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Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134

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Quasi-maximum likelihood estimators for spatial dynamic panel data with fixed
effects when both n and T are largeI
Jihai Yu a , Robert de Jong b , Lung-fei Lee b,∗
Department of Economics, University of Kentucky, United States
Department of Economics, Ohio State University, United States

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper investigates the asymptotic properties of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators for spatial
Received 24 November 2006 dynamic panel data with fixed effects, when both the number of individuals n and the number of time
Received in revised form periods T are large. We consider the case where T is asymptotically large relative to n, the case where
4 August 2008
T is asymptotically proportional to n, and the case where n is asymptotically
√ large relative to T . In the
Accepted 6 August 2008
Available online 13 August 2008
case where T is asymptotically large relative to n, the estimators are nT consistent and asymptotically
normal, with the√limit distribution centered around 0. When n is asymptotically proportional to T , the
JEL classification: estimators are nT consistent and asymptotically normal, but the limit distribution is not centered
C13 around 0; and when n is large relative to T , the estimators are T consistent, and have a degenerate limit

distribution. The estimators of the fixed effects are T consistent and asymptotically normal. We also
Keywords: propose a bias correction for our estimators. We show that when T grows faster than n1/3 , the correction
Spatial autoregression will asymptotically eliminate the bias and yield a centered confidence interval.
Dynamic panels © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fixed effects
Maximum likelihood estimation
Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation
Bias correction

1. Introduction Kapoor et al. (2007) provide a rigorous theoretical framework for

analysis of spatial panel methods. The model considered for esti-
Spatial econometrics deals with the spatial interactions of mation in Kapoor et al. (2007), is a regression panel model with
economic units in cross-sectional and/or panel data. To capture SAR and error components disturbances. Baltagi et al. (2007) con-
correlation among cross-sectional units, the spatial autoregressive sider the testing of spatial and serial dependence in an extended
(SAR) model by Cliff and Ord (1973) has received the most model, where serial correlation on each spatial unit over time, in
attention in economics. It extends autocorrelation in times series addition to spatial dependence across spatial units are allowed
to spatial dimensions, and captures interactions or competition in the disturbances. These panel models do not incorporate time
among spatial units. Early development in estimation and testing lagged dependent variables as dynamic structures in the regres-
is summarized in Anselin (1988), Cressie (1993), Kelejian and sion equation. By allowing spatial and dynamic features in a re-
Robinson (1993), and Anselin and Bera (1998), among others. gression model, Anselin (2001) distinguishes spatial dynamic mod-
Spatial correlation and dynamic settings can be extended els into four categories, namely, ‘‘pure space recursive’’ if only a
to panel data models (Anselin, 1988; Baltagi et al., 2003). spatial time lag is included; ‘‘time-space recursive’’ if an individual
time lag and a spatial time lag are included; ‘‘time-space simulta-
neous’’ if an individual time lag and a contemporaneous spatial lag
I We would like to thank participants of the Econometrics seminar at Ohio
are specified; and ‘‘time-space dynamic’’ if all forms of dependence
State University, the International Workshop on Spatial Econometrics and Statistics
are included.
2006 (Rome, Italy), the Far Eastern Meeting of Econometric Society 2006 (Beijing,
China), and three anonymous referees and the co-editor, Professor Cheng Hsiao, of In this paper, we shall consider the maximum likelihood
this journal for helpful comments. Lee acknowledges financial support from NSF (ML) or, more generally, the quasi maximum likelihood (QML)
Grant No. SES-0519204 and research assistantship support from the Department of estimation of the spatial dynamic panel data (SDPD) model in the
Economics at Ohio State University. general time-space dynamic category. Because the time-space
∗ Corresponding address: Department of Economics, Ohio State University, 410
dynamic category is the general one, our asymptotic analysis and
Arps Hall1945 N High St, 43210 Columbus, OH, United States. Tel.: +1 614 292 5508;
fax: +1 614 292 4192. results are applicable to the other three categories as special
E-mail addresses: (J. Yu), (R. de Jong), cases. As a panel model, individual effect (error components) is (L.-f. Lee). incorporated in the disturbances. We shall provide a rigorous
0304-4076/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134 119

theoretical analysis on the asymptotic properties of the ML state consumption growth. As a recursive model, the parameters
estimator (MLE) and the QML estimator (QMLE). The asymptotics including the fixed effects can be estimated by OLS (within
will be based on both n, the cross sectional units, and T , the time estimator). Korniotis (2005) has also considered a bias adjusted
length, go to infinity, or n being a fixed finite integer, while T goes within estimator, which generalizes that in Hahn and Kuersteiner
to infinity. The case with both n and T going to infinity will be the (2002). For the dynamic spatial model considered in this paper,
main interest. as the contemporaneous spatial lag is presented, the QMLEs of
As our model includes the dynamic panel data model without the parameters are nonlinear. Our asymptotic analysis is more
spatial dependence as a special case, estimation issues of the complex, but our assumptions are more general. The asymptotics
dynamic panel data models in the existing econometric literature in Hahn and Kuersteiner (2002) is based on the scenario that n
are relevant. When the time dimension T is fixed, we are likely and T diverge at a proportional rate. Our asymptotic analysis can
to encounter the ‘‘incidental parameters’’ problem discussed in cover this scenario and also scenarios that n may go to infinity
Neyman and Scott (1948). This is because the introduction of fixed faster than T , and vice versa. Following the literature on bias
effects increases the number of parameters to be estimated. In a correction, we have also considered a bias-adjusted estimator for
our QMLE and its asymptotic properties. Monte Carlo experiments
simple dynamic panel data model with fixed effects, the MLE of
are conducted to provide some finite sample properties of the
the autoregressive coefficient, which is also known as the within
estimators. This paper is theoretic and does not provide an
group estimator, is biased and inconsistent when n tends to infinity
empirical application. But it is interesting to note that the empirical
but T is fixed (Nickell, 1981; Hsiao, 1986). To avoid the incidental
study on interregional trade with a historical panel data on Chinese
parameters problem in estimation, alternative estimation methods
rice price by Keller and Shiue (2007) allows own time and spatial
have been introduced. By taking time differences to eliminate the
time lags in addition to a contemporaneous spatial lag in their
fixed effects in either the dynamic equation or the construction spatial model.1
of instrumental variables (IV), Anderson and Hsiao (1981) show This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the
that IV methods can provide consistent estimates. Arellano and model, and explain our estimation method, which is a concentrated
Bond (1991) and Arellano and Bover (1995) generalize Anderson QML estimation. With the law of large numbers and central limit
and Hsiao (1981) with many more IV moments, by exploring theorem for our setting developed in the Appendix, Section 3
all possible time lag values of the dependent variable in each establishes the consistency and asymptotic distributions of MLE
time period. Blundell and Bond (1998) have considered system and QMLE. We also propose an analytical bias correction for our
estimators, including moments of both levels and first differences estimators. We show that when T grows faster than n1/3 , this
in Arellano and Bond (1991) and Arellano and Bover (1995). Bun correction will eliminate the bias, and yield a centered confidence
and Kiviet (2006) derive higher order asymptotic approximation interval. Section 4 concludes the paper. Some useful lemmas and
of the finite sample bias for the system estimator under various proofs are collected in the Appendix.2
circumstances, as both N and T are small or moderately large.
When T is finite, additional IVs can improve the efficiency of 2. The model and concentrated likelihood function
the estimators, even though finite sample biases remain. When
both n and T go to infinity, the incidental parameters issue in 2.1. The model
the MLE becomes less severe as each individual fixed effect can
be consistently estimated. However, Hahn and Kuersteiner (2002) The model considered in this paper is
and Alvarez and Arellano (2003) have found the existence of Ynt = λ0 Wn Ynt + γ0 Yn,t −1 + ρ0 Wn Yn,t −1 + Xnt β0 + cn0 + Vnt ,
asymptotic bias of order O(1/T ) in the MLE of the autoregressive
t = 1, 2, . . . , T , (1)
parameter when both n and T tend to infinity at a proportional rate.
In addition to the MLE, Alvarez and Arellano (2003) also investigate where Ynt = (y1t , y2t , . . . , ynt )0 and Vnt = (v1t , v2t , . . . , vnt )0 are
the asymptotic properties of the IV estimators in Arellano and n × 1 column vectors and vit is i.i.d.. across i and t with zero
Bond (1991). They have found the presence of asymptotic bias of a mean and variance σ02 , Wn is an n × n spatial weights matrix,
similar order to that of the MLE and the IV estimators, due to the which is predetermined and generates the spatial dependence
presence of many moment conditions. The presence of asymptotic between cross sectional units yit , Xnt is an n × kx matrix of
bias is an undesirable feature of these estimates. nonstochastic regressors, and cn0 is n × 1 column vector of fixed
Kiviet (1995), Hahn and Kuersteiner (2002), and Bun and effects. Therefore, the total number of parameters in this model
Carree (2005) have constructed bias corrected estimators for is equal to the number of individuals n plus the dimension of the
the dynamic panel data model, by analytically modifying the common parameters (γ , ρ, β 0 , λ, σ 2 )0 , which is kx + 4.
Define Sn ≡ Sn (λ0 ) = In − λ0 Wn . Then, presuming Sn is
within estimator. Hahn and Kuersteiner (2002) provide a rigorous
invertible and denoting An = Sn−1 (γ0 In + ρ0 Wn ), (1) can be
asymptotic theory for the within estimator and their bias corrected
estimator, when both n and T go to infinity with a same rate. As rewritten as Ynt = An Yn,t −1 +Sn−1 Xnt β0 +Sn−1 cn0 +Sn−1 Vnt . Assuming
an alternative to the analytical bias correction, Hahn and Newey that the infinite sums are well-defined, by continuous substitution,

(2004) have considered also the Jackknife bias reduction approach. X
For the SAR model, Kelejian and Prucha (1998) provide Ynt = Ahn Sn−1 (cn0 + Xn,t −h β0 + Vn,t −h )
a theoretical foundation for asymptotic analysis for their IV
estimator. Lee (2004) analyzes the asymptotic properties of the = µn + Xnt β0 + Unt , (2)
QMLE. Kapoor et al. (2007) extend their asymptotic analysis of where µn ≡
P∞ h −1
P∞ h −1
IV and method of moments estimators to a spatial panel model P∞ h −1 h=0 An Sn cn0 , Xnt ≡ h=0 An Sn Xn,t −h , and Unt ≡

h=0 An Sn Vn,t −h .
with error components, where T is a fixed finite integer. To the
best knowledge of the authors, there is little analytical work
1 However, error components have not been considered in their empirical
done on estimates of spatial dynamic models, when both n and
T are large, with the exception of Korniotis (2005). The model models and no theoretic properties of the estimates are investigated in the paper.
2 Due to space limitation, at the request of the editor and referees, some of the
considered in Korniotis (2005) is a time-space recursive model
proofs have been condensed and removed. The detailed proofs and intermediate
in that only individual time lag and spatial time lag are present, steps in some derivations can be found in the working paper version of this
but not contemporaneous spatial lag. Fixed effects are included paper. The working paper under the same title is available on the web site:
in the model, and this model has an empirical application to US
120 J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134

2.2. Concentrated likelihood function Assumption 3. Sn (λ) is invertible for all λ ∈ Λ. Furthermore, Λ is
compact and λ0 is in the interior of Λ.
Denote θ = (δ 0 , λ, σ 2 )0 and ζ = (δ 0 , λ, c0n )0 where δ =
(γ , ρ, β 0 )0 . At the true value, θ0 = (δ00 , λ0 , σ02 )0 and ζ0 = Assumption 4. The elements of Xnt are nonstochastic and bound-
(δ00 , λ0 , c0n0 )0 where δ0 = (γ0 , ρ0 , β00 )0 . The likelihood function of 1
PT 0
ed,4 uniformly in n and t. Also, limT →∞ nT t =1 X̃nt X̃nt exists and
(1) is3 is nonsingular.
nT nT
ln Ln,T (θ , cn ) = − ln 2π − ln σ 2 + T ln |Sn (λ)| Assumption 5. Wn is uniformly bounded in row and column sums
2 2 in absolute value (for short, UB).5 Also Sn−1 (λ) is UB, uniformly in
1 X 0 λ ∈ Λ.
− Vnt (ζ )Vnt (ζ ), (3)
2σ abs(Ahn ) is UB,6 where [abs(An )]ij = An,ij .
t =1 Assumption 6. h=1

where Vnt (ζ ) = Sn (λ)Ynt − γ Yn,t −1 − ρ Wn Yn,t −1 − Xnt β − cn . Thus,

Assumption 7. n is a nondecreasing function of T and T goes to
Vnt = Vnt (ζ0 ).
The QMLEs θ̂nT and ĉnT are the extreme estimators derived from
the maximization of (3). When the Vnt ’s are normally distributed, Assumption 1 is a standard normalization assumption in spatial
θ̂nT and ĉnT are the MLEs; when the Vnt ’s are not normally econometrics, and Assumption 2 provides regularity assumptions
for vit . Invertibility of Sn (λ) in Assumption 3 guarantees that (2)
distributed, θ̂nT and ĉnT are QMLEs. As the number of parameters
is valid. Also, compactness is a condition for theoretical analysis.
goes to infinity when n goes to infinity, it is convenient to
In empirical applications, where Wn is row normalized, one just
concentrate cn out and focus asymptotic analysis on the estimator
searches over a parameter space on (−1, 1).7 When exogenous
of θ0 via the concentrated likelihood function. For the concentrated
variables Xnt are included in the model, it is convenient to
likelihood function, the dimension of parameter space does not
assume that the exogenous regressors are uniformly bounded,
change as n and/or T increase.
as in Assumption 4. Assumption 5 is originated by Kelejian and
For notational purposes, we define Ỹnt = Ynt − ȲnT and Ỹn,t −1 =
Prucha (1998, 2001) and is also used in Lee (2004, 2007). In many
Yn,t −1 − ȲnT ,−1 for t = 1, 2, . . . , T where ȲnT = T1
t =1 Ynt and empirical applications, each of the rows of Wn sums to 1, which
ȲnT ,−1 = t =1 Yn,t −1 . Similarly, we define X̃nt = Xnt − X̄nT and ensures that all the weights are between 0 and 1. That Wn and
Ṽnt = Vnt − V̄nT . Sn−1 (λ) are UB is a condition that limits the spatial correlation
Denote Znt = (Yn,t −1 , Wn Yn,t −1 , Xnt ), then from (3), using to a manageable degree. Assumption 6 combines the absolute
∂ ln Ln,T (θ,cn ) summability condition and the UB condition of the powers of An ,
= σ12 Tt=1 Vnt (ζ ),
the first order condition that ∂ cn which will play an important role to derive asymptotic properties
the concentrated estimators of cn0 given θ are ĉnT (θ ) = of QMLEs. This assumption is essential for the paper, because it
t =1 (Sn (λ)Ynt − Znt δ) and the concentrated likelihood is
limits the dependence between time series and between cross
sectional units. In order to justify the absolute summability of An
nT nT
ln Ln,T (θ ) = − ln 2π − ln σ 2 + T ln |Sn (λ)| in (2) and Assumption 6, a sufficient condition is kAn k < 1 where
2 2 the matrix norm is the row sum norm or the column sum norm
T (see
P∞ Horn and Johnson (1985, Corollary 5.6.16). When kAn k < 1,
1 X 0
Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ), h=0 An exists and can be defined as (In − An )
h −1
− (4) . If Wn is row-
2σ 2
t =1 normalized, it seems natural to consider the parameters of spatial
and temporal effects of λ, γ and ρ satisfying the constraint |λ| +
where Ṽnt (ζ ) = Sn (λ)Ỹnt − Z̃nt δ and Z̃nt = (Yn,t −1 − |γ | + |ρ| < 1. This constraint has implications on Assumptions 3
ȲnT ,−1 , Wn Yn,t −1 − Wn ȲnT ,−1 , Xnt − X̄nT ). The QMLE θ̂nT maximizes and 6. First of all, it implies that |λ| < 1, and, hence Sn (λ) is
the concentrated likelihood function (4), and the QMLE of cn0 is invertiable. This is so, when Wn is row-normalized, it is usually
ĉnT (θ̂nT ). From (4), the first and second order derivatives of the row-normalized from a symmetric matrix (Ord, 1975). In this
concentrated likelihood function can be derived; see (36) and situation, Wn is diagonalizable and all the eigenvalues ωni , i =
Box II in Appendix C. To analyze the asymptotic properties of (36) 1, . . . , n, are real and |ωni | ≤ 1. The eigenvalues of Sn (λ) are
and Box II evaluated at true parameters, we use the law of large 1 − λωni , which are all different from 0 for all λ ∈ (−1, 1). This
numbers and central limit theorem for double arrays developed in implies Assumption 3 that Sn (λ) is invertiable. The constraint |γ0 |+
|ρ0 | + |λ0 | < 1 implies also that ∞ h
Appendix A (see Lemma 7 through Lemma 13). h=1 An is well-defined. As Wn
is diagonalizable, Wn = Rn D∗n R− n where Dn = diag{ωn1 , . . . , ωnn }
1 ∗
3. Quasi maximum likelihood estimators and their asymptotic and the columns of Rn consist of all the normalized eigenvectors of
properties Wn . Because An = Sn−1 (γ0 In + ρ0 Wn ), it follows that An = Rn Dn R−n

For our analysis of the asymptotic properties of estimators, we 4 If X is allowed to be stochastic and unbounded, appropriate moment
need the following assumptions:
conditions can be imposed instead.
5 We say a (sequence of n × n) matrix P is uniformly bounded in row and
Assumption 1. Wn is a constant spatial weights matrix and its
column sums if supn≥1 kPn k∞ < ∞ and supn≥1 kPn k1 < ∞, where kPn k∞ ≡
diagonal elements satisfy wn,ii = 0 for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Pn Pn
sup1≤i,j≤n j=1 pij,n is the row sum norm and kPn k1 = sup1≤i,j≤n i=1 pij,n is
the column sum norm.
Assumption 2. The disturbances {vit }, i = 1, 2, . . . , n and t = 6 This assumption has effectively ruled out some cases, and, hence, imposed
1, 2, . . . , T , are i.i.d. across i and t with zero mean, variance σ02 limited dependence across units or time series. For example, if λ0n = 1 − 1/n under
and E |vit |4+η < ∞ for some η > 0. n → ∞, it is a near unit root case for a cross sectional spatial autoregressive model
and Sn−1 will not be UB. For spatial dynamic panel model, if λ0 + ρ0 + γ0 = 1, Ynt
might have deterministic trends as well as a nonstationary stochastic component
3 As T is large, we can ignore the influence of the initial condition. When T is fixed, (see Yu et al. (2007) for detail).
we need to specify the initial condition if MLE is used; and we may also consider 7 For the case W is not row normalized but its eigenvalues are real, Λ can be a
the estimation by the generalized method of moments where lagged dependent closed interval contained in (−1/ ωn,min , 1/ωn,max ) where ωn,min and ωn,max are
variables can be used as IVs. the minimum and maximum eigenvalues of Wn (Anselin, 1988).
J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134 121

γ +ρ ω γ +ρ ω
where Dn = diag{ 10−λ 0ω n1 , . . . , 10−λ 0ω nn } is the eigenvalue matrix 3.2. Distribution of QMLEs
0 n1 0 nn
of An . When |λ0 | + |γ0 | + |ρ0 | < 1, it is easy P∞to show
γ0 +ρ0 ωni
that | 1−λ ω | < 1 for all i = 1, . . . , n. Thus, h
h=0 An =
The asymptotic distribution of the QMLE θ̂nT can be derived
0 ni
∂ ln L (θ̂ )
= Rn (In − Dn ) Rn
P∞ n,T nT
h −1
h=0 Rn Dn Rn is a well defined matrix. −1 −1
from the Taylor expansion of ∂θ
around θ0 . At θ0 , from (35)
Assumption 6 imposes stronger convergence of this series in term and (36), the first order derivative of the concentrated likelihood
of absolute values and assumes UB as n → ∞. Assumption 7 function at θ0 is in (37) of Appendix C, which involves both linear
allows two cases: (i) n → ∞ as T → ∞; (ii) n is fixed as T → ∞. and quadratic functions of Ṽnt . Also, from (2),
Because (ii) is similar to a vector autoregressive (VAR) model with
restricted coefficients, our main interest is in (i); but our analysis ∗
Z̃nt = Z̃nt − (ŪnT ,−1 , Wn ŪnT ,−1 , 0n×kx ), (7)
is applicable to both cases. If Assumption 7 holds, then we say that
= ((X̃ ˜
n, T → ∞ simultaneously. n,t −1 + Un,t −1 ), (Wn X̃n,t −1 + Wn Un,t −1 ), X̃nt )

where Z̃nt
with X̃ n,t −1 = Xn,t −1 − X̄nT ,−1 . Hence, Z̃nt has two compo-
3.1. Consistency of the concentrated estimator θ̂nT ∗
nents: one is Z̃nt , which is uncorrelated with Vnt ; the other is
For the concentrated log likelihood function (4) divided by −(ŪnT ,−1 , Wn ŪnT ,−1 , 0n×kx ), which is correlated with Vnt when
the sample size nT , the corresponding expected value function is t ≤ T − 1.
Qn,T (θ ) = E maxcn nT
ln Ln,T (θ , cn ), which is Hence, from the first order condition in (37) and the decompo-
∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 ) ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
1 1 1 1 sition of Z̃nt in (7), √1 ∂θ
= √1 ∂θ
− ∆nT where
Qn,T (θ ) = E ln Ln,T (θ ) = − ln 2π − ln σ + 2
ln |Sn (λ)| nT nT
nT 2 2 n 1 ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
√ =
1 X 0 nT ∂θ
− E Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ). (5)
2σ 2 nT t =1 T
 
1 1 X ∗0
σ2 √ Z̃nt Vnt
 0 nT t =1

To show the consistency of θ̂nT , we need the following uniform

 1 1 X T T 
1 1 X 0 0
convergence result. (Gn Z̃nt δ0 ) Vnt + 2 √ ,
(Vnt Gn Vnt − σ0 tr Gn )
∗ 0 2

σ2 √
 (8)
 0 nT t =1
σ0 nT t =1
Claim 1. Let Θ be any compact parameter space. Then under

 T 
 1 1 X 0
( σ 2

p √ V V − n
Assumptions 1–7, nT 1
ln Ln,T (θ ) − Qn,T (θ ) → 0 uniformly in θ ∈ Θ 2σ04 nT t =1
nt nt 0

and Qn,T (θ ) is uniformly equicontinuous for θ ∈ Θ .

For local identification, a sufficient condition (but not nec-
essary) is that the information matrix Σθ0 ,nT , where Σθ0 ,nT = ∆nT
 r 
1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 ) 1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ )
2 2 1 T
−E nT ∂θ∂θ 0
, is nonsingular and −E nT ∂θ∂θ 0
has σ2 n (ŪnT ,−1 , Wn ŪnT ,−1 , 0n×kx )0 V̄nT 
full rank for any θ in some neighborhood N (θ0 ) of θ0 (see
 0r r 
 1 T 1 T
 
≡ Wn Sn−1 and HnT = = 2 (Gn (ŪnT ,−1 , Wn ŪnT ,−1 , 0n×kx )δ0 ) V̄nT + 2
V̄nT Gn V̄nT  .
0 0 
Rothenberg (1971)). Denote Gn  σ0 n σ0
n 
(Z̃nt , Gn Z̃nt δ0 )0 (Z̃nt , Gn Z̃nt δ0 ) which is (kx + 3) × (kx + 3),
PT  r 
nT t =1  1 T 0 
Σθ0 ,nT is derived in Appendix C as 2σ04 n
V̄nT V̄nT
1 E HnT ∗ (9)
Σθ0 ,nT =
σ02 01×(kx +3) 0
This decomposition is useful, as the second component has isolated
∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 )
the source of possible asymptotic bias of √1 , due to the
 
0(kx +2)×(kx +2) ∗ ∗ ∂θ nT
estimation of the fixed effects. As is derived in Appendix C, the
tr(G0n Gn ) + tr(G2n ) ∗ +O 1
  
+  01×(kx +2) , (6) ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )

variance matrix of √1

1 1  T is equal to

01×(kx +2) tr(Gn ) nT
σ02 n 2σ04
∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 ) ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
1 1
which is nonsingular for large enough T if E HnT is nonsingular in E √ ·√
2(tr G )2 nT ∂θ nT ∂θ 0
the limit or 1n (tr G0n Gn + tr G2n − n
) is nonzero (see Appendix D  
for proof). Also, its rank does not change in a small neighborhood 1
of θ0 (see (41))). When limT →∞ E HnT is nonsingular, the global = Σθ0 ,nT + Ωθ0 ,nT + O , (10)
identification of the parameters is shown in Theorem 1. When 0 
limT →∞ E HnT is singular, global identification can still be obtained (kx +2)×(kx +2) ∗ ∗
1 Xn
from Theorem 2 via a condition on the variance structure of the µ4 −3σ04 01×(kx +2) G2 ∗
and Ωθ0 ,nT = i=1 n,ii
 is a
 
σ02 σ04
model. Denote σn2 (λ) = tr(Sn0−1 Sn0 (λ)Sn (λ)Sn−1 ).
1 1

n 01×(kx +2) tr Gn
2σ02 n 4σ04

Theorem 1. Under Assumptions 1–7, if limT →∞ E HnT is nonsingu- symmetric matrix, with µ4 being the fourth moment of vit , where
p Gn,ii is the (i, i) entry of Gn . When Vnt are normally distributed,
lar, θ0 is globally identified and θ̂nT → θ0 .
Ωθ0 ,nT = 0 because µ4 − 3σ04 = 0 for a normal distribution. Denote
Theorem 2. Under Assumptions 1–7, θ0 is globally identified and Σθ0 = limT →∞ Σθ0 ,nT and Ωθ0 = limT →∞ Ωθ0 ,nT , then,
θ̂nT → θ0 if ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 ) ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
1 1
limn→∞ 1
ln σ 2 −10 −1
− ln σ (λ)Sn (λ) Sn (λ)
1 2 −1 0 −1

6= 0 for lim E √ ·√ = Σθ0 + Ωθ0 .
n 0 Sn Sn n n T →∞ nT ∂θ nT ∂θ 0
λ 6= λ0 .8 (11)
∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
8 When 1
ln |σ02 Sn0−1 Sn−1 | The asymptotic distribution of √1 can be derived
n is finite, the condition is n
− nT ∂θ
ln |σ (λ)Sn (λ)Sn (λ)| 6= 0 for λ 6= λ0 .
0−1 −1
from the central limit theorem for martingale difference arrays
122 J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134

! !
 ∞
1 X 
tr Ahn (θ ) Sn (λ)

 n h=0

 ! !
 ∞ 
1 X
An (θ ) Sn (λ)
h −1
 
 tr Wn 
 n h=0

ϕn (θ ) = 
 
 ! 0kx ×1 !

∞ ∞
1 1 1
 X X 
 γ tr(Gn (λ) An (θ ) Sn (λ)) + ρ tr(Gn (λ)Wn
h −1
An (θ ) Sn (λ)) + tr Gn (λ)
h −1 
n n n 
 h=0 h=0 
2σ 2
Box I.

13). For theqterm ∆nT , from Lemma 9 and Lemma 11,

(Lemma q When n
→ k < ∞,
∆nT = n
ϕn + O( n
)+ (
Op √1 ) where ϕn = ϕn (θ0 ) is O(1) √ √ d
nT (θ̂nT − θ0 ) + kϕθ0 ,nT → N (0, Σθ−01 (Σθ0 + Ωθ0 )Σθ−01 ).
with the equation in Box I.
When γ0 = ρ0 = 0, ϕn = ((tr Sn−1 )/n, (tr Gn )/n, 01×kx , (tr Gn )/n, When n
→ ∞,
1/(2σ02 ))0 . When λ0 = ρ0 = 0, we have Sn = In , Gn = Wn
and ϕn = (1/(1 − γ0 ), (tr Wn )/n, 01×kx , (tr Wn )/n, 1/(2σ02 ))0 . If T (θ̂nT − θ0 ) + ϕθ0 ,nT → 0. (15)
λ0 = ρ0 = 0 is imposed in the estimation so that we estimate Additionally, if {vit }, i = 1, 2, . . . , n and t = 1, 2, . . . , T , are
Ynt = γ0 Yn,t −1 + cn0 + Vnt , the leading asymptotic bias term will normal, (12) becomes
be the same as that of Hahn and Kuersteiner (2002). r !!

r r
n n 1
nT (θ̂nT − θ0 ) + ϕθ0 ,nT + Op max ,
Assumption 8. limT →∞ E HnT is nonsingular or limn→∞ 1n (tr G0n Gn + T T3 T
2(tr Gn )2
tr G2n − n
) 6= 0. d
→ N (0, Σθ−01 ). (16)
Assumption 8 is a condition for the nonsingularity of the limit-
ing information matrix Σθ0 in addition to the global identification Hence, θ̂nT is consistent, but has a bias of the order O(T −1 ).
in Theorems 1 and 2. When limT →∞ E HnT is singular, as long as For √the distribution of θ̂nT , when T is relatively large, the QMLEs
2(tr G )2
we have limn→∞ 1n (tr G0n Gn + tr G2n − n
) 6= 0, the limiting are nT consistent and asymptotically properly centered normal;
information matrix Σθ0 is still nonsingular (see Appendix D).

when n is asymptotically proportional to T , the estimators are nT
consistent and asymptotically normal, but the limit distribution
∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 ) d
Claim 2. Under Assumptions 1–8, √1 ∂θ
+∆nT → N (0, Σθ0 + does not center around the truth; when n is relatively large,
 nT q q  the estimators are T consistent and have√ a degenerate distribution.
Ωθ0 ), where ∆nT = ϕn + Op max
, T1 from (9) with The estimators of fixed effects are T consistent and asymptot-
ϕn from Box I. When {vit }, i = 1, 2, . . . , n and t = 1, 2, . . . , T , are ically centered normal, as shown below.
∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 ) d
normal, √1
nT ∂θ
+ ∆nT → N (0, Σθ0 ). Theorem 4. Assume that the elements of cn0 are bounded. Then un-
√ d
der Assumptions 1–8, for i = 1, 2, . . . , n, T ĉi,nT − ci,0 → N (0,

1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ)
Also, under Assumptions 1–8, we have nT ∂θ∂θ 0
− nT σ02 ) and they are asymptotically independent with each other.
∂ 2 ln Ln,T (θ0 ) 1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 )
2 ∂ 2 Qn,T (θ0 )
= kθ − θ0 k · Op (1) and − ∂θ∂θ =
∂θ ∂θ 0  nT ∂θ∂θ 0 0
3.3. Bias reduction
Op √1 (see (38) and (39)). Hence, for the Taylor expansion
∂ 2 ln Ln,T (θ̄nT )
n,T 0 ∂ ln L (θ ) From (12), the QMLE θ̂nT has the bias − T1 ϕθ0 ,nT and the
nT (θ̂nT − θ0 ) = − nT1 ∂θ∂θ 0
· √1 ∂θ
, we have confidence interval is not centered when Tn → k where 0 < k <
q nT  ∞. Furthermore, when T is small relative to n in the sense that
∂ 2 ln Ln,T (θ̄nT )

− nT1 ∂θ∂θ 0
= Σθ0 ,nT + Op max 1
nT T
(see Proof for n
→ ∞, the presence of ϕθ0 ,nT causes θ̂nT to have the slower rate
Theorem 3 in Appendix D for details). Combined with Claim 2, we T −1 of convergence. An analytical bias reduction procedure is to
have the following theorem for the distribution of θ̂nT . correct the bias BnT = −ϕθ0 ,nT , by constructing an estimator B̂nT
and defining the bias corrected estimator as
Theorem 3. Under Assumptions 1–8,
r !! θ̂nT
= θ̂nT − . (17)
√ ϕθ0 ,nT 
  n 1 T
nT θ̂nT − θ0 − + Op max ,
T 3 T T From Theorem 3, BnT = −Σθ−01,nT ϕn where ϕn = ϕn (θ0 ) from Box I,

  and we may choose9
→ N 0, Σθ−01 Σθ0 + Ωθ0 Σθ−01 ,

(12) "  −1 #
1 ∂ 2 ln Ln,T (θ )
B̂nT = E ϕn (θ ) . (18)
where ϕθ0 ,nT = Σθ−01,nT ϕn is O(1). nT ∂θ ∂θ 0
θ =θ̂nT
When Tn → 0,
√ 9 An asymptotically equivalent alternative way is to replace Σ −1 by the
d θ0 ,nT
nT (θ̂nT − θ0 ) → N (0, Σθ−01 (Σθ0 + Ωθ0 )Σθ−01 ). (13) empirical Hessian matrix of the concentrated log likelihood function.
J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134 123

Table 1
Performance of estimators before bias correction
T n θ0 γ ρ β λ σ2
(1) 10 49 θ a
0 Bias −0.0628 −0.0031 −0.0077 −0.0024 −0.1168
SD 0.0322 0.0591 0.0452 0.0477 0.0566
RMSE 0.0733 0.0807 0.0635 0.0667 0.1352
CP 0.5020 0.9430 0.9290 0.9300 0.4530
(2) 10 49 θ0b Bias −0.0701 −0.0080 −0.0111 −0.0105 −0.1193
SD 0.0322 0.0570 0.0453 0.0457 0.0567
RMSE 0.0792 0.0779 0.0641 0.0639 0.1372
CP 0.4050 0.9300 0.9230 0.9370 0.4330
(3) 10 196 θ0a Bias −0.0625 −0.0036 −0.0076 −0.0024 −0.1105
SD 0.0161 0.0304 0.0226 0.0246 0.0285
RMSE 0.0647 0.0417 0.0320 0.0344 0.1146
CP 0.0310 0.9380 0.9260 0.9260 0.0580
(4) 10 196 θ0b Bias −0.0691 −0.0067 −0.0109 −0.0091 −0.1129
SD 0.0160 0.0292 0.0226 0.0236 0.0285
RMSE 0.0710 0.0405 0.0329 0.0322 0.1169
CP 0.0130 0.9300 0.9140 0.9320 0.0530
(5) 50 49 θ0a Bias −0.0121 −0.0018 −0.0008 0.0005 −0.0220
SD 0.0141 0.0260 0.0202 0.0213 0.0280
RMSE 0.0221 0.0350 0.0278 0.0288 0.0433
CP 0.8460 0.9460 0.9370 0.9480 0.8590
(6) 50 49 θ0b Bias −0.0132 −0.0024 −0.0009 −0.0006 −0.0221
SD 0.0139 0.0243 0.0203 0.0201 0.0281
RMSE 0.0224 0.0327 0.0279 0.0269 0.0435
CP 0.8310 0.9530 0.9340 0.9580 0.8570
(7) 50 196 θ0a Bias −0.0122 −0.0002 −0.0004 0.0012 −0.0211
SD 0.0071 0.0134 0.0101 0.0110 0.0140
RMSE 0.0148 0.0182 0.0139 0.0149 0.0271
CP 0.5990 0.9410 0.9450 0.9470 0.6530
(8) 50 196 θ0b Bias −0.0133 −0.0008 −0.0005 0.0004 −0.0212
SD 0.0070 0.0125 0.0101 0.0103 0.0141
RMSE 0.0156 0.0171 0.0140 0.0141 0.0273
CP 0.5040 0.9430 0.9480 0.9480 0.6640

θ0a = (0.2, 0.2, 1, 0.2, 1) and θ0b = (0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3, 1).

We show that when T /n1/3 → ∞, θ̂nT 1
is nT consistent and and the spatial weights matrix we use is a rook matrix. We use
asymptotically centered normal, even when n/T → ∞. For T = 10 and T = 50, and n = 49 and n = 196. For each set
the bias corrected estimator, we need the following additional of generated sample observations, we calculate the MLE θ̂nT and
assumption. evaluate the bias θ̂nT − θ0 ; we then construct the bias corrected
estimator θ̂nT
and evaluate the bias θ̂nT
− θ0 . We do this 1000 times
h=0 An (θ ) and (θ ) are uniformly
P∞ h h−1
Assumption 9. h=1 hAn
bounded in either row sum or column sums, uniformly in a to see if the bias is reduced on average by using the analytical bias
i=1 (θ̂nT − θ0 )i with
neighborhood of θ0 .
correction procedure,11 i.e., to compare 1000
Assumption 9 can be justified by Lemma 14. Our result for the
i=1 (θ̂nT − θ0 )i . With two different values of θ0 for each n
P1000 1
bias corrected estimator is in Theorem 5. 1000
√ and T , finite sample properties of both estimators are summarized
Theorem 5. If T /n1/3 → ∞, under Assumptions 1–9, nT (θ̂nT
− in Table 1 and Table 2, where Table 1 is for the performance
d of the estimators before bias correction and Table 2 is for the
θ0 ) → N (0, Σθ−01 (Σθ0 + Ωθ0 )Σθ−01 ). performance after the bias correction. For each case, we report the
Hence, if T grows faster than n1/3 , the analytical bias correction bias (Bias), standard deviation (SD), root mean square error (RMSE)
will give us estimators that are asymptotically normal and and coverage probability (CP).
centered around θ0 . For the case Tn → k, θ̂nT 1
has removed the We can see that both estimators have some bias, but the
bias corrected estimators reduce those biases which are originally
asymptotic bias ϕθ0 ,nT . Note that T → k implies T /n1/3 → ∞. For
√ larger. This is consistent with our asymptotic analysis, because
the case n
→ ∞, as long as T /n1/3 → ∞, θ̂nT
is nT consistent, the bias corrected estimators will eliminate the bias of order
which is also an improvement upon the T consistency of θ̂nT . O(T −1 ). Also, bias reduction is achieved while there is no significant
Thus, θ̂nT
might have better performance in economic applications, increase in the variance of the estimators. Before bias correction,
especially when n is much larger than T . the CPs of the estimators under 95% confidence level have lower
values due to the bias, especially when n is relatively large. After
3.4. Monte Carlo results bias correction, the CPs are close to the specified 95% confidence
We conduct a small Monte Carlo experiment to evaluate the level.
performance of our MLEs and the bias corrected estimators. We For different cases of n and T , we can see that for each given n,
generate samples from (1) and use θ0a = (0.2, 0.2, 1, 0.2, 1)0 , θ0b = when T is larger, the biases of two sets of estimators will be smaller
(0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3, 1)0 where θ0 = (γ0 , ρ0 , β00 , λ0 , σ02 )0 , and Xnt , cn0 and the variance will be smaller; for each given T , when n is larger,
and Vnt are generated from independent normal distributions10 the biases of two sets of estimators will be nearly the same, but
the variance will be smaller. This is consistent with our theoretical
prediction, because the bias is of the order O(T −1 ) and the variance
10 We generated the spatial panel data with 20 + T periods and then take the last
T periods as our sample. The initial value is generated as N (0, In ) in the simulation.
We have also generated the data with a much longer history 1000+T and the results 11 For n = 196 and T = 50, each iteration takes about 3 s on average using a
are similar. desktop with 4G memory and duo 2.66 GHz CPU.
124 J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134

Table 2
Performance of estimators after bias correction
T n θ0 γ ρ β λ σ2
(1) 10 49 θ a
0 Bias −0.0039 −0.0005 −0.0001 −0.0008 −0.0287
SD 0.0338 0.0623 0.0474 0.0483 0.0623
RMSE 0.0467 0.0857 0.0650 0.0671 0.0911
CP 0.9270 0.9260 0.9320 0.9360 0.8600
(2) 10 49 θ0b Bias −0.0038 0.0036 0.0004 −0.0039 −0.0322
SD 0.0337 0.0606 0.0475 0.0459 0.0623
RMSE 0.0470 0.0855 0.0653 0.0642 0.0921
CP 0.9130 0.8970 0.9340 0.9220 0.8510
(3) 10 196 θ0a Bias −0.0040 −0.0011 −0.0000 −0.0009 −0.0217
SD 0.0169 0.0320 0.0237 0.0249 0.0314
RMSE 0.0237 0.0441 0.0322 0.0346 0.0484
CP 0.9120 0.9240 0.9380 0.9270 0.8160
(4) 10 196 θ0b Bias −0.0035 0.0027 0.0003 −0.0037 −0.0250
SD 0.0168 0.0310 0.0237 0.0237 0.0314
RMSE 0.0236 0.0436 0.0322 0.0328 0.0497
CP 0.9110 0.9020 0.9390 0.9370 0.7950
(5) 50 49 θ0a Bias −0.0001 −0.0018 −0.0005 0.0005 −0.0025
SD 0.0143 0.0263 0.0204 0.0213 0.0286
RMSE 0.0197 0.0355 0.0280 0.0289 0.0393
CP 0.9400 0.9460 0.9370 0.9460 0.9300
(6) 50 49 θ0b Bias −0.0002 −0.0019 −0.0004 −0.0002 −0.0026
SD 0.0141 0.0246 0.0205 0.0201 0.0287
RMSE 0.0194 0.0332 0.0280 0.0269 0.0395
CP 0.9410 0.9470 0.9360 0.9570 0.9270
(7) 50 196 θ0a Bias −0.0002 −0.0001 −0.0001 0.0013 −0.0015
SD 0.0071 0.0136 0.0102 0.0110 0.0143
RMSE 0.0097 0.0184 0.0140 0.0149 0.0194
CP 0.9430 0.9380 0.9440 0.9470 0.9430
(8) 50 196 θ0b Bias −0.0003 −0.0003 −0.0001 0.0007 −0.0017
SD 0.0070 0.0127 0.0102 0.0104 0.0144
RMSE 0.0096 0.0173 0.0140 0.0141 0.0195
CP 0.9420 0.9410 0.9450 0.9440 0.9440

θ0a = (0.2, 0.2, 1, 0.2, 1) and θ0b = (0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3, 1).

of the estimators is of the order O( nT

). Also, for different values of model to get Φ̂n . We do this 1000 times to compare the Biases, SDs
θ0 , the biases become larger when θ0 is larger, and the variances do and RMSEs of each element in Ân with its corresponding element
not change much. in Φ̂n (there are in total 9 × 9 = 81 elements). The results are in
We also run the simulation when Vnt is generated from inde- Table 4 where the X axis denotes 81 elements of vectorized An or
pendent exponential distribution with unit variance (demeaned by Φn and Y axis denotes the corresponding values of Biases, SDs and
the population mean). The disturbances are skewed. In order not to
RMSEs. We can see that when the true DGP is SDPD, the restricted
produce more tables unnecessarily, the Monte Carlo simulation is
SDPD estimators outperform unrestricted VAR estimators, mainly
conducted only for the parameter vector θ0a . From Table 3, we can
due to the small SDs of the restricted estimates. When the true
see that the bias correction can improve the performance of esti-
DGP is VAR, the restricted estimates have larger biases for some
mators, even for non-gaussian error terms. By comparing the cor-
responding estimates in Table 3 with those in Tables 1 and 2 under parameters, and overall, they have some larger RMSEs than those
normal disturbances, we see that the biases and SDs are similar of the unrestricted VAR estimates.
except that the SDs for the estimates of σ02 in Table 3 are relatively
larger. 4. Conclusion
Finally, we conduct a simulation to compare the performance
of estimators when we use both the SDPD model and VAR model In this paper, we derived the properties of QMLEs of spatial
(n = 9 and T = 200). For the SDPD process without exogenous dynamic panel data with fixed effects, and with special attention
variable, Ynt = An Yn,t −1 + Sn−1 cn0 + Sn−1 Vnt , which can be considered to the asymptotics
as a restricted form of the VAR process Ynt = Φn Yn,t −1 + αn0 + nt , √ when both n and T are large. Estimates of the
fixed effects are T consistent and asymptotically normally dis-
where Φn is n × n coefficient matrix, nt is N (0, Σ ) for each
tributed. For distribution of the common parameters,√where T is
t and is independent over time. When the true data generating
process (DGP) is SDPD, we use (γ0 , ρ0 , λ0 ) = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), asymptotically large relative to n, the estimators are nT consis-
Wn is a 9 × 9 queen matrix, cn0 and Vnt are generated from tent and asymptotically normal, with the limiting distribution cen-
independent normal distributions. When the true DGP is VAR, tered around 0; √when n is asymptotically proportional to T , the
the 9 × 9 coefficient matrix Φn is designed to have eigenvalues estimators are nT consistent and asymptotically normal, but the
smaller than 1 in absolute value,12 αn0 and nt are generated from limiting distribution is not centered around 0; and when n is large
independent normal distributions. Given a DGP, we first use the relative to T , the estimators are T consistent, and have a degen-
SDPD model to get the bias corrected estimators (γ̂nT 1
, ρnT
, λ1nT ) and erate limiting distribution. We also propose a bias correction for
get Ân = (In − λ̂1nT Wn )−1 (γ̂nT
In + ρ̂nT
Wn ), then, we use the VAR our estimators. We show that when T grows faster than n1/3 , the
correction will eliminate the bias of order O(T −1 ) and yield a cen-
12 Each element of the 9 × 9 coefficient matrix Φ is generated from uniform
tered confidence interval. The contribution of this paper is that it
establishes the asymptotic properties of QMLEs and bias-corrected
distribution (0, 1). We row normalize the coefficient matrix (so that none of the
eigenvalues will be greater than 1 in absolute value) and then multiply it with 0.8 estimators of the spatial dynamic panel model, when both n and T
so that all the eigenvalues will be smaller than 1 in absolute value. are large.
J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134 125

Table 3
Performance of estimators under non-normality

T n γ ρ β λ σ2
Before bias correction
(1) 10 49 Bias −0.0606 −0.0065 −0.0064 −0.0032 −0.1162
SD 0.0321 0.0590 0.0451 0.0477 0.1035
RMSE 0.0715 0.0798 0.0637 0.0663 0.1850
CP 0.5230 0.9590 0.9260 0.9330 0.6800
(2) 10 196 Bias −0.0621 −0.0019 −0.0089 −0.0002 −0.1124
SD 0.0161 0.0304 0.0226 0.0246 0.0530
RMSE 0.0644 0.0418 0.0326 0.0349 0.1294
CP 0.0310 0.9400 0.9160 0.9140 0.4390
(3) 50 49 Bias −0.0116 −0.0005 −0.0006 −0.0003 −0.0223
SD 0.0141 0.0260 0.0202 0.0213 0.0561
RMSE 0.0220 0.0351 0.0276 0.0294 0.0798
CP 0.8660 0.9410 0.9480 0.9440 0.9010
(4) 50 196 Bias −0.0121 −0.0009 −0.0001 0.0012 −0.0214
SD 0.0071 0.0134 0.0101 0.0110 0.0282
RMSE 0.0148 0.0182 0.0136 0.0151 0.0427
CP 0.5930 0.9470 0.9540 0.9340 0.8720

After bias correction

(5) 10 49 Bias −0.0019 −0.0042 0.0014 −0.0016 −0.0279
SD 0.0337 0.0622 0.0473 0.0482 0.1018
RMSE 0.0466 0.0846 0.0651 0.0668 0.1548
CP 0.9180 0.9400 0.9350 0.9340 0.8410
(6) 10 196 Bias −0.0035 0.0006 −0.0014 0.0013 −0.0237
SD 0.0169 0.0321 0.0237 0.0249 0.0522
RMSE 0.0235 0.0442 0.0324 0.0351 0.0798
CP 0.9120 0.9240 0.9320 0.9200 0.8570
(7) 50 49 Bias 0.0003 −0.0004 −0.0003 −0.0002 −0.0028
SD 0.0143 0.0263 0.0204 0.0213 0.0560
RMSE 0.0196 0.0355 0.0277 0.0295 0.0774
CP 0.9330 0.9360 0.9510 0.9430 0.9380
(8) 50 196 Bias −0.0002 −0.0008 0.0002 0.0012 −0.0018
SD 0.0071 0.0136 0.0102 0.0110 0.0282
RMSE 0.0098 0.0184 0.0137 0.0152 0.0382
CP 0.9450 0.9450 0.9550 0.9340 0.9400

We use θ0a = (0.2, 0.2, 1, 0.2, 1).

Our asymptotic analysis in this paper has focused on the spatial an asymptotic bias of order O( 1n ). So, contrary to the model with
dynamic model with fixed effects, but the remaining disturbances only individual effects, for the model with both individual and time
are i.i.d. across spatial units. We expect that our asymptotic effects, an asymptotic bias of order either O( 1n ) or O( T1 ) exists. Lee
analysis can be easily extended to dynamic panel models with error and Yu (2007) have also constructed a bias-corrected estimator
components, and spatially and serially correlated disturbances. The which can remove such biases, but will require conditions that
spatial panel data model in Baltagi et al. (2007) is an example. both T /n3 and n/T 3 go to zero. The model in this paper with
Their model is a regression panel model with serial correlation only individual effects is of interest in its own as it includes the
and spatial dependence in disturbances: Ynt = Xnt β0 + cn0 + nt scenarios of a fixed finite n or Tn → 0.13 Under such scenarios,
where nt = λ0 Wn nt + Unt and Unt = γ0 Un,t −1 + Vnt . Denote the spatial dynamic model can be regarded as a structural vector
the n-dimensional vector of total disturbances ηnt = cn0 + nt . autoregressive model with restricted coefficients.
The disturbance process implies the structure ηnt = λ0 Wn ηnt + For future research, it may be of interest to model common and
γ0 ηn,t −1 − γ0 λ0 Wn ηn,t −1 + cn0
∗ ∗
+ Vnt , where cn0 = (1 − γ0 )(In − persistent shocks directly as in Phillips and Moon (1999), Phillips
λ0 Wn )cn0 . The process of ηnt is in the form of our dynamic model and Sul (2003) and Pesaran (2006) in a random component or

when cn0 is treated as fixed effects and with nonlinear constraints factor structural framework with the spatial setting. In addition, as
on the spatial and dynamic coefficients. Hence, our theory can be in Korniotis (2007), the model may be extended to accommodate
easily adopted to cover the estimation of this model for the case endogenous control variables. With endogenous control variables,
with T (and n) goes to infinity. a possible estimation method is the generalized method of
The dynamic panel model analyzed in this paper allows moments, if proper instrumental variables can be found. The
individual-invariant, time-varying exogenous variables in the method of maximum likelihood may also be possible if the model is
equation, but it does not incorporate cross-section dependence due expanded into a simultaneous equation system. These extensions
to unobserved macroeconomic variables or shocks. Such a cross- are of interest, as those features can be important in many
section dependence has been considered in some recent panel time macroeconomic applications.14 In addition to the above extension,
series models, e.g., Phillips and Sul (2003) and Pesaran (2006), it may also be of interest to extend the model to incorporate high
among others. As an extension of this paper, Lee and Yu (2007) order contemporaneous spatial lags and spatial time lags. With
have considered the ML estimation of the SDPD model with both high order spatial lags, the ML approach is not computationally
(additive) individual and time fixed effects. By estimating both
the individual and time fixed effects, the asymptotic bias problem 13 Lee and Yu (2007) have found a data transformation approach, which can avoid
becomes more severe. With only individual fixed effects, for the the additional bias caused by the time effects. However, the transformed approach
case that Tn → 0, as shown in this paper, the QMLE of θ is is valid only for spatial weights matrices with row-normalization.
asymptotically normal centered at 0 (without an asymptotic bias). 14 We appreciate referees for pointing out these important features in empirical
However, with both individual and time fixed effects, there exists macroeconomics models.
126 J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134

Table 4
Biases (1st row), SDs (2nd row) and RMSEs (3rd row) under different DGPs

practical. A practical approach may be based on the generalized Denote

method of moments. For the cross section model with high ∞
X ∞
order spatial lags, the generalized method of moments has been Unt = Pnh Vn,t +1−h , Wnt = Qnh Vn,t +1−h , (19)
considered in Lee and Liu (2007). A possible generalization to the h=1 h=1
estimation of spatial dynamic panel models remains to be seen.
where {Pnh }∞ ∞
h=1 and {Qnh }h=1 are sequences of n × n nonstochastic
 Denote Ũnt = Unt − ŪnT where ŪnT =
PT ˜
Unt /T , and Ũ
Appendix A. Some basic lemmas t =1 n,t −1 = Un,t −1 − ŪnT ,−1 where ŪnT ,−1 =
T −1 ˜
Unt /T . Also W̃nt , W̃
t =0 n,t −1 and Ṽnt are similarly defined.
Let Vnt = (v1t , v2t , . . . , vnt )0 be n × 1 column vector. We assume Below, we state the law of large numbers and central limit theorem
that {vit }, i = 1, 2, . . . , n and t = 1, 2, . . . , T , are i.i.d. across i and useful to derive the asymptotic properties of our estimators. Let Dnt
t with zero mean, variance σ02 and E |vit |4+η < ∞ for some η > 0. be n × 1 vector of uniformly bounded constants for all n and t and
J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134 127

where E ( nT U0nt Wnt ) = = O(1) and
let B1n and B2n be n × n nonstochastic square matrices. We first list 1 0

t =1 n
tr h=1 Pnh Qnh
the basic assumptions needed for those lemmas. σ02
E( )= P̈nh Q̈nh = O( ) where P̈nh and Q̈nh are
1 0
P∞ 0
Ū W̄nT
n nT n
tr h=1 T
Assumption A1. The disturbances {vit }, i = 1, 2, . . . , n and t = defined in (20).
1, 2, . . . , T , are i.i.d. across i and t with zero mean, variance σ02 PT PT
1 1
and E |vit |4+η < ∞ for some η > 0. Lemma 8. Under Assumptions A1–A4,
  nT t =1
D̃0nt Ũnt =
 nT t =1
D̃0nt Unt = Op √1 , and 1
D̄0nt Ūnt = Op √1 .
Assumption A2. Pnh = B1n Pnh
and Qnh = where and B2n Qnh Pnh nT nT t =1 nT
Qnh are the Pn and Qn to the power of h. Furthermore, B1n , B2n ,
Lemma 9. Under Assumptions A1 and A4, for an n × n nonstochastic
h=1 abs(Pn ) and h=1 abs(Qn ) are UB, where [abs(Pn )]ij
P∞ h
P∞ h
UB matrix Bn ,
Pn,ij .
T T  
1 X 0 1 X 0 1
Assumption A3. The elements of n×1 vector Dnt are nonstochastic Vnt Bn Vnt − E Vnt Bn Vnt = Op √ , (24)
and bounded, uniformly in n and t. nT t =1 nT t =1 nT
Assumption A4. n is a nondecreasing function of T . 1 0 1 0 1
V̄nT Bn V̄nT − E V̄nT Bn V̄nT = Op √ , (25)
P∞ n n nT 2
Lemma 1. With Unt and Wnt in (19), ŪnT = h=1 P̈nh Vn,T +1−h and !
PT T T  
W̄nT = Q̈nh Vn,T +1−h where 1 X 0 1 X 0 1
Ṽnt Bn Ṽnt − E Ṽnt Bn Ṽnt = Op √ , (26)

nT t =1 nT t =1 nT
1 1X
( )

 Pn1 + Pn2 + · · · + Pnh = Png for h ≤ T
where E ( nT ) = σ tr(Bn ) O(1) and
 1
PT 0 1 2
T T t =1 Vnt Bn Vnt =

P̈nh =
g =1
(20) n 0
1X E( 1 0
V̄ B V̄
n nT n nT
)= 1
nT 0
tr Bn ( )=O T .

for h > T ,

Pn,h−T +g

P∞E ([(Un,t0−1 )i ]2 ) (µ4 −
g =1 Lemma 10. P
Under Assumption A1, =
3σ04 ) h=1 j=1 [(Pnh )ij ]4 + 3σ04 [ h=1 (Pnh Pnh )ii ] .
P∞ n
P∞ P∞
and Q̈nh has the same pattern. Furthermore, h=1 P̈nh = h=1 Pnh ,
P∞ P∞ q
and h=1 Q̈nh = h=1 Qnh . Lemma 11. Under Assumptions A1, A2 and A4, (Ū0nT ,−1 V̄nT − E T
A1, for t ≥ s, E (Unt Wns ) = 0
  q q
Lemma 2. Under Assumption Ū0nT ,−1 V̄nT ) = Op √1 where Tn E Ū0nT ,−1 V̄nT =
σ tr
n 1 2
T n 0
σ02 ( nt Wns ) = σ0 tr
P∞ 0
 0 2
P∞ 0  T
h=1 Pn, t − s +h Qnh and E U h=1 Pn,t −s+h Qnh . P∞ q 

h=1 Pnh + O T3
when T → ∞.
Lemma 3. Under Assumption A1, E (Vnt
B1n Vns )(Vng
B2n Vnh ) is equal
to (µ4 − 3σ04 ) i=1 B1,ii B2,ii + σ04 (tr B1n × tr B2n + tr B1n B2n +
Lemma 12. Let B− n denote the lower diagonal matrix constructed
tr B1n B02n ) for t = s = g = h; σ04 tr B1n × tr B2n for t = s 6= g = h; from a symmetric Bn by deleting the diagonal and the upper triangle
σ04 tr(B1n B02n ) for t = g 6= s = h; σ04 tr(B1n B2n ) for t = h =
6 s = g; entries. Under Assumptions A1 and A2, if Bn is UB and Kn is an
and 0 otherwise. n-dimensional nonstochastic vector with all its elements uniformly
bounded, then
Lemma 4. Under Assumption A1, for t ≥ s, i−1
( v ) − σ [ ( )− vec0D (Bn )vecD (Bn )]
PT n 2 1 2
tr B2n
(a) nT t =1 i=1 j=1 bnij jt 2 0
∞ X
X 0 0
Cov(U0nt Wnt , U0ns Wns ) = (µ4 − 3σ04 ) (Pn0 ,t −s+h Qn,t −s+h )ii 1 T 0 − − 2 − −
−σ ( )] = Op √1nT .
= nT
t =1 Vnt Bn Bn Vnt 0 tr Bn Bn
h=1 i=1 T n i− 1
( v ) =
P P P 1
PT 0 −
" ! ! (b) nT t =1 i=1 kni j=1 bnij jt nT t =1 Kn Bn Vnt =
∞ ∞ 
× (Pnh
Qnh )ii + σ04 tr Pnh Pn0 ,t −s+h 0
Qn,t −s+h Qnh Op √1
h=1 h=1 T n i−1
( v )=
1 1
U0n,t −1 B−
! !# (c) nT t =1 i=1 un,t −1,i j=1 bnij jt nT t =1 n Vnt =
∞ ∞  
Op √1 .
+ Qnh Pn0 ,t −s+h 0
Qn,t −s+h Pnh . nT
h=1 h=1 PT Pn PT  
1 1 0 √1
(d) nT t =1 i=1 kni un,t −1,i = nT t =1 Kn Un,t −1 = Op nT

Lemma 5. Suppose Bn , Cnh and Dnh are P n × n square matrices with where vecD (Bn ) is the n-dimensional column vector formed by the the
∞ P∞
all elements being non-negative, and Bn , h=1 Cnh and h=1 Dnh are diagonal elements of Bn .
UB. Then, h=1 Cnh Bn Dnh is UB.
For the central limit theorem that follows, we will consider the
Lemma 6. Under Assumptions A1, A2 and A4, Var ( following form:
t =1 Unt Wnt ) =
PT 0

O(nT ). T
U0n,t −1 Vnt + D0nt Vnt + Vnt0 Bn Vnt − σ02 tr Bn

QnT =
Lemma 7. Under Assumptions A1, A2 and A4, t =1

!   T X
1 X 0 1 X 0 1
Unt Wnt − E Unt Wnt = Op √ , (21) = znt ,i ,
nT t =1 nT t =1 nT t =1 i=1

1 0

1 0
 where Bn is an arbitrary n × n symmetric UB matrix,15 and znt ,i =
ŪnT W̄nT − E = Op √ , (22) (ui,t −1 + dnti )vit + bn,ii (vit2 − σ02 ) + 2( ij−
=1 bn,ij vjt )vit . Then, the
ŪnT W̄nT P 1
n n nT 2
T T  
1 X 0 1 X 0 1 15 The assumption that B is symmetric is maintained w.l.o.g. since V 0 B V =
Ũnt W̃nt − E Ũnt W̃nt = Op √ , (23) n nt n nt
nT t =1 nT t =1 nT 0
Vnt [(Bn + B0n )/2]Vnt .
128 J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134

mean and variance of QnT are µQnT = 0 and Hence,

∞ T " # pq
X X i
σQ2nT = T σ04 tr 0
Pnh Pnh + σ02 D0nt Dnt
E |znt ,i |q ≤ E (|un,t −1,i | + |dnt ,i |)p + |bnij |
h=1 t =1
! j=1
n "
+T µ4 − 3σ04 b2n,ii + 2σ04 tr(B2n )
× E |vit |q + |bnii | · E |vit2 − σ02 |q
T X !#
+ 2µ3 dnti bn,ii , X
t =1 i=1
+ 2 E |vit | · q
|bnij |E |vjt | q
where µs = E vits for s = 3, 4, bn,ii ’s are diagonal elements of Bn and
dnti is the ith element of Dnt . Because the fourth and more moments of vit exist, by taking q =
2 + δ for some small δ , there exists a constant c1 > 0 such
Pi q
Lemma 13. Under Assumptions A1–A4 and that Bn is UB, if the that E |znt ,i |q ≤ c1 E [(|un,t −1,i | + |dnti |)p + j=1 |bn,ij |] . By the
sequence 1
σQ2nT is bounded away from zero, then, QnT
→ N (0, 1). cr -inequality and because Bn is UB, there exist constants c2 > 0,
c3 > 0 and c4 > 0 such that
Lemma 14. If supn≥1 kAn (θ0 )k∞ < 1 (resp: supn≥1 kAn (θ0 )k1 < 1), " # pq
h=0 An (θ ) and
P∞ h
then the row sum (resp: column sum) of
(|un,t −1,i | + |dnti |) + p
|bn,ij |
(θ ) are bounded uniformly in n and in a neighborhood
P∞ h−1
h=1 hAn j=1
of θ0 . q
≤ 2 p −1 (|un,t −1,i | + |dnti |)q + c3
Proof for Lemma 13. We are going to use the CLT of the q
martingale difference array in Gänsler and Stute (1977, p. 365), ≤ 2 p −1 [2q−1 (|un,t −1,i |q + |dnti |q ) + c3 ] ≤ c2 |un,t −1,i |2+δ + c4 ,
to prove our CLT (see also Pötscher and Prucha (1997), p. 235).
Consider the σ -field as q = 2 + δ implies = 1 + δ . As E |unt ,i |4 = O(1)

Fn,t ,i = σ (v11 , v21 , . . . , vn1 , . . . , v1,t −1 , . . . , uniformly in n, t and i (from Lemma 10), it follows that E |znt ,i |2+δ ≤
c1 c2 E |un,t −1,i |2+δ + c1 c4 = O(1) uniformly. Because σQnT 2+δ
vn,t −1 , v1t , . . . , vit ), (27)  
1+ 2δ
O[(nT ) 1
PT Pn 2+δ 1
], one has 2+δ t =1 i=1 E |znt ,i | = O ,
then E (znt ,i |Fn,t ,i−1 ) = 0 and E (znt ,i |Fn,t −1,n ) = 0. As a convention, σQ
(nT ) 2
define Fn,t ,0 = Fn,t −1,n . Thus, {znt ,i , Fn,t ,i , 1 ≤ t ≤ T , 1 ≤ which goes to zero. This proves (i).
i ≤ n} forms a martingale difference array. To see explicitly To show (ii): Because znt ,i = (un,t −1,i + dnti + 2
bnij vjt )vit +
that this is a difference array, let j = n(t − 1) + i for 1 ≤ j=1
bnii (vit2 − σ02 ), it implies that
i ≤ n and 1 ≤ t ≤ T . Thus, j takes integer values from 1
to J where J = nT . The σ -field Fn,t ,i can be renamed as FJ ,j !2
and zJj = znt ,i . As E (zJ ,j |FJ ,j−1 ) = 0 because E (znt ,i |Fn,t ,i−1 ) = X
E( 2
znt |Fnt ,i−1 ) = σ 2
un,t −1,i + dnti + 2 bnij vjt
0 and E (znt ,i |Fn,t −1,n ) = 0, {znt ,i , Fn,t ,i } = {zJ ,j , FJ ,j−1 } is a ,i 0
znt ,i j=1
martingale difference array. Denote zJj∗ = znt ∗
,i = σ , where !
Pi−1 QnT i−1
znt ,i = (ui,t −1 + dnti )vit + bn,ii (v − σ ) + 2( j=1 bn,ij vjt )vit , we
0 + (µ4 − σ ) 4
0 b2nii + 2µ3 bnii un,t −1,i + dnti + 2 bnij vjt ,
PnT PT Pn j=1
will apply the martingale CLT to j=1 zJj = t =1 i=1 znt ,i . The
P T P n 2+δ
sufficient conditions are (i) 2+δ
σQ t =1 i=1 E |znt ,i | → 0 and as E (vit (vit2 − σ02 )) = µ3 and E (vit2 − σ02 )2 = µ4 − σ04 . Therefore,
i=1 E (znt ,i |Fnt ,i−1 ) → 1.
T n
(ii) 21 2
n T X
n i−1
σ t =1 X X X
E (znt
,i |Fnt ,i−1 ) = σ0
(un,t −1,i + 2 bnij vjt )2

To show (i): For any p > 0 and q > 0 such that 1

+ 1
= 1, as t =1 i=1 t =1 i=1 j=1
1 1 T X
n i−1
|znt ,i | ≤ (|un,t −1,i | + |dnt ,i |)|vit | + |bnii | |bnii | p q
+2 [σ02 dnti + µ3 bnii ] un,t −1,i + 2 bnij vjt
i−1 t =1 i=1 j=1
X 1 1
× |vit2 − σ02 | + 2|vit | · |bnij | p |bnij | q |vjt |, n T n T X
+ (µ4 − σ04 )T b2nii + 2µ3 bnii dnti + σ02 d2nti .
the Holder inequality implies that i=1 t =1 i=1 t =1 i=1

This can be compared with σQ2nT , which can be rewritten as

" # 1p
p X
|znt ,i | ≤ |un,t −1,i | + |dnt ,i | + |bnij | ! " #
j=1 ∞
X n
" !# 1q σ2
QnT = Tσ 4
0 tr
Pnh Pnh + 2σ 4
0T tr( B2n )− b2nii
X h=1 i=1
× |vit |q + |bnii | · |vit2 − σ02 |q + 2q |vit |q · |bnij ||vjt |q . n T n T
+ T (µ4 − σ04 ) b2nii + 2µ3 dnti bnii + σ02 D0nt Dnt .
i=1 t =1 i=1 t =1
16 Proofs for other lemmas of this Appendix and those of Appendix B can be
found on the working paper version under the same title via the web site: From these, we can see that (ii) follows from the results in Lemmas 7 and 12. 
J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134 129

 
1 X 0 1 X 0 1 X 0
σ2 Z̃nt Z̃nt Z̃nt Wn Ỹnt Z̃nt Ṽnt (ζ )
 t =1
σ 2
t =1
σ t =1
4 

1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ )
 T T 
1  1 X  1 X
(Wn Ỹnt )0 Wn Ỹnt + tr(G2n (λ)) ( ) (ζ )

= −  ∗ W Ỹ
n nt Ṽnt

nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 nT 
 σ 2
t =1
σ t =1
4 

 T 
nT 1 X 0
Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ )
 
∗ ∗ − 4+ 6
2σ σ t =1

Box II.

Appendix B. Lemmas for some statistics in the model Appendix C. Concentrated QMLEs

Denote Znt = (Yn,t −1 , Wn Yn,t −1 , Xnt ), we provide some lemmas C.1. Reduced form of (1)
related to Z̃nt , Z̄nT and Ṽnt , V̄nT .
As Znt = (Yn,t −1 , Wn Yn,t −1 , Xnt ), the reduced form of (1) can be
Lemma 15. Under Assumptions 1–7, for an n × n nonstochastic UB represented as
matrix Bn , Ynt = Sn−1 Znt δ0 + Sn−1 (cn0 + Vnt )
1 X 0
1 X 0

 = Znt δ0 + λ0 Gn Znt δ0 + Sn−1 (cn0 + Vnt ), (34)
Z̃nt Bn Z̃nt − E Z̃nt Bn Z̃nt = Op √ , (28)
nT t =1 nT t =1 nT for t = 1, 2, . . . , T because Sn −1
= In + λ0 Gn . This implies that
Ỹnt = Sn−1 Z̃nt δ0 + Sn−1 Ṽnt = Z̃nt δ0 + λ0 Gn Z̃nt δ0 + Sn−1 Ṽnt .
1 X 0 1 X 0 1 (35)
Z̃nt Bn Ṽnt − E Z̃nt Bn Ṽnt = Op √ , (29)
nT t =1 nT t =1 nT
T T   C.2. The first and second order conditions
1 X 0 1 X 0 1
Ṽnt Bn Ṽnt − E Ṽnt Bn Ṽnt = Op √ , (30)
nT t =1 nT t =1 nT
For the concentrated likelihood function (4), the first order
derivatives are
Z̃nt Bn Z̃nt is O(1), E
PT 0 1
PT 0 1

where E t =1 t =1 Z̃nt Bn Ṽnt is O and
nT nT T
1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ )
Ṽnt Bn Ṽnt is O(1).
PT 0
E t =1 √
nT ∂θ
 
Lemma 16. Under Assumptions 1–7, for an n × n nonstochastic UB 1 1 X 0
matrix Bn , σ2 √ Z̃nt Ṽnt (ζ )
nT t =1

 
 1 1 X T 
1 0 1 0 1  
, ,
(Wn Ỹnt ) Ṽnt (ζ ) − tr Gn (λ) 

Z̄nT Bn Z̄nT − E Z̄nT Bn Z̄nT = Op √ (31) = 2√
 (36)
n n nT σ nT t =1 
 T 
 1 1 X
1 0 1 0 1
, ( 0
(ζ ) (ζ ) σ 2

Z̄nT Bn V̄nT − E Z̄nT Bn V̄nT = Op √ (32) √ Ṽ Ṽnt − n
2σ 4 nt
n n nT nT t =1
1 0 1 0 1 and the second order derivatives are given in Box II.
V̄nT Bn V̄nT − E V̄nT Bn V̄nT = Op √ , (33)
n n nT 2 Hence,
1∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 )
where E 1n Z̄nT Bn Z̄nT is O(1), E 1n Z̄nT 1
and E 1n V̄nT
0 0
Bn V̄nT is O Bn V̄nT is √
nT ∂θ
 
1 1 X 0
σ2 √ Z̃nt Ṽnt
From (7), Z̃nt = Z̃nt∗ − (ŪnT ,−1 , Wn ŪnT ,−1 , 0) where  0 nT t =1

˜ ˜ T T
 
= ((X̃n,t −1 + Un,t −1 ), (Wn X̃ n,t −1 + Wn Un,t −1 ), X̃nt ) with
 1 1 X 1 1 X 0 0
(Gn Z̃nt δ0 ) Ṽnt + 2 √  , (37)
(Ṽnt Gn Ṽnt − σ0 tr Gn )
0 2

= 2√

˜ σ
 0 nT t =1 σ 0 nT t =1
X̃ n,t −1 = Xn,t −1 − X̄nT ,−1 . Hence Znt has two components: one

 T 
 1 1 X 0

is Z̃nt , uncorrelated with Vnt ; the other is −(ŪnT ,−1 Wn ŪnT ,−1 0), ( σ 2

√ Ṽ Ṽnt − n
2σ04 nt 0
correlated with Vnt when t ≤ T − 1. Following is a lemma related nT t =1

to Z̃nt and Znt . and the information matrix is equal to the equation in Box III.
(2) (1)
Using Lemma 16, Σθ0 ,nT is O T1 . Hence, Σθ0 ,nT = Σθ0 ,nT +

Lemma 17. Under Assumptions 1–7, for an n × n nonstochastic UB 1

1 1 1
0 ∗0 ∗

matrix Bn , E nT t =1 Z̃nt Bn Z̃nt − E nT t =1 Z̃nt Bn Z̃nt = O T where
is O(1).
PT ∗0 ∗
E nT t =1 Z̃nt Bn Z̃nt C.3. The variance of the gradient

Lemma 18. Under Assumptions 1–7, if the elements of cn0 are uni- ∗
From (8), as Z̃nt is uncorrelated with Vnt , we have the equation
t =1 ((Gn cn0 + Gn Znt δ0 )i ,
formly bounded, then the elements of T1 in Box IV.
(Znt )i ) are Op (1) uniformly in n and i, where (Gn cn0 + Gn Znt δ0 )i is For the first matrix, it is equal to Σθ0 ,nT + O T1 using

the ith element of (Gn cn0 + Gn Znt δ0 ) and (Znt )i is the ith row of Znt .
PT ∗
Lemma 17. For the second matrix, E t =1 Z̃nt = 0n×(kx +2) and
130 J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134

1 ∂ 2 ln Ln,T (θ0 )
Σθ0 ,nT = −E = Σθ(01,)nT − Σθ(02,)nT where
nT ∂θ ∂θ 0
 T 
1 X
 σ 2 nT E Z̃nt Z̃nt ∗ ∗ 
 0 t =1 
 T T 
(1)  1 1 1
Σθ0 ,nT
= (Gn Z̃nt δ0 )0 Z̃nt (Gn Z̃nt δ0 )0 Gn Z̃nt δ0 + tr(G0n Gn ) + tr(G2n )
 σ 2 nT E E ∗ 
 0 t =1
σ 2
0 nT t =1
n 

 1 1 
01×(kx +2) tr(Gn )
σ02 n 2σ04
 0 ∗ ∗ 
(kx +2)×(kx +2)
 1 E (G V̄ )0 Z̄ 2
E (Gn Z̄nT δ0 )0 Gn V̄nT +
tr(G0n Gn ) ∗ 
(2) n nT nT
and Σθ0 ,nT =  σ02 n σ02 n nT
 

 1 0 1 1 1 1
E (Gn Z̄nT δ0 )0 V̄nT + tr(Gn )
E Z̄nT V̄nT
σ04 n σ04 n σ02 nT T σ04

Box III.

∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 ) ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )

1 1
E √ ·√
nT ∂θ nT ∂θ 0
 T 
1 X
∗0 ∗
 σ 2 nT E Z̃nt Z̃nt ∗ ∗ 
 0 t =1 
 T T 
= 1 E 1 1
(Gn Z̃nt∗ δ0 )0 Z̃nt∗ (Gn Z̃nt∗ δ0 )0 Gn Z̃nt∗ δ0 + tr(G0n Gn ) + tr(G2n )
  
 σ 2 nT E ∗ 
 0 t =1
σ02 nT t =1
n 

 1 1 
01×(kx +2) tr(Gn )
σ02 n 2σ04
0(kx +2)×(kx +2) ∗ ! ∗
 
 µ3 X n X T
2µ3 X
n X T
µ4 − 3σ04 X 2 n
∗ ∗

 σ 4 nT Gn,ii E Z̃nt Gn,ii E Gn Z̃nt + Gn,ii ∗ 
+ 0 i=1 t =1
σ 4
0 nT i=1 t =1
σ04 n i=1

i i 
µ3 0 X T T
µ4 − 3σ04 µ4 − 3σ0
 
1 X

µ3 ln E 0
Gn Z̃nt δ0 +

ln E Z̃nt tr Gn
2σ06 nT t =1
2σ 6
0 nT t =1
2σ06 n 4σ08

Box IV.

∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 ) ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 ) 1 ∂ 2 ln LnT (θ ) 1 ∂ 2 ln LnT (θ )

δ0 = 0n×1 . Hence, E ( √1 )
E ∗
Gn Z̃nt · √1 =
t =1 nT ∂θ nT ∂θ 0 sup − − − E
Σθ0 ,nT + Ωθ0 ,nT + O 1

where θ ∈Θ nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 ij
0(kx +2)×(kx +2) ∗ ∗ = Op √ , (40)
 
1X nT
µ4 − 3σ04  G2n,ii
 
Ωθ0 ,nT =  01×(kx +2) n i=1
∗ 
. and
σ04  
 1 1  1 ∂ 2 ln LnT (θ )
01×(kx +2) tr Gn sup − E − Σθ0 ,nT = sup kθ − θ0 k · O(1), (41)
2σ 2
0n 4σ 4
0 θ ∈Θ1 nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 ij θ ∈Θ1

When Vnt are normally distributed, Ωθ0 ,nT = 0(kx +4)×(kx +4) because for all i, j = 1, 2, . . . , kx + 4.
µ4 − 3σ04 = 0 for a normal distribution. Proof for (38). The detailed expressions of each entry of the
∂ 2 ln LnT (θ )
− (− nT1 ∂ ln∂θL∂θ nT (θ0 )
difference − nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 0 ) are straightforward
1 ∂ 2 ln LnT (θ) 1 ∂ ln LnT (θ)
1 ∂ 2 ln LnT (θ0 )
C.4. About − nT
E ∂θ∂θ 0 , − nT ∂θ∂θ 0
, − nT
E ∂θ∂θ 0 and from Box II. First, 1n tr(G2n (λ) − G2n ) = 1n tr [(Gn (λ̄))3 ](λ − λ0 ) where
1 ∂ ln LnT (θ0 )
− nT ∂θ∂θ 0
λ̄ lies between λ and λ0 . As 1n tr [(Gn (λ))3 ] is UB by Lemma A.7
in Lee (2004), 1n tr(G2n (λ) − G2n ) is of the order |λ − λ0 | · O(1).
Denote kθ − θ0 k as the Euclidean norm of θ − θ0 , and Θ1 as a Second, as Ṽnt (ζ ) = Ṽnt − (λ − λ0 )Wn Ỹnt − Z̃nt (δ − δ0 ) and
neighborhood of θ0 . We have Wn Ỹnt = Gn Z̃nt δ0 + Gn Ṽnt , using Lemma 15, all the entries in
the above matrices difference are of the same order as kθ − θ0 k,
1 ∂ 2 ln LnT (θ ) 1 ∂ 2 ln LnT (θ0 )
− − − multiplied by stochastic terms of orders not larger than Op (1).
nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 1 ∂ ln LnT (θ )
− (− nT1 ∂ ln∂θL∂θ
nT (θ0 )
2 2
Hence, − nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 0 ) = kθ − θ0 k · Op (1). 
= kθ − θ0 k · Op (1), (38)
∂ 2 ln LnT (θ0 )
Proof for (39). As Σθ0 ,nT = −E nT
, all the entries of the
1 ∂ 2 ln LnT (θ0 ) ∂θ ∂θ 0
− − Σθ0 ,nT = Op √ , (39)
difference (− 1 ∂ ln LnT (θ0 )
) − Σθ0 ,nT have zero means. The detailed
nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 nT nT ∂θ ∂θ 0
J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134 131
expressions of the entries are immediate from Box II evaluated at 1 X p
θ0 . UsingLemma − E 0
Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ) → 0 uniformly in θ .
 15, all the entries in above difference are of the nT t =1
order Op √1 . 
To prove Qn,T (θ ) is uniformly equicontinuous in θ in any compact
Proof for (40). Again, all the detailed expressions of entries of the parameter space Θ :
difference − nT
∂ 2 ln LnT (θ)
− (− nT1 E ∂ ∂θ∂θ
ln LnT (θ) 2
) follow from Box II. As We have QnT (θ ) = E nT1 ln Ln,T (θ ) = − 12 ln 2π −
∂θ∂θ 0 0
ln σ 2 + ln |Sn (λ)| − 2σ 12 nT E t =1 Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ). As Ṽnt (ζ ) =
1 1 0
Ṽnt (ζ ) = Ṽnt − (λ − λ0 )Wn Ỹnt − Z̃nt (δ − δ0 ) and Wn Ỹnt = Gn Z̃nt δ0 + 2 n

Gn Ṽnt , by Lemma 15, we have supθ ∈Θ − nT 1 ∂ ln LnT (θ)

− Σθ0 ,nT = Sn (λ)Sn Z̃nt δ0 − Z̃nt δ + Sn (λ)Sn Ṽnt ,
−1 −1
∂θ∂θ 0 ij
Op √ 1
because Θ is bounded.  1 X 0 1 X
nT E Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ) = E (Sn (λ)Sn−1 Z̃nt δ0 − Z̃nt δ)0
nT t =1 nT t =1
∂ 2 ln L (θ)
Proof for (41). The entries of − nT nT
E ∂θ∂θ 0 − Σθ0 ,nT are all differ- 1T −1 0
ences in expectations, which are of orders no larger than O(1) by × (Sn (λ)Sn−1 Z̃nt δ0 − Z̃nt δ) + σ02 tr(Sn−1 Sn0 (λ)Sn (λ)Sn−1 )
n T
∂ 2 ln LnT (θ)
Lemma 15; hence, we have supθ ∈Θ1 − nT E ∂θ∂θ 0
− Σθ ,nT = T
ij 2 X
supθ ∈Θ1 kθ − θ0 k · O(1) because Θ1 is bounded.  + E (Sn (λ)Sn−1 Z̃nt δ0 − Z̃nt δ)0 Sn (λ)Sn−1 Ṽnt . (43)
nT t =1

(Sn (λ)Sn−1 Z̃nt δ0 − Z̃nt δ)0 Sn (λ)Sn−1 Ṽnt is

Appendix D. Proofs for claims and theorems The third term E t =1
1 1
O T according to Lemma 15, and the order O T is uniformly
Proof of Claim 1. To prove nT 1
ln Ln,T (θ ) − Qn,T (θ ) → 0 uniformly in θ in Θ , because it is a polynomial function in θ and Θ is a
in θ in any compact parameter space Θ : bounded set. The first term is equal to (δ 0 − δ00 , λ − λ0 )E HnT (δ 0 −
From Ṽnt (ζ ) = Ỹnt − λWn Ỹnt − Z̃nt δ , we have Ṽnt (ζ ) = Ṽnt − δ00 , λ − λ0 )0 using Sn (λ)Sn−1 = In − (λ − λ0 )Gn ; the second term
(λ − λ0 )Wn Ỹnt − Z̃nt (δ − δ0 ). Hence, is equal to T − σn (λ) where σn2 (λ) = n0 tr(Sn0−1 Sn0 (λ)Sn (λ)Sn−1 ),
1 2 σ2
Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ) = Ṽnt0 Ṽnt + (λ − λ0 )2 (Wn Ỹnt )0 Wn Ỹnt which are all polynomial functions of θ . To prove Qn,T (θ ) is
uniformly equicontinuous in θ , the following are sufficient:
+ (δ − δ0 )0 Z̃nt0 Z̃nt (δ − δ0 ) (1) ln σ 2 is uniformly continuous; (2) 1n ln |Sn (λ)| is uniformly
+ 2(λ − λ0 )(Wn Ỹnt )0 Z̃nt (δ − δ0 ) − 2(λ − λ0 ) equicontinuous; (3) (δ 0 − δ00 , λ − λ0 )HnT (δ 0 − δ00 , λ − λ0 )0 is
uniformly equicontinuous; (4) σn2 (λ) is uniformly equicontinuous.
× (Wn Ỹnt )0 Ṽnt − 2(δ − δ0 )0 Z̃nt0 Ṽnt , (42)
(1) is obvious, because σ 2 is bounded away fromzero in Θ .
where, using Wn Ỹnt = Gn Z̃nt δ0 + Gn Ṽnt , For (2), 1n ln |Sn (λ2 )| − 1n ln |Sn (λ1 )| = 1n tr Wn Sn−1 λ̄ (λ2 − λ1 )
where λ̄ lies between λ2 and λ1 . As Sn−1 (λ) is UB, uni-
(Wn Ỹnt )0 Wn Ỹnt = (Gn Z̃nt δ0 )0 (Gn Z̃nt δ0 )
formly in θ ∈ Θ , 1n tr Wn Sn−1 λ̄

is bounded, and, hence,
+ 2(Gn Z̃nt δ0 )0 Gn Ṽnt + (Gn Ṽnt )0 Gn Ṽnt . 1
ln |S (λ)| is uniformly equicontinuous. For (3), because δ and
Using Lemma 15, λ are bounded and because E HnT is O(1), the result follows.
T T For (4), σn2 (λ2 ) − σn2 (λ1 ) = n
tr(Sn0−1 Sn0 (λ2 )Sn (λ2 )Sn−1 ) −
1 X 1 X p
Ṽnt Ṽnt − E 0
Ṽnt Ṽnt → 0, σ02
tr(Sn0−1 Sn0 (λ1 )Sn (λ1 )Sn−1 ) = σ02 [(λ2 − λ1 ) (λ2 + λ1 − 2λ0 )
tr G0n Gn
nT t =1 nT t =1 n n

−(λ2 − λ1 ) ( ) ] by using S (λ)S −1 = I −(λ−λ )G . As G0 G

tr G0n +Gn
T T nn n n 0 n n n
1 X 1 X p
(Wn Ỹnt )0 Wn Ỹnt − E (Wn Ỹnt )0 Wn Ỹnt → 0, and Gn are UB, σ (λ) is uniformly equicontinuous. 
nT t =1 nT t =1
T T Proof of nonsingularity of the information matrix. We can
1 X 0 1 X 0 p
Z̃nt Z̃nt − E Z̃nt Z̃nt → 0, prove the result, by using an argument by contradiction (similar
nT t =1 nT t =1 to Lee (2004)). For Σθ0 ≡ limT →∞ Σθ0 ,nT , where Σθ0 ,nT is (6),
T T we need to prove that Σθ0 α = 0 implies α = 0 where α =
1 X 1 X p
(Wn Ỹnt )0 Ṽnt − E (Wn Ỹnt )0 Ṽnt → 0, (α10 , α2 , α3 )0 , α2 , α3 are scalars and α1 is (kx + 2) × 1 vector. If
nT t =1 nT t =1 this is true, then, columns of Σθ0 would be linear independent, and
1 X 0
1 X 0 p
T Σθ0 would be nonsingular. Denote Hδ = limT →∞ nT1 0
t =1 Z̃nt Z̃nt ,
Z̃nt Ṽnt − E Z̃nt Ṽnt → 0,
t =1 Z̃nt Gn Z̃nt δ0 , Hλδ = Hδλ and Hλ =
P T 0 0
nT t =1 nT t =1 Hδλ = limT →∞ nT
( n nt 0 ) Gn Z̃nt δ0 , then
PT 0
limT →∞ nT t =1 G Z̃
1 X 1 X p
(Wn Ỹnt )0 Z̃nt − E (Wn Ỹnt )0 Z̃nt → 0. 1
nT t =1 nT t =1 Σθ0 =
As λ and δ are bounded in Θ , we have (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ) −
PT 0
Ṽnt E Hδ E Hδλ 0(kx +2)×1
 
nT t =1
PT 0
(ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ) → 0 uniformly in θ in Θ . Also, 1
ln Ln,T (θ )
σ02  1
tr(G0n Gn ) + tr(G2n ) lim tr(Gn )  .
  
nT t =1 nT × E Hλδ
 E Hλ + lim
n→∞ n n→∞ n
= − ln 2π − ln σ + ln |Sn (λ)|− 2σ 2 nT t =1 Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ) and
1 1 2 1 1
PT 0

 1 1 
2 2 n 01×(kx +2) lim tr(Gn )
Qn,T (θ ) = E nT
ln Ln,T (θ ). Using the fact that σ 2 is bounded away n→∞ n 2σ02
from zero in Θ , Hence, Σθ0 α = 0 implies
1 1 1 X 0 1 1
ln Ln,T (θ ) − Qn,T (θ ) = − Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ) E Hδ × α1 + E Hδλ × α2 = 0,
nT 2σ 2 nT t =1 σ02 σ02
132 J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134
1 1 1 Proof of Theorem 4.1)). After λ0 and σ02 are identified, given λ0 ,
E Hλδ × α1 + tr(G0n Gn ) + tr(G2n ) × α2

E Hλ + lim
σ02 σ02 n→∞ n δ0 can be identified from T2,n,T (δ, λ). Combined with uniform con-
1 vergence and equicontinuity in Claim 1, the consistency follows.
+ lim tr(Gn ) × α3 = 0, 
n→∞ σ02 n
1 1

Proof of Claim 2. From (7), Z̃nt = Z̃nt − (ŪnT ,−1 , Wn ŪnT ,−1 , 0n×kx ),
lim tr(Gn ) × α2 + × α3 = 0. which has two components: one is Z̃nt ∗
, uncorrelated with Vnt ; the
n→∞ σ02 n 2σ04
other is −(ŪnT ,−1 , Wn ŪnT ,−1 , 0n×kx ), correlated with Vnt when
The first and third equations imply, respectively, α1 = −(E Hδ )−1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 ) ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
t ≤ T − 1. Correspondingly, √1 ∂θ
= √1 ∂θ
− ∆nT
σ02 nT nT
E Hδλ × α2 and α3 = −2 limn→∞ n tr(Gn ) × α2 . By eliminating α1 ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 ) ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
and α3 , the second equation becomes where √1
is in (8) and ∆nT is in (9). For √1 ∂θ
nT nT
{( 12 E Hλ − E Hλδ (E Hδ )−1 E Hδλ ) + limn→∞ 1n [tr(G0n Gn ) + tr(G2n ) the CLT of martingale difference arrays (Lemma 13) can beq

tr2 (Gn ) tr2 (Gn ) For ∆nT , using Lemma 9 and Lemma 11, it is equal to n
ϕn +
− 2 n ]} × α2 = 0. Because tr(G0n Gn ) + tr(G2n ) − 2 n = q  q 

( )( ) tr Gn n 1
where ϕn is O(1) in Box I.
 0 0 0

tr C n + C n Cn + C n ≥ 0 where C n = G n − n n
I , combined O T3
+ Op T

with the condition that limT →∞ E HnT is nonsingular, we have α2 = √
0 and hence α = 0.  Proof of Theorem 3. According to the Taylor expansion, nT (θ̂nT
−1 ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
∂ 2 ln Ln,T (θ̄nT )
Ṽnt = n(T − 1)σ02 , at θ0 , (5) − θ0 ) = − nT1 √1 − ∆nT where
PT 0
Proof of Theorem 1. As E t =1 Ṽnt ∂θ ∂θ 0
· nT ∂θ
n(T −1)
implies E ln Ln,T (θ0 ) = − 2 ln 2π − nT
ln σ02 + T ln |Sn | − 2 . ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 ) d
q q 
2 √1
→ N (0, Σθ0 + Ωθ0 ), ∆nT = n
ϕn + O n
σ2 nT
Denote σn2 (λ) = n0 tr(Sn−10 Sn0 (λ)Sn (λ)Sn−1 ). By using Sn (λ)Sn−1 = q 
In + (λ0 − λ)Gn for (43), it follows that Op 1
with ϕn = O(1) and θ̄nT lies between θ0 and θ̂nT .
1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ̄nT ) 1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ̄nT ) 1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ0 )
2 2 2
1 1 As − nT = − − − +
E ln Ln,T (θ ) − E ln Ln,T (θ0 ) ∂θ ∂θ 0
 nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 nT ∂θ ∂θ 0
nT nT ∂ 2 ln L (θ )

n,T 0
1 1 1 − nT1 ∂θ ∂θ 0
− Σθ0 ,nT + Σθ0 ,nT where the first term is
= − (ln σ 2 − ln σ02 ) + ln |Sn (λ)| − ln |Sn |  
2 n n
! θ̄nT − θ0 · Op (1) from (38) and the second term is Op √1nT
1 1 X T −1 1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ̄nT )
− E Ṽnt (ζ )Ṽnt (ζ ) −
0 from (39), − nT ∂θ ∂θ 0 = θ̄nT − θ 0 · O p (1 ) + O p √1 +
2σ 2 nT t =1 2T nT
Σθ0 ,nT . Because θ̄nT − θ0 = op (1) and Σθ0 ,nT is nonsingular
1 1 ∂ ln Ln,T (θ̄nT )
= T1,n (λ, σ ) − 2
2 2,n,T
(δ, λ) + o(1) in the limit, − is invertible for large n and T and
2σ nT
∂θ ∂θ 0

∂ 2 ln Ln,T (θ̄nT )
where T1,n (λ, σ 2 ) = − 12 (ln σ 2 − ln σ02 ) + 1
ln |Sn (λ)| − 1
ln |Sn | − − nT1 ∂θ ∂θ 0 is Op (1). Then, nT (θ̂nT − θ0 ) = Op (1) ·
n n
(σ (λ) − σ ) and
2 2
2σ 2 n Op (1) + O n
, which implies that
1 X n r !!
T2,n,T (δ, λ) = E (Z̃nt (δ0 − δ) + (λ0 − λ)Gn Z̃nt δ0 )0 1 1
nT t =1 θ̂nT − θ0 = Op max , . (44)
o nT T
× (Z̃nt (δ0 − δ) + (λ0 − λ)Gn Z̃nt δ0 ) . √   q −1
Hence, nT (θ̂nT − θ0 ) = Σθ0 ,nT + Op max 1
nT T
Consider the process Ynt = λ0 Wn Ynt + Vnt for a period t,  ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )

the log likelihood function of this process is ln Lp,n (λ, σ 2 ) = √1
− ∆nT . Using the fact that17
− 2n ln 2π − 2n ln σ 2 + ln |Sn (λ)| − 2σ1 2 (Sn (λ)Ynt )0 Sn (λ)Ynt . Let Ep (·) r !!!−1
be the expectation operator for Ynt based on this process. It follows 1 1
that Ep ( 1n ln Lp,n (λ, σ 2 )) − Ep ( 1n ln Lp,n (λ0 , σ02 )) = − 12 (ln σ 2 − Σθ0 ,nT + Op max ,
nT T
ln σ ) +
ln |Sn (λ)| − 1
ln |Sn (λ0 )| − 2σ 2 (σ (λ) − σ ), which
1 2
equals T1,n (λ, σ 2 ). By the information inequality, ln Lp,n (λ, σ 2 ) −
1 1
ln Lp,n (λ0 , σ02 ) ≤ 0. Thus, T1,n (λ, σ 2 ) ≤ 0 for any (λ, σ 2 ). Also,
= Σθ−01,nT + Op max , , (45)
nT T
T2,n,T (δ, λ) is a quadratic function of δ and λ. Under the condition
that limT →∞ E HnT is nonsingular, T2,n,T (δ, λ) > 0 whenever √ ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
we have nT (θ̂nT − θ0 ) = Σθ−01,nT · √1 +
(δ, λ) 6= (δ0 , λ0 ), so, (δ, λ) is globally identified. Given λ0 , σ02 is nT ∂θ
∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
the unique maximizer of T1,n (λ0 , σ 2 ). Hence, (δ, λ, σ 2 ) is globally Op max 1
, 1
· √1
− Σθ−01,nT · ∆nT −
identified.  q  √
Combined with uniform convergence and equicontinuity in Op max 1
, T1 · ∆nT , which implies that nT (θ̂nT − θ0 ) +
Claim 1, the consistency follows.   q 
Σθ−01,nT · ∆nT + Op max 1
, 1 ∆nT = (Σθ−01,nT + op (1)) ·
nT T
Proof of Theorem 2. From proof of Theorem 1, 1
E ln Ln,T (θ ) − ∂ ln L∗n,T (θ0 )
E ln Ln,T (θ0 ) = T1,n (λ, σ 2 ) − 2σ1 2 T2,n,T (δ, λ) + o(1). When
. As Σθ0 = limT →∞ Σθ0 ,nT exists, then using
nT q  √
limT →∞ E HnT is singular, δ0 and λ0 cannot be identified from
q q 
Claim 2 and ∆nT = n
ϕn + O n
+ Op 1
, nT (θ̂nT −
T2,n,T (δ, λ). Global identification requires that the limit of T T3 T

T1,n (λ, σ 2 ) is strictly less than zero. As T1,n (λ, σ 2 ) ≤ 0 by

the information inequality, T1,n (λ, σ 2 ) 6= 0 is equivalent to 17 For two nonsingular matrices C and D with C − D = O (T −η ) for η > 0, we
k k k k p
ln σ02 Sn−1 Sn−10 6= 1n ln σn2 (λ)Sn−1 (λ)Sn−10 (λ) (see Lee (2004, have Ck−1 − D−
= Ck−1 (Dk − Ck )D−
= Op (T −η ).
J. Yu et al. / Journal of Econometrics 146 (2008) 118–134 133

∂ A (θ )
(θ ) ∂θn 0 . As (1) h=0 Ahn (θ ) and h=1 hAhn−1 (θ ) are
q  q d
P∞ P∞ P∞
θ0 ) + n
Σθ−01,nT ϕn + Op max n
, 1
→ N (0, Σθ−01 (Σθ0 + h=1 hAn
uniformly bounded in either row sum or column sum, uniformly
Ωθ0 )Σθ0 ). −1
 in a neighborhood of θ0 , (2) Sn−1 (λ) is UB, also uniformly in λ in a
∂ ln Ln,T (θ ,cn ) neighborhood of λ0 and (3) Wn is UB, it follows that the elements
Proof of Theorem 4. From the first order condition ∂ cn
= ∂ϕn (θ )
of ∂θ 0 will be uniformly bounded in a neighborhood of θ0 . As θ̄nT
Vnt (ζ ), we have ĉnT (θ ) = (Sn (λ)Ynt − Znt δ). As
PT 1
∂ϕn (θ̄nT )
σ2 t =1 T t =1
converges in probability to θ0 , elements of ∂θ 0
are Op (1). 
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