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Student Cafeteria Consumption Analysis and


Abu Sufyan

May 1, 2024

1 Project Details

Project Name: Student Cafeteria Consumption Analysis and Prediction

Project Members:

Talha Khan

Abu Sufyan

Salman Ahmad

Ahmad Ghafoor

Department: Electronic Engineering

Semester: 6th

2 Timeline

Our project will take about 5 weeks to complete, divided into different key steps. First, we will spend first

week to define scope and collecting data on students, cafeteria sales, weather, weekend sales and events day

sales.The sales of cafeteria in exams day have much more because every student come to university and

prepare their papers on cafeteria so the sales of these days we can predict the sales in these days. Then,

we will spend second week organizing and preparing the data. After that, we will spend third week to

design the system architecture and develop and code the model. After that, we will take about 1 week to

put the testing and refinement and AI system into action in the cafeteria. This timeline ensures we cover

all aspects of developing and implementing our Student Cafeteria Consumption Analysis and Prediction AI

system effectively.

3 Team Work

Talha Khan: Data Collection

Abu Sufyan: Data Analysis

Salman Ahmad: AI Model

Ahmad Ghafoor: Report Writing

4 Project Description(What we want to do)

We want to do a project about the student cafeteria consumption analysis and prediction.Our project wants

to create a smart computer system that figures out what students prefer to eat in the cafeteria and when

they’re likely to eat it. This way, cafeteria workers can decide what foods to make and when to make them,

so they don’t end up with too much leftover food. We believe this will make it easier for students to find

the foods they like, reduce the amount of wasted food, and make eating at the cafeteria more enjoyable for

everyone. We want to do this project to predict the food on different cafeterias in universities, colleges, and

school.We want to analysis the data of any cafeteria and we can easily predict the assumptions of different

foods.The question is that what we want to do? The answer is that simply we can collect the previous data

of any cafeteria and wth the help of previous data we can predict the comming data of the cafeteria and

we can predict the food like, fast foods and fruits for the next comming days and season with the help of

artificial intelligence.

5 Project Justification(Why we want to do this)

We’re using AI, which is like a smart computer system, to improve the cafeteria. This AI helps us understand

what students prefer to eat and when they prefer to eat it. By knowing this, we can ensure that we always

have enough of the foods students like, so there’s less chance of running out or wasting food. It’s kind of

like having a helpful friend who knows exactly what everyone wants to eat and when, making the cafeteria

experience better for everyone involved.we want to do this project because with the help of this project we

can observe and predict the food that will be use in the coming seasons and what we will use the food with

the help of artificial intelligence and we make a programe for this project and with the help of this project

we can observe that in rainy days what should be useful food for human and how much profit in these days.

The question is that why we do this project?We do this project because mostly cafeteria owner don’t know

that what is the most useful and populor food for next coming days and what is the most popular food on

many events and function that are held in different universities.So, this may help us to now about cafeteria

food and predict the food.

6 Project Implementation(How we can do it)

Data Collection: Gather past sales records from the cafeteria, including details on items sold and trans-

actions. Also, collect information on student demographics and campus events.

Data Cleaning and Preparation: Clean the gathered data, removing any errors, inconsistencies, or

missing values, and format it appropriately for analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis: Analyze the data to discover patterns, trends, and relationships, using

visualizations like charts and graphs to present insights.

Feature Engineering: Identify significant factors affecting cafeteria consumption and create new fea-

tures if necessary to enhance the analysis.

Prediction and Forecasting: Implement the models to forecast future cafeteria consumption based

on input data, generating predictions for different time frames.

Model Selection and Training: Choose suitable predictive models and train them on the prepared

dataset, evaluating their performance using standard metrics.

Evaluation and Monitoring: Assess the impact of the prediction system on cafeteria operations and

continuously monitor its performance, making adjustments as necessary.

Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Document the project process, findings, and recommen-

dations, and share them with stakeholders and the wider community through reports and presentations.

In this project we can use different programming AI tools like jupyter notebook, google colab, and VS

code. we can predict the cafeteria foods by using these AI softwares and take data set from the cafeteria

and we can also genserate data set from AI and predict it. By following these steps, the ”Student Cafeteria

Consumption Analysis and Prediction” project can be successfully implemented to achieve its objectives of

optimizing cafeteria operations and enhancing customer satisfaction

7 Expected Outcome

Improved Efficiency in Food Inventory Management

Enhanced Menu Planning

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Long-Term Sustainability

Enhanced Marketing and Promotions

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