Jawapan Superb SBP Matematik Tingkatan 5

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BAB 24
Ubahan k =

1 Variation
k =
1.1 Ubahan langsung 8
Direct Variation 3
y = x2
1 (a) y ∝ x2; y = kx2 8
(b) s ∝ t; s = kt 3
(ii) y = (4)2
(c) I ∝ p3; I = kp3 8
4 6 y = 6
2 (a) 1; 1; ; 1; (b) (i) p ∝ q3
10 7
p = kq3
y tidak berubah secara langsung dengan x kerana 3 = k(23)
nilai bagi bukan pemalar. 3
x k = 3
y 2
y not varies directly as x because value of is not a
x 3
constant. k =
(b) 4; 4; 4; 4; 4 8
y berubah secara langsung dengan x2 kerana nilai 3
p = q3
y 8
bagi 2 ialah pemalar.
x y 3
y not varies directly as x because value of 2 is a
2 (ii) 3 = q3
x 8
constant. q3 = 8
(c) 3; 3; 3; 3; 4 q = 2
y tidak berubah secara langsung dengan x3 kerana
y (c) (i) y∝3 x
nilai bagi 3 bukan pemalar. y =k3 x
y 9 = k(3 27 )
y not varies directly as x3 because value of 3 is not a
x 9
constant. k =3
3 (a) p = kq 27
2.5 = k(0.5) k =3
25 y = 33 x
k =
0.5 (ii) 5 = 33 x
= 5 5
x =
p = 5q 3
(b) m ∝ n3 5 3
m = kn3
x =
16 = k(23) 125
x =
16 27
k= 3
2 5 (a) (i) P ∝ Q3R
16 P = kQ3R
= 55.8 = k(33)(6.2)
= 2 1
k =
m = 2n3 3
(c) p ∝ q 1
P = Q 3R
p =k q 1
4 = k( 49 ) (ii) 3 087 = (Q3)(1 000)
4 Q = 2.1
49 q3
4 (b) (i) p ∝ 3
= r
7 q3
4 q p =k3
p= r
7 33
4 (a) (i) y ∝ x2
y = kx2
15 = k 3 1 2
24 = k(82) k =1

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q3 Luas kek/Area of cake = pq
p =3 100 = 0.04pq
(23) pq = 2 500 cm2
(ii) 12 = 3
r 1.2 Ubahan Songsang
3 r 2 Inverse Variation
= 1 k
3 1 (a) y ∝ ;y= 2
x2 x
r =
27 1 k
(b) A ∝ ; A =
(c) u ∝ v w j j
u = kv w 1 k
1 (c) ρ ∝ ; ρ = v
8=k 12
( 36 )
(a) 50; 64; 54; 32; 10
y tidak berubah secara songsang dengan x2 kerana
u = 2v w
yx2 bukan pemalar.
Maka / Hence,
y not varies inversely as x2 because the value of yx2 is not
32 = 2(x)( 4 )
a constant.
x =8
(b) 24; 24; 24; 24; 24
14 = 2(7) y
y berubah secara songsang dengan x kerana y x
y =1
bukan pemalar.
6 (a) (i) M ∝ t
y varies inversely as x because the value of y x is not
M = kt
a constant.
20 = k(1)
k = 20 k
3 (a) y = x
M = 20t
(ii) M = 20t k=
M = 20(6) 25
M = 120 k
0.8 =
360 × 3 0.2
= 9 hari/days 4
120 y=
(b) (i) x ∝ lp 25x
x = klp k
(b) m =
400 = k(8)(6) n
25 1 k
k= =
3 2 64
25 k =4
x= lp
3 4
25 m =
(ii) x = lp n
3 k
25 (c) y = 2
x = 1 2
x = 1 375 = 2
2 8
Iskandar akan mendapat RM1 375 k = 32
Iskandar will get RM1 375 32
(c) P ∝ Q y = 2
P = kQ k
9.9 = k(45) (d) z = 3
k = 0.22
P = 0.22Q k
0.6 = 3
25.5 = 0.22(Q) 1
Q = 115.9 k =
66.2 = 0.22(Q) 1
Q = 300.9 z = 3
5 y
P = (0.22)(553) k
(e) e =
= 121.7 f
P = (0.22)(680) k
3 =
= 149.6 2
(d) x ∝ pq k =6
x = kpq 6
60 = k(50)(30) f
k = 0.04
x = 0.04pq 4 (a) (i) f ∝ 3 1

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k 840
f =3
Q =
h 40
k Q = 21
48 = 3
27 (iii) Bilangan hari yang tinggal akan berkurang
k = 16 dua kali ganda.
16 The number of days will decrease by two times.
f =3 840
h (iv) s =
16 t
(ii) f = 3 Apabila/When t = 7
s = 120  140
16 Aisyah tidak akan berjaya.
f = 3
343 Aisyah will not succeed.
f = 1.3 Ubahan Bergabung
(b) 5xy + 2y = k Combined Variation
y(5x + 2) = k m km
1 (a) p ∝ ;p=
k l l
y =
(5x + 2) Q R4 k Q R4
1 k (b) P ∝ ;P=
= S S
2 5(–2) + 2 v kv
(c) a ∝ ; a =
k = –4 t t
–4 x2
y = 2 (a) y ∝
5x + 2 z
–4 kx2
2 = y =
5x + 2 z
4 k(42)
x = –
5 16 =
(c) y ∝ 2 k =7
k 7x2
y = 2 y =
x z
k u2
50 = (b) s ∝
0.32 t
9 u2
k = s=k
2 t
9 12 = k
y = 2 18
9 8
12.5 = k=
(2) + (m2) 3
3 s=
m = 3t
5 m
9 (c) l ∝ 3
y = 2 n
2x m
9 l =k 3
n = n
2 = k 83
n =2 4
1 k = 16
5 (a) (i) s ∝ m
2 l = 16 3
k n
s =
t 3 8AC = B
(a) (i)
20 = B
42 A =
k = 840
840 A =
s = 8C
t 1
840 k =
(ii) s = 8
t B
840 A =
P = 8C
28 280
P = 30 20 =

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7 2
C =
5 000 = k
4 5
w2 x k = 12 500
(b) y ∝ z
z3 y = 12 500 x
kw2 x z
y= y = (12 500 + bonus) x
k(52)( 4 ) 3
25 = y = (12 500 + 4 500)
23 y = 8 500 6
k =4 
Baki wang simpanan Encik Irfan ialah
4w2 x RM8 500
y = The balance of Encik Irfan’s saving is RM8 500
4(0.2)2 0.16 (d) T ∝
P = B
0.53 D
P = 0.512 T =k

4w2 x 40
y = 5 = k
z3 2

1 4(Q2)
641 2 k =
32 43 1 D
T =
4 B12
1 24
4 (a) P ∝
2 =
4 B12
kF B =3
P =
A Jumlah bilangan murid yang boleh menaiki bas
k(15) tersebut
12.3 = The total number of students that can ride the bus
k = 16.4 = 24 × 3
16.4 F = 72
P =
(16.4)(15) V
P = (a) Jika V ∝ P, V = kP maka k =
34 P
123 Daripada jadual/From the table,
P = 100 90 60
17 ≠ ≠
99 100 165
Peratus perubahan tekanan Maka P tidak berubah secara langsung dengan V.
Percentage of changes in pressure Hence P does not varies directly as V.
12.3 – 123 1 k
17 Jika/If V ∝ ,V = maka/hence, k = VP
= × 100 P P
12.3 Daripada jadual/From the table,
= 41.18% 100 (99) = 90 (110) = 60 (165)
x2 P berubah secara songsang dengan V.
(b) P ∝ y
P varies inversely as V.
kx2 9 900
P = y Dari/From (a), k = VP =
k(42) 9 900
160 = Maka/Hence, V =
6 123.75
k = 60 x = 80
60x2 y = 141.43
P =
y Praktis Sumatif
480 = KERTAS 1
x = 6.93 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 B
7 biji kek/cakes 6 A 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 C
z 11 A
(c) y ∝ x
y = k x 1
1 m∝

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k P
4.8 = 115
14 2 240
k P = 1 075.2 W
a= 2
b 6s ∝ 1t
k = ab2 s = kt
= 12 100 = k 5.5
12 k = 550
Maka/Hence, m = s = 550 t
12 80 = 550 t
m= 2 t = 6.875
t + 1 = 6.875 + 1
12 t + 1 = 7.875 jam/hours
3= 2
c 7.875 jam/hours = 7 jam/hours 53 minit/minutes
c2 = 4
c =2 Jam/Hour Minit/Minutes
k 10 00
2 20 = + 7 53
k = 300 (makanan/food) 17 53
Maka/Hence, 20 + 5 = 1753 jam/hours = 5:53 p.m.
x = 12 hari/days
3 W ∝ LD2
W = kLD2 BAB
1 Matriks
150 kg = k(100 × 1 000) 12
12 2.1 Matriks
k =
125 Matrices
187.5 kg 60
4 Y∝
X 1 (a) Matriks A = (60
Matrix A
4 2) atau/or
1 2
X Matriks A ialah matriks baris atau matriks lajur.
Y =k
W Matrix A is row matrix or column matrix.
8 = k 64 (b) Matriks B = 5 1 atau/or
1 51 322
Matrix B 3 1 2 2
k = Matriks B ialah matriks segi empat sama.
8 Matrix B is a square matrix.
5 X
Y = 128 W
Matriks C/Matrix C =

1 2
25 50
20 = 12
5 X
8 6
63 atau/or
36 52
19 63
X = 192 Matriks C ialah matriks segi empat tepat.
5 64 × 0.6 Matrix C is a rectangular matrix.
Y= 128 5 × 1.05 2 (a) 1; 4; 1 × 4
32 1
Y= (i)
7 2
Peratus perubahan Y (ii) 1
Percentage of the change of Y (b) 2; 4; 2 × 4
(i) 8
8+ 7 (ii) 5
= × 100 (c) 2; 2; 2 × 2
(5 × 1.05) (i) 6
= 42.86% (ii) 3
P 3 (a) =; Peringkat matriks dan semua unsur sepadan
5 I∝
V adalah sama.
P Order of matrix and all corresponding elements are
I =k
V same.
280 (b) ≠; Unsur sepadan tidak sama.
1.25 = k Corresponding elements are not same.
15 (c) ≠; Peringkat matriks tidak sama.
k= Order of matrix is not same.
15 P (a) x – 1 = 2
I= 1 2
14 V x=2+1

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x=3 5 1
1 21 2
2 – (–3) 5–6
y + 3 = –2 (c) 1 = 13
y = –2 – 3 – – 0.1 3–7 – –4
3 30
y = –5

4 (a) 1–23 142 – 1–15 –20 2
3 – (–1) 1–0
4 – (–2) 2
x =3×2
x =6 –2 –5
6 = 2y = 1 4 12
6 –7 6
y =3 (b) 1–15 –20 2 – 1 61 –43 2
x+2 =1
(c) –1 –6 0–3
x = 1 – 2 5 –1 –2 –4 2
x = –1
–3 = x – y = 1–7 –32
–3 = –1 – y 4 –6
y = –1 + 3 3 1 – 6 3
y = 2
(c) 1–2 4 2 1 1 –42
3– 6 1–3
2.2 Operasi Asas Matriks = 1–2 –1 4 – 42
Basic Matrix Operations
1 (a) (7+1 3 + (–1)) = (8 2) = 1–3 –22
–3 0

1 21 2
5 5

1 21 2
–0 2–1 1 4 – 3 + (–4) –3
6 6 5 (a) 8 – 1 + 18 = 23
(b) =
1 1 5 – (–5) + 25
3+ –1 22 1+3 2
(6 + 5 – 10 9 + (–2) – 6) = (1 1)

1 21 2
3 8–2+7 4 – 3 + (–9) 13 –8
+1 –1 + (–4.8) 1
5.8 (c) 1 2 1
5 – 4 + (–14) –1 – (–4) + 6 = –13 9 2
(c) = 2 4
1 21 2
6 4 2+4–4 1+8–5
–2 + – 1 92 6.2 – 5
11.2 (d) 5+3–3 0+9–8 = 5 1
1+5–9 3+6–3 –3 6
–2 –2
1 0
1 2 1 2 10 11
1 21 2
2 (a) 3 –2 + –2 –2 5–1+6 5 – (–3) + 3
(e) 3–2+5 6–0+7 = 16 13
1 + (–2) 0 + (–2)
= 1
3 + (–2) (–2) + (–2) 2 9–3+5 3 – (–4) + 2 11 9

1 2
–1 –2 3+ –4 8+1–2 5+3–6
= 1–1 0 2 (f)
3+4–9 0+7–1 1+5–4
6 4
–2 –22 + 1–5 32
1–2 –2 4+5–3 2+7–6 –1 + 9 – 2

1 2
–2 + 6 –2 + 4 – 7 2
= 1–2 + (–5) –2 + 32 2
–2 6 2
4 2
= 1 –7 1 2 6 3 6

1 2
3– + (–1) 8–1+3 5+3–7
(c) 113 –20 2 + 1–56 432 (g) 2
3–4+8 0–7+2 1–5+9
1+6 0+4
= 1 3 + (–5) –2 + 32
4–5+5 2–7+6 –1 + 9 + 4

1 2
7 4 10 9
= 1 –2 12 2
7 –5 5

1 21
4 2 2 4 1 –6
+ (–3) (–3) – 3.5 –3
3 (a) 8 5 = 5 6 (a) –4 – x =2
0 – (–4.4) 2–7 4.4 –5 –4 – 2 =x
x = –6
5– 3 41

1 21 2
y – (–1) =7
4 4 y+1 =7
(b) 2 =
–4 – 2 y =7–1
9 9 y =6

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(b) x + 3 = 5
x = 5 – 3 =1 –84 ––25 –26 ––43 2
x = 2
–10 3 2
6 + y = –2 –1 –6
y = –2 – 6
y = –8 1
9 (a) 1 – x =2
x – 4 = –5
(c) 3
x = –5 + 4 1
x = –1 1–2 = x
4 – y = 2 1
4 – 2 = y –1 = x
y = 2 3
x + (–2) = –2
(d) x = –3
x = –2 + 2 1
x = 0 5 – (9) = y
–1 + y = –3 5–3 =y
y = –3 + 1 y =2
y = –2 (b) x + 3 (–4) = –x
x + (–4) = 3
(e) x + x = 12
x = 4 + 3 2x = 12
x = 7 x =6
8 + y = 4 y + 3(–1) = 8
y = 4 – 8 y =8+3
y = –4 y = 11
1 1 1

1 2
×4 ×8 (c) x – (20) = 6
7 (a)
4 4
= 1–31 25 2 x – 4 = 6
× (–12) × 20 x =6+4
4 4
x = 10
0.3(4) 0.3(7)
21 2
0.2 2.1
(b) 0.3(–2) 0.3(1) = –0.6 0.3 4 – y = 2
0.3(0) 0.3(3) 0 0.9 1
5 30 20 4–2 = y
2 1 2
5×1 5×6 5×4 5
(c) 1 5 × (–3) 5 × (–1) 5 × 2 = –15 –5 10
2= y

1 21
× 10 y = 10
5 3×2
8 (a)
× (–5)
3×3 2 (d)
(6) – x = 5
5 1
3 – x = 51
2+6 3 3– 5 = x

–1 + 9 1 2
x = –6
= 8 1 2 1 1
8 (10) – (6) = y
2 3
1 1

1 21
×3 × (–6) 5–2 =y
(b) 3 3 – 2×1 2×0
2 y =3
1 1 2×5 2×2 1 1
× (–9) × 12 (e) (12) + x = 5
3 3 3 2
2 0 1
1 2 1 2
= 1 –2 –
–3 4 10 4
4+ x =5
1 – 2 –2 – 0 1
–3 – 10 4 – 4 2
x =5–4
x =2
–1 –2
–13 0 2
1 1
y + (10) = 8
3 3

1 2
1 1
× 20 × 16 1
2 × 2 2 × (–1) 4 4 y =8–5
(c) 1 2 × (– 4) 2 × 3
– 2 1
× 12
y =9
4 4
10 (a) 2 × 1; 2 × 2; Tidak/No
= 1–84 –26 2 – 1 52 432 (b) 2 × 1; 2 × 1; Tidak/No

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(c) 3 × 2; 2 × 2; Ya/Yes; 3 × 2
1(–4) + 2(6) 1(2) + 2(7) = 8 16 1
11 (a)
–3(–4) + 4(6) –3(2) + 4(7) 36 22 2 1 2 x=–
–2x + 20y = 10y
(b) 1 3(2)
4(–1) = 2 1 68 –3
–4 2 –2(–1) + 20y
20y – 10y
= 10y
= –2
10 y = –2
(c) 1 3(1) + (–1)(2) 1
5(1) + 2(2) 2 = 1 9 2 y =–
12 (a) 1–2
–2 2 1–2
–2 2 1 1
1 21
(1) + (–3)(0) (0) + (–3)(1) –3
14 (a) 2 2 = 2
= 1
–2 (– 2) + (–2)(–2)
–2 (– 2) + (–2)(–2)
–2 (– 2) + (–2)(–2)
–2 (– 2) + (–2)(–2) 2 7(1) + (5)(0) 7(0) + (5)(1) 7 5

= 1 88 88 2 (b) 1 1(4) + 0(2)

0(4) + 1(2)
1(–5) + 0(–3)
0(–5) + 1(–3) 2 = 1 42 –5
–3 2
1(6) + 0(9) 4(1) + 3(0) 4(0) + 3(1)
2 1 13 242
1 21 2 1 2 15(1)
1 0 (c)
(b) 3 –2 6 = 3(6) + –2(9) + (–7)(0) 5(0) + (–7)(1) +
9 4(6) + 6(9)
4 6
= 1 45 3
–72 1 13 242
1 2
78 = 1 58 532
–2(6) + –2(9)
2 1 69 2 = 1–2(6) + –2(9)2
1 2
(c) 1–2
–2 5(1) + 4(1) 122 1 0
5(–2) + 4
0 12
15 (a) =
–30 5
= 1–30 2 2(1) + (2)(–1) 2(–2) + (2) 1 2

1 2 12(3)
1(8) + 0(8) 1(8) + 0(8) + 1(–5) 2(–1) + 1(2)
2 1 10 01 2
1 21
1 0 (b) =
8 8
(d) 3 –2

8 8 = 2
3(8) + –2(8) 3(8) + –2(8)
4(8) + 6(8) 4(8) + 6(8)
5(3) + 3(–5) 5(–1) + 3(2)
4 6

1 2
–2(–2) + –3(1) –2 1 2 2 + –3(1)
1 2
8 8
= 8 8 (c)
= 1 10 01 2
80 80 2(–2) + 4(1) 1
2 –
+ 4(1) 2
1 88 88 2 1 69 2 = 18(6)
+ 8(6)
8(6) + 8(6) 2 16 (a) Matriks Q tidak mempunyai matriks songsang.
Matrix Q does not have inverse matrix.
= 11202 (b) Matriks S tidak mempunyai matriks songsang.
Matrix S does not have inverse matrix.
13 (a) –2(2) + x(1) = 4 1 2 –3 = 1
–4 + x = 4 17 (a)
(3 × 2) – (3 × (–1) 1 3 1 9 2 121 –3
3 2
x =4+4

1 2
x =8 – 1
7(1) + 2(0) = y 9 3
7 =y 1 1
y =7 9 3
1 mn 2 = 13n4 9
12 2 (b)
(6 × 1) – (–4 × (–2)) 1 12 46 2 = – 12 1 12 46 2
3m = 12
1 2
m =4 –2
n =1 = 2
–1 –3

1 2
x(–2) + 5(4y)
(c) 1
–2x(–2) + y (4y)
8 1 2 (c)
1–22 –5
2 1–22 –5
6 2
(6 × 2) – (5 × 2) 6 2
–2x + 20y
2 1 2
–4x + 4

= 8

–4x + 4 = 8
1 1 – 5
–1 3
4x = 4 – 8
4x = –1

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1 1 1 1 q =6
13 7 2 = 4 13 7 2
18 (a) 1 1
(7 × 1) – (–1 × (–3)) p = 6 – (–q)
p =6+6
1 1

1 2
p = 12
4 4
= x
20 (a) 1 32 1
–1 2 1 y 2 = 1 37 2
1 xy 2 = 3(–1) – 1(2) 1–3 –1 3
–2 3 2 1 7 2
1 –1
2 T= 1 1
1 2
1 (–1)(3) + (–1)(7)
– 5
= – 1 2
1 2
1 2 5 (–2)(3) + (3)(7)
T= 2
–1(2) – 5 (–1) 1 –10
2 1 –1 = –
5 –15 1 2
2 – 5
1 2
x = 2
T =2 2 y = –3
1 –1
4 –5
(b) 1 –14 2
–3 2 1 xy 2 = 1–14
= 1 2 –2 2 1
1 xy 2 = (–1)(–3) – 2(4) 1–3 –2 11
2 1–14 2
1 2
2 7 –4 –1

5 5
(c) R= 1 1 0
2 1 –1(11) + (–2)(–14)

1 1
0 1 =– 1
5 (–4)(11) + (–1)(–14) 2
1 –5
7 1 2
1 2
1 =–
1 – 5 –30
R= 5 5
5 1 1 x=1

2 1 5 2– 75 1– 5 2 1

5 y = –3

1 2
1 x
1 23 –1 –6 2 1 y 2 1 3 2
– 8
5 5 (c) =
R = 5 1 2
– 1
5 5 1 xy 2 = 2(–6) – (–1)(3) 1 –6
2 21 83 2
1 –7
1 –2 1 2 =–
1 (–6)(8) + 1(3)
1(–3)(8) + 2(3)2
19 (a)
2 1–22 –4
r 2 1
2 –4
–2 r 2 =–
1 –45
1 2
9 –18
1 s –4
2 1 2 – 4 =
–2 r 2
rs – 4(2) 1 –2 r 2 x=5
1 2 –4 21 (a) x + y = 36
2 –2 1 r 2 1.5 x + 2y = 69
s =2 x = 36
2 2 1 y 2 1692
1 1
rs – 8 =2 11.5
r(2) – 8
r =5 1 xy 2 = 1(–2) –1 1(1.5) 1–1.5
2 –1 36
1 2 1692
x –2
(c) 1 1–35 –122 = 1– 5 – 32 1 2(36) + (–1)(69)
y 1 xy 2 = 0.5 1 (–1.5)(36) + 1(69)2
1 –3 – 2 1
y 5 1 = –3x – 10 5
2 1 2
x =1
x 1 xy 2 = 21153 2
y = –3x – 10 6
1 2 = 1302
y = –3(1) – 10 y
y = –3 –10
y = –13 x =6
y = 30
1 2 q
p 1 31 –6
2 2 1
–1 3 2 (b) 2x + 4y = 70
3x + 5y = 95
1 1 70
p 1 31 –6
2 2
6 – (–q) 1 31 –q
2 2 2 4
3 5
=21 2 1 2

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1 x 1
1 xy 2 = 2(5) – 4(3) 1–35 –242170
952 1 y2 = 1(5) – 1(2) 1–25 –1
1 2
x 1 5 –1
1 xy 2 = – 12 15(70) + (–4)(95)
(–3)(70) + 2(95)2
1 y2 = 3 1–2 1 2
1 xy 2 = – 12 1–30 1 y2 = 155

x = 55
15 y = 40
1 2 1 2
x = 15 Praktis Sumatif
y = 10
(c) x = bilangan pelajar jurusan pengurusan pejabat KERTAS 1
x = the number of students in office management majors 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 C
y = bilangan pelajar jurusan komputer 6 B 7 C 8 D 9 C 10 D
y = the number of students in computer majors 11 D 12 B 13 A 14 A 15 B
x + y = 60 16 C 17 D 18 B 19 A 20 A
80x + 120y = 5 200
x 60
1 1
21 2 1 2
80 120 y
5 600 1 m = 2(–4) – (–3)(2)
x m = –2
1 y2 = 1(120) – 1(80) 1120

21 5 606002
1 2
n = –3
–3x + 2y = –12
x 1 120(60) + (–1)(5 600) –4x + 3y = –17
12 1
y = 40 (–80)(60) + 1(5 600) 2 –3 2 x –12
x 1 1 600
1–4 3 21 2 1 2
y = –17
12 1
y = 40 800 2 x 1
1 y2 = (–3)(3) – 2(–4) 1 34 –2
–3 2 1–12
= 40
12 1 2
20 (3)(–12) + (–2)(–17)
x = 40
= –1 (4)(–12) + (–3)(–17) 2
y = 20 –2
= –11 2
Bilangan pelajar jurusan pengurusan pejabat 3
= 40 orang x =2
The number of students majoring in office management y = –3
= 40 people 1
Bilangan pelajar jurusan komputer = 20 orang 3 k =
5(2) – (–4)(–2)
The number of students majoring in computers =
20 people 1
k =
(d) x = kupon/coupon RMx 2
y = kupon/coupon RMy h =5
4x + 2y = 36
5x + 1y = 33 4 x = van
4 2 x y = kereta/car
5 1 y
21 2 1 2
33 x + y = 20
700x + 100y = 10 400
x 1 1 –2 36
y = 4(1) – 2(5) –5 4 133 21 2 1
700 100
1 x 20
y = 10 400 21 2 1 2
x 1 (1)(36) + (–2)(33)
12 1
y = – 6 (–5)(36) + 4(33) 2 x
1 y2 = 1(100) 1– 1(700) 1–700 20
1 2 1 10 400 2
100 –1

1 y2 = – 16 1–30
1 y2 = – 600
1–700 20
1 2 1 10 400 2
100 –1
x =5
y =8
1 y2 = 11462
x = 14
x + y = 95 Van = 14
2x + 5y = 310 Kereta/Car = 6
1 1 x 95
1 2 5 21 2 1 2
y = 310 5 M= 1 63 4
–5 2
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6 x = Panjang/Length RM70 000
y = Lebar/Width (b) Premium = × RM2.10
RM1 000
x = y + 15
Premium = RM147
x – y = 15
2x – 2y = 130 RM150 000
(c) Premium = × RM3.10
RM1 000
1 –1 x
1 2 2 21 2 1 2
y = 130
Premium = RM465
(a) Bagi polisi komprehensif
x 1
y = 12 2
1(2) – 1(–1)(2) –2 1 130
1 15
21 2 For comprehensive policy
Premium asas/Basic premium
x 1 2(15) + (1)(130) RM55 000 – RM1 000
y = 12 1 4 (–2)(15) + (1)(130) 2 = RM220.00 + RM20.30 ×
RM1 000
x 1 160 = RM1 316.20
y = 12 1 2 4 100
Premium kasar/Gross premium
= RM1 316.20 – 35% × RM1 316.20
x 40
y = 12 1 2 25
= RM855.53
Bagi polisi pihak ketiga
x = 40 For third party
y = 25 Premium asas/Basic premium
Panjang/Length = 40 cm = RM75.60
Lebar/Width = 25 cm Premium kasar/Gross premium
7 (i) x + y = 7 = RM75.60 – 35% × RM75.60
2x + 2.5y = 16 = RM49.14
x 7 Bagi polisi kebakaran, kecurian dan pihak ketiga
(ii) 11 1
2 2.5 y 21 2 1 2
= 16 For fire, theft and third party
Premium asas/Basic premium
x 1 2.5 –1 7
y = 1(2.5) – 1(2) –2 1 16 1 21 2 = 75% × RM1 316.20
= RM987.15
x 1 2.5(7) – (–1)(16) Premium kasar/Gross premium
12 1
y = – 0.5 (–2)(7) + (1)(16) 2 = RM987.15 – 35% × RM987.15
x = RM641.65
12 12
y = 4 (b) Bagi polisi komprehensif
For comprehensive policy
x =3 Premium asas/Basic premium
y =4 RM125 000 – RM1 000
= RM372.60 + RM26 ×
RM1 000
= RM2 556.60
Matematik Pengguna: Insurans Premium kasar/Gross premium
3 Consumer Mathematics: Insurance = RM2 556.60 – 30% × RM2 556.60
= RM1 789.62
3.1 Risiko dan Perlindungan Insurans Bagi polisi pihak ketiga
Risk and Insurance Coverage For third party
1 (a) Kematian, penyakit kritikal dan hilang upaya Premium asas/Basic premium
Death, critical illness and loss of ability = RM167.40
(b) Kerugian dan kerosakan Premium kasar/Gross premium
Loss and damage = RM167.40 – 30% × RM167.40
(c) Kehilangan bagasi dan passport = RM117.18
Loss of luggage and passport Bagi polisi kebakaran, kecurian dan pihak ketiga
(d) Kecacatan dan lumpuh For fire, theft and third party
Disability and paralysis Premium asas/Basic premium
2 (a) Insurans kemalangan diri = 75% × RM2 556.60
Personal accident insurance = RM1 917.45
(b) Insurans perubatan dan kesihatan Premium kasar/Gross premium
Medical and health insurance = RM1 917.45 – 30% × RM1 917.45
(c) Insurans perjalanan = RM1 342.22
Travel insurance 5 (a) RM280
(d) Insurans kebakaran (b) RM148
Fire insurance (c) RM65 + RM176 = RM248
(e) Insurans berkelompok 6 (a) Nilai pampasan/Compensation value
Group insurance = RM1 000 – RM870
= RM130
RM130 000 (b) Nilai pampasan/Compensation value
3 (a) Premium = × RM3.90
RM1 000 = RM1 430 – RM1 050
Premium = RM507 = RM380

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(c) Tiada nilai pampasan Kos yang ditanggung syarikat insurans
No compensation values The cost borne by the insurance company
7 (a) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli 70
The amount of required insurance = × RM129 470
75 = RM90 629
= × RM330 000
100 Kos yang ditanggung pemegang polisi
= RM247 500 The cost borne by the policyholder
(b) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli 30
The amount of required insurance = × RM129 470 + RM530
80 = RM39 371
= × RM530 000
100 10 (a) (i) RM98 000 – RM81 600 = RM16 400
= RM424 000 (ii) RM81 600 =
(c) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli Peratus ko-insurans syarikat insurans
The amount of required insurance The percentage of company' s co-insurance
= × RM880 000 100
100 × (RM98 000 – RM2 000)
= RM616 000 Peratus ko-insurans syarikat insurans
8 (a) Bayaran pampasan/The amount compensation The percentage of company' s co-insurance
RM150 000 = 85
= × RM50 000 – RM8 500
RM200 000 Peratus ko-insurans pemegang polisi
= RM29 000 The percentage of company' s co-insurance
(b) Bayaran pampasan/The amount compensation = 15
= RM150 000 – RM8 500 85
= RM141 500 x =
(c) Bayaran pampasan/The amount compensation
(b) Tidak boleh kerana Sofea tidak mempunyai
RM150 000
= ×RM150 000 – RM20 500 kepentingan boleh insurans ke atas kereta itu
RM200 000 disebabkan kakaknya masih pemilik polisi
= RM129 500 insurans kereta tersebut.
9 (a) Kos perubatan selepas deduktibel No, Sofea does not have the insurable interest upon the
Medical cost after deductible car because her sister is still the holder of the insurance
= RM170 000 – RM700 policy of the car.
= RM169 300 (c) (i) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli/The amount
Kos yang ditanggung syarikat insurans of required insurance
The cost borne by the insurance company 80
75 = × RM500 000
= × RM169 300 100
100 = RM400 000
= RM126 975 Bayaran pampasan/The amount compensation
Kos yang ditanggung pemegang polisi RM150 000
The cost borne by the policyholder = × RM25 000 – RM3 000
25 RM400 000
= × RM169 300 + RM700 = RM6 375
100 Penalti ko-insurans/Co-insurance penalty
= RM43 025
RM150 000
(b) Kos perubatan selepas deduktibel = RM25 000 – × RM25 000
RM400 000
Medical cost after deductible
= RM15 625
= RM250 000 – RM600 (ii) RM200 000 – RM3 000
= RM249 400 = RM197 000
Kos yang ditanggung syarikat insurans (d)
The cost borne by the insurance company
80 Bayaran pampasan
= × RM249 400 Boleh buat
100 Kerugian The amount
Loss (RM) compensation
= RM199 520 Can make a claim?
Kos yang ditanggung pemegang polisi
The cost borne by the policyholder RM300 – RM200
300 Ya/Yes
20 = RM100
= × RM249 400 + RM600
= RM50 480 50 Tidak/No –
(c) Kos perubatan selepas deduktibel
Medical cost after deductible RM250 – RM200
= RM130 000 – RM530 250 Ya/Yes
= RM50
= RM129 470

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SUDUT KBAT (ii) Bayaran pampasan/The amount compensation
(a) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli RM185 600
= × RM28 000 – RM4 500
The amount of required insurance RM232 000
= 85% × RM1 200 000 = RM17 900
= RM1 020 000 85
(b) (i) RM202 000 = (b) (i) RM357 000 = ×q
Nilai insurans yang telah dibeli q = RM420 000
The amount of insurance purchased (ii) Bayaran pampasan/The amount compensation
RM1 020 000 = RM357 000 – RM8 600
× RM380 000 – RM7 000 = RM348 400
Nilai insurans yang telah dibeli (c) (i) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli/The amount
The amount of insurance purchased of required insurance
= RM561 000 75
(ii) Bayaran pampasan/The amount compensation = × RM540 000
RM500 000 = RM405 000
= × RM380 000 – RM7 000 (ii) Bayaran pampasan/The amount compensation
RM1 020 000
= RM179 274.51 RM320 000
= × RM36 000 – RM7 190
Penalti ko-insurans/Co-insurance penalty RM405 000
RM500 000 = RM21 254.44
= RM380 000 – × RM380 000 (iii) Penalti ko-insurans/Co-insurance penalty
RM1 020 000
= RM193 725.49 RM320 000
= RM36 000 – × RM36 000
RM405 000
Praktis Sumatif = RM7 555.56
KERTAS 1 (d) (i) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli/The amount
of required insurance
1 B 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 C
6 B 7 C 8 C 9 A 10 B
= × RM680 000
KERTAS 2 = RM544 000
1 (a) 28 hari/days (ii) RM42 350 =
(b) RM396 + RM105 + RM91 + RM24 = RM616 Jumlah insurans yang telah dibeli
2 (a) Premium asas polisi komprehensif The total amount of insurance purchased
Basic premium for comprehensive policy RM544 000
RM92 000 – RM1 000 × RM68 000 – RM5 150
= RM339.10 + RM26 1 RM1 000 2 Jumlah insurans yang telah dibeli
Premium asas/Basic premium The total amount of insurance purchased
= 75% × RM2 705.10 = RM380 000
= RM2 028.83
Premium kasar/Gross premium
= RM2 028.83 – 45% × RM2 028.83 BAB
Matematik Pengguna: Percukaian
= RM1 115.86
(b) (i) Premium asas/Basic premium
4 Consumer Mathematics: Taxation

= RM372.60 + RM26 4.1 Percukaian

RM116 000 – RM1 000

1 RM1 000 2 1
(a) Sebagai sumber pendapatan kerajaan; mentadbir
= RM3 362.6 urusan
Premium kasar/Gross premium As a source of government revenue; govern
= RM3 362.6 – 25% × RM3 362.6 (b) Alat pelaksanaan polisi kerajaan; efektif
(ii) Premium asas/Basic premium Government policy implementation tool; effective
= RM167.40 (c) Kawalan penjualan barangan atau perkhidmatan;
Premium kasar/Gross premium mengurangkan
= RM167.40 – 25% × RM167.40 Control of sales of goods or services; discouraged
= RM125.55 (d) Alat kewangan untuk menstabilkan ekonomi;
(c) Pemilik boleh menuntut pampasan di bawah polisi menstabilkan ekonomi
komprehensif. Financial tool to stabilize the economy; stabilize the
The owner can claim the compensation under economy
comprehensive policy 2 (a) Kebajikan, pertanian dan perindustrian, keselamatan
3 (a) (i) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli dan pertahanan negara, dan pembangunan.
The amount of required insurance Social welfare, agriculture and industrial, national
80 security and defence, and development.
= × RM290 000 (b) Kerajaan dapat mengagihkan hasil cukai dengan
= RM232 000 lebih efektif terhadap kesemua sektor dan rakyat

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dapat menikmati pelbagai manfaat daripada hasil (b) Pendapatan bercukai
cukai tersebut. Chargeable income
The government can distribute the tax revenue with more = RM37 300
effective to all sector and civilian will enjoy the benefit Cukai bagi RM35 000 pertama
from the tax revenue. Tax for the first RM35 000
3 (a) Cukai Pendapatan/Income Tax = RM600
(b) Cukai Jalan/Road Tax Cukai atas baki berikutnya
(c) Cukai Pintu/Property Assessment Tax Tax for the following balance
(d) Cukai Tanah/Quit Rent = (RM37 300 – RM35 000) × 8%
(e) Cukai Jualan dan Perkhidmatan
= RM184
Sales and Service Tax
Cukai pendapatan/Income tax
4 (a) Boleh didenda RM200 hingga RM20 000 atau
dipenjara tidak melebihi 6 bulan atau kedua-duanya. = RM600 + RM184 – RM500
Fine of RM200 up to RM20 000 or imprisonment of not = RM284
exceeding 6 months or both. (c) Pendapatan bercukai
Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 (Akta 53) Seksyen Chargeable income
112(1). = RM34 900
Income Tax Act 1967 (Act 53) Section 112(1) Cukai bagi RM20 000 pertama
(b) Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM2 000. Tax for the first RM20 000
Fine of not exceeding RM2 000. = RM150
Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 (Akta 333) Cukai atas baki berikutnya
Seksyen 23(1). Tax for the following balance
Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333) Section 23(1). = RM34 900 – RM20 000 × 3%
(c) Notis dalam Borang E akan dikeluarkan. = RM447
Notice in Form E will be issued. Cukai pendapatan/Income tax
Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976 (Akta 171) Seksyen = RM150 + RM447 – RM100 – RM400
147 dan 148. = RM97
Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171) Section 147 and 148. 7 (a) Jumlah PCB/Total PCB
(d) Boleh didenda RM2 000 hingga RM20 000 = RM400 × 12 bulan/months
atau dipenjara tidak melebihi 3 tahun atau = RM4 800
RM70 000 pertama
Fine of RM2 000 up to RM20 000 or imprisonment of not
The first RM70 000
exceeding 3 years or both.
Akta Cukai Jualan 2018 (Akta 806) Seksyen 86(4). = RM4 600
Sales Tax Act 2018 (Act 806) Section 86(4). (RM89 700 – RM70 000) × 21%
5 (a) Pendapatan bercukai = RM4 137
Chargeable income Jumlah cukai/Total amount of tax
= RM77 500 – RM3 500 – RM9 000 = RM4 600 + RM4 137
= RM65 000 = RM8 737
(b) Pendapatan bercukai RM8 737 – RM4 800 = RM3 937
Chargeable income (b) (i) Cukai pendapatan/Income tax
= RM68 250 – RM9 000 – RM4 650 – RM3 000 = RM137 500 – RM3 500 – (RM13 250 +
= RM51 600 RM28 350 + RM20 400 + RM11 680)
(c) Pendapatan bercukai = RM60 320
Chargeable income (ii) RM50 000 pertama/The first RM50 000
= RM104 568 – RM9 000 – RM7 000 – RM7 000 = RM1 800
– RM2 500 (RM60 320 – RM50 000) × 14%
= RM79 068 = RM1 444.80
6 (a) Cukai bagi RM20 000 pertama Jumlah cukai/Total amount of tax
Tax for the first RM20 000 = RM1 800 + RM1 444.80
= RM150 = RM3 244.80
Cukai atas baki berikutnya
Jumlah PCB/Total PCB
Tax for the following balance
RM350 × 12 bulan/months = RM4 200
= (RM28 800 – RM20 000) × 3%
= RM264 RM4 200 – RM3 244.80 = RM955.20
Cukai pendapatan/Income tax
= RM150 + RM264 – RM400 (Rebat/Rebate)
= RM14

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Taksiran Cukai Bersama Taksiran Cukai Berasingan
Perkara Joint Tax Assessment Separate Tax Assessment
Items Suami dan Isteri Suami Isteri
Husband and Wife Husband Wife
Jumlah pendapatan RM70 500 + RM53 000 RM70 500 RM53 000
Total income = RM123 500

–Individu –RM9 000 –RM9 000 –RM9 000

–Gaya hidup/Lifestyle –RM2 500 –RM2 300 –RM2 500

(Had/Limited to
RM2 500)
–Insurans hayat –RM7 000 –RM7 000 –RM6 500
Life insurance
(Had/Limited to
RM 7 000)
–Insurans perubatan –RM3 000 –RM2 400 –RM3 000
Medical insurance
(Had/Limited to
RM3 000)
Pendapatan bercukai RM102 500 RM49 800 RM32 000
Chargeable income
Cukai dasar RM10 900 RM600 RM150
Base tax
Cukai atas baki (RM102 50 – RM100 000) (RM49 800 – RM35 000) (RM 32 000 – RM20 000)
Tax on the next balance × 24% × 8% × 3%
= RM480 = RM1 184 = RM360
Rebat cukai –RM 0 –RM 0 –RM400
Tax rebate

Cukai pendapatan yang RM10 900 + RM480 RM600 + RM1 184 RM150 + RM360 – RM400
perlu dibayar = RM11 380 = RM1 784 = RM110
Tax that needs to be paid

RM1 894

Sistem taksiran cukai berasingan lebih sesuai digunakan kerana cukai pendapatan yang perlu dibayar jauh lebih rendah
iaitu RM1 894 berbanding dengan RM11 380 melalui taksiran cukai bersama.
Separate tax assessment system is more suitable to use because the income tax that need to be paid is lower which is RM1 894 compared
to RM11 380 using the joint tax assessment.

9 (a) RM9.00 + RM30.00 = RM39.00 10 (a) Jumlah cukai pintu/Total amount of property assessment
(b) Cukai jalan bagi kereta 1 300 cc tax
Road tax for a car with 1 300 cc = RM430 000 × 0.15%
= RM70.00 = RM64
Cukai jalan bagi kereta 1 985 cc (b) Nilai tahunan/Annual value
Road tax for a car with 1 985 cc = RM650 × 12
= RM280 + (1 985 – 1 800) × RM0.50 = RM7 800
= RM280 + (185 × RM0.50) Jumlah cukai pintu/Total amount of property assessment
= RM280 + RM92.50 tax
= RM372.50 = RM7 800 × 9%
Jumlah cukai jalan/Total amount of road tax = RM702
= RM70 + RM372.50 (c) Jumlah cukai pintu/Total amount of property
= RM442.50 assessment tax
= RM100 000 × 0.25%
= RM25 000

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(d) Nilai tahunan/Annual value Cukai tanah/Quit rent
= RM7 000 × 12 = 4 046.86 × 0.03
= RM84 000 = RM1 214.06
Jumlah cukai pintu/Total amount of property assessment Cukai jualan dan perkhidmatan/Sales and service tax
tax = RM555.90 × 0.06
= RM84 000 × 0.30% = RM33.35
= RM252 Jumlah cukai yang dikenakan/The total of tax incurred
11 (a) RM0.5 × 8 500 = RM4 250 = RM2 330 + RM330 + RM12 000 + RM1 214.06 +
(b) RM0.40/100 × 11 000 = RM44 RM33.35
1 = RM15 907.42
(c) ekar/acre =1 011.715 meter persegi/per square
1 011.715 × RM0.25 = RM252.93 (a) Pendapatan bercukai/Chargeable income
(d) Jumlah cukai tanah/Total quit rent = RM184 330 – RM45 670
= (7 800 × 0.12) + (11 000 × 0.05) = RM138 660
= RM1 486 (b) Cukai bagi RM100 000 pertama
12 (a) Harga barangan/Items’ price Tax for the first RM70 000
= RM181.10 + RM21.30 + RM22.60 + RM36.90 + = RM10 900
RM19.50 Cukai atas baki berikutnya
= RM281.40 Tax for the following balance
Harga cukai barangan/Sales tax price = (RM138 660 – RM100 000) × 24%
= RM281.40 × 5% = RM9 278.40
= RM14.07 Cukai pendapatan/Income tax
Jumlah harga yang perlu dibayar = RM10 900 + RM9 278.40 – RM3 500
The total price that needs to be paid = RM16 678.40
= RM281.40 + RM14.07 (c) PCB = RM2 500 × 12
= RM295.47 = RM30 000
(b) Jumlah harga item/Total price of the items RM30 000  RM16 678.40
= 2(RM7.00) + RM5.00 RM30 000 – RM16 678.40 = RM13 321.60
= RM19.00 Tidak perlu kerana PCB Puan Husna melebihi
Harga cukai perkhidmatan/Service tax price cukai pendapatan yang perlu dibayar. LHDN akan
= 6% × RM19.00 membuat pembayaran kepada akaun Puan Husna
= RM1.14 sebanyak RM13 321.60.
Harga keseluruhan item/The price of overall items No because Puan Husna’s PCB is exceeding the income
= RM19 + RM1.14 tax that need to be paid. LHDN will make a payment to
= RM20.14 Puan Husna’s account as much as RM13 321.60.
13 Jumlah pendapatan/Total income
= RM100 000 Praktis Sumatif
Pendapatan bercukai/Chargeable income
= RM100 000 – RM10 000 – RM7 000 KERTAS 1
= RM83 000 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 A
Cukai bagi RM70 000 pertama/Tax for the first 6 D 7 C 8 A 9 C 10 D
RM70 000 11 A 12 D
= RM4 600
Cukai atas baki berikutnya/Tax for the following balance
= (RM83 000 – RM70 000) × 0.21 1 (a) Keluasan tanah/Land area
= RM2 730 = 8.2 × 60.4
Cukai pendapatan/Income tax = 495.28 m2
= RM4 600 + RM2 730 – RM5 000 Cukai tanah/Quit rent
= RM2 330 RM25
Cukai jalan motor/Road tax for motorcycle = × 495.28 m
= RM50 = RM123.82
Cukai jalan kereta/Road tax for car (b) Tanah Laila boleh dirampas atau dilucut hak
= RM200 + (1 800 – 1 600) × RM0.40 seperti dalam Kanun Tanah Negara 1965.
= RM200 + (200 × RM0.40) Laila’s land can be seized stated in National land Code
= RM200 + RM80 1965 Section 97 and Section 100.
= RM280 2 (a) Cukai pintu = kadar cukai pintu × nilai tahunan
Jumlah cukai jalan/Total amount of road tax Property assessment tax rate
= RM50 + RM280 = property assessment tax rate × annual value
= RM330 Cukai pintu
Cukai pintu/Property assessment tax = kadar cukai pintu × (anggaran sewa bulanan × 12)
= RM400 000 × 0.03 Property assessment tax
= RM12 000 = property assessment tax rate × (estimated monthly rent
1 ekar/acre = 4046.86 meter persegi/per square meter × 12)

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(cukai pintu) 4 (a) Pusat/Centre = (8, 0)
Kadar cukai pintu = (b) Pusat/Centre = (5, 4)
(anggaran sewa bulanan × 12)
Property asssessment tax rate (c) Pusat/Centre = (3, 4)
property assessment tax 3
= 5 (a) Faktor skala/Scale factor =
estimated monthly rent × 12 6
900 1
= =
(2 000 × 12) 2
Pembesaran pada pusat (7, 2) dengan faktor skala
= 0.04 1 .
= 4%
(b) Encik Lim akan mendapat notis, waran tahanan 1
dan harta mudah alih boleh disita. Enlargement at centre (7, 2) with a scale factor .
Mr. Lim will receive a notice, detention warrant and 3
portable property could be seized. (b) Faktor skala/Scale factor =
3 (a) RM200 + (1 787 – 1 600) × RM0.40 = RM274.80 =3
(b) RM280 + (1 930 – 1 800) × RM0.50 = RM345 Pembesaran pada pusat (0, 0) dengan faktor skala
RM345 + RM274.80 = RM619.80 3.
Enlargement at centre (0, 0) with a scale factor 3.
(c) Faktor skala/Scale factor = –
Kekongruenan, Pembesaran dan Gabungan 2
5 Transformasi = –1
Congruency, Enlargement and Combined Pembesaran pada pusat (5, 4) dengan faktor skala
Transformations –1.
Enlargement at centre (5, 4) with a scale factor −1.
5.1 Kekongruenan
6 (a) Apabila k = –1, saiz imej sama dengan saiz objek.
P ialah objek dan Q ialah imej atau Q ialah objek
1 (a) Bukan kongruen/Not congruent
dan P ialah imej.
(b) Kongruen/Congruent
When k = –1, the size of image is same as the size of
(c) Bukan kongruen/Not congruent
object. P is an object and Q is an image or Q is the object
(d) Bukan kongruen/Not congruent
and P is the image.
(e) Kongruen/Congruent
2 EC; CB; ∠ACB; ∠CDE 1
(b) Apabila k = , saiz imej lebih kecil daripada saiz
3 (a) ∠KLJ = 32° 2
∠LJK = 180° – 90° – 32° objek. Q ialah objek dan P ialah imej.
= 58° 1
∠LJK = 120° – 58° When k = , the size of image is smaller than the size of
= 62° object. Q is an object and P is an image.
(b) (i) TU2 = 32 + 42 (c) Apabila k = –2, saiz imej lebih besar daripada saiz
TU = 9 + 16 objek. P ialah objek dan Q ialah imej.
= 5 cm When k = –2, the size of image is bigger than the size of
(ii) Perimeter object. P is an object and Q is an image.
=6+4+4+6+5+5 7 (a)
= 30 cm
(c) (i) ∠JKL = ∠JMN
= 70°
(ii) ∠MJN = ∠KJL
=180° – 70° – 80°
= 30° B'
5.2 Pembesaran B
1(a) Tidak serupa/Not similar
(b) Tidak serupa/Not similar
(c) Serupa/Similar (b)
2 A dan/and J; B dan/and G; D dan/and F
3 (a) Faktor skala/Scale factor =
2 P
(b) Faktor skala/Scale factor = C'
(c) Faktor skala/Scale factor =
= –2

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(c) 3 (a) (i) Gabungan transformasi TU dan UT tidak
menghasilkan imej yang sama, maka gabungan
transformasi TU tidak memenuhi syarat sifat
kalis tukar tertib.

Images under the combined transformations
D' TU and UT are not the same, so the combined
D transformation TU does not satisfy the commutative
(ii) Gabungan transformasi UV dan VU
menghasilkan imej yang sama, maka
gabungan transformasi UV memenuhi syarat
sifat kalis tukar tertib.
Images under the combined transformations UV
8 (a) 9 and VU are same, so the combined transformation
(b) 15 TU does satisfy the commutative law.
(c) 9 (b) (i) Gabungan transformasi TW dan WT tidak
(d) 20 menghasilkan imej yang sama, maka gabungan
(e) –3 transformasi TW tidak memenuhi syarat sifat
ED 15 kalis tukar tertib.
9 (a) (i) =
AB 5 Images under the combined transformations TW
= 3 and WT are not the same, so the combined
(ii) C transformation TW does not satisfy the commutative
(iii) Luas imej/Area of image = 32 × objek/object law.
180 = 9 × ABC (ii) Gabungan transformasi WU dan UW
ABC = 20 cm2 menghasilkan imej yang sama, maka gabungan
S'R' transformasi WU memenuhi syarat sifat kalis
(b) (i) 6 = tukar tertib.
Images under the combined transformations WU
S'R' = 60 cm and UW are same, so the combined transformation
(ii) Luas imej/Area of image WU does satisfy the commutative law.
1 2
= 62 × 2 (8+10)(4)
4 (a) (i) Transformasi S: Putaran 90° ikut arah jam
pada pusat (–1, 3).
= 1 296 cm2 
Transformation S: Rotation 90° clockwise at centre
(c) Luas imej = k2 × Luas objek (–1, 3).
Area of image = k2 × Area of object
Luas berwarna + Luas QBP = 22 × Luas QBP
Transformasi R: Translasi 1–24 2 .
Transformation R: Translation 1 2 .
Shaded area + Area QBP = 22 × Area QBP 4

72 = 3 × Luas QBP –2
72 = 3 × Area QBP (ii) Putaran 90° ikut arah jam pada asalan.
72 Rotation 90° clockwise at origin.
Luas QBP/Area QBP =
3 (b) (i) Transformasi V: Putaran 90° ikut arah jam
= 24 m2 pada asalan
Transformation V: Rotation 90° clockwise at origin.
24 m2 = × 12 × QB
2 Transformasi U: Pantulan pada paksi-x
2 × 24 Transformation U: Reflection at x-axis.
QB = (ii) Pantulan pada garis y = x.
QB = 4 m Reflection at line y = x.
AB = 2 × 4 5 (a) (i) V: Putaran 180° ikut arah jam pada pusat (1,1)
= 8 m V: Rotation 180° clockwise at centre (1, 1)
U: Pembesaran pada pusat (–2, –5) dengan
5.3 Gabungan Transformasi faktor skala 2
Combined Transformation U: Enlargement at centre (–2, –5) with scale factor

1 (a) (i) M 2
(ii) L (ii) Pembesaran faktor skala –2 dengan pusat
(iii) K (2, 3)
(b) (i) D Enlargement at centre (2, 3) with scale factor –2
(ii) C (iii) Luas/Area A″ = 22 × 6
(iii) B = 24 unit2
2 (a) (i) G (b) (i) S: Putaran 90° lawan jam pada asalan
(ii) F S: Rotation 90° anti-clockwise at origin
(iii) H R: Pembesaran pada pusat (2, 1) faktor skala
(b) (i) L 2
(ii) M R: Enlargement at centre (2, 1) with scale factor
(iii) N 2

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(ii) Luas kawasan berlorek/Area of shaded region BAB
Nisbah dan Graf Fungsi Trigonometri

= (22 × 18) – 18
= 54 unit2
6 Ratios and Graphs of Trigonometric Functions

5.4 Teselasi 6.1 Nilai Sinus, Kosinus dan Tangen bagi Sudut θ,
Tesselation 0°  θ  360°
1 (a) Ya/Yes The Value of Sine, Cosine and Tangent for Angle θ,
(b) Tidak/No 0°  θ  360°
(c) Ya/Yes (a) 70° berada di sukuan I. Maka, α = 70°
2 (a) 70° is on quadrant I. Hence, α = 70°



(b) 133° berada di sukuan II. Maka,

α = 180° – 133°
= 47°

(i) PQRS adalah segi empat sama/PQRS is a square
PQ = QR 47° x
JP = PQ – JQ
JP = QR – KR
QK = QR – RK
JP = QK terbukti/proven
(ii) JP = KQ
PM = QJ (c) 151° berada di sukuan II. Maka,
∠MPJ = ∠JQK α = 180° – 151°
= 90° = 29°
∆ MPJ kongruen dengan/congruent with ∆JQK y

Praktis Sumatif
1 D 2 A 3 D 4 A 5 C 29°
6 B 7 A 8 C 9 D O
1 (a) Transformasi Q: Pantulan pada garis x = 2
Transformation Q: Reflection at line x = 2
Transformasi P: Pembesaran pada pusat (2,0)
dengan faktor skala 3 (d) 225° berada di sukuan III. Maka,
Transformation P: Enlargement at centre (2, 0) with scale α = 225° – 180°
factor 3 = 45
(b) Luas imej/Area of image
= 32 × 4.15 y
= 37.35 cm2
2 (a) 2
(b) Luas imej RSTU/Area of image RSTU
= 22 × 24 225°
= 96 cm2 x
29° O
Luas kawasan berlorek/Area of shaded region
= 48 cm2

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(e) 325° berada di sukuan IV. Maka, sin 325° = –sin 55°
α = 360° – 325° = –0.8192
= 35° 132°17′ berada di sukuan II. Tangen bernilai negatif.
y 132°17′ is at quadrant II. Tangent is a negative.
Maka/Hence, α = 180° – 132°17′
= 47°43'
tan 132°17′ = –tan 47°43′
= –1.0996
x (e) 200°54′ berada di sukuan III. Kosinus bernilai
O 30° negatif.
200°54′ is at quadrant III. Cosine is a negative.
Maka/Hence, α = 200°54′ – 180°
= 20°54′
kos 200°54′ = –kos 20°54′
cos 200°54' = –cos 20°54'
2 (a) kos 215° terletak dalam sukuan III. Jadi sudut 215° = –0.9342
bernilai negatif. 5 (a) kos 150°= –kos (180° – 150°)
cos 215° is located in quadrant III. Hence, angle of cos cos 150° = –cos (180° – 150°)
215° has a positive value. = –kos 30°
kos 215° = –kos (215° – 180°) –cos 30°
cos 215° = -cos (215° – 180°)
= –kos(35°) = – 3
= –cos(35°)
(b) tan 300° terletak dalam sukuan IV. Jadi sudut 300° (b) tan 225° = tan (225° – 180°)
bernilai negatif. = tan 45°
tan 300° is located in quadrant IV. Hence, angle of tan
= 1
300° has a negative value.
(c) sin 150° = sin (180° – 150°)
tan 300° = –tan(360° – 300°) = tan 45°
= –tan(60°) =
(c) tan 200° terletak dalam sukuan III. Jadi sudut 200° 2
bernilai positif. (d) kos 210° = kos(210° – 180°)
tan 300° is located in quadrant III. Hence, angle of tan cos 210° = cos(210° – 180°)
200° has a positive value. = kos 30°
tan 200° = tan(200° – 180°) cos 30°
= tan(20°) 3
= –
3 (a) sin θ = –0.92 2
kos θ = –0.42 (e) tan 150° = tan (180° – 150°)
cos θ = –0.42 = tan 30°
tan θ = (–0.92)
(–0.42) = – 1
= 2.190 6 (a) Kosinus bernilai positif, berada di sukuan I atau IV.
(b) sin θ = 0.92 Cosine has positive value, it is in quadrant I or IV.
kos θ = 0.42 α = kos–1( 0.6322)
cos θ = 0.42 α = cos–1( 0.6322)
tan θ = 0.92 = 50.79°
Sukuan/Quadrant I,
= 2.190
θ = 50.79°
4 (a) 125° berada di sukuan II. Kosinus bernilai negatif.
Sukuan/Quadrant IV,
125° is at quadrant II. Cosine is a negative.
θ = 360° – 50.79°
Maka/Hence, α = 180° – 125°
= 309.21°
= 55°
= 50.79°, 309.21°
kos 125° = –kos 55°
(b) Tangen bernilai positif, berada di sukuan I atau III.
cos 125° = –cos 55°
Tangent has positive value, it is in quadrant I or III.
= –0.5736
α = tan–1(1.232)
(b) 215° berada di sukuan III. Tangen bernilai positif.
= 50.94°
215° is at quadrant II. Cosine is a negative.
Sukuan/Quadrant I,
Maka/Hence, α = 215° – 180°
θ = 50.94°
Sukuan/Quadrant III,
tan 215° = tan 35°
θ = 180° + 50.94°
= 0.7002
= 230.94°
(c) 305° berada di sukuan IV. Sinus bernilai negatif.
= 50.94°, 230.94°
305° is at quadrant IV. Sine is a negative.
(c) sin θ = –sin 85°
Maka/Hence, α = 360° – 305°
= –0.9962
= 55°

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Sinus bernilai negatif, berada di sukuan III atau IV. cos p = –
Sine has negative value, it is in quadrant III or IV. 5
α = sin–1(0.9962) (ii) Sudut P berapa pada sukuan II, jadi sin p
= 85° bernilai positif.
Sukuan/Quadrant III, Angle P is located in quadrant II, hence sin p has
θ = 180° + 85° positive value.
= 265° 4
Sukuan/Quadrant IV, sin p =
θ = 360° – 85°
= 275° (b) sin ∠DEF = 0.5
= 265°, 275° t
= 0.5
(d) Kosinus bernilai negatif, berada di sukuan II atau 12
III. t = 6 cm
Cosine has negative value, it is in quadrant II or III.
α = kos–1(0.7431) FE = 122 – 6 2
α = cos–1(0.7431) =10.39
= 42° t
tan° = –
Sukuan/Quadrant II, FE
θ = 180° – 42° 6
= 138° 10.39
Sukuan/Quadrant III, = –0,5775
θ =180°+42° (c) MK = 42 – 3 2
=222° MK = 5
= 138°, 222° JL = 3JK
(e) tan θ = –tan 45° = 3(3)
= –1 = 9 cm
Tangen bernilai negatif, berada di sukuan II atau IV. JN = 3JM
Tangent has negative value, it is in quadrant II or IV. = 3(4)
α = tan–1(1) = 12 cm
= 45°
Sukuan/Quadrant II, NL = 122 + 9 2
θ = 180° – 45° = 15 cm
= 135° Sudut x berada pada sukuan IV, jadi sin x bernilai
Sukuan/Quadrant IV, negatif.
θ = 360° – 45° Angle x is located in quadrant IV, hence sin x has
= 315° negative value.
= 135°, 315° JL
sin x° = –
7 (a) (i) BD = 32 + 42 9
BD = 5 =–
Sudut P berapa pada sukuan II, jadi kos p 15
bernilai negatif. Sudut y berada pada sukuan I, jadi sin y bernilai
Angle P is located in quadrant II, hence cos p has positif.
negative value. Angle y is located in quadrant I, hence sin y has positive
3 value.
kos p = – 12
5 sin y° =

6.2 Graf Fungsi Sinus, Kosinus Dan Tangen.

The Graphs of Sine, Cosine and Tangent Functions
Graf Fungsi
Graph Function y = kos x
Sifat y = sin x y = tan x
y = cos x
Nilai maksimum
1 1 +∞
Maximum value
Nilai minimum
–1 –1 –∞
Minimum value
Amplitud Tiada amplitud
1 1
Amplitude No amplitude
360° 360° 180°

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2 (a) Bandingkan y = 2 sin 2x dengan y = x sin bx + c y
Compare y = 2 sin 2x/with y = a sin bx + c 1
Amplitud/Amplitude = a
Nilai minimum/Minimum value = –2 x
Nilai maksimum/Maximum value = 2 90° 180° 270° 360°

Tempoh/Period –1
b (d) Banding y = 3 kos 3x +1 dengan y = a kos bx + c
360° Compare y = 3 cos 3x + 1 with y = a cos bx + c
= Amplitud/Amplitude = a
= 180° =3
Nilai minimum/Minimum value = –2
y Nilai maksimum/Maximum value = 4
2 Tempoh/Period
x b
0 90° 180° 270° 360° 360°
= 120°
(b) Banding y = 3 sin x dengan y = x sin bx + c
Compare y = 3 sin x with y = a sin bx + c
Amplitud/Amplitude = a 3
=3 2
Nilai minimum/Minimum value = –3 1
Nilai maksimum/Maximum value = 3 x
90° 180° 270° 360°
Tempoh/Period –1

360° –2
360° (e) Banding y = 2 tan x dengan y = a tan bx + c
= 2
1 1
= 360° Compare y = 2 tan x with y = a tan bx + c
y Nilai minimum/Minimum value = –∞
Nilai maksimum/Maximum value = + ∝
x =
0 b
90° 180° 270° 360°
–3 1
= 360°
(c) Banding y = kos 2x dengan y = a kos bx + c y
Compare y = cos 2x with y = a cos bx + c
Amplitud/Amplitude = a
Nilai minimum/Minimum value = –1
Nilai maksimum/Maximum value = 1 x
0 90° 180° 270° 360°
360° 2 – (–4)
3 (a) a =
2 2
= 180° 360°
= 180°
b = 2

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y = a sin bx + c Pada titik/At point (0, 4)
–1 = (3) sin 2(0) + c 4 = 4 sin(0) + c
–1 = 3(0) + c 4 = 4(0) + c
c = –1 c = 4
1 – (–3) 360°
(b) a = = 2 saat/seconds
2 b
a=2 = 180
360° y = 4 sin 180x + 4
= 720° 2
b (d) (i) sin θ =
b = 0.5 5
y = a kos bx + c 4
y = a cos bx + c 100
1 = (2) kos 2(0) + c GF = 4
1 = (2) cos 2(0) + c EG = 102 – 42
–1 = 3(0) + c = 100 – 36
c = –1 = 64
2 – (–2) = 8 cm
(c) a =
2 Perimeter segi tiga EGF
a=2 Perimeter of triangle EGF
360° = 4 + 10 + 8
= 720° = 24 cm
b = 0.5 GF
(ii) tan θ =
y = a sin bx + c BG
0 = (2) sin 0.5(0) + c 6
= –
0 = 2(0) + c 8
c=0 3
= –
3 – (–2) 4
4 (a) a =
a = 0.5
360° (a) Kosinus/Cosines
=6 2 – (0.5)
b (b) a =
b = 60 2
y = a sin bx + c =1
2.5 = (0.5) sin 60(0) + c 360°
= 20°
2.5 = 0.5(0) + c b
c = 2.5 b = 18
y = 0.5 sin 60x + 2.5 y = a kos bx + c
d y = a cos bx + c
(b) (i) kos θ = 2.5 = (1) kos 18(0) + c
d 2.5 = (1) cos 18(0) + c
cos θ = 2.5 = 1(1) + c
c = 1.5
d = 25 kos θ
y = 2 kos x + 1.5
d = 25 cos θ
y = 2 cos x + 1.5
(ii) kos θ = y (m)
d 3
cos θ =
25 2.5 • •
252 – 152
kos θ = 2
cos θ =
252 – 152 1.5 • •
25 1.0
kos θ =
25 0.5 •
cos θ = 0 t (s)
25 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(c) (i) Amplitud/Amplitude =
2 Praktis Sumatif
Tempoh/Period = 2 saat/seconds
(ii) y = a sin x b + c 1 A 2 D 3 C 4 D 5 C
a = amplitud/amplitude 6 B 7 D 8 C 9 B 10 D
11 D

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KERTAS 2 Sukuan/Quadrant IV,
θ2 = 360° – 30°
1 a = amplitud/amplitude = 330°
5–1 θ = 150°, 330°
2 4 (i) ∠PRQ = α
a=2 1
1 2
= tan–1
b = 30°
y° = 180° – 90° – 30°
y = a kos bx + c
= 60°
y = a cos bx + c
sin y° = sin 60°
5 = 2 kos 2(0) + c
= 0.866
5 = 2 cos 2(0) + c
(ii) sin y° = sin 60
5 = 2(1) + c 3
c=3 = 2
a = 2; b = 2; c = 3
2 a = amplitud/amplitude 6
sin y° =
1 – (–5) PR
a= 6
2 PR =
a=3 sin y°
360° 6
= 360° =
b sin 60°
b=1 6
y = a sin bx + c 3
–1 = 3 sin(1) (0) + c 2
–1 = 0 + c 12
c = –1 = atau/or 6.928 cm
a =3; b = 1; c = –1
1 Panjang garis QRS/The length of line QRS,
3 α = tan–1 1 2
= 30° = 6 + 6.928
= 12.928 cm
Nilai tan θ adalah negatif, maka ia berada dalam sukuan
I dan sukuan IV.
The value of tan θ is negative, hence it is located in quadrant BAB
Sukatan Serakan Data Terkumpul
I and IV. 7 Measures Of Dispersion for Grouped Data
7.1 Serakan
θ1 Dispersion
1 (a) 15 – 19, 20 – 24, 25 – 29, 30 – 34, 35 – 39
(b) 4.0 – 4.4, 4.5 – 4.9, 5.0 – 5.4, 5.5 – 5.9, 6.0 – 6.4
(c) 131 – 140, 141 – 150, 151 – 160, 161 – 170,
171 – 180
θ2 86 – 21
2 (a) Saiz selang kelas/Size of class interval =
= 10.8
Sukuan/Quadrant II, ≈11
θ1 = 180° – 30°
= 150°

Sempadan Sempadan
Selang kelas Kekerapan Had bawah Had atas Titik tengah
bawah atas
Class internal Frequency Lower limit Upper lmit Midpoint
Lower boundary Upper boundary

21 – 31 3 21 31 26 20.5 31.5

32 – 42 4 32 42 37 31.5 42.5

43 – 53 9 43 53 48 42.5 53.5

54 – 64 7 54 64 59 53.5 64.5

65 – 75 10 65 75 70 64.5 75.5

76 – 86 7 76 86 81 75.5 86.5

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86 – 21
(b) Saiz selang kelas/Size of class interval =
= 13.2
≈ 14

Sempadan Sempadan
Selang kelas Kekerapan Had bawah Had atas Titik tengah
bawah atas
Class interval Frequency Lower limit Upper limit Midpoint
Lower boundary Upper boundary

21 – 34 4 21 34 27.5 20.5 34.5

35 – 48 7 35 48 41.5 34.5 48.5
49 – 62 8 49 62 55.5 48.5 62.5
63 – 76 11 63 76 69.5 62.5 76.5
77 – 90 5 77 90 83,5 76.5 90.5

(a) (b)
Kekerapan/Frequency Kekerapan/Frequency

12 12

11 11

10 10

9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
Jisim/ Panjang/
0 Mass 0 Lenght
15.5 25.5 35.5 45.5 55.5 65.5 75.5 85.5 95.5 (kg) 15 26 37 48 59 70 81 92 103 (kg)

4 (a) Bentuk loceng markah tinggi berbanding peperiksaan

Bell-shaped pertengahan tahun.
(b) Seragam Students’ achievement in final-year exam is better
Uniform-shaped because a lot of students get higher marks compared
(c) Pencong ke kiri to mid-year exam.
Left-skewed (b) (i) Lelaki = Pencong ke kanan
5 (a) (i) Peperiksaan pertengahan tahun = Pencong Males = Right-skewed
ke kanan Perempuan = Pencong ke kiri
Mid-year exam = Right-skewed Female = Left-skewed
Peperiksaan akhir tahun = Pencong ke kiri (ii) Serakan jisim bagi perempuan dan lelaki
Final-year exam = Left-skewed adalah sama.
(ii) Markah peperiksaan akhir tahun terserak Mass dispersion for female and female are same.
lebih luas berbanding markah peperiksaan (iii) 
Kadar pertumbuhan berbeza kerana
pertengahan tahun. pertumbuhan perempuan lebih cepat
The final-year marks are more dispersed compared berbanding lelaki pada awal usia dewasa.
to mid-year exam marks. The growth rates are different because female
(iii) Pencapaian murid dalam peperiksaan akhir growth is faster than males in their early adulthood.
tahun lebih baik kerana lebih ramai mendapat

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6 (a) 3; 8; 14; 23; 35; 45
(b) 2; 7; 15; 28; 51; 65 100
7 (a)
Kekerapan Sempadan
Panjang 80
Kekerapan longgokan atas
Frequency Cumulative Upper

Cumulative Frequency
Kekerapan longgokan
(m) 70
frequency boundary
21 – 31 3 3 31.5
32 – 42 6 9 42.5

43 – 53 11 20 53.5 30

54 – 64 13 33 64.5 20

65 – 75 11 44 75.5
76 – 86 7 51 86.5 4.5 9.5 14.5 19.5 24.5 29.5 34.5 39.5
Umur (tahun)
87 – 97 4 55 97.5 Age (years)
8 (a)
Kekerapan longgokan Sempadan atas
50 Frequency Cumulative Upper boundary
0 0 20.5
3 3 31.5
Kekerapan longgokan
Cumulative frequency


30 6 9 42.5

25 11 20 53.5

20 13 33 64.5

15 11 44 75.5
10 7 51 86.5
5 4 55 97.5
20.5 31.5 42.5 53.5 64.5 75.5 86.5 97.5
Panjang/Mass (m)
Kekerapan Sempadan
Kekerapan longgokan atas 40
Frequency Cumulative Upper
Age (year)
Cumulative Frequency
Kekerapan longgokan

frequency boundary 35

5–9 10 10 9.5 30

10 – 14 12 22 14.5 25

15 – 19 18 40 19.5 20

20 – 24 25 65 24.5 15

25 – 29 21 86 29.5 10

30 – 34 10 96 34.5 5

35 – 39 4 100 39.5 0
20.5 31.5 42.5 53.5 64.5 75.5 86.5 97.5

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(b) 1
×100 = 50

1 Q2 = 26.5 m
Kekerapan longgokan Sempadan atas
× 100 = 25
Frequency Cumulative Upper boundary 4
frequency Q1 = 20.5 m

0 0 4.5 27
10 (a) (i)
× 50 = 13.5
10 10 9.5 P27 = 61.5
12 22 14.5 × 50 = 27
P54 = 73.5
18 40 19.5
× 50 = 42.5
25 65 24.5 100
P85 = 84.5
21 86 29.5 (ii) Daripada ogif/From the ogive,
10 96 34.5 × 100 = 62%
4 100 39.5 15
(b) (i) × 80 = 12
P15 = 11.5
× 80 = 28
100 100
P35 = 17
× 80 = 60
P95 = 29
70 95
(ii) P75 = × 80
Cumulative Frequency
Kekerapan longgokan

= 60
50 Jisim minimum/Minimum mass
= 23.5
7.2 Sukatan Serakan
Measures of Dispersion
1 (a) Julat/Range = 90.5 – 20.5
= 70
× 50 = 37.5
10 4
Q3 = 66.5
0 × 50 = 12.5
4.5 9.5 14.5 19.5 24.5 29.5 34.5 39.5 4
Q1 = 46.5
Julat antara kuartil/Interquartile range
9 (a) N = 50 = Q3 – Q1
3 = 66.5 – 46.5
× 50 = 37.5
4 = 20
Q3 = 68.5 m (b) Julat/Range = 39.5 – 4.5
1 = 35
× 50 = 25 3
2 × 100 = 75
Q2 = 58.5 m 4
Q3 = 26.5
1 1
× 50 =12.5 × 100 = 25
4 4
Q1 = 43.5 m Q1 = 15.5
(b) N = 100 Julat antara kuartil/Interquartile range
3 = Q3 – Q1
× 100 = 75
4 = 26.5 – 15.5
Q3 = 32 m = 11 minit/minutes

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Jarak (km) Kekerapan, f Titik tengah, x
x2 fx fx2
Distance (km) Frequency, f Midpoint, x

21 – 25 2 23 529 46 1 058

26 – 30 5 28 784 140 3 920

31 – 35 7 33 1 089 231 7 623

36 – 40 9 38 1 444 342 12 996

41 – 45 11 43 1 849 473 20 339

46 – 50 8 48 2 304 384 18 432

51 – 55 3 53 2 809 159 8 427

∑f = 45 ∑fx = 1 775 ∑fx2 = 72 795

3 Julat/Range = 6.7 – 4.7 (b)

= 2
(2(4.7) + 7(5.2) + 8(5.7) + 10(6.2) +
11(6.7) + 5(7.2) + 3(7.7)
Min/Mean =
(2 + 7 + 8 + 10 + 11 + 5 + 3)
46 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
= 6.2217
Taburan pencong ke kanan kerana bahagian kanan
Varians/Variance plot kotak lebih besar daripada kiri.
The distribution is right-skewed because the right side of
(2(4.7)2 + 7(5.2)2 + 8(5.7)2 + 10(6.2)2 + the box is bigger than the left side.
11(6.7)2 + 5(7.2)2 + 3(7.7)2 (c)
(2 + 7 + 8 + 10 + 11 + 5 + 3) – (6.2217)2
= – (6.2217)2
= 0.6087

Sisihan piawai/Standard deviation

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
= 0.6087
= 0.7802 Taburan pencong ke kanan kerana sesungut kanan
4 (a) lebih panjang daripada kiri.
The distribution is right-skewed because the right
whisker is longer than the left whisker.

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Taburan pencong ke kiri kerana bahagian kiri plot

kotak lebih besar daripada kanan.
The distribution is left-skewed because the left side of the
box is bigger than the right side.

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5 (a)

Titik tengah, x A B
Midpoint, x fx fx2 fx fx2

23 529 46 1 058 92 2 116

28 784 140 3 920 224 6 272

33 1 089 231 7 623 330 10 890

38 1 444 342 12 996 266 10 108

43 1 849 473 20 339 215 9 245

Jumlah/Total 1 232 45 936 1127 38 631
Min/Mean 36.24 33.15
Varians/Variance 38.0623 37.2834
Sisihan piawai/Standard deviation 6.17 6.11

Jenis sawit A menghasilkan minyak yang lebih banyak kerana minnya lebih besar daripada B tetapi kurang konsisten
kerana nilai sisihan piawainya lebih besar daripada B.
Oil palm type A produce more oil because the mean is bigger than type B but it is less consistent because the standard deviation
value of type A is bigger than type B.
(b) Histogram Peperiksaan pertengahan tahun: Bimod
Histogram of mid-year exam: Bimodal
Histogram Peperiksaan akhir tahun: Bentuk U
Histogram of final-year exam: U-shaped

Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun

Titik tengah, x Mid-year exam Final-year exam
Midpoint, x
f fx fx 2
f fx fx2

25 625 2 50 1 250

35 1 225 7 245 8 575 6 210 7 350

45 2 025 6 270 12 150 5 225 10 125

55 3 025 4 220 12 100 4 220 12 100

65 4 225 7 455 29 575 2 130 8 450

75 5 625 5 375 28 125 4 300 22 500

85 7 225 3 255 21 675 6 510 43 350

95 9 025 7 665 63 175

Jumlah/Total 34 1 870 113 450 34 2 260 167 050
Min/Mean 55 66.47
Varians/Variance 311.76 494.9
Sisihan piawai
17.66 22.25
Standard deviation

Pencapaian peperiksaan akhir tahun yang lebih baik kerana minnya lebih besar daripada pertenghan tahun tetapi
kurang konsisten kerana nilai sisihan piawainya lebih besar daripada pertengahan tahun.
The achievement in final-year exam is better because the mean is bigger than mid-year exam but it is less consistent because the
standard deviation value of final-year exam is bigger than mid-year exam

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6 y =k–3
(a) (i) n = 7.0126
k =y+3 n ≈ 7
y =m–k (ii) Min baru/New mean
y =m–y–3 147(4) + 152(7) + 157(6) +
m = 2y + 3 162(3) + 167(7)
y = n – m 4+7+6+3+7
y = n – 2y – 3 4 249
n = 3y + 3 27
y = 15 – n = 157.37
y = 15 – 3y – 3
4y = 12 7 (a) (i) 17 – 21
y =3 (ii)

k = (3) + 3 Jisim Kekerapan Sempadan

= 6 (kg) Kekerapan, f longgokan atas
m = 2(3) + 3 Mass Frequency, f Cumulative Upper
= 9 (kg) frequency boundary
n = 3(3) + 3 2–6 0 0 6.5
= 12
(ii) 7 – 11 2 2 11.5
12 – 16 12 14 16.5
Bilangan guru
Tahun mengajar Titik tengah 17 – 21 26 40 21.5
Number of
Teaching period Midpoint x
teacher 22 – 26 24 64 26.5
2–4 3 7
27 – 31 19 83 31.5
5–7 6 3
32 – 36 11 94 36.5
8 – 10 9 5
37 – 41 6 100 41.5
11 – 13 12 12
14 – 16 15 6 (b)

3b + 8(13)+13c + 18(11) + 23(7) 100

(b) 13.2 =
50 90
660 = 3b + 13c + 463
3b + 13c = 197………(1) 80

(9b + 82 (13)+169c + 182 (11) + 232 (7) 70

35.96 =

50 60
9b + 169c = 2 411………(2) 50
(1) × 3 9b + 39c = 591………(3)
(2) – (3) 130c = 1820 40

c = 14
(197 – 13(14)
b =
3 20
= 5
(3(5y) + 8(4) + 13(10) + 10

18y + 23(7)
(c) (i) 10.82 = 0
(5y + 4 + 10 + y + 7) 6.5 11.5 16.5 21.5 26.5 31.5 36.5 41.5
Jisim/Mass (kg)
(33y + 323)
10.82 = 3
(6y + 21) (c) (i)
× 100 = 75
33y + 323 = 64.92y + 227.22 Q3 = 29.5 kg
31.92y = 95.78
y =3 1
×100 = 15
(ii) Jumlah bilangan murid
Q41 = 19 kg
The total number of students
= 5(3) + 4 + 10 + 3 + 7 Julat antara kuartil
= 39 orang murid/students Interquartile range
147(4) + 152n + 157(6) + = Q3 – Q1
162(3) + 167(2) = 29.5 kg – 19 kg
(i) 155.18 =
(4 + n + 6 + 3 + 2) =10.5 kg

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92 = 64.5 – 24.5
(ii)×100 = 92 = 40
P92 = 35.5 kg 2 Julat antara kuartil/Interquartile range = 42 – 29.5
(iii) = 12.5
3 (a)
Internet data (MB) Kekerapan Titik tengah
Data internet (MB) Frequency Midpoint

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
10 – 19 0 14.5
20 – 29 4 24.5
30 – 39 6 34.5
(a) Minsebelum/Meanbefore
10.5(0) + 30.5(2) + 50.5(3) + 40 – 49 10 44.5
70.5(13) + 90.5(7) = 70.5 50 – 59 8 54.5
0 + 2 + 3 + 13 + 7
Sisih piawaisebelum/Standard deviationbefore 60 – 69 4 64.5
10.5(0) + 30.5(2) + 50.5(3) +
2 2 2
70 – 79 3 74.5
70.5(13)2 + 90.5(7)2
–(70.5)2 = 16.97 80 – 89 0 84.5
0 + 2 + 3 + 13 + 7

Minselepas/Meanafter (b)
2 cm
10.5(0) + 30.5(0) + 50.5(2) +
70.5(8) + 90.s 5(15) 10 2 cm
= 80.9 9
0 + 0 + 2 + 8 + 15

Sisih piawaiselepas/Standard deviationafter
10.5(0)2 + 30.5(0)2 + 50.5(2)2 + 5
70.5(8)2 + 90.5(15)2 4
–(80.9)2 = 12.8 3
0 + 0 + 2 + 8 + 15 2
1 Data
Ya, kerana min markah selepas mengikuti program Internet
tersebut meningkat daripada 70.5% kepada 80.9% 14.5 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 69.5 74.5 89.5 (MB)
dengan sisihan piawainya juga lebih kecil.
Yes, because the mean of score after joining the program 24.5(4) + 34.5(6) + 44.5(10) +
is increasing from 70.5% to 80.9% with smaller standard 54.5(8) + 64.5(4) + 74.5(3)
(c) Min/Mean =
deviation. (4 + 6 + 10 + 8 + 4 + 3)
(c) (i) 80.9 – 0.4 = 80.5 1667.5
2 022.5 – x =
= 80.5 35
= 47.64 MB
x = 90.5
4 (a)
Julat markah Matematik pelajar tersebut ialah
81 – 100. Kekerapan Sempadan
The range of the student’s Mathematics marks is Kekerapan longgokan atas
lies in 81 – 100. Frequency Cumulative Upper
frequency boundary
(ii) Sisih piawaibaharu/Standard deviationnew
0.1 – 0.5 0 0 0.55
(10.5(0)2 + 30.5(0)2 + 50.5(2)2 +
70.5(8)2 + 90.5(14)2 0.6 – 1.0 5 5 1.05
= 12.9
(0 + 0 + 2 + 8 + 14)
1.1 – 1.5 8 13 1.55
Praktis Sumatif 1.6 – 2.0 17 30 2.05
KERTAS 1 2.1 – 2.5 28 58 2.55
1 D 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B
2.6 – 3.0 15 73 3.05
KERTAS 2 3.1 – 3.5 9 82 3.55
(60 + 69) (20 + 29)
1 Julat/Range = – 3.6 – 4.0 4 86 4.05
2 2

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(b) BAB
Pemodelan Matematik
2 cm
8 Mathematical Modelling

100 2 cm 8.1 Pemodelan Matematik

Mathematical Modelling
90 1 sistem; senario; kefahaman secara kualitatif; kuantitatif;
Kekerapan longgokan/Cumulative Frequency

masalah dunia sebenar

system; scenario; qualitative; quantitative
70 understanding; real-world problems
2 (a) Mengenal pasti dan mendefinisi masalah
60 Identifying and defining the problem
(b) Membuat andaian dan mengenal pasti pemboleh
50 ubah
Making assumptions and identifying the variables
(c) Mengaplikasi matematik untuk menyelesaikan
30 masalah
Applying mathematics to solve problems
20 (d) Menentusahkan dan mentafsir penyelesaian dalam
konteks masalah berkenaan
10 Verifying and interpreting solutions in the context of the
Jisim/ problem
0 Mass
0.55 1.05 1.55 2.05 2.95 3.05 3.55 4.05 4.55 (kg) (e) Memurnikan model matematik
Refining the mathematical model
(f) Melaporkan dapatan
(c) (i)
× 86 = 21.5 Reporting the findings
Q1 = 1.85 kg
(ii) 83 bungkus/parcels

Mengenal pasti dan mendefinisi masalah Membuat andaian dan mengenal pasti pemboleh ubah
Identifying and defining the problem Making assumptions and identifying the variables

(a) 1. Pergi melancong ke India, bahagian 1. Harga premium untuk pemegang polisi adalah tetap
kawasan Asia selama 4 hari The premium price for policy holders is fixed
Go on a trip to India, part of Asia for 4 days 2. Pemboleh ubah ialah bilangan peserta dan bilangan
2. Pergi bersama isteri dan seorang anak hari
Go with a wife and a child The variables are the number of participants and the
number of days

(b) 1. Bilangan murid tingkatan 5 berbeza setiap 1. Pola perubahan bilangan murid adalah tetap
tahun, bergantung kepada bilangan The pattern of change in the number of students is constant
The number of 5th grade students varies each year,
depending on the number of births.
2. Berlaku bencana pendemik Covid-19 2. Pemboleh ubah ialah tahun.
mengganggu sistem pendidikan negara The variable is year.
serta ekonomi.
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the country's
education system as well as the economy.

(c) 1. Gaji tahun pertama diketahui dan kadar 1. Kadar kenaikan gaji setiap tahun adalah tetap
kenaikan gaji juga diketahui. The annual salary increase rate is fixed
The first year's salary is known and the salary
increase rate is also known
2. Tahun keberapakah gaji Normah melebihi 2. Pemboleh ubah ialah gaji tahunan dan tahun, n
RM4 000? The variable is annual salary and year, n
What year did Normah's salary exceed RM4 000?

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4 (a) Mengenal pasti dan mendefinisi masalah. Maka, 21 jam diperlukan untuk menyiapkan jahitan
Identifying and defining the problem. 35 helai seluar panjang.
1. 3 helai seluar dapat dijahit dalam masa 5 jam. Thus, 21 hours needed to complete 35 pieces of long pants.
3 pieces of pants are able to be sewed in 5 hours.
2. Tadika Murni menempah 35 helai seluar Menentusahkan dan mentafsir penyelesaian
panjang. dalam konteks masalah berkenaan.
Murni Kindergarten ordered 35 long pants. Verifying and interpreting solutions in the context of the
3. Diketahui lebih banyak seluar panjang problem.
yang hendak dijahit, lebih lama diperlukan. 5
Model fungsi linear n = t yang diperolehi
Oleh itu jumlah masa berubah secara 3
langsung dengan bilangan seluar panjang. mungkin tidak boleh digunakan untuk semua
The more the long pants that need to be sewed, the situasi. Kemampuan Rozana menjahit dengan
time needed is longer. kelajuan yang sama pada setiap masa adalah
Therefore, the total time varies directly as the sukar. Masalah lain seperti urusan keluarga,
number of long pants.
keperluan makan minum dan rehat juga memainkan
Membuat andaian dan mengenal pasti peranan.
pemboleh ubah. 3
Linear function model n = t may not be able to use for
Making assumptions and identifying the variables. 5
all situation. Rozana’s ability to sew in the same speed
1. Semua seluar panjang yang dijahit adalah all the time are difficult. Other problems such as family
sama saiz. business, food and rest also important.
All long pants are sewed in same size.
2. Andaikan kelajuan Rozana menjahit seluar
Memurnikan model matematik.
panjang adalah sama.
Refining the mathematical model.
Assume Rozana’s speed on sewing long pants is
same. Dalam masalah ini kita tidak dapat memurnikan
3. Rozana sihat dan tiada masalah yang model memandangkan data yang diberi adalah terhad.
In this problem, we are not able to refine the model due to
mengganggu proses menjahit.
Rozana is healthy and there is no problem that limited data given.
interfere sewing process.
4. Pemboleh ubah yang terlibat ialah n mewakil Melaporkan dapatan.
bilangan seluar panjang, t mewakil masa Reporting the findings.
menjahit. Melaporkan dapatan dalam bentuk penyelesaian
The variables involved are n represents the number masalah berdasarkan tafsiran penyelesaian yang
of long pants, t represents sewing time. telah dilaksanakan di atas.
5. n berubah secara langsung dengan masa, t, Report the finding of the problem solving based on the
maka n = kt dengan keadaan k ialah pemalar. interpretation of solutions as shown.
n varies directly as time, t, thus n = kt such that k is
(b) Mengenal pasti dan definisikan masalah.
a variable.
Identifying and defining the problem.
Mengaplikasi matematik untuk menyelesaikan 1. Menentukan nilai x di mana bola itu mencapai
masalah. ketinggian maksimum.
Applying mathematics to solve problems. Determine the value of x where the ball reach
maximum height.
n 2. Membuat satu model matematik bagi
hubungan antara jarak dan ketinggian bola.
Derive a mathematical model for the relation
n= t
3 between distance and height of the ball.

Membuat andaian dan mengenal pasti

pemboleh ubah.
Making assumptions and identifying the variables.
t 1. Andaikan pergerakan bola adalah seragam.
Assume the movement of the ball are uniform.
n∝t 2. Pemboleh ubah terlibat ialah jarak, x dan
n = kt tinggi, y.
Gantikan/Replace n = 5, t = 3 The variables involved are distance, x, and height, y.
5 = k(3)
5 Mengaplikasi matematik untuk menyelesaikan
k= masalah.
3 Applying the mathematics to solve problems.
5 Jarak dan tinggi bola ditulis dalam bentuk (x, y)
n= t
3 dan diplotkan di atas kertas graf.
Jika/If n = 35 Distance and height of the ball is written in form of (x, y)
5 and plotted on a graph paper.
35 = (t)
t = 21

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y (m) Tinggi maksimum/Maximum height
y = –52 + 10(5) + 24
50 y = 49
Memurnikan model matematik.
40 Refining the mathematical model.
35 Kejituan jawapan akan bertambah jika lebih
banyak data diambil.
The answer will be more accurate if more data have been
25 collected.
Melaporkan dapatan.
Reporting the findings.
10 Melaporkan dapatan dalam bentuk penyelesaian
5 masalah berdasarkan tafsiran penyelesaian yang
telah dilaksanakan di atas.
x (m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Report the finding of the problem solving based on the
interpretation of solutions as shown.

Berdasarkan graf, didapati ketinggian maksimum bola (c) Mengenal pasti dan definisikan masalah.
ialah 49 m. Identifying and defining the problem.
Based on the graph, the maximum height of the ball is 49 m. 1. Menentukan nilai a, b dan c bagi
persamaan kuadratik yang terlibat
Menentusahkan dan mentafsir penyelesaian Determine the value of a, b and c for the
dalam konteks masalah berkenaan. quadratic equation involved.
Verifying and interpreting solutions in the context of the 2. Membuat satu model matematik bagi
problem. hubungan antara nilai pasaran harga tanah
Tentukan fungsi kuadratik y = ax2 + bx + c. dan bilangan tahun dimiliki
Determine the quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + c. Derive a mathematical model for the relation
Tentukan nilai-nilai a, b, dan c dengan between the market value of a land and number
menggantikan sebarang data contohnya (0, 24), of years owned.
(4, 48), (8, 40). Membuat andaian dan mengenal pasti

Determine the value of a, b, and c by replacing any data,
pemboleh ubah.
for example (0, 24), (4, 48), (8, 40).
24 = a(0)2 + b(0) + c Making assumptions and identifying the variables.

c = 24 1. Andaikan kenaikan nilai harga pasaran
48 = a(4)2 + b(4) + c tanah itu adalah seragam.
48 = 16a + 4b + 24 Assume the increasing of market value of the
40 = a(8)2 + b(8) + c land are uniform.
40 = 64a + 8b + 24 2. Pemboleh ubah terlibat ialah nilai pasaran
harga tanah, v dan bilangan tahun dimiliki
Persamaan 1: 16a + 4b = 24 t.
Equation 1 Variable involved are market value of the land,
Persamaan 2: 64a + 8b = 16 v and the number of years owned, t.
Equation 2
Mengaplikasi matematik untuk menyele-
Tentukan nilai a, b dan c menggunakan persamaan saikan masalah.
serentak Applying mathematics to solve problems.
Determine the value of a, b and c using simultane- 
Nilai pasaran harga tanah dan tahun
ous equation ditulis dalam bentuk (t, v) dan diplotkan di atas
a = –1, b = 10, c = 24 kertas graf.
Persamaan kuadratik/Quadratic equation The market value of the land and the number of
y = –x2 + 10x + 24 years owned are written in (t, v) and plotted on a
Paksi simetri x = 5 graph paper.
Symmetrical axis

y (v)

x (t)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 120 130 140 150

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Menentusahkan dan mentafsir penyelesaian 5 (a) (i)
dalam konteks masalah berkenaan.
y (RM)
Verifying and interpreting solutions in the context of the
Tentukan fungsi kuadratik v(t) = at2 + bt + c. 25
Determine the quadratic function v(t) = at2 + bt + c
Tentukan nilai-nilai a, b, dan c dengan 20
menggantikan data contohnya (0, 45 000),
(10, 51 000), (20, 77 000).
Determine the value of a, b, and c by replacing the data,
for example (0,45 000), (10,51 000), (20,77 000).
45 000 = a(0)2 + b(0) + c
c = 45000
51 000 = a(10)2 + b(10) + 45 000 5
51000 = 100a + 10b + 45 000
77 000 = a(20)2 + b(20) + 45 000 x
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
77000 = 400a + 20b + 45 000

Persamaan 1: 6 000 = 100a + 10b

Equation 1 (ii) RM 4
Persamaan 2: 32 000 = 400a + 20b (iii) Bilangan buku meningkat, harga cetakan
Equation 2 sebuah buku menurun. Didapati y berubah
secara songsang dengan x
Tentukan nilai a,b dan c menggunakan persamaan When the number of books increase, the printing
serentak cost of a book is decrease. Found that y varies
Determine the value of a, b, and c by using simultaneous inversely as x.
equation. 1
a = 100, b = –400, c = 45 000 y∝
Persamaan kuadratik/Quadratic equation k
v(t) = (100t)2 – 400t + 45000 y= x

Nilai pasaran pada tahun 2025 k

25 =
Market value in 2025 100
v(t) = 100(252) – 400(25) + 45000 k = 2500
v(t) = 97500 2500
y = x
Gantikan/Replace V(T) = RM189 000
(b) (i)
189000 = (100t)2 – 400t + 45000
(100t)2 – 400t + 45000 – 189000 = 0 V (m3)
(100t)2 – 400t – 144000 = 0
(t – 40)(t + 36) = 0 1600
t = 40, –36
Pada tahun 2000 + 40 = 2040
In year 2000 + 40 = 2040
Nilai pasaran harga tanah akan mencapai 1200
RM189 000
Market value of the land will reach RM189 000
Memurnikan model matematik.
Refining the mathematical model.
Kejituan jawapan akan bertambah jika lebih 800
banyak data diambil.
The answer will be more accurate if more data have been

Melaporkan dapatan.
Reporting the findings.
Melaporkan dapatan dalam bentuk penyelesaian
masalah berdasarkan tafsiran penyelesaian yang 200
telah dilaksanakan di atas.
Report the finding of the problem solving based on the
interpretation of solutions as shown. P (kPa)
1.0 1.5 2.5 2.5 3.0

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(ii) Hukum Boyle’s/Boyle’s Law: P1V1 = P2V2 Jarak antara rumah dan kedai runcit
1 × 1440 = 2.8 × V2 The distance from house and grocery store
1 × 1440 P = (x + 4)8………(2)
V2 =
(1) = (2)
V2 = 514.29 m3 (x – 4) 10 = (x + 4)8
Apabila tekanan bertambah, isi padu x = 36kmm–1
berkurang. Tekanan berkadar songsang (b) 1. Kelajuan angin dan basikal adalah tetap.
dengan isi padu. The wind speed and the speed of the bicycle are
As the pressure increases, the volume decreases. fixed.
Pressure is inversely proportional to volume. 2. 
Abaikan geseran tayar basikal dengan
1 permukaan jalan dan geseran antara Nordin
P ∝
V dengan udara.
k Ignore the friction between the tyres and the surface
P = of the road and friction between Nordin and the wind.
dimana k ialah pemalar Praktis Sumatif
where k is a constant
1 B 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 A
(a) Anggap/Assume 6 C 7 B
y = jarak keseluruhan perjalanan
y = the total of the whole journey KERTAS 2
x = kelajuan basikal 1 Mengenal pasti dan definasikan masalah.
x = the speed of bicycle Identifying and defining the problem.
t = masa (minit) 1. Gaji tahunan Ravi pada tahun pertamanya ialah
t = time (minutes) RM21 600.
P = jarak antara rumah dan kedai runcit Ravi’s annual salary on his first year is RM21 600.
P = the distance between house and grocery store 2. Kenaikan gaji tahunan meningkat 3% pada setiap
Nordin mengayuh menentang arah angin dan tahun.
mengambil masa 10 minit. Increment in the annual salary increases 3% every year.
He rides against the wind and took 10 minutes Terbitkan satu model matematik bagi gaji tahunan
Laju sebenar semasa pergi ke kedai runcit = Laju Ravi selepas t tahun.
basikal – kelajuan angin Derive a mathematical model for Ravi’s annual salary
The actual speed when he rides to the grocery store = The after t years.
speed of the bicycle – The speed of wind
= (x – 4)kmm–1 Membuat
 andaian dan mengenal pasti
Jarak antara rumah dan kedai runcit pemboleh ubah.
The distance from house and grocery store Making assumptions and identifying the varibales.
P = (x – 4)10………(1) 1. Andaikan kadar kenaikan gaji adalah tetap setiap
Nordin mengayuh mengikut arah angin. Masa tahun.
diambil 8 minit Assume the rate of increment is fixed every year.
He rides in the direction of the wind and took 8 minutes 2. Pemboleh ubah yang terlibat ialah, gaji tahunan
Laju sebenar semasa balik = Laju basikal + semasa, CAS kenaikan, r dan tahun, t.
kelajuan angin Variables involved are current annual salary, CAS,
The actual speed when he rides home = The speed of the increment, r, and year, t.
bicycle + The speed of wind Mengaplikasi matematik untuk menyelesaikan
= (x + 4)kmm–1 masalah.
Applying mathematics to solve problems.

Tahun Gaji tahunan semasa (RM) Kenaikan (RM) Gaji tahunan selepas kenaikan (RM)
Year Current annual salary (RM) Increment (RM) Annual salary after increment (RM)
21 600 + 21 600 × 0.03
1 21 600 21 600 × 0.03 = 21 600 (1 + 0.03)
= 21 600(1.03)
21 600(1.03) + 21 600(1.03) × 0.03
2 21 600 (1.03) 21 600(1.03) × 0.03
= 21 600(1.03)2
21 600(1.03)2 + 21 600(1.03) × 0.03
3 21 600 (1.03)2 21 600(1.03)2 × 0.03
= 21 600(1.03)3
21 600(1.03)3 + 21 600(1.03) × 0.03
4 21 600(1.03)3 21 600(1.03)3 × 0.03
= 21 600(1.03)4
21 600(1.03)4 + 21 600(1.03) × 0.03
5 21 600(1.03)4 21 600(1.03)4 × 0.03
= 21 600(1.03)5

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Menentusahkan dan mentafsir penyelesaian dalam Memurnikan model matematik.
konteks masalah berkenaan. Refining the mathematical model.
Verifying and interpreting solutions in the context of the Dalam situasi sebenar, kadar kenaikan gaji boleh
problem. berubah mengikut keadaan semasa maka, model
Pola tersebut dapat digeneralisasikan kepada satu matematik akan berubah jika kadar kenaikan berubah.
model matematik. Model matematik ialah FAS = CAS In reality, the rate of salary increment can be change
(1 + r)t dengan keadaan FAS ialah gaji tahunan masa according to current condition thus, the mathematical model
hadapan Ravi pada tahun ke-t. will change if the rate of increment change.
We can generalize this pattern to a mathematical model. The
mathematical model is FAS = CAS (1 + r )t such that FAS is Melaporkan dapatan.
Ravi’s future annual salary on the tth year. Reporting the findings.
RM Melaporkan dapatan dalam bentuk penyelesaian
masalah berdasarkan tafsiran penyelesaian yang telah
dilaksanakan di atas.
Report the finding of the problem solving based on the
FAS = CAS (1 + r)2 interpretation of solutions as shown.

21 600

1 2 3 4
Jumlah hutang An
(RM) 5 000 4 725 444 8.63 4 170.24
Total loan (RM)
kadar pinjaman
6% sebulan (RM) 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
5 000 × 4 725 × 4 448.63 × 4 170.24 ×
Loan rate 6% per 12 12 12 12
month (RM)
Jumlah hutang + 5 000 + 4 725 + 4 448.63 + 4 170.24 +
kadar pinjaman
(RM) 15 0002 1 2 0.06
12 14 7251 0.06
12 22 14 448.63 1 0.06
12 22 14 170.241 0.06
12 22
Total loan + loan rate
= 5 000 (1 + 0.06 2
1 12 2 = 4 745 (1 + 1 0.06
12 22
= 4 448.63 11 + 1 0.06 22
= 4 170.24 11 +
12 22
1 0.06
hutang + kadar –
bayaran hutang 5 000 1 +1 1 0.06
12 22
4 725 1 + 1 1 0.06
12 22 1 1 22
4 448.63 1 + 0.06
12 1 1 22
4 170.24 1 + 0.06
(RM) – 300
Loan + loan rate –
– 300 – 300 – 300
loan payment (RM)
Jumlah hutang
semasa An + 1
(RM) 4 725 4 448.63 4 170.87 3 891.72
Total current loan

Kertas Model SPM

Kertas 2
Kertas 1 Bahagian A
1 D 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 B
6 C 7 C 8 D 9 C 10 A 1 56 = (3x – 7)(x – 3)
11 C 12 A 13 C 14 D 15 A 56 = 3x2 – 7x – 9x + 21
16 B 17 C 18 C 19 D 20 D 3x2 – 16x – 35 =0
21 C 22 A 23 C 24 C 25 C
(3x + 5)(x – 7) =0
26 B 27 D 28 C 29 A 30 C
31 C 32 C 33 D 34 B 35 C x = – 3 dan/and x = 7
36 C 37 D 38 D 39 A 40 B 5
x =7

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2 (a) (b) Q Q



(b) 2 (x + 3) = 12 – x 110 km j–2/kmh2

2x + 6 = 12 – x 9 (a) = 330 km j–2/kmh–2
3x = 6 j/h
x = 2
2 1 (b) (t – 1 + 3 )(110) 1 = 110
3 2 2
32 × 16 2 5 322 × 16 7
3 (a) 3
= 7 1283 t+ =2
128 7
t =
22 × 22 6
23 7 –2 p –11
=2 10 1 2 321 2 1 2
q = 4
(b) (i) Benar/True p 7 –2 –1 –11
(ii) Palsu/False 1 2 1
q = 2 2 1 2
3 4
4 (a) 2x + x + 15° + 51° = 180° p 1

3x = 114°
x = 38°
1 2 1 21 2
q = 7(3) – (–2)(2) –2 7
3 2 –11
p 1 3 2 –11
(b) p = 2
q=3 1 2 1
q = 25 –2 7 21 2 4
5 Vair sejuk = Vbekas – Vtin p –1
Vcold water = Vcontainer – Vcan
1 q 2 1 2
p = –1, q = 2
Vair sejuk Vcold water = 56(56)(30) – 242 1227 2 (2.5) 2
Bahagian B
Vair sejuk/Vcold water = 94 080 – 57 042.86 11 (a) {(C, 1), (C, 9), (O, 1), (O, 9), (V, 1), (V, 9), (I, 1),
(I, 9), (D, 1), (D, 9)}
Vair sejuk/Vcold water = 37 037.14 cm2 (b) (i) {(C, 1), (C, 9), (O, 9), (V, 1), (V, 9), (I, 9),
6 (a) (0, –4) = 1 102– x , 2 2 (D, 1), (D, 9)}
10 – x
=0 5
2 (ii) {(O, 9), (1, 9)}
x = –10 1
= – 4 5
2 (c) 0
y = –12 (d) (O, 21 ), (O, 22 ), (I, 21 ), (I, 22 )}
Koordinat titik P ialah (–10, –12). 4 1
Coordinate of point P is (–10, –12). 20 5
4 – (– 4) 12 (a)
(b) m =
10 – 0 Umur Kekerapan Sempadan
4 (tahun) Kekerapan longgokan atas
5 Age Frequency Cumulative Upper
c = –4 (years) frequency boundary
y = mx + c 10 – 19 3 3 19.5
y= x–4 20 – 29 12 15 29.5
30 – 39 15 30 39.5
7 (a) (i) 180°
(ii) (1, –1) 40 – 49 15 45 49.5
(b) M' = (7, 2) 50 – 59 13 58 59.5
N' = (5, 1) 60 – 69 12 70 69.5
8 (a) E = {(P, Q), (P, T), (Q, R), (R, S), (R, T), (S, T)} 70 – 79 8 78 79.5
n(E) = 6
80 – 89 2 80 89.5

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(b) (ii) Pembesaran dengan faktor skala 3 pada pusat
(−3, 4).
Kekerapan longgokan/Cumulative frequency Enlargement with scale factor 3 at center (–3, 4).
(b) Luas/Area WXYZ = 32(100)
Luas/Area WXYZ = 900 m2
15 (a)


40 F/E
(b) Isi padu pepejal gabungan/Volume of the composite
20 solid
= 4(6)(4) – (2)(4)(6) + 4(5)(6) – 1 12272(2) (6)
2 2
= 96 – 24 + 120 – 264
= cm 3
9.5 19.5 29.5 39.5 49.5 59.5 69.5 79.5 89.5 Bahagian C
Umur (tahun)/Age (years) 16 (a) Wang pendahuluan/Downpayment = RM8 000
Faedah/Interest = RM72 000(0.04)(9)
= RM25 920
(c) (i) Median = 46 Ansuran bulanan/Monthly instalment
(ii) Julat antara kuartil/Interquartile range 72 000 + 25 920
= 61 – 33 =
108 bulan/months
= 28 = RM906.67
1 (b) Cukai jalan kereta G/Road tax car G = RM90
13 (a) Aberlorek/Ashaded region = (2x + 2(x + 3))(x – 1)
2 Cukai jalan kereta H/Road tax car H
1 = RM200 + (1 750 – 1 600)(RM0.40)
– (x – 1)(2x)
2 Cukai jalan kereta H/Road tax car H = RM260
1 Kereta G kerana kos cukai jalan kereta G tiga kali
Aberlorek/Ashaded region = (4x + 6)(x – 1)
2 lebih rendah berbanding kos cukai jalan kereta H.
– 1 (2x2 – 2x) Car G because the road tax of car G is thrice lower than
2 road tax car H.
1 (i) Tidak/No.
Aberlorek/Ashaded region = (4x2 + 2x – 6) – 1 (2x2 – 2x)
2 2 RM7 000
1 = RM583.33
Aberlorek/Ashaded region = (4x – 2x + 2x + 2x – 6)
2 2 12
2 RM583.33 – RM500 = RM83.33
1 RM83.34
Aberlorek/Ashaded region = (2x2 + 4x – 6) (ii) 1. Mengurangkan perbelanjaan tidak tetap
seperti bil utiiti, makanan dan minuman
Aberlorek/Ashaded region = x2 + 2x – 3 serta hiburan dan rekreasi.
(b) (i) Reducing the variable expenses such as utility
bills, food and drinks, and entertainment and
2. Menambah pendapatan dengan membuat
kerja sambilan atau menjalankan
perniagaan dalam talian.
–3 1 Generate additional income by doing part-time
jobs or running an online business.
(iii) 1. Kadar inflasi harus melebihi kenaikan
The inflation rates should not exceed her pay
(ii) x – 1  0 rise.
x>1 2. 
Fatimah sihat dan boleh meneruskan
14 (a) (i) Putaran 90º ikut arah jam pada pusat (−3, 3). pekerjaan.
Rotation 90º clockwise at center (–3, 3).
Fatimah is healthy and can continues to work.

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Peningkatan dalam perbelanjaan boleh (ii)
diatasi dengan penigkatan gaji dan y
pekerjaan sambilan.
The increase of expenses can be offset by pay
rises and par time job. 7
17 (a) (i) Luas permukaan lantai dan dinding
Surface area of the floor and walls 6
= 2.1(1.8) + 2(2.1)(2.3) + 2(1.8)(2.3)
= 21.72 m2 5
(ii) = 72.4
2(0.15) 4
73 keping papan/number of pine wood
Tinggi/Height 3
(b) tan 52.5° =
Tinggi/Height = 0.56 m 2
(c) (i) 24x + 30y  180
xy 1

0 x
2 4 6 8 10 12

(iii) Maksimum/Maximum = 2
Minimum = 5

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