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Outline about how to improve the interpersonal communication

In general, people want to feel that they have been treated fairly and feel
that they have been understood and respected, regardless of what is being
communicated. Most of the duties in life require one to have a good
interpersonal relationship with others to do them better. I´m going to describe
some characteristics on how you will improve your interpersonal
communication skills to learn to communicate more effectively.
I. Goal or desired or state of affairs
1. Change your poor communication skills.
2. Practice good communication skills.
II. Feedback on actions
1. Measure your degree of advancement in different ways.
2. Gather feedback from the rest of my peers.
III. Action plan
1. Communication is the principal way relationships are created.
2. Attempt to comprehend the effects of your words on various
IV. Frequent practice
1. Putting into practice the new behavior and employing feedback
for fine-tunning as a recommendable starting process in the
improvement of mew interpersonal communication.
2. You might to express your thoughts, feelings and any
information quickly and orderly.
If you want to improve your interpersonal communication, you must follow
these four steps that are fundamental in avoiding disappointing results in terms
of interpersonal skill improvement. All of us should be able to modify our
communication style to suit the diverse need of every unique situation. This is
because good communication is the hallmark of great members of society.
Interpersonal communication is something you need to do well as it affects
many aspects of your life.

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