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30-days worth of actionable tips & advice to keep you moving forward through

2021 and beyond!

Click here to read each challenge in-depth with clear steps to tick off as you
complete each 30 day bite-sized challenge

Review the ‘About’ section of your Facebook page and duly fill out all
the business fields available

Update your TripAdvisor listing

Work out your USP

Explore the various ways to use Canva across your marketing channels

Review the 'Contact Us' page on your website with the most important

Learn how to move physical touchpoints online

Facebook cover image update (incl caption)

Review the info on your GMB listing

Update your Instagram bio and searchable business name

Work out your two main customer personas

Dust off your FAQs and update what is out of date

Save time with automated direct message on FB and IG

Tourism packaging & bundling

Tourism experience development

Working with online travel agents (07) 3103 7994

30-days worth of actionable tips & advice to keep you moving forward through
2021 and beyond!

Click here to read each challenge in-depth with clear steps to tick off as you
complete each 30 day bite-sized challenge

Conduct an easy SEO audit on your website

Reply uniquely to any reviews that you haven't responded to

Create an Instagram reel

Pricing and distribution

Working online with travel agents

Take a look at your FB/IG insights to save time and money

Undertake our 'We' philosophy

Create your own visitor servicing strategy

Learn how to resize your websites' images

Review your Google Analytics

Create your own QR code

Smart collaborations & industry networks

How to install a live chat widget on your website

Complete a competitor analysis

Create a list of CTA's for all your marketing channels (07) 3103 7994


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