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Activity Plan

Number of the Children: 15

Name of the Activity: Understanding Seasons, Understanding Life!
Type of the Activity: Language Activity/ Whole Group Activity/ Indoor Activity
Age of Children: 48-60 months

Gains and Indicators:

Cognitive Development

Gain 3: Algıladıklarını hatırlar.

(Indicators: Nesne/durum/olayı bir süre sonra yeniden söyler. Hatırladıklarını yeni durumlarda

Language development
Gain 7: Dinledikleri/izlediklerinin anlamını kavrar.
(Indicators: Dinledikleri/izlediklerini açıklar. Dinledikleri/izledikleri hakkında yorum yapar.)

Gain 10: Görsel materyalleri okur.

(Indicators: Görsel materyalleri inceler. Görsel materyalleri açıklar. Görsel materyallerle ilgili
sorulara cevap verir.)

Words: Season (The word "seasons" is conveyed to children by associating them from different
perspectives such as fruits, vegetables, plants or clothes.)

Materials: PowToon Picture Story Book “Understanding the Seasons, Understanding Life”,
Prezi Summer/ Winter Fruit and Vegetable Poster, Prezi Fruits, Vegetables Memory Game,
drawing paper and crayons
Learning Process
Before the activity, the teacher organizes the tables and chairs in the classroom so that the
children can sit in a circle. Also, she opens the story book she prepared with PowToon and the
activity page and game she prepared with Prezi on the smart board. In addition, the teacher puts
an envelope containing a riddle on the floor of the classroom that she will use during the activity.
This way, children can find it when they come to class.

When the children return to the classroom after breakfast, they notice the envelope on the
classroom floor. The teacher gives the children the opportunity to examine the envelope for a
while and discuss what might be written inside. Then the teacher takes the envelope from the
children and starts reading what is written inside. There is a riddle written in the envelope, and it
reads as follows:

Bazı zamanlar yemyeşil olur

Bazı zamanlar bembeyaz olur

Merak eder buna ne neden olur

O zaman hemen öykümü okur!

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to think about the riddle for a while.
Children discuss the riddle among themselves, and the teacher also participates in this process.
Then the teacher says to the children:

"Kids, there is actually one more thing I want to tell you. While I was coming to school today, I
received a message from a mysterious person. When I opened the message, it said, "Story book
for Sakura class." I got very excited and saved the story book to my phone. Maybe the story
book mentioned in the riddle is the story book that came to me through a message. Let's open
this story book on the smart board and read it together!” The teacher says the following rhyme to
transition into the story process and to get the children to sit in their chairs:

Geçelim sandalyelerimize

Oluşturalım bir çember

Öyküler bizi bekler

Çocuklar buna değer!

During the story process, the teacher opens the story book created with PowToon on the
smart board and reads it to the children. The name of the story book is "Understanding the
Seasons, Understanding Life." Since the story book is audio and animated, the teacher makes the
story process even more interesting by using her voice and facial expressions in this process.
First, they examine the cover of the storybook with the children, tell them what they see on the
cover, and discuss what the storybook might be about. Then the teacher continues the reading by
voicing the main character in the story, "Tree Kiki." During the story process, the teacher ensures
that the children participate actively as much as possible by asking questions or taking the
children's questions. For example, "kids, what changes do you observe in Kiki, or do you observe
these changes in other trees in your daily life?" At the end of the story, when it is revealed that
the changes that Kiki observes in itself are due to the seasons, the teacher gives the children the
opportunity to share what they know about the seasons for a while. In this way, the teacher both
introduces the subject of seasons through this story book and becomes aware of children's prior
knowledge about the seasons.

PowToon Picture Story Book Link:

After the children share their thoughts about the story book for a while, the teacher gives
the children the opportunity to share their own experiences about the seasons. For example, she
asks questions such as what you do in winter, how do you dress in summer, what happens to
trees in autumn, or what changes do you observe in nature in spring, and she actively listens to
children's shares. Then, she draws attention to the fruits and vegetables eaten in summer and
winter and explains this subject to children as follows:

"Kids, fruits, and vegetables are very important foods for our health because they contain a lot of
vitamins and minerals. By eating fruits and vegetables, we are protected from diseases, grow,
and develop. However, the fruits and vegetables we eat vary according to the seasons. If we eat
each fruit and vegetable in the season it belongs to, both are more delicious, and we get more
vitamins and minerals from them. Today, we will group some fruits and vegetables according to
the summer and winter seasons."

Then, the teacher opens the fruit and vegetable grouping poster she designed through
Prezi on the smart board. Through this poster, the teacher informs the children about some fruits
and vegetables and also groups these fruits and vegetables according to the summer and winter
seasons in which they are consumed. In this process, the teacher asks the children what they
remember about the summer and winter seasons, which fruits and vegetables they usually
consume in summer and winter and gives them the opportunity to share their thoughts about
these fruits and vegetables.
Prezi Summer/ Winter Fruit and Vegetable Poster Link:

After giving the children, the opportunity to discuss summer/winter fruits and vegetables
for a while, the teacher opens a memory game designed with Prezi on the smart board for them,
where they can use the information, they learned in this poster. In this game, children take turns
trying to remember which season the fruit and vegetable belong to summer and winter. During
this process, the teacher also gives the children the opportunity to share the information they
remember about fruits and vegetables.

Prezi Fruits and Vegetables Memory Game Link:
When the game process ends, the teacher thanks the children for their effort throughout
the activity and begins the evaluation process with the following nursery rhyme:

Öğrendik bilmecenin cevabıdır mevsimler

Değişir mevsimlere göre meyve ve sebzeler

Mevsimleri anlamak hayatı anlamaktır

Böylece çözülür daha nice bilmeceler!

Evaluation Process

Children draw pictures of the fruits and vegetables they remember during the activity and
share the information they learned and remembered about these fruits and vegetables during the
activity. For example, one of the children can draw images of fruits and vegetables such as
apples, eggplants, or figs and share the general characteristics and benefits of these fruits and
vegetables or the season they belong to. During this process, children can also share what they
have learned about the seasons in general. In this way, children can reinforce the information
they have learned during the activity, and the teacher can observe and take notes on what the
children have learned during the learning process.

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