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Prelims Wallah Test 2.0 - 2024

Test 28: Full Length Test- 6- Synopsis
1. A 26. D 51. C 76. A

2. D 27. C 52. B 77. B

3. D 28. D 53. C 78. D

4. A 29. C 54. D 79. D

5. A 30. C 55. B 80. C

6. D 31. D 56. B 81. A

7. D 32. C 57. A 82. B

8. C 33. B 58. B 83. A

9. C 34. A 59. C 84. A

10. B 35. C 60. A 85. C

11. D 36. C 61. A 86. A

12. B 37. D 62. C 87. C

13. D 38. C 63. D 88. B

14. A 39. A 64. A 89. D

15. C 40. D 65. C 90. A

16. D 41. C 66. B 91. B

17. C 42. A 67. A 92. D

18. D 43. B 68. C 93. A

19. D 44. B 69. B 94. D

20. A 45. C 70. A 95. A

21. D 46. D 71. B 96. A

22. C 47. A 72. B 97. B

23. C 48. A 73. B 98. A

24. C 49. A 74. C 99. A

25. A 50. C 75. D 100. B


1. Ans: A ● Fundamental Rights: The authority

Exp: The doctrine of 'sovereignty of of the Parliament is also restricted
Parliament' is associated with the British by the incorporation of fundamental
Parliament. That supreme power in Great rights under Part III of the
Britain lies with the Parliament. There Constitution.
are no 'legal' restrictions on its authority Thus both the statements are correct,
and jurisdiction. and statement II is the correct
Statement-I is correct: The Indian explanation of statement I.
Parliament cannot be regarded as a
sovereign body as there are 'legal' 2. Ans: D
restrictions on its authority and
Exp: The Finance Bill of 2017
introduced Electoral Bonds as interest-
Statement-II is correct: The factors that free bearer instruments for the first
limit the sovereignty of Indian time in India. It is touted as an
Parliament are: alternative to cash donations made to the
● Written Nature of the political parties. It aims to bring clean
Constitution: The Constitution has money and substantial transparency into
defined the authority and the political funding system.
jurisdiction of all the three organs of The salient features of the scheme are:
the Union government and the
(i) The electoral bond means a bond
nature of interrelationship between
issued in the nature of a promissory note
them. Hence, the Parliament has to
which is a bearer banking instrument and
operate within the limits prescribed
does not carry the name of the buyer or
by the Constitution.
● Federal System of Government:
(ii) The electoral bonds may be
India has a federal system of
purchased by a citizen of India or entities
government with a constitutional
incorporated or established in India.
division of powers between the
Union and the states. Both have to (iii) The electoral bonds can be used
operate within the spheres allotted for making donations to only those
to them. registered political parties which have
secured not less than one per cent of
● System of Judicial Review: The
the votes polled in the last general
adoption of an independent
election to the Lok Sabha or the State
Judiciary with the power of judicial
legislative Assembly. Hence, statement
review also restricts the supremacy
1 is incorrect.
of our Parliament. Both the
Supreme Court and high courts can (iv) The electoral bonds can be encashed
declare the laws enacted by the by an eligible political party only through
Parliament as void and ultra vires a bank account with the authorized bank.
(unconstitutional), if they Electoral bonds are available for
contravene any provision of the purchase in January, April, July, and
Constitution. On the other hand, October. Hence, statement 2 is
there is no system of judicial review incorrect.
in Britain.

(v) The electoral bonds are issued in the ● He/she can grant pardons, reprieves,
denomination of ₹1,000, ₹10,000, respites and remissions of
₹1,00,000, ₹10,00,000 and ₹1,00,00,000. punishment or suspend, remit and
(vi) The information furnished by the commute the sentence of any person
buyers is treated confidential by the convicted of any offense against any
authorized bank and is not to be law relating to a matter to which the
disclosed to an authority for any purpose executive power of the state
except when demanded by a competent extends.
court or upon registration of a criminal
● He/she cannot pardon a death
case by any law enforcement agency.
sentence. Even if a state law
In the 2018 budget, the receiving of
prescribes for a death sentence,
foreign funds by the political parties
the power to grant pardon lies
has been allowed. In other words, the
with the President and not the
political parties can now receive funds
governor. But, the governor can
from the foreign companies.
Accordingly, the Foreign Contribution suspend, remit or commute a
(Regulation) Act, 2010, has been death sentence.
amended. Under this amendment, the
definition of a foreign company has been 4. Ans: A
modified. Hence, statement 3 is
incorrect Exp:
Statement-I is correct: The Aam
3. Ans: D Aadmi party is the most recently
Exp: declared national party by the
Election Commission of India. This
Statement 1 is incorrect: The
decision was based on AAP’s strong
appointment, posting and promotion
of District judges in a state are made performance in Delhi, Punjab, Gujarat,
by the Governor of the state in and Goa. Currently, there are six national
consultation with the high court. parties in India viz. BJP, Congress, CPI
(Marxist), AAP, BSP, and National
A person to be appointed as a district
judge should have the following People’s Party (NPP).
qualifications: Statement-II is correct: At present, a
● He/she should not already be in the party is recognised as a national party if
ser- vice of the Central or the state any of the following conditions are
government. fulfilled:
● He/she should have been an ● If it secures six per cent of valid
advocate or a pleader for seven votes polled in any four or more
years. states at a general election to the
● He/she should be recommended by Lok Sabha or to the legislative
the high court for appointment. assembly; and, in addition, it wins
Statement 2 is incorrect: The pardoning four seats in the Lok Sabha from
power of the Governor is outlined in any state or states; or
the Constitution of India, particularly
● If it wins two per cent of seats in the
in Article 161.
Lok Sabha at a general election, and
The pardoning powers and functions of these candidates are elected from
the governor are: three states or

● If it is recognised as a state party of the Supreme Court. The Contempt of

in four or more states. Court Act of 1971 cannot limit this
Hence, both the statements are correct power of the court. The statute only
and statement II is the correct provides the procedure in which such
explanation of statement I contempt is to be initiated. The suo motu
contempt powers of the top court are
drawn from Article 129 of the
5. Ans: A Constitution, which says the Supreme
Exp: Court, as a court of record, has the power
to punish for contempt of itself.
Statement 1 is correct: Article 129 and
Article 215 of the Indian Constitution Statement 3 is incorrect: According to
grant the Supreme Court of India and the the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971,
High Courts the authority to be Courts of contempt of court can either be civil
Record, respectively. contempt or criminal contempt
(Constitution does not define
As a Court of Record, the Supreme
contempt of court explicitly though it
Court has two powers:
is mentioned).
● The judgements, proceedings and
Two Types of Contempt:
acts of the Supreme Court are
recorded for perpetual memory and Civil Contempt: It is committed when
testimony. These records are someone wilfully disobeys a court order,
admitted to be of evidential or wilfully breaches an undertaking
significance and cannot be given to court.
questioned when produced before Criminal Contempt
any court. They are recognised as
It consists of three forms:
legal precedents and legal
references. ● words, written or spoken, signs and
actions that “scandalize” or “tend to
● It has the power to punish for
scandalize” or “lower” or “tends to
contempt of itself. In 1991, the
lower” the authority of any court
Supreme Court ruled that it has
power to punish for contempt not ● prejudices or interferes with any
only of itself but also of high judicial proceeding and
courts, subordinate courts and ● interferes with or obstructs the
tribunals functioning in the entire administration of justice.
● Article 215 of the Indian 6. Ans: D
Constitution states that every High
Court shall be a court of record and Exp:
shall have all the powers of such a Statement 1 is incorrect: The
court, including the power to punish Constitution (Article 165) has provided
for contempt of itself. for the office of the advocate general for
Statement 2 is incorrect: The prior the states. He/she is the highest law
consent of the Attorney General (AG) officer in the state. Thus he/she
of India is not required to suo motu corresponds to the Attorney General of
initiate the inherent contempt powers India. The advocate general is
appointed by the governor of the state.

He/she must be a person who is qualified Statement-II is correct: The Governor

to be appointed as a judge of a high court. can reject, withhold, grant assent to the
In other words, he/she must be a citizen bill or reserve the bill for the assent by
of India and must have held a judicial the President. The Constitution of India
office for ten years or been an advocate does not provide any time limit for the
of a high court for ten years Governor to act on a bill passed by the
state legislature. However, in practice,
Statement 2 is incorrect: The term of Governors are expected to act on bills
office of the advocate general is not within a reasonable amount of time.
fixed by the Constitution. Further, the
8. Ans: C
Constitution does not contain the
procedure and grounds for his/her Exp:
removal. He/she holds office during the The constitutional values are reflected in
pleasure of the governor. This means that the entire Constitution of India, but the
he/she may be removed by the governor
Preamble embodies ‘the fundamental
at any time. He/she may also quit his/her
values and the philosophy on which the
office by submitting his/her resignation
Constitution is based’. The values
to the governor. Conventionally he/she
expressed in the Preamble are expressed
resigns when the government (council of
ministers) resigns or is replaced, as as objectives of the Constitution, which
he/she is appointed on its advice. The are:
remuneration of the advocate general is
not fixed by the Constitution. He/she Sovereignty Socialism Secularism Democracy
receives such remuneration as the
governor may determine. Republican Justice Liberty Equality
character of
the Indian
7. Ans: D
Exp: Article 200 of the Indian
Constitution deals with the powers of the
Governor with regard to assent given to Fraternity Human Unity and
bills passed by the State legislature and Dignity Integrity
other powers of the Governor such as of the
reserving the bill for the President's Nation
consideration. The Governor of India
enjoys absolute veto, suspensive veto Liberty: It means the absence of
(except on money bills) but not the restraints on the activities of individuals
pocket veto. and at the same time, providing
opportunities for the development of
Statement-I incorrect: Qualified veto is
individual personalities.
a type of veto in which the veto can be
overridden by a special majority vote of Liberty, as elaborated in the Preamble, is
the legislature (as in the case of the very essential for the successful
President of the United States of functioning of the Indian democratic
America). However, neither the system. However, liberty does not
Governor of a State nor the President mean ‘license’ to do what one likes,
of India has the power of Qualified and has to be enjoyed within the
Veto. limitations mentioned in the Constitution
itself, i.e., liberty conceived by the

Preamble or Fundamental Rights is 10. Ans: B

not absolute but qualified. Exp:
Fraternity: Fraternity means a sense of Statement 1 is correct: The press
brotherhood. The Preamble declares ordinance was issued in 1823 by
that fraternity has to assure two Governor General John Adams. It laid
things: down stringent regulations for the editors
and heavy penalties and fines were
• The dignity of the individual.
prescribed for infringement. In 1835
• The unity and integrity of the
when Charles Metcafe became the
nation. Governor-General, he relaxed several
The word ‘integrity’ has been added to restrictions previously imposed on the
the preamble by the 42nd Constitutional press and repealed the obnoxious
Amendment (1976). ordinance of 1823 and earned the
epithet of ‘Liberator of Indian Press’.
9. Ans: C Statement 2 is correct: The disaffection
Exp: created by Lord Curzon's policies
Gopal Baba Walangkar, also known as resulted in the growth of an Extremist
Gopal Krishna, was a pioneer in the Party. The newspaper of the time often
cause of uplifting the Dalits from socio- commented adversely on the government
economic oppression. Walangkar policies. According to the Newspaper
subscribed to Phule’s idea of the Aryan (incitement to Offence) Act, 1908
invasion theory. magistrates were given power to
Statement 1 is correct: The Anarya confiscate printing presses and
Dosh-Parihar Mandali was a social properties.
reform organisation founded by
Statement 3 is incorrect: In March 1947
Walangkar in 1890 to promote the
Government of India appointed a Press
interests of the Dalits. The organisation
Enquiry Committee and was charged
worked to address the social and
with the duty of examining the press laws
economic oppression faced by the Dalits
in the light of fundamental rights
and to promote their education and
empowerment. formulated. The committee recommended
the repeal of the Indian Emergency
It was through this society that a
Power Act of 1931.
petition was sought to be raised
against the policy of the government to
discontinue the recruitment of Mahars 11. Ans: D
in the army.
Statement 2 is correct: Walangkar's
most significant work is "Hindu Pair 1 is incorrect: Gopalhari
Dharma Darpan," which was published Deshmukh was known by his pen name
in 1894. In this work, Walangkar "Lokahitawadi." He was associated
criticised the caste system and advocated with the periodical "Hitechhu," not
for the social and economic upliftment of "Sudharak." Gopalhari Deshmukh was a
the Dalits. He also argued that the Dalits social reformer and rationalist who
were the original inhabitants of India and advocated for social reform and modern,
that the Brahmins were Aryan invaders. humanistic, secular values in
Maharashtra. Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
started his own periodical, Sudharak,

which spoke against untouchability and resurfaced on issues of high rent and
the caste system. oppression in revenue collection, in some
Pair 2 is incorrect: Gopal Krishna northern districts of the United
Gokhale was a prominent political Provinces, which resulted into Eka
leader and social reformer during the movement. The grassroot leadership of
Indian freedom movement. Gopal the Eka Movement came from Madari
Krishna Gokhale was associated with Pasi and other low-caste leaders, and
'Hitwada’ and not with the periodical many small zamindars.
"Hitechhu." Gokhale was known for his Bardoli Satyagraha (1928): The
efforts in the political and social spheres, Bardoli satyagraha February 1928,
including advocating for educational during India’s national movement was
reforms and civil rights. led by Sardar Vallabhai Patel, against the
Pair 3 is incorrect: Gopal Ganesh payments of the revised assessment until
Agarkar was a notable social reformer the government appointed an
and educationist, but he was not independent tribunal or accepted the
associated with "Satyarth Prakash." current amount as full payment.
"Satyarth Prakash" was a significant
work authored by another social 13. Ans: D
reformer, Swami Dayanand
Saraswati. Agarkar is known for his role
in the field of education and his work Statement 1 is incorrect: Following the
with periodicals such as "Kesari." unceremonious decision of the British
Govternment to go ahead with Partition
of Bengal, the Indian National
12. Ans: B Congress approved the Swadeshi and
Exp: Boycott Movements in its Benaras
Narkelberia Uprising: Mir Nithar Ali session in 1905, with GK Gokhale acting
(1782–1831) or Titu Mir inspired the as the president. The Indian National
Muslim tenants in West Bengal to rise Congress explicitly demanded Swaraj
against landlords, mainly Hindu, who for the first time in the Calcutta session
imposed a beard-tax on the Faraizis and in 1906, with Dadbhai Naoroji acting as
British indigo planters. Often considered the President.
the first armed peasant uprising against Statement 2 is incorrect: The first non-
the British, this revolt soon took on a Indian to preside over the annual
religious hue. The revolt later merged session of the Indian National
into the Wahabi Movement. Congress was George Yule. He
Champaran Satyagraha (1917): It was presided over the session in 1888, held in
led by Gandhiji to look into the problems Allahabad. George Yule was a Scottish
of the farmers in context of indigo merchant based in India, and his
planters of Champaran in Bihar. The presidency marked the first time a non-
European planters had been forcing the Indian held this position in the
peasants to grow indigo on 3/20 part of Congress's history. This was significant
the total land (called tinkathia system). as it illustrated the Indian National
Congress's early inclusivity and its
Eka Movement (1921): Towards the appeal to supporters of Indian self-
end of 1921, peasant discontent governance from various backgrounds. It

was Womesh Chunder Bonarjee, the first 15. Ans: C

Congress President, who convinced Yule Exp:
to accept the invitation to chair the
Government of India Act 1919 was based
Allahabad session.
on what are popularly known as the
14. Ans: A Montague-Chelmsford Reforms. In
Exp: August 1917, the British government for
Statement 1 is incorrect: The civil the first time declared that its objective
disobedience Movement is a non-violent was to gradually introduce responsible
movement engaged in by individuals government in India, but as an integral
who refuses to obey a law for moral or part of the British Empire.
philosophical reasons. It implies the Statement 1 is correct: Under the 1919
wilful and deliberate violation of certain Act, the Indian Legislative Council at
law, civil rule and political authority in the Centre was replaced by a
resistance to some real or perceived bicameral system consisting of a
injustice. The Rich peasants were Council of State (Upper House) and a
supporters of the civil disobedience Legislative Assembly (Lower House).
movement. They were hit hard by the Each house was to have a majority of
trade depression and falling prices. With members who were directly elected. So,
their income decreasing rapidly, they direct election was introduced, though
found it impossible to pay the
the franchise was much restricted being
government’s revenue demand. The
based on qualifications of property, tax,
government also refused to reduce the
or education.
revenue demand which led to widespread
resentment among the rich peasants. Statement 2 is incorrect: The principle
of communal representation was
Statement 2 is correct: Lord
Willingdon (1931-36) was the viceroy extended with separate electorates for
of India when following events Sikhs, Christians, and Anglo-Indians,
happened: besides Muslims. It was during the
Government of India Act of 1935, the
● Second & Third Round Table
principles of ‘communal electorates’ and
‘weightage’ were further extended to
● Poona pact was signed depressed classes, women, and labour.
● Communal award was started Statement 3 is correct: The Provincial
Third Round Table Conference was Budget was separated from the Central
organised in 1932. It was presided over Budget, and Provinces were allowed to
by Ramsay MacDonald. The White enact their own Budget.
Paper released by the British
Statement 4 is incorrect: The Indian
Government in March 1933 outlined
Councils Act 1909 allowed an Indian
proposals that set the direction for the
member to be taken for the first time
formulation of the new Constitution of
in the Executive Council of the
India. Subsequently, the Government of
India Act of 1935 was passed based on Governor General. Satyendra Prasad
these proposals. Sinha was the first Indian to join the
Governor General’s—or Viceroy’s—
First Round Table Conference
Executive Council, as law member.
occurred during the tenure of Lord

16. Ans: D ruler, Somesvara IV (1181- 1189),

Exp: acquired independent status in CE 1187
and laid the foundation of the Yadava
Maharishi Vitthal Ramji Shinde rule.
(1873–1944) was born into a Marathi
Pair 2 is incorrect: The Kakatiyas were
family in Karnataka. Tukaram,
the feudatories of the Chalukyas of
Eknath, and Ramdas' works all had an
Kalyani. Kakati Rudradeva
impact on his spiritual journey. He
(Prataprudra I), the founder of the
grew up in a liberal intellectual
Kakatiya state, succeeded in
environment and was influenced by Hari
overpowering the Chalukya ruler,
Narayan Apte, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar,
Tailapa III, during the second half of the
Mahadev Govind Ranade, Ramakrishna
12th century (c. 1162).
Gopal Bhandarkar, and G.B. Kotkar,
among other thinkers. He joined the Pair 3 is correct: Kadungon (A.D.590-
Prarthana Samaj and worked to 620) was the founder and the first
eliminate untouchability in India. In great ruler of the Pandyas. He freed
1905, he established an untouchable Madurai from the clutches of Kalabhras.
children's night school in Pune. He Velvikkudi copper plates designate him
founded the Depressed Classes as the Kalabhra power.
Mission in Bombay in 1906. The
Pair 4 is correct: The Hoysalas ruled
mission aimed to eliminate
over parts of the present Karnataka and
untouchability, provide educational
facilities for untouchables, and solve most of the Tamil region. The founder
their problems. He spoke out against the of the dynasty was Nripa Kama II who
caste system, idol worship, and was the feudatory of Western Gangas.
inequities imposed on women and the The first independent ruler of the
poor, as well as meaningless rituals, kingdom was Ballala II (1173-1220).
hereditary priesthood's dominance, and The kingdom achieved independent
the need for a priest to act as a go- status by the close of the 12th century but
between for a devotee and God. He its end came at the beginning of the 14th
participated in the Civil Disobedience century.
Movement and was imprisoned at the
Yerawda Central Jail. Shinde was the
18. Ans: D
author of the Bharatiya Asprushyatecha
Prashna. Exp:
Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the third ruler of the
17. Ans: C Tughlaq dynasty. He ascended the throne
in 1351 and ruled until 1388. Important
developments during his reign included:
Pair 1 is correct: The history of the
Yadava dynasty may be traced to the 9th ● He established the Diwan-i-
century. For around 300 Khairat, or Department of Charity,
to take care of orphans and widows.
years, they ruled as the feudatories of the
The department also provided for
Rashtrakutas and the Chalukyas. With
the marriage of poor girls.
the decline of the latter, they emerged as
independent rulers with a big territory ● He established Diwan-i-Bundaga
under their control. Bhillama V (1175- (Department of slave).
1191), the feudatory of the Chalukya

● He founded four New Town viz. 20. Ans: A

Firozabad, Fatehabad, Jaunpur and Exp:
Statement 1 is incorrect: The greatest
Firoz Tughlaq had the unique distinction of the Vijayanagar rulers, Krishna Deva
of being chosen as sultan by the nobles. Raya belonged to the Tuluva dynasty. He
He appointed Khan-i-Jahan Maqbal, a possessed great military ability. His
Telugu Brahmin convert as wazir (prime imposing personality was accompanied
minister). Firoz patronized scholars like by high intellectual quality. His first task
Barani and Afif. As he was guided by the was to check the invading Bahmani
ulemas, he was intolerant towards Shia forces. By that time the Bahmani
Muslims and Sufis. He treated Hindus as kingdom was replaced by Deccan
second grade citizens and imposed Sultanates. The Muslim armies were
Jiziya. In this respect he was the decisively defeated in the battle of
precursor of Sikandar Lodi and Diwani by Krishna Deva Raya.
Aurangazeb. Krishna Deva Raya’s Orissa campaign
was also successful. He defeated the
19. Ans: D Gajapathi ruler Prataparudra and
conquered the whole of Telungana. He
Exp: maintained friendly relations with the
Agriculture during Mughal period was Portuguese. Albuquerque sent his
organised around two major seasonal ambassadors to Krishna Deva Raya.
cycles, the kharif (autumn) and the rabi Statement 2 is correct: A large number
(spring). Most regions, except those of inscriptions of the kings of
terrains that were the most arid or
Vijayanagara and their nayakas
inhospitable, produced a minimum of
recording donations to temples as well as
two crops a year (do-fasla), whereas
describing important events have been
some, where rainfall or irrigation assured
recovered. Several travellers visited the
a continuous supply of water, even gave
three crops. This ensured an enormous city and wrote about it. Notable among
variety of produce. However, the focus their accounts are those of an Italian
on the cultivation of basic staples did not trader named Nicolo de Conti, an
mean that agriculture in medieval India ambassador named Abdur Razzaq sent
was only for subsistence. We often come by the ruler of Persia, a merchant named
across the term jins-i kamil (literally, Afanasii Nikitin from Russia, all of
perfect cash crops) in our sources. The whom visited the city in the fifteenth
Mughal state also encouraged peasants to century, and those of Duarte Barbosa,
cultivate such crops as they brought in Domingo Paes and Fernao Nuniz from
more revenue. Crops such as cotton and Portugal, who came in the sixteenth
sugarcane were jins-i kamil par century. Domingos Paes arrived in India
excellence. Cotton was grown over a during the reign of Krishnadevaraya, the
great swathe of territory spread over most powerful king the Vijayanagara
central India and the Deccan plateau, Empire has ever had. Domingo Paes, a
whereas Bengal was famous for its sugar. Portuguese traveller, visited the
Such cash crops would also include Vijayanagara Empire around 1520.
various sorts of oilseeds (for example,
mustard) and lentils.

22. Ans: C
21. Ans: D Exp:
Exp: Option a is correct: Babur (1526-1530)
Correct chronological sequence of the was the founder of the Mughal Empire in
events is 1-2-4-3: India. His original name was Zahiruddin
Muhammad. By the end of 1525, Babur
In 1191, Prithviraj Chauhan defeated
started from Kabul to conquer India. He
Muhammad Ghori in the First Battle of
occupied Lahore easily by defeating its
Tarain, near Delhi. However, Ghori
governor, Daulat Khan Lodi. Then he
returned in 1192 and won decisively in
proceeded against Delhi where Ibrahim
the Second Battle of Tarain, marking a
Lodi was the Sultan. On 21st April 1526
turning point in the conflict between the
the first Battle of Panipat took place
Ghurids and the Rajput Confederacy.
between Babur and Ibrahim Lodi, who
The Battle of Chandawar took place in was killed in the battle. In 1528, Babur
1194 CE between Muhammad of Ghor captured Chanderi from another Rajput
and Jayachandra of the Gahadavala ruler Medini Rai. In the next year, Babur
dynasty on the banks of the Yamuna defeated the Afghans in the Battle of
River near Agra. The battle was fought Gogra in Bihar. By these victories,
fiercely and resulted in Jayachandra's Babur consolidated his power in India.
death and the defeat of his army. This Babur died at Agra in 1530 at the age of
victory gave Muhammad control of forty.
much of North India.
Option b is correct: Akbar’s Rajput
Iltutmish was the first who introduced policy was combined with a broad
the Arabic coinage into India and the religious toleration. He abolished the
silver tanka weighing 175 grams became pilgrim tax and later the jiziya. The
a standard coin in medieval India. The Rajput policy of Akbar proved to be
silver tanka remained the basis of the beneficial to the Mughal state as well as
modern rupee. Iltutmish had also created to the Rajputs. The alliance secured to
a new class of ruling elite of forty the Mughals the services of the bravest
powerful military leaders, the Forty. warriors. On the other hand it ensured
Iltutmish (1211–1236) became sultan peace in Rajasthan and a number of
in 1211 after defeating Aram Baksh. Rajputs who joined the Mughal service
The Persian festival of Navroz, or rose to important positions.
Nowruz, is celebrated by the Parsi Option c is incorrect: Aurangazeb was
community in India on March 21st one of the ablest of the Mughal kings.
every year. The festival is a celebration He assumed the title Alamgir, World
of new beginnings and the victory of Conqueror. His military campaigns in his
light over darkness. This festival was first ten years of reign were a great
introduced by Ghiyas ud din Balban. success. He suppressed the minor
Ghiyas-ud-din Balban was the ruler of revolts. To contain the spread of the
Delhi Sultnate during the period reigning Marathas, Aurangazeb decided to
from 1266 to 1287 AD. He was known invade Bijapur and Golkonda. He
for his authoritarian rule and patronage defeated Sikandar Shah of Bijapur and
of art and culture. annexed his kingdom. Then, he
proceeded against Golkonda and

eliminated the Kutb Shahi dynasty. It 24. Ans: C

was also annexed by him. Exp:
Option d is correct: The contribution of Statement 1 is correct: Nizam Shāhī
Mughals to the art of painting was dynasty were rulers of the kingdom of
remarkable. The foundation for the Ahmadnagar in the Deccan of India from
Mughal painting was laid by 1490 to 1633. Malik Ahmad Nizam
Humayun when he was staying in Shah I, the founder, established his
Persia. He brought with him two capital on a newly designated site
painters – Mir Sayyid Ali and Abdal named Ahmadnagar in 1490, named
Samad to India. These two painters after himself. The kingdom lay in the
became famous during Akbar’s reign. northwestern Deccan, between the states
of Gujarat and Bijapur. It secured the
great fortress of Daulatabad in 1499 and
added Berar in 1574.
Statement 2 is correct: Battle of
23. Ans: C Talikota also known as that of
Rakkasagi–Tangadagi was the
Exp: confrontation in the Deccan region of
Statement 1 is correct: The Zabt southern India between the forces of
System, introduced by Todar Mal the Hindu raja of Vijayanagar and the
(Akbar’s Finance Minister) during four allied Muslim sultans of Bijapur,
Akbar's reign, assessed money revenue Bidar, Ahmadnagar, and Golconda.
rates based on the area of land and the The battle was fought on January 23,
crops cultivated. This approach allowed 1565, at a site southeast of Bijapur, in
for a more consistent and predictable what is now northern Karnataka state.
revenue collection system. Statement 3 is correct: Mohammed
Statement 2 is incorrect: The Mughal Adil Shah was the seventh sultan of
administration determined the Bijapur, ascending the throne in 1627.
productivity of the land and assessed the Mohammed Adil Shah of Bijapur
tax based on the total measurement. partnered with the Mughals in their
Under the Zabt System, revenue rates conquest of Ahmednagar. Mohammed
were fixed on each unit of area maintained friendly relations with Shah
according to the crops cultivated. Jahan and made a peace treaty of 1636,
after the extinction of Ahmednagar.
Statement 3 is correct: The schedules
containing revenue rates for different
localities under the Zabt System were 25. Ans: A
known as "dasturs". These dasturs Exp:
played a crucial role in determining the Statement 1 is incorrect: The Greeks
specific rates applicable to various were the first to introduce the concept
regions, and they were used year after of military governance in India.
year to ensure uniform revenue Military governors, called strategos,
assessment and collection. were appointed to maintain the power of
the rulers over the conquered people.
They established a system where military
leaders had significant authority and
control over regions, marking a departure

from traditional forms of governance in

the Indian subcontinent. 27. Answer: C
Statement 2 is correct: The Indo-
Exp: The Chalcolithic culture, also
Greeks were the first to issue gold
termed the "stone-copper phase," was
coins in India. The Indo-Greeks were
marked by the utilization of both copper
also the first rulers in India to issue coins
and stone resources.
that can be definitively attributed to
particular kings. In contrast, early punch- Statement 1 is correct:The Ahar
marked coins do not offer the same level culture is also known as the Banas
of certainty regarding their attribution to culture. The latter term is derived from
any particular dynasty. the name of the valley in which most of
the sites of this culture are located. It is
26. Ans: D among the earliest Chalcolithic cultures
Exp: of India.
Pair 1 is incorrect: ‘Mahavastu’ is a Statement 2 is correct: Ahar culture,
cornerstone of Mahayana Buddhist kayatha culture and Malwa culture are
literature. The development of associated with Chalcolithic culture.
Mahayana Buddhism spurred the
The Kayatha culture: Chalcolithic
creation of various avadanas, which are
culture was named after the type site
texts detailing the life stories and
Kayatha, in Ujjain district, Madhya
teachings of the Buddha. These texts
Pradesh. Located in Chambal and its
were primarily composed in Buddhist
tributaries, the sturdy red slipped ware
hybrid Sanskrit to convey the principles
of Mahayana Buddhism to a broader with chocolate designs is the main
audience. One significant example of this feature.
genre is the Mahavastu. The term The Malwa culture is the most
"Mahavastu" translates to "great story" predominant chalcolithic culture of
or "great event," emphasising its central India, with a wide distribution of
comprehensive nature. sites almost all over Malwa region. It was
Pair 2 is incorrect: The Greeks first Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cultures
introduced the practice of military identified in the excavations at
governorship in India, and the Maheshwar, on river Narmada.
military governors were called Maheshwar was identified with the
strategos. Military governors were ancient Mahishmati of the Puranas.
necessary to maintain the power of the The Ahar culture is among the earliest
new rulers over the conquered people. Chalcolithic cultures of India. This is
Pair 3 is incorrect: The ‘Kamasutra’ of seen from the calibrated radio-carbon
Vatsyayana mentions the term dates available from many of the sites.
‘Nagaraka’. Nagaraka was referred to The culture has been named after the
as a city-based individual living during type site Ahar, in District Udaipur,
a period of flourishing urbanism. Rajasthan. Aahar (Rajasthan), balathal,
Attributed to the third century AD, the Gilund etc are some of the sites under
Kamasutra is a work on erotics, and it this culture. The distinctive feature is
explores aspects of sex and lovemaking. black and red ware.

Statement 2 is correct: Kanishka

28. Ans: D embraced Buddhism in the early part of
his reign. However, his coins exhibit the
images of not only Buddha but also
There were at least three different kinds Greek and Hindu gods. He patronised
of people living in most villages in the Buddhist scholars like Vasumitra,
southern and northern parts of the Asvagosha and Nagarjuna.
subcontinent. In the Tamil region, large
● He convened the Fourth Buddhist
landowners were known as vellalar,
Council to discuss matters relating
ordinary ploughmen were known as
to Buddhist theology and doctrine.
uzhavar, and landless labourers,
It was held at the Kundalavana
including slaves, were known as
monastery near Srinagar in Kashmir
kadaisiyar and adimai.
under the presidentship of
In the northern part of the country, the Vasumitra. About 500 monks
village headman was known as the grama attended the Council. The Council
bhojaka. Usually, men from the same prepared an authoritative
family held the position for generations. commentary on the Tripitakas and
In other words, the post was hereditary. the Mahayana doctrine was given
The grama bhojaka was often the largest final shape.
landowner. Generally, he had slaves and
● Asvaghosha is known for his
hired workers to cultivate the land.
Buddhacharita and is celebrated as
Besides, as he was powerful, the king
the author of the first Sanskrit play,
often used him to collect taxes from the
Sariputraprakarana, in nine acts.
village. He also functioned as a judge,
and sometimes as a policeman. Apart ● Nagarjuna from south India adorned
from the gramabhojaka, there were other the court of Kanishka.
independent farmers, known as ● The famous physician of ancient
grihapatis, most of whom were smaller India Charaka was also
landowners. And then there were men patronized by him.
and women such as the dasa karmakara,
who did not own land, and had to earn a 30. Ans: C
living working on the fields owned by Exp:
others. In most villages there were also Statement 1 is correct: The Vedic Age,
some crafts persons such as the or Vedic period, was a major civilization
blacksmith, potter, carpenter and weaver. in ancient India that lasted from
approximately 1500–600 BC. It occurred
after the Indus Valley Civilization
29. Ans: C
declined around 1400 BC. In the Rig
Exp: Vedic period the post of the tribal chief
Statement 1 is correct: The best known was not hereditary and the tribe generally
of the Kushana kings was Kanishka, elected him. In the Later-Vedic Period
the post of tribal chief had become
who is thought to have ruled from 78
hereditary. The idea of the divine nature
CE till 101 or 102 CE. Ironically, 78 CE
of kingship gets mentioned in the
is held to be the beginning of the “Saka
literature of this period.
era” in the Indian calendar.
Statement 2 is correct: The Rig Vedic
society was patriarchal. The basic unit of

society was family or graham. The head cemetery in and around the town, but no
of the family was known as grahapathi. major habitation has been discovered
Monogamy was generally practiced near Juna Khatiya. The site demonstrates
while polygamy was prevalent among the transition from earth-mound burials
the royal and noble families. The wife to stone graves.
took care of the household and
participated in all the major ceremonies.
Women were given equal opportunities 32. Ans: C
as men for their spiritual and intellectual Exp:
development. There were women poets Indus civilization, also called Indus
like Apala, Viswavara, Ghosa and valley civilization or Harappan
Lopamudra during the Rig Vedic period.
civilization, the earliest known urban
Women could even attend the popular
culture of the Indian subcontinent. The
assemblies. There was no child
marriage and the practice of sati was Indus civilization is known to have
absent. consisted of two large cities, Harappa
and Mohenjo-daro, and more than 100
towns and villages, often of relatively
31. Ans: D
small size. Following figure shows the
exact location of IVC sites.
Statement 1 is incorrect: The earliest
excavations in the Indus valley were
done at Harappa in the West Punjab and
Mohenjodaro in Sind. Both places are
now in Pakistan. The findings in these
two cities brought to light a civilization.
Specialized groups of artisans include
goldsmiths, brick makers, stone cutters,
weavers, boat-builders and terracotta
manufacturers. Bronze and copper
vessels are the outstanding examples of
the Harappan metal craft. Gold and silver
ornaments are found in many places.
Pottery remains plain and in some
places red and black painted pottery is Map: Indus Valley Civilization Sites.
found. Beads were manufactured from a
wide variety of semi-precious stones. 33. Ans: B
Statement 2 is incorrect: Juna Khatiya Exp:
is located in Kutch district, Gujarat. It
The emergence of the Gupta Empire in
is one of the biggest Harappan burial the 4th century AD is described as the
sites with the possibility of 500 graves. “Golden Age of India”. The earlier
The burials discovered at this site date Gupta rulers were Buddhists. Temple
from 3,200 BCE to 2,600 BCE, predating architecture flourished under the
Dholavira and several other Harappan patronage of Hindu rulers during the later
sites in Gujarat. The site is important Gupta phase. During the Gupta period,
because others like Dholavira have a architectural development of the caves
remained constant. However, the use of

mural paintings on the walls of the 35. Ans: C

caves became an added feature. It was Exp:
not present in the earlier ages like
neolithic, Harappan and Mauryan. Historian William Dalrymple is
The finest examples of mural paintings compiling a material on a story of Indian
are found in the caves of Ajanta and sociocultural influence. He named it the
Ellora. Hence, option B is the correct ‘Indosphere’, which is a zone of
answer. influence that preceded the Silk Road
and allowed subcontinental arts, cultures
and sciences to spread in other countries.
34. Ans: A
● William Dalrymple described a
document called ‘Muziris
Option A is correct: Adi Granth was Papyrus’ which details the items
compiled by Bhai Gurdas under the aegis bought by a Greek shipper from a
of Guru Arjan Dev in 1604. It is a
Cochin merchant, spanning spices,
predecessor to Guru Granth Sahib. Adi
elephant tusks, and nard (a holy
Granth contains the teachings of the
perfume). According to him, a third
Sikh Gurus and 15 Bhagats of Bhakti
of the Roman empire came from the
and Sufi traditions.
Option B is incorrect: Guru Granth
Sahib is regarded as the 11th and final ● Muziris Papyrus is a document that
spiritual authority of the Sikhs. It is was taken out by an Alexandria-
written in Gurmukhi script and is in a based Egypto-Roman financier. It
language called ‘Sant Bhasha’. Sant was for the purchase of goods from
Bhasha contains words from various an Indian merchant based in far-
languages like Punjabi, Apabhramsa, away Muziris on the coast of
Hindi, Braj Bhasha, Sanskrit, Khadiboli Kerala. Hence, option C is the
and Persian. correct answer.
Option C is incorrect: It is believed that
the hymns written by Guru Gobind 36. Ans: C
Singh are compiled in the book called
‘Dasam Granth’. Some hymns of the
book are supposed to be offered in the Statement 1 is correct: First Sangam
daily prayers called Nitnem. was held in Madurai under Pandya
kingdom. The chairman of the sangam
Option D is incorrect: Janamsakhis
was Agastya or Shiva. No book of this
contain the mythological and
sangam has survived. There is a
exaggerated stories of the first guru,
reference to the Agattiyam, regarded as
Guru Nanak. The most popular book is
the earliest known book on Tamil
Bhai Bala Janamsakhi. Sikh literature
grammar. Traditionally attributed to the
didn’t avoid the mention of mythological
sage Agathiyar, it is thought to have been
and exaggerated stories of their gurus.
irretrievably lost.
Statement 2 is correct: During the
Pandya Kingdom, the second or middle
Sangam was hosted in Kapatapuram. At
first, it was headed by Agastya, but then
his student Tolkappiyar assumed the

responsibility.During the second main deity of Vajrayana Buddhism is

sangam, around 2,000 poems were a female deity named Tara. Vajrayana
collected and compiled into is based on Mahayana Buddhist
Tolkappiyam. A Tamil grammar philosophy.
textbook called Tolkappiyam provides ● This school believes in Tantra’s,
information about word inflection, Mantras and Yantras superiority as
syntax, and classification of habitats and being a faster vehicle to liberation
animals. containing many skillful methods of
Statement 3 is correct: Third Sangam tantric ritual. It does not believe in
the concept of vibhajjavada i.e.,
was held in Madurai under Pandya
“teaching of analysis”.
kingdom. The chairman of the sangam
was Nakkirar. The third sangam saw the ● Theravada Buddhism believes in
creation of the majority of Sangam the concept of vibhajjavada i.e.,
literature's existing corpus. “teaching of analysis”. Hence,
option C is the correct answer.

37. Ans: D
39. Ans: A
Statement 1 is incorrect: Jainism taught
five doctrines: do not commit violence, Pair 1 is incorrect: Nagasena answered
do not speak a lie, do not steal, do not questions about Buddhism asked by
acquire property and observe continence Menander I (or Milinda), the Indo-Greek
(brahmacharya). Only the fifth doctrine king. Their conversation is recorded in
(observe continence) was added by the book ‘MilindaPanho’ which dates
Mahavira and the other four doctrines back to around 150 BC.
including non-violence were taken Nagarjuna lived around 150-250 AD
over by him from previous teachers. and was the founder of the
Statement 2 is incorrect: The doctrine Madhyamaka School of Mahayana
of Brahamcharya was propounded by Buddhism.
24th jain tirthankara i.e, Mahavira. It Pair 2 is incorrect: Vasubandhu was a
was not propounded by 1st jain proponent of Mahayana Buddhism in
tirthankara Rishabanath. 4th-5th century AD from Gandhara. He
Statement 3 is incorrect: Parsva was the wrote from the perspectives of the
predecessor of Mahavira. He had asked Sarvastivada and Sautrantika schools.
his followers to cover the upper and Sautrantika school emerged as an
lower portions of their body whereas offshoot of the Sarvastivada school. It
Mahavira asked them to discard clothes rejected the authority of the Abhidharma.
completely. Whereas Sarvastivada propounded ‘All
is real’ doctrine. Bodhidharma lived
around the 5th or 6th century AD and
38. Ans: C transmitted Chan Buddhism to China.
Exp: Pair 3 is correct: Buddhaghosa was a
Vajrayana school developed as a result 5th century Indian Theravada Buddhist
of royal courts which sponsored both commentator and scholar. He was
Buddhism and Shaivism. It means its famous for his work ‘Visuddhimagga’
origin is influenced by Hinduism. The means Path of Purification.

Pair 4 is incorrect: Padmasambhava activity. The earthquake was caused by

was an 8th century monk and is the convergence of the African and
contemplated as ‘Second Buddha’ Eurasian plates at a complex plate
across Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and the boundary. The faulting mechanism of
Himalayan States of India. Vasubandhu the earthquake was classified as
wrote from the perspectives of the "oblique-reverse," which indicates
Sarvastivada and Sautrantika schools. movement along the fault plane as the
upper block moves up and over the lower
block within the Moroccan High Atlas
40. Ans: D
Mountain range.
Exp: Statement 2 is correct: The Strait of
Statement 1 is correct: Recently Kapda Gibraltar is a natural waterway that
Ganda Shawl from State of Odisha separates Spain and Morocco,
received the Geographical Indication connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the
(GI) tag under the Geographical Mediterranean Sea. The strait is 36 miles
Indications of Goods (Registration and long and narrows to 8 miles in width
Protection) Act,1999. between Point Marroquí (Spain) and
Statement 2 is correct: The shawl is Point Cires (Morocco).
woven and embroidered by women of
the Dongria Kondh which is a 42. Ans: A
particularly vulnerable tribal group
that resides in the Niyamgiri hills,
Odisha. There are 58 Dongria-inhabited If you travel by road from Aizwal, which
villages under Muniguda and Bissam is the capital of Mizoram, to Shimla,
Cuttack blocks of the district and women which is the capital of Himachal Pradesh,
in almost all the villages are into weaving you have to travel through Mizoram,
Kapda Ganda. Assam,West Bengal,Bihar, Uttar
Statement 3 is correct: The handcrafted Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. So the
motifs in the shawl are mainly lines and minimum number of states within India
triangular shapes that reflect the through which you can travel is eight.
importance of mountains for the
community. The motifs are
embroidered on an off-white coarse
cloth by a needle using red, green and
yellow threads.

41. Ans: C
Statement 1 is correct: An earthquake
is the sudden release of strain energy in
the Earth's crust, resulting in waves of
shaking that radiate outwards from the
earthquake source. The earthquake in
Morocco, like most earthquakes, was
caused by tectonic activities, particularly Map: India Political
the movement along faults within or
between tectonic plates, not by volcanic

and made landfall in Mamallapuram,

India in December 2022. It was the third
most intense tropical cyclone of the 2022
43. Ans: B
North Indian Ocean cyclone season. The
Exp: cyclone caused heavy rainfall and
Statement 1 is incorrect: Rip current squally winds in coastal Tamil Nadu,
is a narrow, powerful current of water Puducherry and Andhra Pradesh.The
that flows perpendicular to the beach 'Mandous' was a name submitted by
and out into the ocean. They typically WMO member United Arab Emirates
extend from the shoreline to the surf zone and is pronounced as 'Man-Dous.' It
and beyond the line of breaking waves. means 'treasure box' in Arabic.
Rip currents move along the water's Statement 2 is correct: The World
surface, pulling one straight out into the Meteorological Organization (WMO)
ocean. They are caused when longshore maintains rotating lists of names for each
currents, which flow parallel to the tropical cyclone basin. Tropical cyclones
shoreline, encounter coastal structures are named by specialized regional
like jetties, piers, or groins and are meteorological centers (RSMCs) and
deflected offshore. Rip currents can also Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres
form around low spots or breaks in (TCWCs) across the world. Worldwide
sandbars. Rip currents are not longshore there are six Regional Specialised
currents and they do not flow parallel to Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) and
the beach. five regional Tropical Cyclone Warning
Statement 2 is correct: Rip currents can Centres (TCWCs) mandated for issuing
be more than 150 feet wide, but most are advisories and naming of tropical
less than 30 feet wide, and can move at cyclones. The tropical cyclones forming
speeds of up to 5 miles per hour. Because over different Ocean basins are named by
rip currents move perpendicular to shore the concerned RSMCs & TCWCs.
and can be very strong, beach swimmers India Meteorological Department is one
need to be careful. A person caught in a of the six RSMCs to provide tropical
rip can be swept away from shore very cyclone and storm surge advisories to 13
quickly. The best way to escape a rip member countries under WMO/ESCAP
current is by swimming parallel to the Panel including Bangladesh, India, Iran,
shore instead of towards it, since most Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan,
rip currents are less than 80 feet wide. A Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka,
swimmer can also let the current carry Thailand, United Arab Emirates and
him or her out to sea until the force Yemen. RSMC, New Delhi is also
weakens, because rip currents stay close mandated to name the Tropical
to shore and usually dissipate just beyond Cyclones developing over the north
the line of breaking waves. Indian Ocean (NIO) including the Bay
of Bengal (BoB) and the Arabian Sea
44. Ans: B (AS).

Statement 1 is incorrect: Cyclone
Mandous was a severe cyclonic storm
that originated in the Bay of Bengal

In India natural gas reserves are found in

45. Ans: C • Krishna Godavari Basin
Exp: • Brahmaputra valley
• Gulf of Khambhat and Barmer
Statement 1 is correct: An atmospheric
district of Rajasthan.
river is a long, narrow band of moist
• Andaman and Nicobar islands are
air that transports water vapor from
also important areas having large
the tropics to higher latitudes. When an
reserves of natural gas.
atmospheric river makes landfall, it can
produce heavy rainfall, snowfall, Sometimes, pressure of natural gas
flooding, and landslides, depending on forces oil up to the surface. Such natural
the temperature and terrain. The gas is known as associated gas or wet
'Pineapple Express' is one of the most gas. Some reservoirs contain gas and no
well-known and impactful atmospheric oil. This gas is termed non-associated gas
rivers, as it originates near Hawaii and or dry gas. Often natural gases contain
substantial quantities of hydrogen sulfide
travels across the Pacific Ocean, bringing
or other organic sulfur compounds. In
warm and humid air to the US west coast.
this case, the gas is known as “sour gas.”
Statement 2 is incorrect: While Coalbed methane is called ‘sweet gas’
atmospheric rivers do occur more because of its lack of hydrogen sulfide.
frequently in certain seasons depending On the market, natural gas is usually
on the region, they are not responsible bought and sold not by volume but by
for the formation of polar ice caps. In calorific value.
fact, they primarily contribute to
significant rainfall and snowfall in the
regions they impact, which can include 47. Ans: A
mid-latitude coastal areas, not Exp:
necessarily Polar Regions. On the other
Statement 1 is correct: The Indian
hand, when atmospheric rivers cross
Ocean Dipole (IOD) is defined by the
over newly formed sea ice, their heat
difference in sea surface temperature
and rainfall can melt the thin, fragile
between two areas (or poles, hence a
ice cover away. Ice will start to regrow
fairly quickly, but episodic atmospheric dipole) – a western pole in the Arabian
river penetrations can easily melt it Sea (western Indian Ocean) and an
again. The increasing frequency of these eastern pole in the eastern Indian
storms means it takes longer for stable Ocean south of Indonesia. The IOD
ice cover to become established. affects the climate of Australia and other
countries that surround the Indian Ocean
Basin, and is a significant contributor to
46. Ans: D
rainfall variability in this region.
Statement 2 is correct: IOD, sometimes
Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbons referred to as the Indian Nino, is a similar
primarily Ethane and methane. It is phenomenon, playing out in the
formed during the formation of relatively smaller area of the Indian
petroleum so it is often found dissolved Ocean between the Indonesian and
in crude oil. Some of the world’s largest Malaysian coastline in the east and the
gas fields occur in the Arctic, Russia, African coastline near Somalia in the
Iran and USA.
west. One side of the ocean, along the

equator, gets warmer than the other. IOD Ocean, Europe is warm and the ice sheets
is said to be positive when the western over Scandinavia and North America are
side of the Indian Ocean, near the small.
Somalia coast, becomes warmer than Statement 3 is incorrect: AMOC plays
the eastern Indian Ocean. It is negative a central role in long-term climate
when the western Indian Ocean is cooler. variations through its heat and freshwater
Statement 3 is incorrect: It has been transports, which can collapse under a
observed that during the period of rapid increase of greenhouse gas
positive IOD, the Indian summer forcing in climate models. Climate
models suggest that the AMOC will
monsoon rainfall is considerably good as
weaken over the 21st Century as
compared to the negative IOD period.
greenhouse gases increase. This is
Despite 1994 and 2006 being El Nino
because as the atmosphere warms, the
years, India did not witness a drought as
surface ocean beneath it retains more of
IOD was significantly positive. Thus, in
its heat. Meanwhile increases in rainfall
some ways a strong positive phase of and ice melt mean it gets fresher too. All
IOD tries to counter the negative effects these changes make the ocean water
of El Nino. lighter and so reduce the sinking in the
‘conveyor belt’, leading to a weaker
48. Ans: A
Exp: 49. Ans: A
Statement 1 is correct: The Atlantic Exp:
Meridional Overturning Circulation The Wetlands (Conservation and
(AMOC) is a large system of ocean Management) Rules of 2017 give state
currents. It is the Atlantic branch of the
governments more authority to identify
ocean conveyor belt or Thermohaline
and define wetlands within their
circulation (THC), and distributes heat
jurisdictions. River channels, paddy
and nutrients throughout the world’s
fields, man-made water bodies,
ocean basins. AMOC carries warm
aquaculture, salt production, recreational
surface waters from the tropics
towards the Northern Hemisphere, areas, irrigation projects, wetlands, and
where it cools and sinks. It then returns protected regions located within
to the tropics and then to the South territories governed by the Indian Forest
Atlantic as a bottom current. From there Act, 1927, Forest (Conservation) Act,
it is distributed to all ocean basins via the 1980, Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972,
Antarctic circumpolar current. and the Coastal Regulation Zone
Notification, 2019 are excluded from
Statement 2 is incorrect: A collapsed
notification under the Wetlands Rules
AMOC would cause widespread cooling
across the northern hemisphere and 2017.
less precipitation in places such as Statement 1 is incorrect: The National
Europe, North America, China and Wetland Committee serves as an
some parts of Russia in Asia. “AMOC is advisory body, providing
a kind of ‘switch’ for climate in the recommendations to the Central
northern hemisphere, especially Europe. Government on wetland conservation
In its current state, with warm water and management strategies; it does not
flowing far to the north in the Atlantic

act as an enforcement body with the is 24.62 percent of the geographical area
power to penalize violators. of the country. As compared to the
Statement 2 is incorrect: The State assessment of 2019, there is an increase
Wetlands Authority is responsible for of 2,261 sq km in the total forest and tree
identifying and designating wetlands cover of the country. Out of this, the
for notification under the Wetlands increase in the forest cover has been
(Conservation and Management) observed as 1,540 sq km and that in tree
Rules, 2017. The rules mandate the State cover is 721 sq km. Increase in forest
Wetland Authorities to inventorize and cover has been observed in open forest
notify wetlands. The Ministry of followed by very dense forest. Top
Environment, Forest and Climate three states showing increase in forest
Change (MoEFCC) advises and cover are Andhra Pradesh (647 sq km)
facilitates this process by providing followed by Telangana (632 sq km) and
services such as capacity building, Odisha (537 sq km).
engagement of knowledge partners, and Statement 2 is incorrect: As per the
rolling out of wetland portal. report, an increase of 17 sq Km in
Statement 3 is correct: Activities such mangrove cover has been observed as
as converting wetlands for purposes compared to the previous assessment of
other than wetland usage, establishing 2019. Top three states showing
new industries or expanding existing mangrove cover increase are Odisha (8
ones, handling or storing hazardous sq km) followed by Maharashtra (4 sq
substances, managing construction and km) and Karnataka (3 sq km).
demolition waste, dumping solid waste, Statement 3 is correct: Area-wise
releasing untreated waste and effluents Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest
from various human settlements, as well cover in the country followed by
as encroachment, poaching, or Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
permanent construction (with the Odisha and Maharashtra. In terms of
exception of boat jetties), are strictly forest cover as percentage of total
geographical area, the top five States are
prohibited under the Rules.
Mizoram (84.53%), Arunachal Pradesh
(79.33%), Meghalaya (76.00%), Manipur
50. Ans: C (74.34%) and Nagaland (73.90%). 17
states/UT’s have above 33 percent of the
geographical area under forest cover. Out
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Union of these states and UT’s, five states/UTs
Ministry of Environment, Forests, and namely Lakshadweep, Mizoram,
Climate Change (MoEFCC) releases the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Arunachal
India State of Forest Report (ISFR) Pradesh and Meghalaya have more than
every two years. The Forest Survey of 75 percent forest cover while 12
India (FSI), an organization under the states/UTs namely Manipur, Nagaland,
MoEFCC, assesses India's forest cover Tripura, Goa, Kerala, Sikkim,
and tree assets every two years, and Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Dadra &
publishes the findings in the ISFR. The Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, Assam,
first ISFR was published in 1987, and the Odisha, have forest cover between 33
2021 edition was the 17th edition of the percent to 75 percent.
survey. The total forest and tree cover of
the country is 80.9 million hectare which

51. Ans: C for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Exp: declare Gambusia one of the 100 worst
Secondary pollutants are pollutants invasive alien species in the world.
which form in the atmosphere. These Statement 3 is correct: Gambusia fish
pollutants are not emitted directly from a has been part of various malaria control
source (like vehicles or power plants). strategies in India since 1928, including
Instead, they form as a result of the
the Urban Malaria Scheme. It is widely
pollutants emitted from these sources
used as a biological agent for
reacting with molecules in the
controlling mosquito larvae. It was
atmosphere to form a new pollutant.
recently released by the Andhra Pradesh
Pollutants that are emitted into the
environment from a source are called government into the state’s water bodies
primary pollutants. Secondary pollutants to combat mosquito-borne diseases like
are concerning as they can be formed malaria and dengue.
from many different compounds. The
phenomena of photochemical smog is a 53. Ans: C
result of the interactions of primary Exp:
pollutants with other molecules in the air
● Community reserves fall under
such as molecular oxygen, water, and
hydrocarbons. These combine to form protected areas, along with marine
yellow clouds that are harmful to protected areas, national parks,
humans. Photochemical smog is made up wildlife sanctuaries and conservation
of various secondary pollutants like reserves, according to the Wild Life
ozone, peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs), and (Protection) Act (WLPA), 1972.
nitric acid. ● It provided for a mechanism to
Different types of secondary pollutants provide recognition and legal
include: Ozone (O3), Sulphuric acid backing to the community initiated
and nitric acid (component of acid efforts in wildlife protection. It
rain), Peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs), and provides for a flexible system
more. For example, ozone is formed wherein wildlife conservation is
when hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen achieved without compromising the
oxides (NOx) combine in the presence of community needs.
● Conservation reserves and
community reserves are protected
52. Ans: B areas of India which typically act as
Exp: buffer zones between established
Statement 1 is incorrect: Gambusia national parks, wildlife sanctuaries
fish or Gambusia affinis (G affinis) is and reserved and protected forests
also known as mosquito fish. It is native of India.
to the waters of the southeastern ● These protected area categories
United States. were first introduced in the Wild
Statement 2 is correct: The fish has a Life (Protection) Amendment Act
high breeding capacity. The fish can also of 2002 — the amendment to
survive in diverse environments. It is this WLPA, 1972.
adaptability that has allowed the fish to
survive on six out of seven continents
and has made the International Union

54. Ans: D ensure that their products do not

Exp: contain lead, mercury and other
hazardous substances beyond the
Statement 1 is incorrect: E-Waste maximum prescribed concentration.
Management Rules, 2022 came into ● The E-Waste (Management) Rules
effect on 1st April 2023 and are also provide for recognition and
applicable to manufacturers, producers, registration, skill development,
refurbishers, dismantlers, and recyclers if monitoring and ensuring safety and
they are involved in the manufacturing, health, of workers involved in
sale, purchase, transfer, dismantling, dismantling and recycling of e-
refurbishing or processing of E-Waste. waste.
The term E-Waste refers to electrical and ● The new provisions would facilitate
electronic equipment including solar and channelize the informal sector
photo-voltaic models, panels and cells to formal sector for doing business
that are discarded as waste and cannot be and ensure recycling of E-waste in
used in refurbishing, repairing and environmentally sound manner.
manufacturing. Some equipment is ● Provisions for environmental
regulated by other rules and hence is compensation and verification &
exempted from the application of E- audit has also been introduced.
Waste Management Rules, 2022. For ● These rules also promote Circular
Instance Waste batteries as covered Economy through EPR regime and
under the Battery Waste Management scientific recycling/disposal of the
Rules, 2022. e-waste.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Under the E-
Waste Management Rules, 2022, there is
no provision that mandates consumers to 55. Ans: B
pay a recycling fee at the time of Exp:
purchase of electronic goods. The 2022
The white nest swiftlet/ edible-nest
rules focus on the concept of Extended
swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) is a
Producer Responsibility (EPR), which small bird that builds nests out of its own
places the responsibility for managing e- saliva, which hardens when exposed to
waste on manufacturers, importers, and air. The nests are made of concentric
brand owners. The rules also emphasize layers of salivary cement and are the
collection mechanisms and E-Waste main ingredient in bird's nest soup, a
Exchange Platforms to facilitate the delicacy in Chinese cuisine. The nests
exchange, sale, and donation of used are also featured in Lunar New Year
electronic devices. festivities in January and February.
Other provisions under the E-Waste
Management Rules, 2022 56. Ans: B
● Under the E-Waste Management
Rules, provision for reduction of
hazardous substances in ‘Children displaced in a changing
climate: Preparing for a future already
manufacturing of Electrical and
underway’, published by United
Electronic Equipment (EEE) has
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),
been provided.
analyses the most common weather-
● It mandates that every producer of
related hazards that lead to the largest
EEE and their components shall

number of displacements viz. floods, Statement 2 is incorrect: Effective

storms, droughts and wildfires. The revenue deficit (ERD) is the difference
report notes that there were 43.1 million between revenue deficit and grants for
internal displacements of children linked the creation of capital assets. It was
to weather-related disasters over a six- introduced in the Union Budget of 2011-
year period – the equivalent to 12 to distinguish between grants-in-aid
approximately 20,000 child displacements used to finance current expenditure and
per day. Almost all – 95 per cent – of those used to create capital assets.
recorded child displacements were driven Statement 3 is incorrect: Primary
by floods and storms. deficit is defined as fiscal deficit minus
interest payments on previous
57. Ans: A borrowings. Primary deficit shows the
Exp: borrowing requirements of the govt. for
meeting expenditure excluding interest
Statement 1 is correct: All expenditures
incurred by the government are either of
revenue kind or capital kind. The basic
identity of revenue expenditures is that 58. Ans: B
they are of consumptive kind and do not Exp:
involve creation of productive assets. Statement 1 is incorrect: The
They are either used in running of a government can overrule the Reserve
productive process or running a Bank of India's (RBI) decisions if there
government. A broad category of things is a disagreement between the RBI and
that fall under such expenditures in India the Ministry of Finance (MoF). Section
are: 30 of the RBI Act allows the government
● Interest payment by the to supersede the central bank. The
government on the internal and Constitution of India also gives the
external loans. central government the right to issue
● Salaries, Pension and Provident directions to the RBI in the public
Fund paid by the government to interest. Institutionally, once a
government employees disagreement between the RBI and the
● Subsidies forwarded to all sectors MoF crosses the Rubicon, the
by the government; government has the power to overrule the
central bank’s decisions. Moreover, such
● Defence expenditures by the
a structure is not restricted to the RBI but
applies to all regulators, whether
● Postal Deficits of the government; financial or non-financial.
● Law and order expenditures (i.e.,
Statement 2 is correct: Deposit
police & paramilitary);
Insurance and Credit Guarantee
● Expenditures on social services
Corporation (DICGC) is a wholly-
(includes all social sector
owned subsidiary of the Reserve Bank
expenditures as education, health
of India (RBI). It provides deposit
care, social security, poverty
insurance that works as a protection
alleviation, etc.) and general services
cover for bank deposit holders when the
(tax collection, etc.);
bank fails to pay its depositors. The
● Grants given by the government to
agency insures all kinds of deposit
Indian states and foreign countries.
accounts of a bank, such as savings,
current, recurring, and fixed deposits up

to a limit of Rs. 5 lakh per account holder longer be exposed to unlimited risks
per bank. In case an individual's deposit from the mutual form of legal liability.
amount exceeds Rs.5 lakh in a single The new legal structure allows the
bank, only Rs.5 lakh, including the company to pursue more new customers.
principal and interest, will be paid by
DICGC if the bank becomes bankrupt. 60. Ans: A
Statement 3 is incorrect: The Financial Exp:
Stability and Development Council
Statement 1 is incorrect: Payment
(FSDC) is a non-statutory apex council
banks are differentiated and not universal
under the Ministry of Finance,
banks. These operate on a smaller scale.
established by Executive Order in 2010.
It needs to have a minimum paid-up
The formation of the FSDC was first capital of Rs. 100 crores. Payment banks
proposed by the Raghuram Rajan receive a ‘differentiated’ bank license
committee on financial sector reforms in from the RBI and hence cannot lend.
2008. It is chaired by the Finance Payment banks cannot issue credit
Minister and comprises the heads of all cards, accept time deposits or NRI
Financial Sector Regulators (RBI, SEBI, deposits and issue loans. These cannot
PFRDA, and IRDA), the Finance set up subsidiaries to undertake non-
Secretary, the Secretary of the banking financial activities as well.
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Statement 2 is correct: Small Finance
the Secretary of the Department of Banks are niche banks with a minimum
Financial Services (DFS), and the Chief net worth of Rs 200 crore and a focus on
Economic Advisor. financial inclusion. They are required to
provide credit and other financial
59. Ans: C services to small businesses, farmers,
micro and small industries, and other
Exp: unbanked or underserved sections. Small
Demutualization refers to the process Finance Banks (SFBs) are required to
by which a mutual company converts lend at least 75% of their Adjusted Net
into a public share company. A mutual Bank Credit (ANBC) to priority
company is an institution owned by its sectors, as compared to 40% for other
mutual owners who enjoy exclusive use scheduled commercial banks. The
of its productive assets. Essentially, the priority sectors are identified by the
company is owned by its users. When a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and include
mutual company decides on a legal small, medium, and micro enterprises,
ownership restructuring process, the agriculture, export credit, social
owners may choose to acquire a listing infrastructure, renewable energy, and
on the public stock exchange as an initial microcredit.
public offering (IPO). Statement 3 is incorrect: According to
After demutualization, a company will the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
achieve a distinct separation of legal guidelines, payments banks were
liability between the owners and its new allowed to apply for a conversion into
non-owner customers. The legal Small Finance Bank post five years of
structure after demutualization allows operations along with meeting other
the company to gather new customers guidelines mandated by the RBI. The
with limited legal liability. With limited bank must also have a minimum paid-
legal liability, new customers will no

up voting equity capital or net worth environmental clearances. All

of Rs 200 crore. infrastructure projects must still comply
Statement 4 is incorrect: All with environmental regulations and
cooperative banks (UCBs) and multi- obtain the necessary clearances as
state cooperatives are under the mandated by law. The Environmental
supervision of the Reserve Bank of Clearance (EC) process for most projects
India (RBI). The RBI regulates has a maximum of four stages:
cooperative banks under the Banking Screening, Scoping, Public Consultation,
Regulation Act, 1949 and Banking Laws and Appraisal.
(Application to Cooperative Societies)
Act, 1965. In 2020, all UCBs and multi- 62. Ans: C
state cooperatives came under the direct
supervision of the RBI. The RBI
announced a four-tiered regulatory The Socio Economic and Caste Census
framework for categorizing UCBs in (SECC) 2011 was a door-to-door
December 2022. The Urban Banks enumeration of households in India to
Department of the Reserve Bank of India gather information on social and
is vested with the responsibility of economic indicators. It was the first
caste-based census since 1931 and the
regulating and supervising primary
first paperless census in India.SECC
(urban) cooperative banks, which are
allows ranking of households based on
popularly known as Urban Cooperative
their socio economic status. SECC-2011
Banks (UCBs).
provides the government the names and
number of families in each Panchayat
61. Ans: A and details their status on seven
deprivation parameters. The advantage
of SECC is that it provides for
Statement 1 is correct: Governments programme specific customized priority
grant infrastructure status to sectors to list to suit programme objective and
attract investment, promote innovation, budget space to address specific
and ensure efficient service delivery to deprivation.
citizens. Grant of infrastructure status to Government of India is using SECC data
a sector or project typically provides for:
several financial benefits, which include
1. Ayushman Bharat Scheme;
making it easier to access longer-term
Hence, option 2 is correct
financing at more favorable
terms,higher limits on external 2. Swachh Bharat Mission (for
commercial borrowings and sometimes, building toilets);
tax incentives. These benefits help in 3. Preparing labour budgets under
reducing the overall cost of financing of MGNREGA;
infrastructure projects, thus encouraging 4. Electricity connection under the
investment and development in these Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Power
sectors. Scheme;
Statement 2 is incorrect: Granting 5. Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana -
infrastructure status to a project does not National Rural Livelihoods
mean that it can bypass/ face lesser Mission; Hence, option 3 is correct
restrictions with respect to

6. Low cost housing for the poor and investment business typical of other
under PM Awas Yojana; Hence, NBFCs.
option 1 is correct
Statement 3 is incorrect: Alternative
7. To give free LPG connections to the Investment Fund or AIF means any fund
poorest households under Pradhan established or incorporated in India
Mantri Ujjwala Yojana etc. which is a privately pooled investment
vehicle which collects funds from
63. Ans: D sophisticated investors, whether Indian
or foreign, for investing it in accordance
with a defined investment policy for the
Statement 1 is incorrect: A Collective benefit of its investors. Hedge funds are
Investment Management Company is a mutual funds that are privately managed
company incorporated under the by experts and use advanced investment
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 techniques. They are known for seeking
and registered with SEBI under the SEBI
higher returns through riskier strategies,
(Collective Investment Schemes)
and are not suitable for every investor
Regulations, 1999, whose object is to
due to their minimum investment of Rs 1
organise, operate and manage a
crore. Hedge funds, classified under
Collective Investment Scheme. A
Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) is a Category III of Alternative
scheme where investors pool their Investment Funds, also fall under the
money into an asset and the returns are purview of SEBI and must comply
divided among the group based on their with the SEBI (Alternative Investment
investment proportion. Funds) Regulations, 2012.
An existing CIS cannot launch any
new scheme or raise money from the 64. Ans: A
investors even under the existing Exp:
scheme, unless a certificate of Statement 1 is correct: An asset
registration is granted to it by SEBI. In reconstruction company is a special type
other words, after notification of of financial institution that buys the debt
regulations an existing collective of the bank at a mutually agreed value
investment scheme, even after obtaining and attempts to recover the debts or
provisional registration as well as after associated securities by itself. The asset
obtaining credit rating cannot mobilise reconstruction companies or ARCs are
funds from the public unless a certificate registered under the RBI and regulated
of registration is granted to it. under the Securitisation and
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and
Statement 2 is incorrect: Nidhi Enforcement of Securities Interest Act,
companies are indeed a type of NBFC, 2002 (SARFAESI Act, 2002). The ARC
but they are not regulated by the RBI. can take over only secured debts which
Instead, they are regulated by the have been classified as a non-
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) performing asset (NPA). In case
under the Nidhi Rules, 2014. The debentures / bonds remain unpaid, the
primary oversight of Nidhi companies beneficiary of the securities is required to
involves ensuring that they function for give a notice of 90 days before it
the mutual benefit of their members, qualifies to be taken over.
without engaging in the commercial loan

Statement 2 is correct: The SARFAESI (for example, E. coli). BACs

Act allows banks and financial are frequently used in the
institutions to auction properties for loan context of DNA sequencing.
recovery, reducing NPAs. It enables
b. The artificial chromosome
seizure of property without court
vectors are self-replicating
intervention, except for agricultural
DNA sequences. Artificial
land. Applicable to secured loans, it
covers enforcement of securities like chromosomes have been
hypothecation and mortgage, bypassing proposed as potential vectors
court orders unless security is deemed for transferring extremely long
invalid or fraudulent. Unsecured assets DNA sequences into animals.
require court proceedings for recovery. c. Plasmids are cloning vectors
Statement 3 is incorrect: The the that replicate themselves as
Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) circular double-stranded DNA
framework is applicable to all Deposit molecules in cells.
Taking NBFCs (NBFCS-D) and all Non-
2. Viral vector - The most effective
Deposit Taking NBFCs in Middle, Upper
method of gene transfer for modifying
and Top layers (NBFCs-ND). The PCA
specific cell types or tissues is the viral
framework came into effect in October
2022, based on the financial position of vector, which can be manipulated to
NBFCs. The framework has been express therapeutic genes. Several
reviewed and it has been decided to virus types are currently being studied
extend the same to Government NBFCs for their potential use in delivering
(except those in Base Layer) with effect genes to cells for either transient or
from October 1, 2024. permanent transgene expression.
3. Expression vector - An expression
65. Ans: C vector, otherwise known as an
expression construct, is generally a
plasmid that is used to introduce a
There are four major types of molecular specific gene into a target cell.
vectors, each helping with a different
4. Shuttle vector– Shuttle vectors that
sector of the duplication process:
can replicate in both eukaryotic and
1. Cloning vector – Cloning vectors prokaryotic cells are effective tools
provide a framework for the for studying DNA rearrangement
replication and propagation of DNA and mutagenesis in cellular systems.
inserts in bacteria; however, these
vectors are only useful for storing a
66. Ans: B
genetic sequence. They are unable
to allow transcription and Exp:
translation of the gene into a Statement 1 is correct: Perovskite solar
functional protein product on their cells are thin-film devices built with
own. layers of materials, either printed or
a. A bacterial artificial coated from liquid inks or vacuum-
chromosome (BAC) is a DNA deposited. Producing uniform, high-
molecule that has been performance perovskite material in a
engineered to clone DNA large-scale manufacturing environment
sequences in bacterial cells is difficult, and there is a substantial

difference in small-area cell efficiency share the same placenta, amniotic sac
and large-area module efficiency. and fluid. But they have different
Statement 2 is incorrect: Perovskite umbilical cords.They share everything
solar cells have demonstrated except umbilical cords, which can easily
competitive power conversion become entangled in a single sac.
efficiencies (PCE) with potential for Unfortunately, there is a high rate of
higher performance, but their stability is stillbirths associated with MoMo twins.
limited compared to leading A mother gives birth to MoMo twins
photovoltaic (PV) technologies. when a single fertilised ovum or egg
Perovskites can decompose when they leads to identical twins and these twins
react with moisture and oxygen or share the same placenta and amniotic
when they spend extended time exposed sac. MoMo twins are mainly identified
to light, heat, or applied voltage. by ultrasound in the early pregnancy
Statement 3 is correct: Indian scientists
have indigenously developed highly A complete molar pregnancy occurs as
stable, low-cost Carbon-based a result of the placenta forming in the
perovskite solar cells with superior uterus without a foetus to support it. A
thermal and moisture stability which partial molar pregnancy occurs when two
can help overcome the challenges of sperm fertilise one egg, but two foetuses
degradation during operation. It is the do not develop. The placenta is
first indigenous perovskite-powered abnormal, and the foetus has too many
niche product developed in India and can chromosomes which always results in a
pave the way for futuristic stable spontaneous abortion as the foetus
perovskite solar cells. While Carbon- cannot develop safely.
based perovskite solar cells (CPSCs) Tubal pregnancy is a type of ectopic
have been successful in minimizing pregnancy. This type of pregnancy
device stability issues and fabrication occurs when a fertilized egg implants in
costs, the sensitivity of perovskite the fallopian tube instead of the uterus.
materials toward humidity and thermal This type of pregnancy is not viable and
stress is a major obstacle for practical must be terminated if a miscarriage does
implementation. not occur naturally on its own.
Singlet pregnancy is a pregnancy in
67. Ans: A which one egg meets one sperm and one
fetus develops.
A US woman recently gave birth to two
pairs of identical twins. Such twins, 68. Ans: C
known scientifically as ‘MoMo‘, an Exp:
abbreviation for monoamniotic- Statement 1 is correct: A photonic
monochorionic, are some of the rarest crystal is a structure in which the
types of twins. Such MoMo twin refractive index changes periodically,
pregnancies have a high risk of foetal making it possible to confine light in a
complications. small area and improve the interaction
Option A is correct: In a MoMo between light and material. Using
pregnancy, the twins are known to nanofabrication technology,

semiconductors can be microfabricated line, forcing scientists to fill in data gaps

to create light-manipulating structures by extrapolation.
from these crystals.
Statement 2 is correct: Using this 70. Ans: A
structure, it is possible to realize various Exp:
phenomena not possible with ordinary
Statement 1 is correct: Neutrinos are
materials, such as extremely strong
incredibly small and light. They have
light confinement, slow light states, and
a little amount of mass. They are the
unusual negative refraction phenomena.
lightest of all the subatomic particles.
They're also extremely common—in
69. Ans: B fact, they're the universe's most abundant
particle. Neutrinos occur from a variety
of sources and are frequently the result of
NASA's SWOT, short for Surface Water heavy particles decaying into lighter
and Ocean Topography is the advanced particles, a process known as "decay."
radar satellite. They only interact via gravity and the
Statement 1 is incorrect: SWOT is weak force. Because this weak force is
only meaningful over very short
being jointly developed by NASA and
distances, small neutrinos may pass
Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales
through the atoms of big things without
(CNES) with contributions from the
interacting. The vast majority of
Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and
neutrinos will travel past Earth without
the United Kingdom Space Agency.
engaging in any way.
Statement 2 is correct: It is the first Statement 2 is incorrect: The electron’s
mission to observe nearly all of the antiparticle is the positron. Similarly,
water on Earth's surface. One of the neutrinos have anti-neutrinos. Neither
mission's main goals is to investigate neutrinos nor anti-neutrinos have
how oceans absorb atmospheric heat and electric charge, nor any other properties
carbon dioxide in a natural mechanism to really differentiate between them.
that helps to regulate world temperatures
and climate change.
71. Ans: B
Statement 3 is incorrect: SWOT's radar
sensor works at the microwave Exp:
spectrum's Ka-band frequency, Statement 1 is correct: Syngas is
allowing scans to pierce cloud cover and
primarily composed of carbon
darkness across large areas of the Earth.
monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2),
This allows scientists to map their
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane
findings in two dimensions correctly
(CH4), and water vapor (H2O),
regardless of weather or time of day,
generated from coal and water, along
and to cover enormous geographic
regions much faster than before. with air and/or oxygen.Syngas is used
primarily in the production of
Previously, studies of water bodies hydrocarbon fuels, such as diesel fuel
depended on data collected at specific
and methanol, and in the production of
sites, such as river or ocean gauges, or
industrial chemicals, particularly
from satellites, which can only follow
measurements along a one-dimensional

Statement 2 is correct: Syngas

produced from waste materials and 73. Ans: B
other biomass is considered a form of
renewable energy. Today, most syngas
is generated via the thermal conversion A group of scientists affiliated with
of biomass by gasification, particularly research institutes in China and Japan
by steam reforming of methane or by have reported finding a sign of
partial oxidation. At high temperatures superconductivity in a material.
and in the presence of steam or oxygen, The Meissner effect is the expulsion of a
gasification converts carbon-containing magnetic field from the interior of a
materials into hydrogen, carbon material when it becomes a
monoxide, and carbon dioxide, without a superconductor. This occurs as the
need for combustion. material cools below its transition
Statement 3 is incorrect: Syngas is temperature, near absolute zero, causing
associated with reduced carbon it to lose resistance to electrical currents.
emissions relative to other energy- It is one of a few ‘effects’ certain
generation technologies, and can materials exhibit when they’re able to
effectively convert problematic wastes conduct electric currents without any
into fuel. However, hydrogen levels and resistance – i.e. when they become
the presence of moisture and tars in the superconductors. The researchers have
starting components for gasification can reported in their paper that they observed
be problematic. Hydrogen gas is highly the Meissner effect in a compound called
combustible—more so than other fuels copper-substituted lead apatite
used to power internal combustion All superconductors exhibit the Meissner
engines. Thus, to run on syngas, such effect, which was discovered by German
engines must be modified to minimize physicists W. Meissner and R.
the risk of phenomena such as Ochsenfeld in 1933.
preignition and backfiring, and, even
with such modifications, engine output
may be reduced significantly. 74. Ans: C

72. Ans: B Karnataka has imposed a ban on the use

of specific harmful colouring agents in
cotton candy and gobi manchurian,
White-fi refers to utilizing Wi-Fi following a public health department
technology within the unused survey revealing their unsafe presence in
spectrum of TV, also known as TV food samples.
white space. The main benefit of white
Rhodamine B is not one of the
space-based Wi-Fi is its ability to cover
permitted food colouring agents under
a much longer distance than traditional
the country’s food safety regulation. It
Wi-Fi. On average, a White-Fi signal can
is a chemical colour used in dyeing
blanket a surrounding area of around
clothes, paper, leather, printing, and
seven miles which means that
plastics. It is used to give red and pink
establishing a network can be much
colours. Exposure to the chemical may
cheaper and would require less effort and
also damage the eye and cause irritation
equipment to develop..

in the respiratory tract. Rhodamine B is a management system, a

common red dye; it is even used in Holi power management system,
colours. However, it is thought to be a and a high-powered
carcinogen and its use is not permitted in external firefighting system.
food products. ■ Capable of operating one
twin-engine ALH/Chetak
75. Ans: D
76. Ans: A
● Statement 1 is incorrect:
● Statement 1 is incorrect: The scheme
Samudra Paheredar is
aims to accelerate the adoption of
Specialised Pollution Control
Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the country.
Vessel (PCV) of the Indian Coast
The scheme primarily targets e-2W and
Guard. It is Second PCV in India,
e-3Ws registered for commercial
following Indian Coast Gaurd Ship
purposes, aligning with the goal of
(ICGS) Samudra Prahari. providing affordable and
● Statement 2 is incorrect: It was environmentally friendly public
Indigenously built by ABG transportation options. Additionally,
Shipyard, Surat. privately or corporate-owned
registered e-2Ws are also eligible. It
○ It was Commissioned in 2012.
has a fund limit of Rs. 500 crores for
○ It is stationed on the East Coast the period from 1st April 2024 to 31st
of India in Vishakhapatnam, July 2024.
Andhra Pradesh. ● Statement 2 is incorrect: This
○ Features: scheme is being introduced by
■ Can stay at sea for 20 Ministry of Heavy Industries,
days. Government of India with the
approval of Department of
■ Primary role is pollution
Expenditure, Ministry of Finance to
response at sea.
further accelerate the adoption of
■ Equipped with advanced EVs in the country..
pollution response and
control equipment: ● Statement 3 is correct: Incentives
under the scheme will be provided
● Containment only to vehicles equipped with
equipment like hi-
advanced batteries, encouraging
sprint booms and
the adoption of advanced
river booms.
technologies in EVs.
● Recovery devices
like skimmers and
side sweeping arms. 77. Ans: B
■ Capable of unhindered Exp:
oil-recovery operations ● Statement 1 and 3 are correct:
with a storage capacity of The Acing Development of
502 kilolitres. Innovative Technologies with
■ Special features include iDEX (ADITI) scheme is part of
an integrated platform

the iDEX (Innovations for Defence technology, BioTRIG, to transform

Excellence) framework under the life in rural India.
Department of Defence Production, ● Utilizing pyrolysis at the
Ministry of Defence. It aims to community level, this innovative
foster innovations in critical and system aims to mitigate indoor air
strategic defence technologies by pollution, improve soil health, and
developing approximately 30 deep- generate clean electricity, offering
tech solutions within the specified numerous advantages to below
timeframe. poverty line (BPL) rural
● Statement 2 is incorrect: Under communities.
this scheme, start-ups can receive a
grant-in-aid of up to Rs 25 crore
to support their research,
development, and innovation efforts
in defence technology.
○ The ADITI scheme worth Rs
750 crore for the period 2023-
24 to 2025-26 falls under the
iDEX (Innovations for
Defence Excellence) ● Pyrolysis is a process that involves
framework of Department of heating organic materials in the
Defence Production (DDP), absence of oxygen. Hence, Option D
Ministry of Defence. is correct.

○ It aims to develop about 30

deep-tech critical and strategic 79. Ans: D
technologies in the proposed Exp:
timeframe. ● The 'Global Resource Outlook' is
○ It also envisages to create a the flagship publication of the
‘Technology Watch Tool’ to International Resource Panel under
bridge the gap between the the United Nations Environment
expectations and requirements Programme (UNEP).
of the modern Armed Forces ● This year's report highlights the
and the capabilities of the crucial role of resources in
defence innovation ecosystem. effectively implementing Agenda
○ In the first edition of ADITI, 2030 and various multilateral
17 challenges – Indian Army environmental agreements aimed at
(3), Indian Navy (5), Indian Air addressing the triple planetary
Force (5) and Defence Space crisis. The report compiles the most
Agency (4) - have been launched. comprehensive data, models, and
assessments from 180 countries,
seven global regions, and four
78. Ans: D income categories to examine
Exp: trends, impacts, and the
● A recent study emphasizes the distributional effects of resource
potential of a new waste management utilization.

● Statement 1 is correct: When a

80. Ans: C person is arrested and the police fail
Exp: to complete the investigation within
the specified period, it is considered
● The Gorsam Kora festival,
their default, and the arrested
symbolizing the enduring friendship
individual cannot be detained
between India and Bhutan,
beyond this timeframe. This
commenced on March 7th and
entitlement is known as default bail.
concluded on March 10th this year.
● Statement 2 is incorrect: The
● It is celebrated in the Indian state
Supreme Court, while addressing an
of Arunachal Pradesh, specifically
appeal concerning default bail,
in Zeminthang Valley along the
emphasized that default bail under
Nyanmjang Chu River.
the first proviso of Section 167(2) of
● History: the CrPC is a fundamental right, not
○ This annual festival takes place just a statutory right. This is because
at Gorsam Chorten, a 93-foot it is a procedure established by law
tall Stupa constructed during under Article 21 of the Constitution.
the 13th century AD by a local ● Statement 3 is correct: The default
monk named Lama Pradhar. bail cannot be revoked even after
○ Gorsam Chorten is historically the investigation is finalized and the
significant as it served as the charge sheet is filed. It can only be
first resting place for the 14th cancelled based on the same
Dalai Lama upon fleeing Tibet grounds and considerations as
in 1959. regular bail.
○ The festival includes cultural
performances and Buddhist 82. Ans: B
rituals at Gorsam Chorten, Exp:
which predates the Tawang ● The Defence Technology Council
Monastery. is envisioned as a high-level body
○ Numerous devotees, including chaired by the Prime Minister,
a significant number of with the Defence Minister and the
Bhutanese nationals, visit National Security Advisor serving
during the Gorsam Kora as its Vice Presidents.
festival, marking the ○ It is proposed to have an
auspicious occasion on the last executive committee led by
day of the first month of the the Chief of Defence Staff.
Lunar calendar. ○ The council will also feature
representation from academia
and industry, with two
81. Ans: A members from each sector.
Exp: The Supreme Court has recently ● The committee, led by the former
ruled that default bail cannot be claimed principal scientific advisor, Prof
merely because the investigation is K Vijay Raghavan, has recently
ongoing against other accused submitted its final report on the
individuals. Defence Technology Council.

○ This committee was set up by 84. Ans: A

the government to review the Exp:
functioning of the Defence
Research and Development ● Enhancing Nature-based Solutions
Organisation (DRDO) and for an Accelerated Climate
believes that the Defence Transformation (ENACT) was
Technology Council, headed launched by Germany and Egypt in
by the Prime Minister, will collaboration with the International
play a crucial role in Union for Conservation of Nature
identifying the right entities for (IUCN). Hence, statement 1 is
specific defence technologies. incorrect
○ It was inaugurated at the
83. Ans: A Conference of Parties
Exp: (COP27) held in Sharm el-
● Cycas circinalis is facing the threat Sheikh, Egypt, in 2022.
of extinction in northern Kerala due ● The International Union for
to a rapid and unidentified plant Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
hosts the ENACT secretariat.
● Statement 1 is correct: Cycas Hence, statement 2 is correct
circinalis is an evergreen, palm-
like tree that can grow up to 25 ft ● ENACT aims to:
tall. It is typically found in dense, ○ Bolster the protection and
seasonally dry scrubby woodlands resilience to climate impacts
in hilly regions and can become for at least 1 billion vulnerable
deciduous during extremely dry people. Hence, statement 3 is
periods. correct
● Statement 2 is correct: This plant ○ Safeguard up to 2.4 billion
serves as a nutraceutical resource hectares of healthy, natural,
for numerous indigenous and sustainable ecosystems
communities in the Western Ghats. and significantly boost global
A nutraceutical is described as a mitigation efforts by
food or a component of food that protecting and restoring
offers the body medicinal or health carbon-rich ecosystems.
advantages, encompassing both the
prevention and treatment of ○ Member countries include
Canada, European Union,
France, Japan, Malawi,
● Statement 3 is incorrect: It is Norway, Republic of Korea,
endemic to India, limited to the Slovenia, Belgium, Pakistan,
Western Ghats, spanning the states Spain, the Netherlands,
of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Switzerland, and the United
and southern Maharashtra. Of the States.
nine cycad species recognized in
India, six are endemic.
85. Ans: C
Exp: The increasing demand for
Pressmud has led to higher prices, and

without government intervention, the unclaimed deposits (in value

situation could become more terms) in the Depositor
complicated. Education and Awareness
(DEA) Fund of RBI.
● Pressmud, also known as filter cake
or press cake, is a residual by-
product of the sugar industry. 87. Ans: C
Hence, statement 1 is correct Exp:
● Key points about Pressmud: ● Statement 2 is correct: CDP-
Suraksha is government's new
○ Indian sugar mills can generate digital platform for disbursing
extra revenue by using subsidies to horticulture farmers
Pressmud as a feedstock for under the Cluster Development
biogas production through Programme (CDP).
anaerobic digestion, followed ○ SURAKSHA stands for
by purification to produce “System for Unified
compressed biogas (CBG). Resource Allocation,
Hence, statement 2 is correct Knowledge, and Secure
○ Pressmud is an organic Horticulture Assistance.”
material that can reduce the ● Statement 1 is correct: It enables
need for anaerobic digesters, instant subsidy disbursal to farmers'
resulting in lower gas output. bank accounts using e-RUPI
vouchers from the National
○ It eliminates pre-treatment
Payments Corporation of India
costs due to the absence of the (NPCI).
organic polymer lignin, unlike
agri residue. ● Key Features:

○ Pressmud has a higher ○ Database Integration: Links

conversion efficiency compared with PM-KISAN.
to agricultural residue. ○ Server Space: Utilizes cloud-
based server space provided by
86. Ans: A NIC.
Exp: ○ Validation: Includes UIDAI
● UDGAM, which stands for validation.
Unclaimed Deposits-Gateway to
○ Payment Mechanism:
Access inforMation, is an online
Integrates with e-RUPI for
portal developed by the Reserve
subsidy payments.
Bank of India (RBI).
● It allows registered users to search ○ Directory & Management:
for unclaimed deposits or accounts ■ Local government
across multiple banks in a directory (LGD).
centralized manner. However, the
■ Content management
unclaimed deposits can only be
claimed directly from the respective system.
bank. ■ Geotagging and geo-
○ Currently, 30 banks are part of fencing.
the UDGAM portal, covering ● e-RUPI:
approximately 90% of the

○ It is a one-time payment
mechanism provided by NPCI. 89. Ans: D
○ It can be redeemed without a Exp:
card, digital payments app, or
● Australia’s Reef Restoration and
internet banking.
Adaptation Program are exploring the
○ It is shared with beneficiaries potential of cloud brightening to
for specific purposes or alleviate coral bleaching
activities by organizations or ● Statement 1 is correct: Cloud
the government via SMS or brightening is a phenomenon where
QR code. aerosols are injected into clouds by
natural events like volcanic eruptions.
88. Ans: B It has inspired the concept of Marine
Cloud Brightening.
Exp: The Financial Action Task Force
● Statement 2 is correct: Proposed by
(FATF) functions as the global watchdog
John Latham in 1990, marine cloud
for money laundering and terrorist
brightening is a solar geo-engineering
financing. Established in 1989, FATF
technique aims to mitigate global
comprises 39 member countries and is
warming by altering Earth’s energy
headquartered in Paris. India is among balance. It involves spraying sea salt
the member nations. into low-lying clouds to enhance their
● Countries listed on Black List: reflectance, reducing incoming solar
radiation. This process creates
○ Democratic People's Republic
additional droplets in the cloud, making
of Korea
it brighter, while the sea salt scatters
○ Iran light directly, providing extra shade.
○ Myanmar. Hence, option 2 is
incorrect 90. Ans: A
● Countries listed on Grey List: Exp:
○ Barbados, Bulgaria, Burkina ● Statement 1 is incorrect:
Faso, Cameroon, Croatia, PRATUSH (Probing Reionization
Democratic Republic of of the Universe using Signals from
Congo, Gibraltar, Haiti, Hydrogen) is a radio telescope.
Jamaica, Mali, Mozambique,
○ Optical telescopes collect
Nigeria, Philippines, Senegal,
visible light at longer
South Africa, South Sudan,
wavelengths and radio
Syria, Tanzania, Türkiye,
telescopes collect radio waves
Uganda, United Arab Emirates,
with the shortest wavelengths.
Vietnam, and Yemen. Hence,
option 3 and 4 are correct ● Statement 2 is correct:
PRATUSH will be located on the
○ Cayman Islands, Jordan,
far side of the moon.
Panama, and Albania were
recently removed from the ○ Main Objectives:
FATF Grey List. Hence, ■ Detect signals from the
option 1 is incorrect first stars and galaxies.

■ Uncover the cosmic dawn ● Recognized as an Important Bird

of the universe. Area by BirdLife International
and recorded by the BNHS (Bombay
■ Determine when the first
Natural History Society), it holds
stars formed and their
considerable ecological importance.
■ Investigate the light
92. Ans: D
emitted by the first stars.
○ Instrumentation: ● A newly discovered dragonfly
■ Equipped with a wideband species, the Red-rumped Hawklet
frequency-independent (scientific name: Epithemis
antenna. wayanadensis), is named after the
lush and biodiverse Wayanad
■ Features a self-calibrating
plateau in the Western Ghats
analog receiver.
region. It inhabits shaded
■ Includes a digital correlator streamside marshes near Wayanad's
to capture radio noise from forested areas and parts of the
the Dark Ages. Nilgiri Coorg landscapes.
● Statement 3 is correct: It is being ● Features:
developed by the Raman Research ○ The species is profoundly
Institute (RRI) in Bengaluru in seasonal, typically observed in
active collaboration with the Indian October skies, while spending
Space Research Organisation the rest of the year in the
(ISRO). aquatic larval stage.
○ It bears a resemblance to the
Ruby-tailed Hawklet.
91. Ans: B
● Significance: The discovery is
Exp: significant as it presents a 12%
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has genetic difference, marking the first
granted the Uttar Pradesh government a instance of an Indian dragonfly
four-week deadline to provide updates being documented with genetic
on the status of obtaining the Ramsar tag evidence supporting morphological
for the Dhanauri Wetland. distinctions.
● The Dhanauri Wetland, set to be
designated as Balmiki Ramsar 93. Ans: A
Wetland and Sarus
Sanctuary/Conservation Reserve,
● Statement 1 is incorrect:
awaits approval from the Uttar
Previously known as the Directorate
Pradesh Wetland Authority.
General of Anti-Evasion (DGAE),
● It is located in Greater Noida, Uttar
it was established in 1979 as an
autonomous wing under the
● It serves as a significant roosting Directorate of Revenue
site for Sarus Cranes in northern Intelligence, New Delhi, with
India. regional units in Chennai, Delhi,
● Additionally, it plays a crucial role Kolkata, and Mumbai.
in groundwater recharge and
supports local agricultural practices.

○ In 1988, it was elevated to the marine food chain, challenging the

status of Directorate General, notion that primitive arthropods like
led by a Director General. Anomalocaris dominated. Timorebestia
● Statement 2 is correct: The key played a crucial role in the ecosystem
responsibilities of the Directorate around 518 million years ago, suggesting
General of GST Intelligence they were close to the top of the food
(DGGI) include: Intelligence chain. This significant discovery was
Gathering, Investigation, detailed in a study published in the
Enforcement, Collaboration and journal Science Advances.
Awareness and Education.
● Statement 3 is correct: 96. Ans: A
Directorate General of GST
Intelligence Operates under the
Department of Revenue within the Pusa-2090 was developed by ICAR-
Ministry of Finance. Indian agricultural research institute
through a cross between Pusa-44 and
CB-501, an early-maturing Japonica rice
94. Ans: D
line. CB-501 is known for its sturdy
Exp: stems and increased grain production and
● The Orkney Islands, an archipelago Pusa-44 has high yield characteristic.
comprising 70 individual islands, with Pusa-2090 retains characteristics of both
only 20 inhabited, are situated and matures within 120-125 days. This
approximately 10 miles off the north short maturation period helps address the
coast of Scotland. Recently, Orkney issue of stubble burning. Farmers have
voted on whether to explore altering its ample time to prepare for the next wheat
relationship with the United Kingdom. crop, further reducing stubble burning.
Hence, Option A is correct.
95. Ans: A
Exp: 97. Ans: B
Long before the first sharks appeared, Exp:
large predator worms were the “terror
● Statement 1 is incorrect: On Earth,
beasts” of the seas more than 500
phosphine is naturally generated by
million years ago, according to new
bacteria residing in environments
with very low oxygen levels. These
Researchers discovered fossils of large bacteria assimilate phosphate from
predator worms, named Timorebestia, minerals or organic matter and
during expeditions in North Greenland. combine it with hydrogen.
These worms, nearly 1 foot (30 Phosphine, also known as hydrogen
centimeters) long, were some of the phosphide, is a colourless,
earliest carnivorous animals, thriving flammable, highly toxic gas with a
over 500 million years ago during the pungent odor resembling garlic.
early Cambrian Period. Equipped with
● Statement 2 is correct: It finds
fins, long antennae, and massive jaws,
applications in the semiconductor
they were among the largest swimming
and plastics industries, as well as in
creatures of their time. Previously
flame retardant production and as a
unknown, these worms reshaped
pesticide for stored grain.
scientists' understanding of the ancient

● Statement 2 is incorrect: It serves

98. Ans: A as an indicator of nutrient pollution
when present in large quantities.
● Statement 1 is correct: IIT ○ In some regions, Sea lettuce is
Bombay researchers have developed consumed in soups and salads.
carbon nanoflorets capable of ○ Resembling green lettuce
converting incident sunlight into heat leaves, sea lettuce exhibits
with an efficiency of 87%. These varying shades of green and
unique nanoflorets have the can have narrow or broad,
exceptional ability to absorb sunlight single or multi-lobed leaves
across multiple frequencies. This with ruffled edges and
process is known as solar-thermal perforations.
○ It is a rich source of iodine and
○ Carbon nanoflorets, resemble
vitamins A, B, and C.
tiny marigold flowers composed
solely of carbon. ● Statement 3 is correct: Certain Sea
lettuce species can thrive in
○ The carbon cone-shaped
brackish water with organic matter
structure minimizes reflection,
ensuring that a minimal amount or sewage, capable of accumulating
of light is bounced back. heavy metals.

○ Different parts of the structure ○ It typically attaches to rocks

exhibit varied physical and shells via a small discoid
properties, preventing heat holdfast but can also grow
waves from traveling long freely, often forming prolific
distances within the material masses.
and reducing heat dissipation. Abundant sunlight is essential for Sea
● Statement 2 is correct: Unlike lettuce growth, and it is perennial, with
common materials that only absorb peak blooms occurring in summer.
visible and ultraviolet light, the
nanoflorets can absorb frequencies in
100. Ans: B
infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet
spectra Exp:

Thus, Both the statements are correct ● At the G7 Summit hosted by Japan,
and statement II explains statement I leaders launched the "Hiroshima
AI Process" (HAP) to establish
common rules for governing
99. Ans: A artificial intelligence.
Exp: Researchers recently identified 20 ● Participants recognized the need to
new species of Sea lettuce along the swiftly assess the benefits and risks
Baltic and Scandinavian coasts. of generative AI, like ChatGPT.
● Statement 1 is correct: Sea lettuce ● Plans include ongoing discussions
(Ulva lactuca), commonly known on copyright protection and
as seaweed, is a green algae genus combating misinformation.
primarily found on rocky shores of
seas and oceans worldwide.

● Ministers from G7 countries aim to

convene by year-end to compile
basic opinions toward establishing
common rules for trustworthy AI.
● HAP will collaborate with the
OECD and GPAI to discuss
generative AI by year-end.
Therefore, Option B is the correct


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