:14
Answer: Ephesians 2:14
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier,
the dividing wall of hostility.
13. Quote Genesis 2:15.
Answer: Genesis 2:15
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it –
Answer the Following From Week 15
14. The city of Samaria was founded by who?
Answer: King Omri of the northern kingdom of Israel.
15. They deported the Israelites there and brought in pagans from which country……..
Answer: ‘Babylon, Cuthah, Awwa, Hamath, and Seperwayim


1. The vision emphasis of the Youth Ministry for how many years?
Answer: four-year period spanning 2023-2027
2. State the Vision
Answer: “Grounded in Christ, Reaching Everyone and Taking Over Everywhere for Jesus”
3.Quote the supporting scriptures for vision 2027
Answer: (Lk. 14:23; Jude 23; 2 Cor. 5:20; Col. 2:6-7).
4.How many focus does this vision have?
Name them
Answer: .Dual focus is: a) Reaching everyone with
the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and b) Taking over everywhere for Jesus as His
5.What does this vision concentrate on ?
Answer: releasing young people
into massive evangelism, and empowering them to stand as ambassadors of Christ who
take over everywhere they find themselves for the Lord Jesus Christ.

6. What will be the result of the impact of this vision

Answer: In the end, many people will be saved into the Kingdom of our God, and all spheres
of society will be
transformed to the glory of our God.
7.What is the theological name for the doctrine the Last Things according to the School of
Apologetics handout?
Answer: Eschatology
8.What are the ordinances ordained by the Lord Jesus to be observed and practiced by His
Answer: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper [pg. 222]

Mention 2 tenths of the church with supporting scriptures.State and explain


We believe in the divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures. We believe that the
Bible is infallible in its declaration, final in its authority, all-sufficient in its provisions and
comprehensive in its sufficiency (2Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21).


We believe in the existence of the One True God, Elohim, Maker of the whole universe;
indefinable, but revealed as Triune Godhead— Father, Son and Holy Spirit-One in nature,
essence and attributes; Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent (Genesis 1:1; Mathew 3:16-
17; 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).


We believe that “all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” and are subject to
eternal punishment; and need repentance and regeneration (Genesis 3:1-19); Isaiah 53:6).


We believe that man’s need of a Saviour has been met in the person of Jesus Christ, because of
His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, resurrection and ascension; His abiding and
Second Coming to judge the living and the dead (Mathew 1:2; John 4:42; Philippians 2:6-11).


We believe that all men have to repent of and confess their sins before God, and believe in the
vicarious death of Jesus Christ to be justified before God. We believe in the sanctification of the
believer through the working of the Holy Spirit and in God’s gift of eternal life to the believer
(Luke 15:7; Acts 2: 38; Romans 4:25; 5:16; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 1 Thessalonians 4: 3).


We believe in the Sacrament of Baptism by immersion as a testimony of a convert who has

attained a responsible age of about 15 years. (Infants and children are not baptized but are
dedicated to the Lord). We believe in the participation in the Sacrament by members who are in
full fellowship (Mathew 28:19-20; Mark 16:16; Luke 22:19-20).


We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers with signs following; also in the
operation of the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers (Mark 16:17; Acts
2:4;1 Corinthians 12:8-11; Galatians 5:22-23).

We believe that the healing of sickness and disease is provided for God’s people in the
atonement. The Church is, however, not opposed to soliciting the help of qualified medical
practitioners (2 Kings 20:7; Mathew 9:12; Luke 10:34; Colossians 4:14).


We believe in tithing and in the giving of free-will offerings towards the cause of carrying
forward the Kingdom of God. We believe that God blesses a cheerful giver (Genesis 14:18-20;
28:20-22; Malachi 3:6-10; Mathew 23:23; Acts 20:35; 1 Corinthians 16:1-3; 2 Corinthians 9:1-


We believe in the Second Coming of Christ and the Resurrection of the dead, both the saved and
the unsaved – they that are saved, to the resurrection of life; and the unsaved, to the resurrection
of damnation (Mark 13: 26; Daniel 12:2; John 5: 28-29; Acts 1:11; 10:42; Romans 2:7-11;


We believe in the institution of marriage as a union established and ordained by God for the
lifelong, intimate relationship between a man as husband and a woman as wife as biologically
defined at birth. We believe that God instituted marriage primarily for mutual help, fellowship
and comfort that one ought to have for the other and for honourable procreation of children,
and their training in love, obedience to the Lord and responsible citizenship. (Genesis 2:18, 21-
25; Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:1-2).

14. Youth Ministry Vision 2027 is captioned under how many main mandates?
Answer: Five main mandates
15. Outline the mandates
1. The Evangelism Mandate
2. The Discipleship Mandate
3. The Takeover Mandate
4. The Holistic Development Mandate
5. Repositioning Our Committees
Each District would answer only one (1) major question from each of the five categories for 3 marks
in 6 seconds and a bonus question could be passed on for 1 mark in 3 seconds.


1. What did God command the Israelites to ask from the Egyptians when they are leaving Egypt?
A. Jewels of precious stones
B. Gold and silver jewelry
C. Livestock
D. Weapons such as spears, swords, bow, and arrows

2. Why would the Egyptians give their valuable things to the Israelites when they are leaving
A. It was because the Egyptians had wealth in excess.
B. It was because God told the Egyptians to do so.
C. It was because the Lord gave the Israelites favor in the sight of the Egyptians.
D. It was because the Egyptians were afraid of another plague.

3. At what time did God intend to go out and kill the firstborns of the Egyptians?
A. Afternoon
B. Dusk
C. Midnight
D. Twilight

4. What would be the result of the last plague that God would bring on the Egyptians?
A. The Egyptians would fear the Lord all the days of their lives and would not trouble the
Israelites again.
B. The waters of Egypt would be badly polluted.
C. Pharaoh shall die and the Israelites would be free from bondage.
D. Pharaoh would free the Israelites.

5. Why is it that Pharaoh did not let the Israelites go after going through so many terrible
A. It was because if he should let the Israelites go, he would lose a substantial amount of slave
B. It was because God has hardened his heart.
C. It was because he did not want to appear like a weak king.
D. It was because he would lose a huge amount of taxes if he had let the Israelites go.

6. What was the last plague God brought

upon the Egyptians?
A. The death of firstborns
B. The plague of lice
C. The plague of boils
D. The plague of flies

7. Would the Israelites suffer any bad

repercussions from the last plague?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, but not all of them

8. At the time God made mention of bringing the last plague, how many plagues had He already
brought on the Egyptians?
A. 10 plagues
B. 7 plagues
C. 9 plagues
D. 6 plagues

9. Why did God tell the Israelites to camp between Migdol and the sea?
A. He did that to make the Israelites rest for some time before crossing the Red Sea.
B. He did that to make Pharaoh hopeful of overtaking the Israelites should he pursue them.
C. He did that to make it hard for the Egyptians to recapture the Israelites even if they should
pursue them.

10. What moved Pharaoh to pursue the Israelites with the intention of recapturing them?
A. The thirst for vengeance for the death of his firstborn son.
B. Hatred for the Israelites.
C. God hardened his heart to do so.
D. The quest for slave labor

11. What was the mood of the Israelites when they saw the Egyptians coming after them?
A. They were vexed.
B. They regretted following Moses out of Egypt.
C. They were sore afraid.
D. They were confused about what to do.

12. What did God use to divide the sea to make way for the Israelites to pass through?
A. He used an earthquake.
B. He used a strong tornado.
C. He used thunder.
D. He used a strong wind.

13. What prevented the Egyptians from laying their hands on the Israelites whenthey pursued
A. The pillar of clouds came between the Israelites and the Egyptians.
B. The Israelites crossed the sea before the Egyptians got there and hence, escaped being
C. God struck the horses of the Israelites and they were dying.
D. The distance between the Israelites and Egyptians was too long.

14. Though the Egyptians pursued the Israelites on horses and chariots into the sea, they still
could not lay their hands on them to bring them back to Egypt. Why?
A. Their horses, scared of the miraculous spectacle, could not run fast enough.
B. They were exhausted after covering several miles in pursuit.
C. God took off their chariot wheels.
D. The Egyptians were afraid to chase the Israelites through the Red Sea.
15. In all, how many of the chariots in Egypt
did Pharaoh use to pursue the Israelites?
A. All the chariots
B. 600 chariots
C. 500 chariots
D. 1000 chariotes


1. Which people came to Jesus to ask a question about marriage?

A. The disciples of Jesus
B. The Pharisees
C. The Sadducees
D. The scribes

2. Why was it allowed in the Law of Moses that a man should give his wife a certificate of
divorce if he wished to divorce her?
A. Divorce was allowed in the Law because the hearts of the Israelites were hard.
B. Divorce was allowed in the Law because infidelity was a common sin among married couples.
C. Divorce was allowed in the Law as a way out for women in abusive marriages.
D. Divorce was a way out for men in polygamous marriages.

3. Under what condition is a divorce allowed?

A. If one’s spouse does not love him or her anymore.
B. If one’s spouse is problematic
C. If one’s spouse commits fornication.
D. If one’s spouse commits murder.

4. For which reason would some people become eunuchs?

A. They would become eunuchs because of hardship in life.
B. They would become eunuchs because they were born eunuchs
C. They would become eunuchs to receive salvation.
D. They would become eunuchs because they were ugly.

5. Why did Jesus say, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is
the kingdom of heaven”?
A. He said that because His disciples regard children as a nuisance.
B. He said that because His disciples rebuked some parents who brought their children to Jesus
for prayer.
C. He said that because His disciples spoke harshly to some children who were coming to Jesus
to hear His teachings.
D. He said that because His disciples drove away some children who had joined the multitude to
listen to Jesus’ teachings.

6. For what reason would some people not marry?

A. They would not marry because of fear of disappointment.
B. They would not marry because of moral weakness.
C. They would not marry because of challenges.
D. They would not marry because of the kingdom of heaven.

7. Eventually, what would be done to Jesus when He is betrayed?

A. He would be banished for good.
B. He would be tortured to death.
C. He would be crucified.
D. He would be incarcerated

8. What was the name of the high priest in

whose house the Jewish leaders assembled?
A. Gamaliel
B. Jonas
C. Anas
D. Caiaphas
9. What did the chief priests and the eldersassemble in the palace of the high priest todo?
A. They assembled there to plan how to silence Jesus.
B. They assembled there to plan how to purge Jerusalem of Jesus’ disciples.
C. They assembled there to plan to arrest and kill Jesus.
D. They assembled there to plan how to tempt Jesus to sin.

10. Why did they plan not to arrest Jesus on the feast day?
A. They did not want to arrest Him on the feast day because that day was holy.
B. They did not want to arrest Him on the feast day because they wanted to avoid an uproar
among the people.
C. They did not want to arrest Him on the feast day because that day was a holiday.
D. They did not want to arrest Him on the feast day because He would not be in Jerusalem on that

11. In which town was Jesus at the time the woman came to pour oil on His head?
A. Bethsaida
B. Nazareth
C. Capernaum
D. Bethany

12. Which disciple went to the Jewish religious leaders to negotiate to betray Jesus?
A. Judas
B. Bartholomew
C. Thaddaeus
D. Judas Iscariot

13. Where was Jesus at the time the woman came to pour oil on Him?
A. In the house of a Pharisee.
B. In the house of Simon the leper
C. In the house of Martha and Mary.
D. In the house of Peter

14. At the last supper, what did Jesus use to represent His body?
A. Bread
B. Manna
C. Fish
D. Yeast

15. What amount of money was to be paid to

the betrayer of Jesus?
A. 30 pieces of gold
B. 30 pieces of silver
C. 30 ounce of silver
D. 30 denarii


1.What did Mrs Obo see in her vision?

Answer: Mrs. Christiana Obo in a vision saw angels picking her precious valuables away
2. At what time did she have this vision?(The state of the church )
Answer: This was at a time when McKeown needed urgent support to meet pressing financial
needs in the church.

3.What did Mrs Obo sell and for what reason?

Answer: Mrs. Obo eventually sowed her jewelries for the work of the ministry, a timely
intervention that plucked many holes in those days.
4. What did she do again?
She was said to have also put up a building to house him and the pastors when they were on
She was able to pay for the Pastors’ allowances when the church had no adequate funds to do
5. Was Mrs. Obo supported?If yes who was it?
Answer: Mrs. Obo was supported by other women including Prudence Anaman from
6. How much did the people in Accra donate to aid a new pastors ?
Answer: 500 pounds sterling
7. Aside the money donated what else did the people in Accra donate to help Pastors
settlement in Accra?
Answer: lands and properties
8. What was the theme for the 18t th extraordinary council meeting?
Answer: A" people of God Unleashed to Transform their World" 1( Peter 2:9-10 Acts 1:8),
9. Which Areas will be created in Ghana in September 2024.
Answer: (Refer to Appendix 1)
Elmina, Amrahia. Salaga
10. How many districts will be created in September 2024. (Refer to Appendix 2)
Answer: Fifty-four (54)


1. Where can this scripture be found? The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much”
Answer: (James 5:16b)
2.Quote Ephesians 2: 4 - 10
Answer: For we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God
prepared in advance for us to do
3.To the weak, I became weak to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by
all possible means, I might save some. Where can it be found?
Answer: I Corinthians 9:22
4.This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and
night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will
make your way prosperous, and you will have good success. Where can it be found?
Answer: Joshua 1:8
5. Who must have assurance of salvation?
Answer: Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour should have the
assurance of salvation.
6. From the teens devotional guide,what are the resource/ materials needed for quiet time
(i) Your Bible
(ii) A Bible reading guide, e.g. Streams of Living Water, Daily Bread, Daily Power, Light for
our Path, etc., helps you to read the Bible systematically everyday.
(iii) A notebook to record prayer requests and space to record answers.
7.According to the teens devotional guide what is the purpose of quite times
Fellowship with the Lord - Worship & Communion. Strength for the day: The Christian life
involves a battle against sin, the world and the devil (Isaiah 40:29-31, Eph.6: 12).
Growth in Grace (2 Peter 3: 18).
Affords an opportunity for systematic Bible study and prayer.
8. Quote 1 Corinthians 9:22
Answer: To the weak, I became weak to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so
that by all possible means, I might save some. - I Corinthians 9:22
9.Quote Joshua 1:8
Answer: This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it
day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then
you will make your way prosperous, and you will have good success (Joshua 1:8)
9. Quote Acts 1:8
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be
witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the
uttermost part of the earth.
10. Who is the Holy Spirit? Explain with supporting scriptures
Answer: He is the third person of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is God (Matt. 3:16-17; Acts
5:4; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14).


1. What are the core values of the church of Pentecost mention one?
Answer: i. Evangelism
ii. Discipleship
iii. Ministry Excellence
iv. Prayer
v. Ministry of the Holy Spirit
vi. Tithes and Offering
vii. Holiness
viii. Teaching of the Bible
ix. Social Development
x. Leadership
xi. Church Culture

2.What is the theological name for the doctrine of Salvation in Christ according to the
School of Apologetics handout?
Answer: Soteriology
3. What is the New Testament Greek verb often translated in English as ‘to repent’?
Answer: ‘metanoein’ [pg. 166].
4.What is the full meaning of PDP according to the Youth Ministry vision?
Answer: PENSA Discipleship Programme (PDP).
5.Why is apologetics important to Christians?
Answer: It is the way in which the truths of their beliefs are shared.
6.What were early Christian theologians called?

Answer: Patristics
7.Where can this be found ‘But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to
give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do
this with gentleness and respect.’
Answer: 1 Peter 3:15
8.A rational defense of religious truth claims is called …………………………..
Answer: Apologetics

9. A person that neither believes nor disbelieves that some claim is true is called …………………

Answer: Agnosticism
10. What are the three types of apologetic arguments found in the Bible?
Answer: Cosmological, Teleological, and Moral Arguments,
Each participating District would have 10 major questions which will cover all the areas of study.
No District would be given more than 15 major questions unless in the case of a tie where questions
would be asked to break the tie. Candidates at this level will participate in answering the Problem of
the Day. Marks obtained at this level would be added to marks already earned from Level 1. Those
with the highest marks after computing the marks of level 1 and level 2 would emerge winners.

Each District would answer only one major question from each of the five categories for 3 marks in
6 seconds and a bonus question could be passed on for 1 mark in 3 seconds.


1. What material should Moses use to make the altar of incense?

A. Gold
B. Bronze
C. shittim wood
D. Silver

2. How many golden rings should be made for the altar of incense?
A. 4 rings
B. 5 rings
C. 2 rings
D. 6 rings
3. How many times in a day should incense be burnt on the altar of incense?
A. 3 times
B. 2 times
C. 7 times
D. 4 times

4. Whose task would it be to burn incense on the altar of incense?

A. Moses
B. Hur
C. Aaron
D. Joshua

5. How many times in a year should Aaron make atonement on the horns of the altar of incense?
A. once
B. 3 times
C. 2 times
D. 4 times

6. Moses was commanded to have a census. Which category of people was to be counted?
A. Those below twenty years
B. From twenty years old and upward
C. Those above twenty years.
D. From twenty years to seventy years.
7. How much should all those who would be counted in the census give God as an offering?
A. One shekel
B. Half a shekel
C. Two shekels
D. Three shekels

8. All those who would be counted in the census should give the Lord money as an offering.
Whatwas that money called?
A. Atonement money
B. Census money
C. Census offering
D. Offertory

9. All those who would be counted in the censusshould give the Lord money as an offering.
What should that money be used for?
A. It should be kept in the Lord’s treasury.
B. It should be used to build the tabernacle of the congregation.
C. It should be used to help the poor.
D. It should be given to the priests of the sanctuary.

10. Moses was commanded to make a laver of brass. What would the laver be used for?
A. For collecting the blood of the animals that shall be sacrificed.
B. For washing the animals before they are sacrificed on the holy altar.
C. For ablution
D. The priests would use it to boil the flesh ofthe animals they have sacrificed.


1. According to Jesus, which people sat in Moses’ seat?

A. The scribes and the Pharisees.
B. The Levites and the zealots.
C. The zealots and chief priests.
D. The high priest and the scribes.

2. Jesus saw the Pharisees as people who liked to show off. Why?
A. It was because they loved tithing.
B. It was because they intentionally do their good works for people to see.
C. It was because they practice immorality in secret but appear holy outwardly.
D. It was because they always love to be seen in public places.

3. Apart from Christ who is our Master, all believers should regard one another as what?
A. Friends
B. Equals.
C. Neighbors
D. Brothers
4. Which people are regarded as the greatest in the kingdom of God?
A. The priests
B. The prophets
C. Those who serve.
D. Those who give large sums to support the kingdom work.

5. Why did Jesus call the Pharisees and the scribes hypocrite?
A. He called hypocrites because outwardly they pretended to listen to Jesus’ teachings but
inwardly, they had shut their hearts to him.
B. He called hypocrites because they appeared holy on the outside but were full of uncleanness
on the inside.
C. He called hypocrites because they wanted to receive praises from the lips of children.
D. He called hypocrites because they embezzled money from the Lord’s treasury.

6. Which items in the law have the Pharisees and the scribes failed to apply?
A. Honesty, patience, and love
B. Judgment, mercy, and faith
C. Longsuffering and faith
D. Forgiveness and faithfulness

7. Why did Jesus call the Pharisees and the scribes blind guides?
A. They teach that if anyone swears by the temple, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gold
of the temple, he is bound by his oath.
B. It was because they could not see
C. It was because they could not lead the people spiritually.
D. It was because they were spiritually uncertain.

8. According to Jesus, outwardly the Pharisees appear righteous but they are full
of what?
A. Iniquity and hypocrisy
B. Hatred and injustice
C. Fornication and lawlessness
D. Impatience and haste

9. Apart from calling the Pharisees hypocrites and blind guides, what other terms did Jesus use to
describe them?
A. Liars and disloyal
B. Cowards and foolhardy
C. Fools and serpents
D. Tricksters and foolhardy

10. What shall happen to those who exalt themselves?

A. They gain a lot of attention.
B. They attract a lot of friends.
C. They gain a lot of confidence.
D. They shall be abased.

1. For this section either the company or the name of the Chaplain would be mentioned then you
give the correspondents. This preamble answers Question 1-5

1.Pastor Edgar Kwasi Karikari /Tobinco Group of Companies.

2.Pastor Seth Kwaku Ansah / Labianca Co Ltd.
4.3.P/Ovr Isaac Esoun Aduful/Ghana Revenue Authority.
5.P/Ovr Patrick Lebene Adornu/ Pentecost University.
6.Pastor Kofi Antwi-Boasiako (Rtd) /Prince Mark Co Ltd.

6.Who has been appointed as the director for Pent Media Centre?
Answer: Pastor Dr. Felix Dela Klutse
7.Before Aps. Samuel Obuobi was eldected General Secretary of the church of Pentecost,were did
he serve as the Area Head?
Answer: .Asamankese
8. Who is the patron for the children’s ministry?
Answer: Prophet Kankam Beditor
9. Who is the newly appointed children’s ministry director?
Answer: Pastor Samuel Avornyo
10. Who has been reviewed as children’s minister director in 2024 and proceeding for
Ans. Pastor Prof. William Otoo Ellis


1.Through the scriptures, what does God communicate to humanity according to the
doctrine of the church?
Answer: His will. (Page 23)
2. What is the focus of the Lord's Supper Day, according to the Vision 2023?
Answer: Reflection on the work on the cross
3. With reference to the School of Apologetics handbook, when we say the Bible has dual
authorship, it means it was written by who and who?
Answer: God (Holy Spirit) and man
4. The limitations to God’s all-powerful nature are imposed my who according to the
doctrine of the church?
Answer: Himself (Page 104)
5. What is the need for the Church's institutions and structures according to Vision 2023?
Answer: To be freed from crowded programmes. (Reference: Text 2.5.3)
6. What is the theological name for the doctrine of God according to the School of
Apologetics handout?
Answer: Theology Proper
7. Why does humanity need a savior according to the doctrine of the church?
Answer: By nature they cannot save themselves [pg. 139]
8. With reference to Vision 2023, what will be encouraged at the local level to promote the
reading of the Bible?
Answer: Public reading of the Bible
9. What is the theological name for the doctrine of Doctrine of the Person of Christ
according to the School of Apologetics handout?
Answer: Christology
10. What is the theological term given when the Son of God took up a human flesh according
to the doctrine of the church?
Answer: Incarnation.
Each District would answer only one major question from each of the five categories for 3 marks in
6 seconds and a bonus question could be passed on for 1 mark in 3 seconds.


1. Moses joined the curtains together and formed two sets of curtains. Each set consists of how
many curtains?
A. 5 curtains
B. 6 curtains
C. 7 curtains
D. 3 curtains

2. Bezaleel and Oholiab were the only people who did the work of the sanctuary.
A. True
B. False

3. As God commanded, the people of Israel brought offerings of gold, oil, etc. to Moses. To
whom did Moses give these offerings?
A. The worker of the sanctuary.
B. The priests
C. God
D. The poor

4. Some bars were made for the boards of the tabernacle. Which material was used to make
A. Gold
B. Silver
C. Shittim wood
D. Brass

5. What was the complaint of the workers of the sanctuary?

A. They complained of inadequate food.
B. They complained that the work was too tedious for them.
C. They complained that the people were bringing much more offering than what they needed for
the work of the sanctuary.
D. They complained of thirst.

6. Was the offering the Israelites brought for the building of the sanctuary sufficient?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe.

7. What were the major colors of the tabernacle?

A. Yellow, green, and red
B. Green, blue, and scarlet
C. Blue, purple, and scarlet
D. Scarlet, violet, and purple

8. The tabernacle was made with what?

A. cloths
B. curtains
C. bricks
D. wood

9. The veil for the tabernacle was of which colors?

A. Scarlet, blue, and purple
B. Brown, black, and red
C. Black, blue, and scarlet
D. Pink, purple, and blue

10. The veil for the tabernacle should be hanged on how many pillars?
A. 3 pillars
B. 7 pillars
C. 4 pillars
D. 6 pillars
NB: veil is rendered as vail in KJV


1. When Jesus said, “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown
down”. What was He foretelling?
A. He was foretelling the collapse of the walls of Jerusalem.
B. He was foretelling the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem
C. He was foretelling the fall of Judea
D. He was foretelling the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem

2. Which mystery did the disciples come to Jesus to inquire of?

A. The destruction of the temple, the end of the world, and the second coming of Christ
B. The judgment day and the end of time.
C. The destruction of the walls of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple.
D. The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the reconstruction of the temple.

3. What negative effect will the persecution in the last days bring upon the followers of
A. Many followers of Jesus shall run away
B. Many followers of Jesus shall be offended.
C. Many followers of Jesus shall go into hiding.
D. Many followers of Jesus shall be impoverished.

4. Which of these is one of the conditions that should be fulfilled before the end of the world
A. The people of God should inherit the earth.
B. Development should reach every corner of the world.
C. Every human being should repent.
D. The gospel of the kingdom should be proclaimed throughout the whole world.
5. When iniquity abounds during the last days what effect would it bring on the followers of
A. Many followers would migrate from their abode to other places
B. The love of many believers will grow cold.
C. Many followers shall renounce their faith.
D. Many will lose their confidence in God.

6. What shall the people of the earth do when they see Jesus appear in the sky?
A. They shall mourn.
B. They shall rejoice in seeing the Savior.
C. They shall run helter-skelter.
D. They shall hide from His face.

7. What role will angels play in the second coming of Jesus?

A. They will destroy the water bodies to bring thirst to the inhabitant of the earth.
B. They will bring pestilence on the wicked and they will destroy the water bodies.
C. They will sound a trumpet and they will gather together the elect from all around the world.
D. They will cast fire upon the sinners and they will bring pestilence on the wicked.

8. In Matthew chapter 24 verse 35, the word of God was described as what?
A. Powerful
B. Eternal
C. A healer
D. A spirit

9. Who knows the day and the hour of Jesus’ second coming?
A. The angels and Jesus Himself
B. The saints in heaven
C. The Father
D. The prophets of God

10. What are we to do since we do not know the day and the hour in which Jesus’ second coming
will happen?
A. We have to keep watching
B. We have to be each other’s keepers.
C. We have to avoid covetousness.
D. We have to worship no other god apart from the true God.
From the WHITE PAPER 2024, fill the blank spaces:

1. List the Three Areas that will be created by September.




2. Pastor Ebenezer Agyapong of Kwadaso District has been made a prophet in The Church of


3. Pastor Kwasi Asante Annor of PENT TV has been made a prophet in The Church of





From the WHITE PAPER 2024, fill the blank spaces:

1. List the Three Areas that will be created by September.

2. Pastor Ebenezer Agyapong of Kwadaso District has been made a prophet in The Church
of Pentecost.

FALSE, He has been called onto the office of an Apostle.

3. Pastor Kwasi Asante Annor of PENT TV has been made a prophet in The Church of

TRUE, He has been called onto the office of a Prophet

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