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Elehmatthi Nadam Selyan (0342923)


1) What do you reveal and hide about yourself in your different online

➔ Reveal: Age, gender, fun activities (vacations and shopping)

➔ Hide: Personal information (family, friends, negative events)

2) Which communication tools do you use or avoid when expressing


➔ Use: Whatsapp (text and audio messages), Instagram

➔ Avoid: Video Calls, Facebook

3) How do you create an idealized version of your identity?

➔ Self-reflection

4) What hidden, perhaps negative aspects of yourself sometimes slip


➔ Negative emotions

5) When do you choose to be anonymous or invisible?

➔ When it involves unfamiliar people when I do not want to be judged

by others when I feel uncomfortable or don't want to get any

6) How do your different online selves compare to how you are in


➔ I am shy and exhibit my introverted qualities when I am in person. But

I feel that I am able to voice my opinions more comfortably online.
Elehmatthi Nadam Selyan (0342923)


1) Why do you choose to communicate with some people online but not

➔ Share same interests and feel comfortable communicating


2) When do you perceive other people accurately and misperceive


➔ Accurately: Observations, through communication

➔ Misperceive: Expectations, first impressions

3) Why do you choose to participate in some online groups but not


➔ Choose to participate because friends are also in the online groups,

but not other online groups due to attending the group alone.

4) What roles do you play in your online groups?

➔ Friend

5) How do your groups affect you and others positively and negatively?

➔ Positively: Cheering and motivating me when I am low

➔ Negatively: Creates kinds of demotivating and negative vibes when
everyone in the group is in a low mood regarding something similar.
Elehmatthi Nadam Selyan (0342923)


1) How do you feel about the interface of the online environments you

➔ I feel convenient, and it makes my life much easier in the sense of

communication and entertainment.

2) What skills do you have, or lack, when participating in them?

➔ I have good interpersonal skills but lack interest in participating due

to my introverted personality.

3) How do you react when your environments are not doing what you

➔ I usually get disappointed and discuss it with my parents or friends.

4) How do you react to the challenge of mastering a new environment?

➔ I would be nervous and organize a plan to overcome the challenge.

5) How much do you control your devices, and how much do they
control you?

➔ I always keep my devices under my control and conscious of their

usage. During my teenage years, devices used to control me as I
spent a lot of my time using my mobile. But nowadays, knowing the
importance of time, I always control the timing and usage of my
device appropriately.

6) How do you feel about cyberspace and technology in general?

➔ I feel that cyberspace and technology, in general, offer many

advantages in my life, and it can be said that technology has
become a part of my life. But at the same time, I sometimes feel
unsafe about cyberspace and technology due to its power to
diminish us.
Elehmatthi Nadam Selyan (0342923)


1) What types of text communication do you like and dislike in


➔ Like: Detailed long messages, Whatapp text messages with emojis

➔ Dislike: Short messages, unknown acronyms.

2) How do you express yourself with text compared to being in person?

➔ I would be more comfortable expressing myself in a detailed manner

with text than in person.

3) How do you react to other people via text compared to being in


➔ I feel free to show my emotions and react to other people via text,
especially through emojis and gifs, rather than in person. Somehow,
when I am in person, I used to not show reactions, especially negative
ones, as I am an introverted individual.

4) What are your feelings about using text versus photographs?

➔ I feel I can share my feelings and voice out my opinion using text in a
detailed manner versus photographs. Photographs can be confusing
sometimes as they can be interpreted differently according to the
opinions of individuals.
Elehmatthi Nadam Selyan (0342923)


1) How do you rely on seeing pictures in cyberspace, including


➔ I rely on seeing pictures in cyberspace to aid or help myself to create

an exact image in my mind.

2) How do you rely on hearing sounds and voices?

➔ I rely on hearing sounds and voices, especially during a

communication with a person, so that I can feel and know their tone
of voice and mood.

3) How do you rely on tactile stimulation?

➔ I rely on tactile stimulation mostly in the form of vibrations. When a

notification is received, it automatically prompts me to attend to the
device as soon as possible.

4) How do you visually format text to express yourself?

➔ I add emojis and gifs to visually format text to express myself more

5) When do you prefer to eliminate visual, auditory, or tactile


➔ I prefer to eliminate those when I am in my study or work

environment as it distracts my attention.
Elehmatthi Nadam Selyan (0342923)


1) How do you use synchronous and asynchronous communication?

➔ I use synchronous communication mainly for in-depth

communication, such as meetings and group discussions. Meetings
and discussions need live discussions to brainstorm ideas with each
other, which would not be possible in asynchronous communication.

2) When does time seem to go fast or slow in cyberspace?

➔ Time seems to go fast when I watch any of my interested

entertainment videos. On the other hand, time seems to go slow
when I am involved in some boring group discussions about

3) Why do you save or delete some things from cyberspace but not
➔ I save some things that I prefer to watch again and show them to
others. I delete some things that I feel other people shouldn’t see
through my device, which might negatively impact me.

4) How do you feel about things that happen briefly, then disappear?

➔ I would feel stuck in the middle when something happened. I am

following up on it suddenly, then it disappears. It felt quite low for
some time, but eventually, I would soon come to reality.

5) When and how often do you go online?

➔ I would go online every day and mostly before my bedtime.

Elehmatthi Nadam Selyan (0342923)


1) In what ways do your different online environments feel real to you?

➔ Different online environments feel real to me in expressing myself


2) In what ways do your different environments feel like fantasy?

➔ Different online environments feel like fantasy when others express

themselves online. It creates doubt about whether the individual is
genuinely expressing themselves or portraying themselves as an
idealized person in the eyes of the public.

3) How do you tell the difference between reality and fantasy in


➔ I would tell the difference between reality and fantasy when I get real
communication, preferably face to face, for a consistent period to
distinguish between reality and fantasy.

4) How do you react to places that are real versus imaginary?

➔ I tend to react more positively in a real environment to not destroy

my impression of others. But I am more willing to react and express
my true reaction in an imaginary place as I would not mind the
Elehmatthi Nadam Selyan (0342923)


1) How does your use of a computer or phone negatively affect your

➔ It causes eye strain and neck and shoulder pain.

2) When does your physical activity coincide with what you are doing
➔ My daily workout coincides with what I am doing online, as I would be
watching workout videos to follow.

3) When does your physical body disconnect from what you are doing?
➔ When I spend a long period using my device, my brain kind of get
stuck and feels disconnected from what I am doing. This especially
happens when I am doing my assignment.

4) Where do you use your mobile device, and how does that affect you?
➔ I prefer to use my laptop in my study area, which gives me a
comfortable and peaceful environment to focus on my work. I prefer
to use my phone in my room as I feel more relaxed there.

5) How do you use devices to interpret your environment and your

reaction to it?
➔ I use my phone (WhatsApp or Instagram) to interpret my environment
and my reactions to it by updating my status.

6) Where do portals into cyberspace appear in your everyday

➔ During relaxed times and in need of communication with a person, a
portal into cyberspace appears in my everyday environment.

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